Top 20 Alcohol Withdrawal Vitamins And Supplements

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Fit Recovery

Fit Recovery

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@waldinhowaldinho3879 Жыл бұрын
On a trip to thailand I just relapsed after 10 months sober. Was on a 5 day bender and today 5 days sober again. This is my 3rd acute withdrawal and I'm having a really hard time. I allways go back to your videos and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help brother. God bless.
@Tom_the_great Жыл бұрын
Go to meetings
@let4be Жыл бұрын
@Xanad00699 It depends... tapering not always possible, because you somewhat loose your inhibitions and self control when you are drunk...
@Illmatic25 10 ай бұрын
Medical detox in a hospital for a few days if you wanna go cold turkey route. I usually get alcohol poisoning /acute withdrawal during my bender. So Id be in the ER once I begin puking nonstop. That for me is beyond the point of no return at that point since I know my body well enough now. Stay strong and at the least have medical staff helping you
@thewanderer3857 3 жыл бұрын
I don't have the money for 20 different supplements. What are the best ones to get?
@lindataylor5477 3 жыл бұрын
Look at the ingredients in the multivitamin he suggested. It has a lot of the other supplements suggested. I am buying them for my sons who are starting their recovery journeys. When they are hesitant to buy more expensive, healthier foods they remind themselves of the booze money they are no longer spending and it all works out in the end. Best of luck to you, you can do it!
@Chrisjc68 3 жыл бұрын
Chris, thank you for all you do! I'm also with Chris. I know everybody's road is different but it seems yours is fairly similar to mine over the time frame and how many times I've started and then quit, started and then quit. I've detox four times now and I'm going through withdrawals at this very moment but I saw a saying somewhere I can always become a drunk again but I can't always detox again. My drinking almost took me to end stage liver cirrhosis. The doctors were thinking about that was never done because they feel I'm able to get what function I have left out of my liver by staying on certain medications I guess for a long long long long time. But anyway, thank you for your videos. PS I just messed up not long ago so the reason why I'm looking again is this is the fourth time I'm detoxing and I'm 4 days into it. I've just lost the tremors and shakes or at least they have slowed down quite a bit.
@xxxxjoan9559 3 жыл бұрын
Please try his course. There are wonderful people on the course Facebook page
@Chrisjc68 3 жыл бұрын
I will if what I'm doing doesn't work. Can put myself on a diuretic to help keep the pressure off my heart. I'm taking antacid so that the transition as I start eating regular foods doesn't tear up my intestines. I'm taking 15 ml of lactulose two times a day to eliminate the bilirubin and ammonia levels in my system. I'm taking magnesium and ashwagandha root, a vitamin B complex making sure I get my folic acid and thiamine,I do an early morning dose of apple cider vinegar raw with the honey and filtered and then when I ate my morning breakfast and make sure I take those seven beneficial aminos! I take it with and omegas.. I got a softener that damaged part of my liver so it has a chance to reheal, when my withdrawals are strong and I can't make it through I take CBD and if that doesn't work I can go to one alternative which is just to step up from CBD because I do have my card or my doctor has also given me a script of a class one medication which I only find myself needing maybe once a day at all. For my inflammation because I can no longer take any type of NSAIDs I drink ginger and turmeric tea everyday, once in the morning and once at night. I'm without a job so unfortunately I cannot attend your course because I understand it's all about money. But with what I'm doing and one or two or three meetings a week I'm kicking ass! I'm out riding a mountain bike every other day and just continue taking the safest medications I can. I studied your courses from what I could tell and that's where I got some of the information from but as well through my dietitian who gave me some very good hints on how I can take certain supplements or foods to help tamper the withdrawal and even afterwards tamper cravings. I really enjoy your videos Chris you give me a lot of ideas and help keep me inspired to keep the plug in the jug if that makes sense! Thanks for what you do!
@xxxxjoan9559 3 жыл бұрын
You have a good plan. Now really stick to it and you’ll come out the other side.
@ronfindley2874 3 жыл бұрын
@@Chrisjc68 , hope you are still doing well, praying for you. Never give up! Never give up on yourself! Never give up your chance to live your best life! Never give up on your sobriety! YOU GOT THIS!!!
@XXLKnowitallXXX 3 жыл бұрын
How long were you drinking for
@AgingLikeAFineWine 5 жыл бұрын
Chris, the research you have done and the knowledge you have acquired about restoring brain function and wellness after addiction is spot on. So many don't understand why they feel so terrible in addiction recovery, what the missing links are and how to feel better. The information you bring will help so many succeed over alcohol.
@evelynbaron2004 4 жыл бұрын
@salvadorlaragalindo3534 3 жыл бұрын
I'm an alcoholic, thanks so much for all this I'm about 2 weeks without drinking and everyday is a challenge to me
@DaRyteJuan 3 жыл бұрын
I prefer if people would say they are “suffering from alcoholism” rather than labeling themselves as an “alcoholic.” Labeling yourself as an alcoholic is counterproductive
@1981zamora 3 жыл бұрын
I have an aad brother. I drink twice a year but those two times I always ended up at the ER. Look for what you like to do an stick to it. And get the trash out of your way
@1981zamora 3 жыл бұрын
Drink less every time. Don't try to cut it off. In a day cuz is dangerous
@robrenhar 2 жыл бұрын
Keep going! It's worth it to live life free from addiction. Promise. I'm 6 years sober. Trying to help my son now. This info is incredible. I also give credit to the Lord who set me free in a powerful way. Sincerely.
@matthewmarion8893 Жыл бұрын
Keep going friend. May I ask how many years and how much you’d drink?
@maltezz 4 жыл бұрын
a big sign of b1 deficiancy is insane nightmares. like literally its like you are in you own personal Hell. so grimm that you can't fathom how you can even think them up.
@zenrando 4 жыл бұрын
Me 2
@camisnyder3460 3 жыл бұрын
Is this true because I have suffered from awful nightmares most of my life:/ I never heard of taking a b1 supplement....
@HelloTuuuurdz 3 жыл бұрын
That’s me
@summer_poems 2 жыл бұрын
That's really interesting, I think it's true. I have been experiencing severe nightmares recently and just realized I haven't been taking my b1 supplement. When I take it, I don't seem to have any nightmares. Thanks!
@1111comment 5 жыл бұрын
Explore Magnesium Glycinate... Higher bio-availability, greater calm, and can take more without running to the bathroom. Good video
@evelynbaron2004 4 жыл бұрын
D3 in the evening as well; I know there are 11 major forms of Magnesium and Glycinate is what I took for a month getting my sleep pattern back; my only objection to tryptophan etc. is that you don't actually know how much you're getting so I've been cautious; was annoyed by the celery juice fad but juice 2 or 3 stalks; high in tryptophan indeed.
@joesmith389 4 жыл бұрын
evelyn baron D3 taken at night can cause insomnia. It’s fat soluble so it’ll still be in the tissue. It’s a “morning” type of therapy, like B12 or caffeine. Might try it with breakfast instead of dinner to get a better nights sleep. Might be why you mentioned bad sleep patterns.
@1111comment 3 жыл бұрын
@@xmikeox “Dr’s Best” on amazon
@JohnDoe-uq3mx 5 жыл бұрын
i'm in day 6 detox after 5 years + 8 months of every single day of massive drinking (sometimes 1 case per day). what i took was super b complex with c supplement, and also d3. it didn't help my seizure, but what it did was trim my non-stop hallucinations down to 3 days. i suffered no DT's. i drank tons of water, i avoided caffiene, and i ate only healthy foods. i'm actually doing fine now. no meds were needed.
@evelynbaron2004 4 жыл бұрын
I admire you; 3 days of non-stop hallucinations, that is part of the DTs mate. Did you do this in a detox or at home? Only asking because if you are at risk of seizures they will send you to hospital -- vr vr glad this worked out for you, just want everyone to be safe.
@tuledro8008 2 жыл бұрын
Man, you're a champ if you endured hallucinations for 3 days. You should have gone to detox, it's much easier, they give you benzos and haloperidol and it's smooth sailing, it's very easy. Benzos relax you and prevent seizures, and haloperidol stops hallucinations immediately
@tuledro8008 2 жыл бұрын
@@evelynbaron2004 Nope, alcoholic hallucinosis and DTs are not the same. With AH you are still present and know hallucinations are not real, while DTs are psychotic state in which you cannot tell what is real what is not.
@laciloon9112 4 ай бұрын
Instead of niacin take niacinamide, you can take it in high doses without any problems. B6 pyridoxine you want the p5p form.
@OriginalLHB 5 жыл бұрын
120 days ago I was detoxed in a secure psychiatric hospital. I introduce myself as a chronic end stage alcoholic at my 12 step meetings. I would probably not be here today without the supplements Chris recommends. 18/20 on his list are part of my basic recovery stack, the exceptions being milk thistle and passionflower. I also use some other things like N-R-ALA, Liposomal Glutathione, CoQ10 and Circumin for ongoing detox and some more exotic nootropics. I thought mushrooms were a fraud but Lion's Mane and Cordyceps provide incredible energy and focus.
@lisbethbird8268 4 жыл бұрын
I started taking l-tyrosine over a decade ago after reading Julia Ross. In that book she recommended for hypo thyroid function and said to take on empty stomach for that purpose. IDK...I still take it, though. I think she said that with food it would just be a nutritional protein. Also I have had emergency (mood) drugstore trips for 5HTP, and still try to take empty stomach l-glutamine for leaky gut. All good things. I'm loving your information and am inspired to quit drinking, so thank you.
@lordnelsonmc.billionberg9166 4 жыл бұрын
I eat Chicken Hearts once or twice the Week. They are cheap, and have a good amount of B-vitamins. In Germany they are cheap. Greets from Here . Hello:)
@prehistoricboar4620 4 жыл бұрын
My favourite meal! Having those often, here in Lithuania :) Also, chicken liver.
@indigosmyth7475 Жыл бұрын
Is there an amount of hearts to eat - serious question from Australia
@Yuneed2no 2 жыл бұрын
You are so right and actually this helps with a lot of other addictions! You never really hear anyone talk about L glutamine or l tyrosine but they are so very essential!!!!!!!!!! L-tyrosine was literally my life savior!
@Lone_Star86 2 жыл бұрын
How much l tyrosine? It doesn't help me
@Yuneed2no 2 жыл бұрын
@@Lone_Star86 I take the maximum L-tyrosin and b6 dosage when I wake up!!! And I make sure I take it every single day at the same time! For me this is first thing in the morning before waking the kids. For the rest of the day, I eat b12 like candy. You can OD (not fatally) on L tyrosine and b6 but b12 is safe and the excess will just come out in urine. 1600 mg/daily is what I started with. Before that's what all the sites said but now I see they're recommending 150mg, which is crazy to me. I've slowly been able to taper but still require the routine of the vits in the morning. Also, I never use the chewables for b12 but still chew on the ones I get.
@godandchristpillisraelites4993 3 жыл бұрын
Cbd is best for me. Kava is good too.I never tried karatom when I have nothing I drink chamomile tea
@aarondaniel7777 3 жыл бұрын
thank u for this video i’m detoxing on my own from home after 5 years of alcohol and cocaine my doc has me on alprazolam but i’ll be tapering off soon! i feel like shit but i was going to die if i kept on using, hopefully these supplements will help a bit
@fredericbeigbeder9119 4 жыл бұрын
is there a chance to "translate" this to real meals?? E.g. when you say we have a 1,80 Meter Man with 80 kg, if he drinks a liter of Milk, eats a portion of lean meat and a portion of lentils and two bananas than he has covered 60% of L-Glutamine, 70% of GABA and so on? I made an Excel Sheet with the supplements on one side and how many it is in my supplement products, when I compare this on the microgramm level with the Vitamins an Aminoacids for chosen nutrituions (walnuts, eggs, beef meat, milk...) it seems to me that I get the same amount from real food as from the supplements (I understand that in the first one to two weeks you can nit really eat much, but on the month level getting the Aminoacids and the Vitamins seems quite better from real food???), is there an advantage, to take the supplements anyway?
@athenastarbrite2955 3 жыл бұрын
Great video! I usually take raw cod liver oil, wild salmon roe and raw euro hard cheese. They help a little but I don’t know where to get this Passion flower. Alcohol also causes calcification which natto is good to fight that.
@charliedallachie3539 3 жыл бұрын
I take the Kirkland b complex lol, but any B complex will work. This is probably the most important imo with a multivitamin second. The rest are good but not as important as these. If you take two multivitamins a day you’ll get a lot of the others. Vitamin D, omega 3, and milk thistle and/or (liver complex supplement) is important too. Focus factor (also in Costco) contains a lot of these other supplements. That’s really all I take, it would be crazy to swallow 20 supplement pills a day lol. If you are going to take a ton of pills take it just before eating so you don’t get sick.
@michellenicole782 5 жыл бұрын
Valium saved my life I had grand mal seizures... But don't ever abuse them!
@tatestate9664 5 жыл бұрын
Michnikki85 my jaw was killing me and I bit into my tongue. freaked me out. I knew something was up when I couldn't stop shaking. did you go unconscious?
@evelynbaron2004 4 жыл бұрын
The important thing to remember is the kindling effect; if like me you binge and then recover repeatedly things are going to go radically wrong. My opinion on valium even for moderate alcohol withdrawal depends on your own response; are you sweating excessively, what is your heartrate are you becoming sensitive to light and sound? Are you jumping out of your skin? I had 2 grand mal seizures in hospital because no-one took me seriously, and a scar over my left eye as a reminder but better there than home; I'd been waiting for 9 hours. If I had to do it all again I would have brought a small amount of alcohol with me, don't care what anyone thinks of me just don't want to die. My experience with the benzo family is limited; I know people got hooked on them in the 60s then big pharma discovered SSRIs which are just as bad and way more expensive. People are now using gabapentin to sedate people who are seizure prone; useless. Take the limited amount of valium, stick to it, you won't enjoy it it's a depressant but you won't seizure. Then take a deep breath because your life will slowly gain positive momentum and you can begin again.
@caffrey1100 4 жыл бұрын
evelyn baron gabapentin isn’t a controlled substance - which is good it works for a lot of stuff but can be addicting like everything coffee, smokes, chocolate /- BENZOS are bad bad news wish these rehabs wouldn’t give those out EVER NOT EVEN “ 1 --yes few weeks maybe but your so calm then not high or nothing -coming from a week ot two you will feel it //and sometimes withdrawal even starts after 2 weeks /- it’s a slippery slope if I ever had chance never would of touch Xanax - Didn’t drink much but Xanax is a drink in pill form 🌼👍🤢 Do the natural way amino acids - lots of stuff instead of benzo 👌🌼
@user-um7cj3fq5r 3 жыл бұрын
How long did you take most of these supplements
@SG-tg8vk 2 жыл бұрын
Day one here, severe withdrawal but I got some help and taking benzo and zolpidem. Can I start taking all the necessary supplements you have suggested? Thanks
@haydenlukerful 4 жыл бұрын
What I've found useful is after a good run I take casein protein, then take CBD. I also make sure I take essential vitamins like vitamin d after a good dinner.
@beef8319 2 жыл бұрын
Wow. I'm trying to stop drinking yet again. And I will. I have every single herb, mineral, vitamin, aminos that you listed. Excluding the pharmacist drugs and lithium. I to, after years of battling, have found these effective. Thanks for your video. I DO appreciate. Was a breath of fresh air brother
@wenzelaj 3 жыл бұрын
That is SO true about Trazadone!! That drug is pure evil.
@flynick 3 жыл бұрын
Benzo's are more dangerous than light beer, don't replace the habit with something else more deadly
@emh8861 3 жыл бұрын
@watermellone1627 2 жыл бұрын
Benzodiazepines aren’t deadly. HUGE therapeutic window. It’s nearly impossible to OD on benzodiazepines alone.
@california_rebel 2 жыл бұрын
This information is Gold!. Thank you so much for this content.
@ByeByeBelly 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly, as a woman, good luck getting real help. Plenty of doctors don't imagine alcoholics as women or think they can't possibly drink as much as men. Even after medical detox, I couldn't really get any help. Did you know that certain B vitamin supplements are bad for some people? Some people with common MTHFR genetic mutations, their negative symptoms will be aggravated by folic acid, which is synthetic, and others. This is why we Naturopaths don't recommend nutritionals to people as a whole. Are you a nutritionist? Also suggesting 5000IU per day of D3 for over a year will cause toxicity in some people. People need to get it tested via blood test to determine their levels.
@dannymeske3821 4 жыл бұрын
Best source of D3 is the sun. sun block blocks D3. stand in the sun for 15 min with shirt off
@jbird4754 4 жыл бұрын
20 minutes and “rotate” to balance absorption 🤷‍♀️. Sounds ridiculous? Well I know 100% but too long to recount. Not alcohol related 😉
@andrezchavez6022 3 жыл бұрын
Is it safe to take both legion triumph and calm support supplements at once?
@christinamarie9085 2 жыл бұрын
I was wondering the same thing
@devintom4346 3 жыл бұрын
How long should these meds be taken to prevent primitive alcohol withdrawal?
@freedomofspeech6905 Жыл бұрын
Trazodone is horrible
@michaell7800 4 жыл бұрын
extremely helpful, and comprehensive. Thank you for sharing. Will definitiely check out the website.
@evelynbaron2004 4 жыл бұрын
It's the most informed website I've come across on this topic; really grateful for it.
@carlabrambilla9364 3 жыл бұрын
when do you guys taka all these supplements once in the morning or throughout the day? looks like a lot to me
@xxxxjoan9559 3 жыл бұрын
Half morning, half night
@susanpuckett7682 Жыл бұрын
I am a nurse and we used to give Mg Citrate to clean the bowels out. Be careful with this one!
@discopotato675 Жыл бұрын
Your thyroid function is directly coorrelated with liver function. And the thyroid can cause major anxiety if it's not functioning properly
@alexg1686 2 жыл бұрын
Such an informative video for anyone battling alcohol withdrawal! Thanks you so much
@klevykids Жыл бұрын
Million " likes", keep rewatching it and implementing. Passion flower and kava tea ( yogi brand), I take them for preparation to quit. I'm not doing " cold turkey ", but tapering down. Feels great!!!!
@nschone7492 3 жыл бұрын
Day 19! Just got my 5-HTP! Thank you!
@aprildemers9037 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you kindly for all of your help and advice. 😉
@glenncapitanio3706 3 жыл бұрын
Chris where have you gone? Have not seen any videos from you. Miss viewing your info.
@xxxxjoan9559 3 жыл бұрын
Ha and Matt do podcasts twice a week.
@richarddaniel6896 5 жыл бұрын
How much is a Handle?
@julesrules7297 5 жыл бұрын
1.75 liters
@nikitaw1982 3 жыл бұрын
Massive binge. Been loading up every day ur supplements last week. Tolerance way up it seems. Get drunk as quick tollerance for volume. No nausea, slept well. Head feels cooked. Broke for the next week and a half so don't think could drink if wanted. Keen to see how mood will go.
@nikitaw1982 3 жыл бұрын
Minimal cravings, no good reason I drank. Bought 12 beers had 1 then wanted food so ate then no desire for the other 11. Left them in my room to sort of test my self, lasted 2 days. Then had them plus a bunch more. Body feels healthier thanks to ur supplements as probably would be very ill. I guess take up exercise and meditation and eat a balanced diet plus do some sort of counceling as well. Thank you for openingy eyes to affects of diet. Little annoyed not common knowledge. Telling everyone about ur channel and the supplements.
@fashunpuss6279 3 жыл бұрын
If you are on a SSRI be careful with these suggestions talk to your Doctor. Some of the Serotonin ones can create more Serotonin and if you are on a re-uptake inhibitor like Setraline it can lead to Serotonin Syndrome. Yay! He just said it :)
@xxxxjoan9559 3 жыл бұрын
Always check with a doctor if you are on meds
@denisecohn2974 4 жыл бұрын
Great video!! TY so much!! I'm taking some of these but I'm going to try a few other ones.
@nikitaw1982 3 жыл бұрын
why can't you take a lot of b6? thank you for this list
@Jackjohnjay 3 жыл бұрын
that's way too little omega 3's. you should be getting between 1 and 2 grams of epa/dha combined minimum.
@chriskane5901 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for all your outstanding research and for sharing !!!
@skuzapo9365 4 жыл бұрын
Magnesium depletes copper. So take copper with your magnesium. Imao! 🍺
@josephcyr4900 4 жыл бұрын
Zinc depletes copper.
@stillnessinmovement 3 жыл бұрын
I take 5 htp in am. tryptophan at pm.
@hitmizan 4 жыл бұрын
lol benzo withdrawl is worse than opiod withdrawl!
@evelynbaron2004 4 жыл бұрын
come on guys no-one is advocating long-term benzo anything; 20 mg load to prevent immanent seizure in hospital; max 6 x 5 mg over the next 3 days. Finished. Get real.
@evelynbaron2004 4 жыл бұрын
@@matthewgonano636 probably because you were prescribed a repeat script for anxiety. This is short term intervention. People's lives are at stake.
@jessicawilliams2362 2 жыл бұрын
Would these still be helpful after 4 years
@dannymeske3821 4 жыл бұрын
Try eating organic whole foods... waaaay better than supplements!
@dannymeske3821 3 жыл бұрын
u mostly piss them down the toilet
@dannymeske3821 3 жыл бұрын
@Billy Mack, Texas Detective Why do keep talking jerk off!
@jfkj1695 3 жыл бұрын
Day 1 here after a two day binge. Really need to stop completely now. Just want to point out a recent Chinese mouse study recovers liver incredibly. Lemon water. Also I take mirtazipine. I've been thinking about adding lithium orotate to my stack.
@xxxxjoan9559 3 жыл бұрын
Get Scott book or do his course. Worth the money. Good support group available in the course
@carnivorecommando9617 Ай бұрын
thanks for the video.
@ncs8350 3 жыл бұрын
I'm on day 4 of detox after being a heavy, heavy alcoholic for 20 years. I'm experiencing severe withdrawal. Hopefully this can bring me some relief. Thank you for taking the time to put this together!
@michaeldavies5092 3 жыл бұрын
Well done but do this under medical supervision if possible. Avoid caffeine and sugar if you can as well. A teaspoon of L-glutamine powder under the tongue works a treat for cravings
@dbloodline 2 жыл бұрын
So 3 months went by... Any updates ?
@chrissalazar9048 4 жыл бұрын
Dude I'm trying to get tennis kinda help in my mental health
@mrs.p6130 2 жыл бұрын
@waynegilland1327 3 жыл бұрын
Don't thank us for watching your video, we owe you the thanks.
@drwnpadilla 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent video very informative I agree I use a lot of this stuff when I quit drinking and it helped
@beccanertia619 5 жыл бұрын
Has anyone ever taken gaba (Gamma-aminobuytric acid)? I'm trying to decide on which supplements to start with, and you did not mention this one, so I'm not sure about it.
@xotrec 4 жыл бұрын
Gaba is great, just make sure you get the right amount. Thiamin or B1 is important, but if you're alreay on a B Complex, you should be fine.
@janemiles5905 5 жыл бұрын
great information thankyou!
@laurenbaeza3505 5 жыл бұрын
Would cbd help with seizure prevention?
@richarddaniel6896 5 жыл бұрын
I've heard this.
@bartstarr2371 5 жыл бұрын
Hell yea
@1st_agent 5 жыл бұрын
Try magnesium citrate. Works wonders
@FoodieBeautyStan 4 жыл бұрын
@evelynbaron2004 4 жыл бұрын
@@1st_agent no diarreah (SP) sorry; magnesium glutamate was helpful but that was about sleep; seizures vr scary only thing guaranteed is small prescribed valium dose in my experience.
@GaryT-yw6qz 11 ай бұрын
Maybe I was lucky or happened to do it right, it’s been over 9 months and I don’t crave a drop of alcohol, the key difference was that I didn’t suffer withdrawal after go’ogling and reading Steffon Barkload, not even within the first 30 days after I quit and told no one, did not need AA meetings or meds either.
@jwells3315 3 жыл бұрын
Don't use vitamins, herbs, spices to offset the drinking... Back and forth... Drink detox, drink detox... Drink detox...your liver and kidneys can't handle the YOYO! ASK ME. CANCER 2 TIMES, KIDNEY COLON, I'm on day tthree. 60 yrs old! NO MORE....POISON.
@FitRecovery 6 жыл бұрын
@heloisasa3715 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot!!!
@sundragon1976 Жыл бұрын
I’m confused I was taking a B complex because alcohol depletes you of it, but I was recently told to stop taking it because it can make anxiety way worse. I was told to get pure L tyrosine without vitamin B in it. What’s your take on this?
@violetcountry 4 жыл бұрын
Please, what should I do for hypoglycemia what supplements should I take? 🙏 thank you!
@rosariolentini1423 3 жыл бұрын
Cucumber is good for that... with few exceptions, you can derive the things you need from food in SAFE levels. Supplements are mostly marketing, and can be hard on an already taxed body when taken in extremely high doses, as in the case of most supplements...
@emh8861 3 жыл бұрын
Eat protein.
@devintom4346 3 жыл бұрын
Im literally on the fence but kno i need help.
@xxxxjoan9559 3 жыл бұрын
Do a lot of reading. Get informed. Watch KZbin and then stop.
@d.s.1406 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this information.
@rick5653 Жыл бұрын
I don’t understand why you keep saying taking ‘a gram’ When I go to the vitamin store and I told them I only want a gram of magnesium they’re not sure what I’m talking about
@eddied6060 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your awesome video.
@tauraitatenda361 Жыл бұрын
Can someone please list the names for me.
@MrMkayultra 5 жыл бұрын
My primary care doctor won't prescribe me B12 injections, even though I told him I couldn't absorb vitamins taken orally
@xotrec 4 жыл бұрын
Find a sublingual Methylcobamin B12 form in a high dose. I take 5,00mcgs a day.
@evelynbaron2004 4 жыл бұрын
@@xotrec tx!!!! I couldn't get an intramuscular thiamine injection from gp but walk-in clinic was ok with it; health care system so complicated.
@xotrec 4 жыл бұрын
@@evelynbaron2004 I know! Most Doctors get very little Nutritional classes if any! Their textbooks are funded by Big Pharma!
@richardsorel201 4 жыл бұрын
finally someone who has actually done their homework! I highly recommend a book called Seven Weeks to Sobriety by Dr Joan Larkin.. it's an excellent read and compliments much of what this man is saying.
@xxxxjoan9559 4 жыл бұрын
Richard Sorel I highly recommend his book Drinking Sucks
@richardsorel201 4 жыл бұрын
@@xxxxjoan9559 thank you for the recommendation to that book I'll definitely seek and sort
@xxxxjoan9559 4 жыл бұрын
He did a podcast with Larson ‘s son. Sometime in the past year. He’s a believer in her theses
@WBMKC 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing
@vikramjayanth2289 4 жыл бұрын
Okay, supplements and medication are one way to successfully reverse alcohol withdrawal, I only know Valium and has such a bad effect. There should be doctor driven treatment protocols with supplements.
@waldinhowaldinho3879 2 жыл бұрын
Have you looked at moringa as supplemental therapy?
@qeyez07 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@rick5653 Жыл бұрын
Is it possible that you can give me exactly how much I need of each one of these vitamins. They’re such a crazy ranch when you look at the bottles MG amount
@xxxxjoan9559 Жыл бұрын
Try biorebalance which has all the supplements. Cheaper than buying individual bottles
@katygesell8356 2 жыл бұрын
Does anyone know if these cause weight gain? I started the supplements and have gained ALOT of weight
@xxxxjoan9559 Жыл бұрын
No they don’t
@erinneill7788 8 ай бұрын
Awesome info,thank u
@jfkj1695 2 жыл бұрын
Benzos don't fall into the category of supplements and vitamins.
@xxxxjoan9559 2 жыл бұрын
They shouldn’t
@ovhalkunal3968 9 ай бұрын
vometing and headache shivring what to du
@canadianfarmervision2955 7 ай бұрын
If I don't have to money for the whole list, what is the most important I should take as I'm now on my first day dry.
@nancymcgrath6283 5 ай бұрын
Good quality multivitamin, magnesium, l glutamine. Try to eat healthy (lots of fruit and vegetables) and get outside for a walk. May God bless you on your journey.
@soare5182 2 ай бұрын
B1 thiamine HCL 100 mg per day. Cheap and very effective. God bless you!
@martianmatters 2 жыл бұрын
My man!
@leetaylor4471 3 жыл бұрын
God bless you Chris
@helenalovelock1030 2 жыл бұрын
Have you done a video on NAC and TUDCA ??
@yppakcaasi5396 19 сағат бұрын
Dr. Berg has them
@luciferthestar6797 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your research and experience
@ArrogantBaSStard 3 жыл бұрын
I got 12 out of the 20 supplements. Started taking them on day one. It’s been a week taking them and no drinking, but I feel no difference at all.
@xxxxjoan9559 3 жыл бұрын
Supplementation is different for everyone because everyone is unique. Take off one and add one. See the other videos. But keep going. Congrats on a week.
@sasha-sv2xv 3 жыл бұрын
It's a month now for me my anxiety is on a 100 ...I'm m.i.s hallucinations seizure symtoms panic attacks ...
@TheSkyhazFallen 5 жыл бұрын
Isn't there a time frame to know if you will suffer seizures or possibly death? I've heard three days to two weeks, what do you think?
@michellenicole782 5 жыл бұрын
I had a seizure like full blown grand mal it was 15 days after my last drink , ppl don't understand how dangerous it is!
@tatestate9664 5 жыл бұрын
@@michellenicole782 crazy, I had a grand mal just over 2 weeks ago....scary shit. hope you are well
@michellenicole782 5 жыл бұрын
It's so scary right! Hope all is right with u, did ur jaw hurt after?
@tatestate9664 5 жыл бұрын
@@michellenicole782 yes. and i was biting my was just awful. it freaked me the fuck out. 15 days clean. never want to go back.
@evelynbaron2004 4 жыл бұрын
The answers are below; I was so jittery and on the edge of seizure after 2 days I had to go to hospital.
@jaredher114 4 жыл бұрын
Great video
@paulnevins8378 4 жыл бұрын
Vit-B An theiremine
@Jarrodmontelius 4 жыл бұрын
@keithwilson9378 3 жыл бұрын
L-Glutamine is very good and he 100 percent right to put under tongue but if you cant do that take first thing in morning on empty stomach .and L-tyrosine helps out great and can help with energy and focus and amino acids is just the break down of protein and some can have drug like effect but its not bad for you .and i will add exercise and fasting may help too everyone is different . but for me weight lifting helped so so much to be clean and sober i have been a addict and a user on and off my whole life and stopped taking all drugs but started back drinking and because was not using drugs before i new it i was craving alcohol . fast forward im clean and sober . and i wish everyone well and no matter how bad it gets it only gets worse when you drink god bless and thank u for video
@MrJohnnyb42 2 жыл бұрын
How about Skate liver oil?
@markg.4246 5 жыл бұрын
Speaking from experience, detox facilities have enough to do with “residents”, and shouldn’t be expected to dispense information on supplements. I’m not saying they’re not beneficial, just that people will always seek the “easier softer way”. Go to meetings, clean house, and help others. Best wishes to you!
@evelynbaron2004 4 жыл бұрын
I would hate to be a 'resident' at a detox facility where you work. Your utter contempt for others is manifest.
@FoodieBeautyStan 3 жыл бұрын
You sound passive aggressive.
@everybodyhatesmack 5 жыл бұрын
Mike Matthews is a great guy! This video is ace, thank you!
@samantamaria8382 3 жыл бұрын
With so many specialists and AA groups that assert to have the answer, it's amazingly discouraging to fall into the same old trap time and time again. Listen closely, googl Steffon Barkload's approach to get a 1 hour solution that won't let you down, and completely do away with the desires permanently.
@xxxxjoan9559 3 жыл бұрын
Doesn’t work
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