Top 5 Naval Special Forces

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13 жыл бұрын

Top 5 "The BEST" Naval Special Forces In The World.
List was made according the quantity of succesfully done missions (although they are very classified), quality of the equipment and lenght of the training. And of course the situation in the country at that time was considered, for example : Israel vs Palestina, US vs Afghanistan and etc.
If you don't agree with my list you can write your version below in comments and please don't write shit like : Hey You Dumbass This Is Bullshit My Country Rulez :)
Enjoy .

Пікірлер: 275
@FraRic3 11 жыл бұрын
Man you missed COM.SUB.IN, just think that Seal go to finish their training to G.O.I ( a part of COM.SUB.IN)!
@aidiemacc6360 9 жыл бұрын
Where is the Italian COMSUBIN? The Italian Comsubin is widely known to be the forerunners of Naval Special Operations and according to an ex special operations man who went round and looked at the training and facilities of all special forces including the SAS/SBS, Navy SEALS, JTF2, Green BERETS, RANGERS, MJK, KSK and various other special forces that I have not mentioned, and he concluded SURPRISINGLY that the Italian Comsubin had the best training out of all the Special forces that he had visited. So, where are the Italian COMSUBIN?!?!?!?!
@luckyhandsnul4230 9 жыл бұрын
aidan macc if its Italian.. no doubt doing there you usual march.. and legging it!
@aidiemacc6360 9 жыл бұрын
+XIV GEMINA MARTIA VICTRIX I knew I read that somewhere bud. thanks for clearing it up.
@bilbobagshot9980 8 жыл бұрын
+aidan macc That's one mans subjective opinion.
@bilbobagshot9980 8 жыл бұрын
Child? You can make excuses all you like you were Hitlers puppet and chose the wrong side and you've also needed bail out after bail out in the Eurozone so excuse me if Italy isn't held in high regard. Im well aware of your history and ill also point out that the Romans tried to invade Scotland and we told you to fuck off back then and im doing again today. Fuck off
@luckyhandsnul4230 8 жыл бұрын
was that English?
@isengard1500 11 жыл бұрын
The book is called "Duncan Falconers, First Into Action, a dramatic account of life in the SBS". Very well worth the read and time. You get a real inside look of how good the SBS are, in operations in the 60-70s in selection,submarine training disasters in the highlands of Scotland, plus many more exciting real accounts in his covert operations against the IRA alongside the SAS.
@jj18411 13 жыл бұрын
great video, thanks
@johnb5393 11 жыл бұрын
In position 1: Italian Navy COMSUBIN
@2shahar 12 жыл бұрын
Great point, never thought of that
@RoM1il 11 жыл бұрын
I remember watching a documentary on the British influence of their military or something and there was a section about a British specialist in Maritime operations and he was in his late 60s and received a Victoria Cross for destroying an enemy submarine by placing explosives of some kind on the vessel's under belly. 'By Strength and Guile'
@isengard1500 11 жыл бұрын
I am reading an awesome book of the SBS in which it states that the SBS are trained the exact same as the SAS but with their high quality maritime principals which makes them higher standard operatives in the UKSF and the world. Also it says that the SBS do train the US Navy SEALs since their creation and their anti terrorism due to Maritime connections so the SEALs are the US SBS like the SAS and Delta Green berets and Britain's 1 para
@pfl95 11 жыл бұрын
ST6 had the help of SBS during its inception (Mob6 was called) and the SBS were and maybe still is the best for maritime anti-terrorism techniques. Sniper school in the SEALs was also formed by the USMC Scout Sniper and SBS instructors. A lot of SEALs were taught by the SBS back in the late 70s and 80s. After the success of Delta, I think people in JTF realised they needed more help from the brits and an organised agency to support their SOF
@muppet42cd 11 жыл бұрын
The British sector in Normandy contained the hardest beaches. Hence why they were assigned to us. The yanks inabillity to adapt and move quickly resulted in unacceptable casualty numbers and, in the case of Omaha, almost the complete failure of the OP. By the end of d-day you had secured a beach. We were less than 10miles from a d-day +3 objective, begun construction of the mulberry harbour and evacuated our wounded. Only thing holding us up was our allies.
@isengard1500 11 жыл бұрын
@Joe Bob The SBS write the rule book for all maritime units, and the same for the SAS, The Navy SEALs have never done any high risk operation behind enemy lines like the SBS only helping in offences apart from OBL but 2 SBS commanders helped in the planning even,
@WICKEDMAN85 8 жыл бұрын
SBS are my opinion the best, oldest modern SF around and there main personal are RMC then have to pass UKSF selection like SAS candidates and then do an SBS Swimmer course to be accepted. That mains that their candidates are of a better calibre than Navy SEALs. Commandos (Green Berets) or US sailors not the same standard before SF selection!!
@bulgulush 11 жыл бұрын
us navy seals arnt that good shayetet 13 trains them
@isengard1500 11 жыл бұрын
@Joe Bob The SBS training in the 70s/80s had to be made easier because of the small amount of operators passing, and 1 reason (i have 100s) the USSF have nothing on UKSF is that we were training, handling, experiencing, dealing with world issues long before you even had a SF unit to look at, UKSF has been 1# since the start
@cr3916jkd2 11 жыл бұрын
gotta keep in mind that the SEALS in general are just a top notch unit whereas their very best unit is the team 6 or DEVGRU which is a tier 1 unit. The members into ST6 are hand picked from the usual SEAL teams and the number of ST6 opertives is considered to be around 200-300. The usual SEALs can be considered inferior to the SAS/SBS but the Special Naval Warfare Development Group is certainly an equal match to them.
@jordanmorris93 12 жыл бұрын
The SBS is split into 4 units, bro. Not one squadron. :) Also, the motto is "Not by strength, by guile." Awesome vid though, accurate too. The SBS are the guys you choose when you really want the enemy gone, they hit harder than the SAS(mostly 'cause they're anti terrorist rescue). The sbs are selected mostly from Royal Marine commandos.
@caramelpassion1785 10 жыл бұрын
I'm tired of everyone criticizing especially us Americans and British if you think there better then show it or become one of them to actually prove your evidence of what it takes
@simontuffen8243 5 жыл бұрын
OK, they're probably all quite good, but have Navy Seals, SBS, etc won a 25 metre breast stroke medal (runner up) like I have?
@RenUchiha06 9 жыл бұрын
Enough arguing who is better, what I wanna know is what damn song is this?
@funkyfenman 12 жыл бұрын
The SBS are always over shadowed by it's famous brother the SAS nice to finally see these boys posted on a list
@isengard1500 11 жыл бұрын
@MaximalDamage123 well I bought it through my Kindle Fire, I am sure you could order it by the internet, I think you would be lucky to find it in a book shop.
@RenUchiha06 12 жыл бұрын
They do operate on both, but SBS travels more by sea while SAS travel more by land.
@deejay1534 11 жыл бұрын
Also the SEALs and SBS/SAS would be tied because both were in on operations in the middle east because when they were looking for UBLs commanders they formed the Task force, which consisted of the most elitSEALs, SAS, Delta force operators, Green berets, army rangers, and Israeli commandos
@greatwarthunder1596 8 жыл бұрын
The royal marines motto is 'Per Mare per terram'.By sea by land.
@bambambang3916 8 жыл бұрын
not marines though are they thats like saying the paras and sas have the same motto
@RenUchiha06 12 жыл бұрын
Typically Army Spec Ops try to train native forces to fight for their own, and they also blend in with the enemy. Navy Spec Ops deals with stealth and silence. So basically SEALs are assassins and Special Forces are spys. But unlike most, if not all, the U.S. has its primary tier 1 elements, the Naval Specal Warfare Development Group, Navy, and 1st SFOD-D, Army. They do exactly the same thing, just on different terrain.
@TTaikodom 11 жыл бұрын
It doesn't have nothing with the video but, music name ? lol
@snipezuk123 11 жыл бұрын
proven where ? and how ?
@jordanmorris93 11 жыл бұрын
Tier 1 uksf: sas, sbs, srr. Tier 2 uksf: parachute regiment, raf regiment, royal marines.
@den1988mosguy 10 жыл бұрын
What is there to say God bless everybody who was in this video
@jordanmorris93 10 жыл бұрын
Just putting it out there. The SBS don't train SEALs. Seals train seals, haha. Agree with the video completely though. Also, the Royal Danish frogmen are pretty awesome aswell!! Best swimmers are hands down the SEALs though! No one can argue that!
@harveyettritch4763 6 жыл бұрын
100% agree
@RenUchiha06 12 жыл бұрын
Not all special forces are like that, but most are. Though some like South Korea and the United Kingdom have two separate teams. Special foces that operate by air and land and hey deal with foreign affairs by blending in with the enemy, which are Army, and SEAL teams which operate on Sea, air, and land, which are Navy. The United Kingdom calls them the Special Air Service, Army and the Special Boat Service, Navy.
@RedHyperion 11 жыл бұрын
Some mistakes : French Commando Hubert was not created in WW2 but after, should not be confused with the creation of the 1st BFMC). Russian frogmen existed long before 1992 and was know this time as the Naval Spetsnaz. The SBS's size is not a regiment.
@RenUchiha06 12 жыл бұрын
I believe no one has a better special operations force, since they all do the same thing and they cross-train. But I think he was implying that SEALs ability to operate on SEa Air and Land makes them very good.
@RoM1il 11 жыл бұрын
The SIS worked undercover in ww2 too.
@weeguy52 12 жыл бұрын
when it comes to special forces you just know that the UK will and will always take the number 1 spot (also i mean no disrespect to other countries or to other fellow youtubers)
@jeetkunedo117 13 жыл бұрын
this is perfectly fine in my book. SEALs and SBS/SAS work together anyway.
@muppet42cd 11 жыл бұрын
Actually its taken from yank history books, memoirs of senior officers (yank, brit and commonwealth) and a grandfather who was there :-)
@jordanmorris93 12 жыл бұрын
The SBS is harder to get into, they have much more training than other UKSF.
@RenUchiha06 12 жыл бұрын
True. Same with DEVGRU and Delta Force.
@QuartzReaper 11 жыл бұрын
I just want to say that technically the Dutch Marsof of the marine corps is in every way better than the SBS. My proof is that they recruit from the regular korps mariniers , who are better than the RM because of training, and that their training is longer and is so harsh that it would be illegal in the UK armed forces. Please dont get pissed i'm just writing the facts.
@QuartzReaper 11 жыл бұрын
and how do u know this?
@marcosantini4699 5 жыл бұрын
Where is the italian comsubin?
@weeguy52 10 жыл бұрын
(continued) no matter how many times america or any other countrys creates(or trys to) another unit in there sf's its all them same but a wee bit more classified..thats all seal team 6 are the same as SBS there on the same level seals are 1 of america finest and 1 of ours is if you disagree then show me something that makes seal team 6 more elite if we created SBS team 6 or something then they wouldn't be anymore elite than the rest of the other SBS units
@vanjatovey3015 9 жыл бұрын
Sbs is sick
@joehavin1 11 жыл бұрын
There wasn't one SAS squadron in country at the time. And the only firefights that ensued were between the NA and the Taliban/AQ. The Delta teams and the SBS that were actually there were strictly engaged in calling CAS on enemy AQ positions. And as for the idea of actually seeing UBL, again, it was nothing more then a claim made by the NA. The reason we knew UBL was there at all is the fact US ISA Signit teams spiked his radio traffic has he would yell commands to his AQ fighters.
@dwgangsat 12 жыл бұрын
yup :)
@samuel10125 10 жыл бұрын
Jordanmorris the SAS help train the seals do to us having the training I love seals tho
@wolfpredator4427 11 жыл бұрын
Why doesn't anyone put the SEALs at 1? I mean come on they virtually live in water! They're known as frogmen for a reason. But the SWCCs are really good.
@MatthewDouglas71 12 жыл бұрын
In 1:48, it's the 13e RDP -> French Army.
@FifthUnitKane 10 жыл бұрын
@RavionUltimate our special forces mainly SAS taught everything your guys know and they still use old methods, I'm in the Royal Marines and I don't say who's better or what but when you say they are "elite" then honestly you need to get facts straight which I doubt you would get in all fairness because of classified information
@lordoffrog2354 11 жыл бұрын
When you see that American flag at second place, you know it's an SAS/SBS thang!
@gluedoo 12 жыл бұрын
Good 2 see some one who knows his facts. SBS and SAS r as good as each other. They just do different stuff.
@joehavin1 11 жыл бұрын
I really wouldn't take Duncan Falconers book as accurate text. Its very entertaining yes, but his accounts of the SAS and SEALs are largely exaggerated and very misleading. John Parker's "SBS" is much more professional and historically spot on.
@lordoffrog2354 11 жыл бұрын
Yeah i guess the southern states are pretty safe, any action on your guns and the militia won't have any of it.
@rohitb3 12 жыл бұрын
MARCOS Training 5 weeks selection and 2 Years Specialised Training....Similar to SAS/SBS Pass rate ...less than 20% Few known engagements Engagements Operation Cactus, Operation Leech, Operation Tasha, Operation Pawan, Kargil War, Raid on LTTE in 1987, Operation Black Tornado, Operation Cyclone, Ongoin Counter-terrorist operation in Kashmir.
@rclamey13 11 жыл бұрын
btw the SEALs where formed in 1961 By JFK just thought i let you know and i still belive that the SEALSs and SBS are tied and also SAS is the founder of SBS
@dwgangsat 12 жыл бұрын
BUD/S is the hardest official selection training in the world.
@achromcapital8689 12 жыл бұрын
You don´t know a lot. Spain isn´t are a top 10? please whatch videos of spanish forces.
@deejay1534 11 жыл бұрын
If he put Navy SWCC as #2 and got rid of France then put SEALs as #1 then it would be reasonable
@sderasd-k2e 5 жыл бұрын
@weeguy52 11 жыл бұрын
lol thats right mate
@XxKillealonarexX 9 жыл бұрын
In all fairness, British special forces work completely different to US seals. Brits can yomp for miles with almost the weight of a 6 foot grown man on their backs. SEALs are as fit as they come but they wouldn't be able to do the sort if yomping the SBS/SAS do. Alot of SEALs have been sent over to Britain to join the SBS as a part of a companionship deal. I'd put the SBS over the SEALs, maybe not SEAL team 6.
@PLONG12345 8 жыл бұрын
+XxKilleanolarezXx Yes,not the Seal Team 6
@neobliviscarisa650 7 жыл бұрын
SEALS are the equivalent of our RM, not even to the same standard as Royal Marine Mountain Leader..SBS is more comparable with tEam 6 in principle, even if the SBS fulfil a more diverse role.
@PLONG12345 7 жыл бұрын
Ne obliviscaris A Bullshit!!! SEALs are comparable to the SAS and SBS.Your RM are not comparable to the SEALs.
@tntgoodyt7798 7 жыл бұрын
lad that is utter bullshit SBS go through the same selection as SAS but with the navy training in there aswell
@neobliviscarisa650 7 жыл бұрын
Tntgoody T I know exactly what selection process they go through... I work with x members! The Tri Service process happened a while back now... when the SBS stopped their independent selection process sadly.... SAS Boat Troop not operate to the same level as the SBS in water based, oil rig rescue. and kayak operations.. and the Royal Marines still play a massive part in the approach, philosophy and customs. As 80% of its members are RM's.
@dwgangsat 11 жыл бұрын
IMO I think the SAS hit harder overall than the SBS.
@whoami30204 11 жыл бұрын
Actually its 99% now.
@MrLampes 11 жыл бұрын
where is GROM !!!!
@jordanmorris93 11 жыл бұрын
Sbs is older than sas. The sbs training is like sas training on steroids! Sbs are the toughest of the tough! Those guys are monsters!
@_hunter530_7 6 жыл бұрын
@z3rok0ol21 12 жыл бұрын
Yeah no one will ever beat us.
@malamindulo 10 жыл бұрын
hey don't you dare criticize my country, its true navy seal team 6 is more elite but im going to let this guy chose it for his country!
@weeguy52 10 жыл бұрын
calm down mate i mean no disrespect to your country sfs or to anyone who has respect for there own sfs and others..just to pricks who don't show respect to both sides/all now i don't think seal 6 are more elite than an SAS or brit (like me) we see american best on par with our best..i mean america creates an elite force then trys to create a better unit inside that force but its all the same to me thats like us creating SAS/SBS team 6 or something there no real diffrence (continue)
@rohitb3 12 жыл бұрын
MARCOS (India) Primary tasks: Amphibious warfare Direct action Special reconnaissance Counter-terrorism Unconventional warfare Covert Operation Size - Classified (maybe around 2000 personnels) Motto - The Few and the Fearless More info... Was formed with a few Indian navy offciers underwent US Navy Seals Training in 1987 and later British SF training...Terrorists call them "the bearded army". Documentary watch?v=SVYtGSo8Iug
@Seleuco74 6 жыл бұрын
Dear friends, from what I read it is clear that none of you knows the history of special forces! Needless to say, you do not know what you're talking about! To avoid being biased, I invite you first to inform yourself and then I suggest an author known as Peter Darman, an expert in military history and not Italian, so that you can learn! The games on the consoles you have at home do not portray the real world!
@muppet42cd 11 жыл бұрын
Royal Marines have the longest and hardest training in NATO. This is a fact you cant argue with, every other marine unit knows it. Over 50% of UKSF is made up of bootnecks and as far as im aware nothing has changed in uksf selection except for the rig you wear
@whoami30204 11 жыл бұрын
Not SEALS, but SAS/SBS yes.
@QuartzReaper 11 жыл бұрын
the best special forces are the ones we dont know jack shit about(ie. 1st sfod-delta, devgru , sas,sbs,jtf2,nz sas,sasr,alfa group
@z3rok0ol21 12 жыл бұрын
What?! Why in hell are the US Navy Seals NOT #1 on this video?
@rohitb3 12 жыл бұрын
cont.. "1 Succesful mission in entire life and now they are the best." Pls dont make me laugh?? MARCOS Operations - Operation Pawan(Sri Lanka),Operation CActus(Maldivies),Operation Leech(Burma),Operation Tasha,Operation Swan,Wular Lake Operation,Kargil War(Covert operation behind enemy lines),Operation Black Tornedo(26/11) , Anti-Piracy operations (in Indian ocean and Gulf of Aden) These were some of their known stuff They may not be THE BEST.....But as known worldwide as "Some of the best"
@Martysarts 11 жыл бұрын
Every body says that their special forces unit could kill osama but why didn't they do that. The Seals are the best BRO and i think MaximalDamage123 is british because in almost every video of him a british men are on number 1
@israelisbest2 12 жыл бұрын
great video'good ranking!israeli shayetet 13 are great we rock!!PEACE!
@2shahar 12 жыл бұрын
I differ, the Israeli naval forces should be at the top 3 since they are having secret operations almost every day! unlike the french/russians/britian naval forces who barely do anything. no hate tho
@lordoffrog2354 11 жыл бұрын
@weeguy52 12 жыл бұрын
because SBS is..
@gameking50P 11 жыл бұрын
Mate, britain is by far the most militarily experienced country in the world!!! There hasnt been a year when a british soldier who hasnt died in combat since the 1800s!!! Thats hardly anything!!! O_O
@playerdeouf5775 9 жыл бұрын
Commando Hubert is the best naval special force in the world... It is proved
@playerdeouf5775 9 жыл бұрын
British S.B.S it is soooo ridiculous x)
@WICKEDMAN85 8 жыл бұрын
Wheres the proof???
@lucamartini483 5 жыл бұрын
@collinprindiville264 10 жыл бұрын
To me it's not about the country but I think SAS are the best land warfare unit and Navy SEALS are the best maritime unit.
@luckyhandsnul4230 9 жыл бұрын
Collin Prindiville Your logic is flawed... many sbs recruit from the sas...
@bilbobagshot9980 8 жыл бұрын
+pip b Many but not all, many is subjective, unless you have the exact figures what's the point in your comment. to attach ones logic by applying your own, without empirical evidence how can you expect your argument to stand?
@PLONG12345 8 жыл бұрын
+Legio XXI Rapax When the Italian comsubin made?If they are been in world war 2.They just equavalent in US Regular soldier.Because US beat and Kick their fucking Lucky ass in ww2
@luckyhandsnul4230 8 жыл бұрын
Was that even English???
@PLONG12345 8 жыл бұрын
Legio XXI Rapax Let me ask a question if ok to you.Did you know American OGA.Pls answer.But this not mean anything about italian and their special forces
@ohnoseven1 11 жыл бұрын
where were they when the germans called.......getting out of bed..
@chrisholland7367 6 жыл бұрын
@z3rok0ol21 12 жыл бұрын
Eh maybe they're better. Maybe not. I'm just biased on the US Navy SEALs haha
@whoami30204 11 жыл бұрын
LOL Sbs Has a air and land division. In afganistan very phew SBS killed all the Taliban in a fort.
@lordoffrog2354 11 жыл бұрын
Because everyone knoews the SBS and SAS are the best of the best. The Navy Seals are trained by the SBS. Obama will admit it.
@dwgangsat 12 жыл бұрын
How is it a FACT?
@Professor_Taiga-Vanguard 10 жыл бұрын
17 people were american.
@skorgen 10 жыл бұрын
The UK could fight off the Americans with our hands. The Navy Seals could try and invade a British old people's home and would get kicked out crying. One of the old pensioners would be like "wot wot, not having Yanks in my country wot wot! Jolly good show!" and then fend off their bullets with his walking stick. That's how tough the British are. What's more the English British have been around for over a thousand years now - far more combat experience than a country less than 250 years old.
@TheIceman567 10 жыл бұрын
Dude really? The US already is the first army since the romans to occupy britain.
@skorgen 10 жыл бұрын
Oh yeah I remember when they occupied Britain... nineteen ninety NEVER that's when. The British on the other hand owned all of America and burnt the white house to the ground - unlucky.
@callofduty12316 10 жыл бұрын
The US never owned britain we owned you and you only got your country back because we were having to fight from the other side of the atlantic and it was costing too much money and time to send troops over on wooden ships at about 20mph when we could just give you your country back.
@callofduty12316 10 жыл бұрын
Plus if you look back on US flag history you will find that the stars representing the states used to be where the union flag.
@TheIceman567 10 жыл бұрын
Scott Thiel The US owns Britain now. You we have air bases all over the country that are in the hands of the US alone your nuke's are all American made. Britain had a lot to loose do to the lost of the American colonies most of the wood to build you ship for the Royal navy came from the American colonies.
@luisferia9233 11 жыл бұрын
he is american and the SAS are better because of service time. get your facts straight. love the seals though.
@kavern3 12 жыл бұрын
hey the indians arent even in this video
@kavern3 12 жыл бұрын
us navy seals are the best fact wise not opinion wise
@PLONG12345 8 жыл бұрын
The Navy Seals are best.The SBS are just equavalent to US SWCC.And about SAS their equavalent are Delta Force and Navy Seals.And remember the Navy Seal have many Teams.And their best team are Devgru.
@neobliviscarisa650 7 жыл бұрын
you are talking a load of utter nonsense. please get the BASIC facts right before trying to enter a discussion of the subject. Standard Navy Seals are are Tier 2,.not even Royal Marines Mountain Leader level!! . Devgru are more comparable with our SBS. but the sBS do much more long term deep undercover; niche work in deep recon, signalling and jamming abilities.. As well as pioneering sub and kayak entry, sub and drift diving Oil Rig rescue skills, had vast diverse experience in all terrains since WW2. Like our Fleet air arm founded your Top Gun facility, much of the modern work of the sBS has been copied. They are the oldest holistic SF unit (older than the SAS). And I have not even mentioned the most capable SAS and SBS are utilised in a squadron alongside MI6.
@PLONG12345 7 жыл бұрын
Ne obliviscaris A Seal Team SOCOM are comparable to the SBS and SAS even to your Royal Marine Mountain Leader.Royal Marine mountain leader are not enough to kick the Force Recon and Raiders out of their way.Our tier 2 Special Forces receive hard training as well as Seal Team 6 and Delta Force.BTW,the Men in CIA SAD/SOG are pick men on our Force Recon,Rangers,Delta,Seals,Marsoc or Green Berets.And FIY SEALs are also capable for jamming and had a vast experience in all terrains too.SEALs did experience a fight in Sea,Urban,Desert and Jungles.
@neobliviscarisa650 7 жыл бұрын
Ric Sagun It is far simpler if you put things into tier class. US Tier 1 ◾1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta "Delta Force" ◾Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU) ◾24th Special Tactics Squadron UK - SBS, SAS Tier 1/2 SRR; Mountain Leader Royal Marines (1 and half yrs training alone, in the most dangerous and skilled required environment. Tier 2 US can be referred to as Grey Special Operations units, which include US Army Special Forces, US Air force JTAC, US Air Force Pararescue, US Navy SEAL teams, US Navy SWCC teams, MARSOC (Operators rename to Marine Raiders on August 6 of 2014) and US Army's 75th Ranger Regiment. International counterparts include: the Canadian Special Operations Regiment and the Special Forces Support Group ; Mountain Leader Royal Marines of the United Kingdom. - Tier Three can be referred to as "White,” and comprise larger infantry support elements. These are not special forces units, but provide broad manpower support when needed for large-scale engagements. Some examples are the US Army's 10th Mountain Division, 82nd Airborne Division, and 101st Airborne Division. Marine corps Recon Battalions, Force Recon Companies, and MEU(SOC). Navy Riverines. Air Force 142d Fighter Wing, 147th Reconnaissance Wing International counterparts include: Mexican Marines, Standard Royal Marines (still the longest training in Nato; over 64 weeks plus first probation of up to a couple of yrs almost.;, Parachute Regiment (UK), and the Royal Canadian Regiment. As for your comment about Mountain Leader. These guys were shipped in during the early days of the Afghan war, as the US SF's mountain division could not cope with the high altitude conditions. As I said, as a singular skill, it is considered the toughest soldiering course/terrain training going. Certainly the longest, baring in mind, the standard Royal Marine (far harder and longer than US Marine version, more commando skill based and a great deal more academic) have also endured the longest selection from civi to infantry in Nato. Their recon skills are up to SF's standard, the endurance is close, and in some ways exceeds. And the intellect and knowledge to survive in the Arctic, and conditions to fight in, the hardest. These guys often join The SBS. And you can say whatever you like about what you think... but the simple fact of the matter, is that the UK system is the toughest, most psychological, intellectually demanding and significant lone working endurance/no food and sleep tests. Like our Pilots and naval officers, the Uk has the most professionally demanding selection available, right from the start of the process; copied by most, not always to the highest standards overall. Uk way requires demanding tests/abilities and high intellect flexible thinkers. Less text book approach, with often one person doing the job of more than one US comparison. They throw money and bodies at such things, including research..
@PLONG12345 7 жыл бұрын
Ne obliviscaris A US Mountain Division can afford high altitude.US Marine also had their commando units such as Force Recon and the Reborn Legends of Raiders.US Marine training is shorter but it was harder.Watch a Royal Marine vs US Marine video of fritz and you can see the different.A regular US Marine are trained in MOS.It was more than 20 Weeks long plus the 13 weeks bootcamp.It was 33 Weeks.Royal Marine training is 32 weeks longer.Plus I'm not sure if US Marine MOS is just 20 weeks.If you look at Force Recon or Raiders training it can be more longer.Raiders or Recon need to ttain in Rangers course,Basic Bootcamp,And the version of Marine BUDS and Hellweeks.Drill Instructors of US Marines are the worst nightmare for them.Marine Modern Fighting are proven in vietnam.A 200-500 Marines could fight 20,000 VC in a battle. We losy vietnam because of peace talks.Not fault of our soldiers.
@neobliviscarisa650 7 жыл бұрын
Ric Sagun That Fritz video was laughable and presented no facts whatsoever. The Royal Marine, and our SF approach is the thinking man. Less of the shouting you are a dumb nuts approach. That sort of candidate applies for the regular army instead. The UK SF has always been more understated culturally...Not this gun hoe shouting and carrying your students through the course, parading with cheesee pass out parades to music etc As for the Royal Marines, they are looking for self motivated, intelligent, disciplined and mental strong candidates. The latter are tested through physical and mental exercises, not from shouting! The rest of the video is simply perceptions created by selective editing and no context what so ever. I worked with the Royal Marine, and I am sorry, but the Royal Marine physical training is much harder and more commando orientated and certainly more skilled. The officer course is 64 weeks with over one yr probation! Do no forget, there are specialist groups further to join, such as Special Forces Support Group in the Royal Marines as well as Mountain Leader. The Paras have the Pathfinders and SFSG too... and we have SRR who were introduced to fulfil some of the SF's standard duties post Iraq. I will admit, that the UK are thinking in investing more in a formal Tier 2 system, but the roles and qualifications already exist, and are undertaken more pragmatically within our armed forces, due to the standard level of training being so high.. even with our engineers who per capita, do a hell of a lot more! Our yomps (marches) start at 50 miles before we start describing them as a long march, carrying over 60ibs, yours on average, about 30 miles.. We simply do far more physical through the whole 32 weeks (daily often with no food and sleep with mental challenges), not just a few endurance challenges along the way. And the Admiralty officer exam is much tougher academically. The RM Mountain Leader was something we pioneered alongside the equally capable Norwegians, and we have more Everest explorers and arctic explorers than most nations. this encouraged outside of military life to keep the standards... As i said, they were brought in to help the US in the Afghan war due to your lack of competence and experience at the time. I am sure things have improved a lot since then, but the fact still remains. As for Nam, the Aussies (ghost Warriors named by the VC) and the UK who were there unofficially.... due to our massive success, both militarily and politically, using hearts and minds, and pioneering jungle warfare in the modern arena, defeated an enemy in a far more inhospitable jungle ( Malaya but particularly Borneo which has less infrastructure, swamp MOUNTAIN and far more tropical diseases) - -- they had far more success in South Vietnam...and were respected and feared even to this day, if you go to Saigon to revisit. Using highly trained troops, not mass bombing. Sure the Seals had better success later, but still using less effective aggression techniques, not hearts and minds.. Green Beret started to adopt this approach in the end. Due to Beckwith attachment with our SAS. The Aussies lost only 2 men in direct firefights in 7 yrs of war with the VC. inflicting a huge kill rate per capita....( a smaller number of aussies fought.)
@weeguy52 12 жыл бұрын
lol well according to video we are lol..anywaythe UK and US are should feel proud because its always between the UK and US that take's the top
@lordoffrog2354 11 жыл бұрын
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