ISRAEL and the END TIMES | Joel 1 | Lesson 2

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Torah Class

Torah Class

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Joel 1, a Biblical explanation. In this episode, Bible teacher, Tom Bradford, will be explaining several crucial aspects about the Day of the Lord. We need to prepare spiritually for this day will come unexpected, and given the current worldwide events, we know the time is running short.
Join us in this episode of Joel 1.

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@gritklein345 7 ай бұрын
Much under-watched channel! Great appreciation for your work!
@marelelias7953 7 ай бұрын
This Bible teacher base teaching within the Bible true. May GOD bless him so he can help us understand the way of the Lord. Todah rabah!!!! Shalom and please keep praying for the peace of ISRAEL.
@OceanView420 7 ай бұрын
All those that call themselves believers in the U.S., and in the world, need to hear this teaching. We have not known the real God for so long, that we've made him into a god that we think he should be. I'm ever so deeply grateful and thankful my eyes have been opened to Yahoveh, my Savior thru Yeshua ❤❤
@PaeataClark 7 ай бұрын
I am so sad that I was not brought up by my Jewish grandmother, : it grieves me especially as I find these wonderful texts from Tom Bradford. I was raised in the 50s a Catholic.We were told that the "jews" killed Jesus,and rever to associate. In my fathersline (so in that lineI am not even coun ted as Jewish although I feel it) my father told me as he was dying. As I digested this I realised that my Jewish grandmother must have grieved)she was from a family raised by her mother and father, who included a Rabbi. Tom was helped me so much to terms with these amazing facts on history. (IN THOSE DAYS WE WERE NOT ALLOW BIBLES). I was kept from TRUTH but without a bible this WAS FICTION).I want to learn the language,but I am aware that the number values are lost to me and what i can do at my age is stay with Toms amazing words. It has was been a big shock. I pray that I have time.I am trying. What a treasure. Thank you.🎉
@Nonononono-wr2 6 ай бұрын
Why do you come out this with the divisive spirit? This is everybody that’s in the “Church “on this planet.
@benjiealcontin2551 7 ай бұрын
A big wow Easy transition That's the sign of His real people Good example I'm so happy for this leader and to his followers YeHoVaH is now smiling because finally you He have there beloved people belongs to this congregation Praise to the creator of the universe
@mikehorton3664 7 ай бұрын
how many nations before usa have aborted or sacrificed as many children? how far the church has fallen? don't know mr. bradford how much The Father God will tolerate, i know usa will pay someway for it's defiance toward G-d as any nation, as always we enjoy and learn.keep seeking.matthew6:33,proverbs3:5
@shipsanckor 7 ай бұрын
What an incredible teaching - thank you so much🙏🏻
@TorahClass 7 ай бұрын
Glad it was helpful! Shalom.
@sarahjones79 7 ай бұрын
Did you notice the shaman the world’s leaders called in to ‘bless’ them at Davos? It was blatant paganism. It was absurdly ridiculous.
@sassysiamese1303 7 ай бұрын
I recall you saying in the study of Joel that I was watching that people feel like something bad is going to happen. I have had this feeling for a few years. It's like you know something is going to explode and you are anticipating that loud noise. I just can't explain it. It's really odd. I love your teaching. I have learned so much from you. I find hidden gems in your teaching of the word. God bless you and your family
@BloodCovenant 2 ай бұрын
Jephthah's daughter was not offered up as a burnt sacrifice. Jdg 11:31 then whatever comes out the door of my house to greet me on my triumphant return from the Ammonites will belong to the LORD, " and " I will offer it up as a burnt offering.” I believe the word "and" is a wrong translation and should have been translated "or". Hebrew allows for this to be translated "or" and it is translated "or" in other places per a Hebrew scholar I found on Wikipedia Not only that, there are several Biblical reasons why she wasn't offered up for a burnt sacrifice. 1. The Law of Moses forbade it. 2. God was using Israel to decimate the inhabitants of the promised land in great part because the inhabitants did offer up their children as burnt sacrifices to Molech. 3. Jephthah's daughter asked Jephthah for time alone with her friends to mourn her virginity Judges 11:38-39. Not mourn that her Father was going to kill her and burn her up. She was morning the fact that her Father had dedicated her to the Lord and therefore he would never give her to any man for a husband. Think of Samuel when he was dedicated to the Lord. Possibly she was dedicated in a similar way. 4. The final and best reason I know that Jephthah did not burn her daughter up, and this is the reason that caused me to explore the Hebrew language and stumbled on the "and/or" case is this. Jephthah is in the Hall of Faith in the Book of Hebrews 11:32. He is listed right there with Samuel, David, and others. Jephthah made a vow to dedicate the first thing that came our his front door for thanks to God for the victory. His plan B if nobody came out the door was to offer up a burnt offering as a way to thank God. I can only assume that Jephthah expected one of his sons and not his daughter to be the first out the door. That story has bothered me for quite some time. When I saw Jephthah in Hebrews I knew then my understanding was wrong and asked God to show me the truth. That is how I came to know this.
@markhauserbible7168 7 ай бұрын
This is why even the experts can be wrong. The DAY of the Lord is mentioned 27 times in the bible. (+ -) 21 in the O.T. And 6 in the N.T. EVERY single time, it is a prophecy of the return of the Lord. ONE DAY. At the 41 minute mark our brother misunderstands that this DAY is also, the LAST DAY Jn6:39-40/12:48. It's the Great DAY of God. Rev16:14. DAY of God. 2Pt3:12. The Evil DAY.Eph6:13. The DAY of judgment Mt10:15. DAY of Christ Phil 1:6,10. It's ONE DAY. Then at the 45 minute mark, our brother misunderstands the wrath of God. He says we (ALL believers) will be here DURING the wrath of God. That is false and contradicts what Paul said in 1Thes 5:9. The reason for his misunderstanding, is because of the TIMING of Gods wrath. The wrath of God is the same TIME as all the scriptures I gave earlier. It's ONE DAY. LITERALLY. Rev6:17 DAY. Rom 2:5 DAY. Zeph 1:15,18 DAY. < DAY of the Lord. This is also the DAY of THE resurrection. Jn6:39-40. The DAY of redemption Eph4:30. To God be the Glory
@lion-888- 7 ай бұрын
I agree with you. The wicked Obama/Biden regime has laid the foundation for the judgment that I believe is going to take place during the last trump administration.
@markhauserbible7168 7 ай бұрын
There is ONE truth. And that's pre-wrath. 1Thes 5:9. We are not appointed to wrath. Paul did NOT say we are not appointed to 7 years of wrath. Did Paul know what he was talking about? He knew perfectly what he was teaching. Rev6:17 DAY. Rm2:5 DAY. Zeph1:15,18. DAY. < (Day of the Lord) Thats why Peter said this would happen on the DAY of the Lord 2Pt3:10The DAY of the Lord is when the wrath comes. It's the DAY of judgment, and the DAY of THE resurrection. Lu17:28-30.@@YeshuaKingMessiah
@seventhapex 7 ай бұрын
...where is this 1% figure for Billy Graham coming from? Someone have a book or study or something?
@emmanelson2406 6 ай бұрын
It was in a interview but I can't remember where it was I saw it but he did say that
@teresakinchens1679 7 ай бұрын
Like food, water, medical supplies etc. People tell me I'm crazy for preparing these things for my family, but, even in Father God's word the ants prepared for rough times.
@CoCoTheeStylist 7 ай бұрын
Praise Abba for this word!!!! this is a hard saying but like peter where else will we go???? This is his fatherly character and his love what loving father do we know plays around with his rules, THEY DONT!!!!
@danielgrundy80 7 ай бұрын
I was one of those who answered several altar calls without knowing what I was accepting. At some point, I read God's word for myself and realized I'm a guilty sinner who broke all of God's 10 commandments (and more). I saw that my only hope is Jesus' - His righteous life for mine - His death for my punishment. There are some things about what you said I'm trying to work through: You said Jesus doesn't accept good enough. And that to think so is idolatry. However, Jesus said the standard is perfect (Mt. 5:48) not just perfect but "as your heavenly Father is perfect."As" means in the same way. This is an unequivocal command. Now I agree with this standard, and I want to be like Him, but I am not perfect. I never have been. I sin in thought, word, and deeds of omission and commission. Though I should hate my sin, the fact that I still do it means I have affection for it because we don't do what we hate. Also, though I know He is worthy of all and I should be willing to lose all for Him, I'm not always there. Sometimes, I'm bold and I don't worry what it may cost me (like the freshly beaten Apostle Peter) and other times I am afraid of what I could lose (also like Peter and the other disciples). Does this mean I'm an idolater and no true Christian? Because if it does, I definitely don't want to be wrong. I would need someone who is perfect (as Yeshua commanded) to disciple me.
@duketinntinn8498 7 ай бұрын
My dear fellow believer . I received the power of the Holy Spirit when I was working alone many years ago and frankly I never heard that there was such a baptism. I've always been a truth seeker. my father taught me that. The world religion of Christianity is pretty much a joke. They teach out of the gospels as if that were the new wine. Bible should have been put in three parts. The gospels should be in the middle between the old Covenant/ Old Testament and New Covenant/new testament. The gospels are transitional. They started talking about the old Covenant and they end with the new blood covenant. An acts 9 why wasn't ananias sent to Paul to water baptize? He was sent to fill Paul with the Holy Spirit and that is a baptism. That is one of two things that he was sent to do. There are several baptisms mentioned in the New Testament so why would most Christians believe that the old Covenant baptism is for the church age? John the Baptist was dead before the day of Pentecost so he never baptized a single blood bought Christian.🙏🏽
@rudybriskar5267 7 ай бұрын
Yup. I've actually known this for about forty five years but I wasn't saved until August of 2013. I am SO grateful that God put your channel in my feed! I subscribed IMMEDIATELY! Are you a Pastor or a Rabbi?
@MaryJ0 7 ай бұрын
He's both! He isn't Jewish. Tom Bradford, like many, (me!)is a Torah observant Christian. We are trying to follow the path that Yeshua set for us. He was a Jew who taught us how to live according to YHWH's laws Matt.5:17-19
@ChrisMusante 5 ай бұрын
The 'oil and the wine' have been 'harmed'... and the 'bread' that is eaten - breaks our teeth like stones. Yeah. Just like that.
@ProfYaffle 5 ай бұрын
I do hugely appreciate this valuable teaching. But i question the recommendation to stock up you pantry in case of emergency. We pray "give us THIS DAY" our daily bread. And "do not store up treasures on earth" UNLESS he specifically tells us like he did to Joseph and Noah. We should however be goid stewards of the things God gives us and hold on to them lightly. And most important we should build up our faith by reading the word and invest in God's kingdom with prayer and service in His will
@californigirl 7 ай бұрын
Heavy reality, but this makes more sense to me than any other interpretation.
@KOIFishcat 7 ай бұрын
Not everyone has resources and the ability to prepare...
@TheRealSuzeeQ 7 ай бұрын
Hi Tom, strange you mentioned something I was speaking about with my Husband. One of the Commandments is to honor our Mother and Father. My question is how are we honoring when they use christian verbiage when we disagree with? We can't get a my Mother in law to hear us and keeps saying "you know your a christian" we NO LONGER choose to follow Religion.. We follow YAHUAH PERIOD~ Please HELP HERE~
@KOIFishcat 7 ай бұрын
Not everyone has resources and the ability to prepare
@michaelart4878 7 ай бұрын
@abrahamphilip6439 7 ай бұрын
Joels Prophecy : At that time your sons & daughters will see visions & your old will dream dreams " This is specifically to the revelations of the " Army of God" in the latter rain of the Spirit, revealing the first fruits of the Lamb, the proof of redemption , that revelations state as " The Remnant seed of the woman " The Lamb itself the first, This again is to Malachy's Prophecy of " Peter the Roman, The first come as the last, St Peter himself, leading the Church in the spirit , called "Faithful" who will tend to the flock during the tribulations, come from within & without, & where there is no Catholic or Orthodox but Christian, for the followers of Christ were first called as Christians in Antioch, unto the great & terrible day of the Lord,
@emmanelson2406 7 ай бұрын
I sent a email which bible are you referring to in Market Place I would like to buy it
@OceanView420 7 ай бұрын
It is called, "The Complete Jewish Bible". I bought the study Bible. I love it.
@emmanelson2406 7 ай бұрын
@@OceanView420I have that and the commentary. Love them both I thought maybe it was a different one
@ChrisMusante 7 ай бұрын
We are headed out of Egypt - and this time will leave with 'nothing'. We 'can' escape it... butvwe have to embrace Jeremiah 18: 7-10. Please don't mock... but I am a prophet. And it's a heartbreaking job. Hope you have an easy ride going brother. Shalom. 👑
@duketinntinn8498 7 ай бұрын
I'm led by the Holy Spirit myself. Theologians are false Prophets. They are everywhere Matthew 24
@teresakinchens1679 7 ай бұрын
So is it ok that we prepare first of all spiritually and second material things.
@DeviDevi.Giashone 7 ай бұрын
I feel helped by your teaching❤
@lorrainesingh3146 7 ай бұрын
Shalom what bible do you read from please?
@TorahClass 7 ай бұрын
Hello! Tom is reading from the Complete Jewish Bible. Shalom!
@luxefound4179 7 ай бұрын
Most teachings from this channel are sound but this is not one of them. It is true that the modern church is apostate but it is also an error to not realise that as much as the Torah is holy, Jesus is the embodiment of the Torah. However, it is amazing how Jesus is not enough for some people and they think they have to observe the Torah to obtain salvation. This is something that Paul warned against repeatedly in his letters. We are called to live a holy life. However, righteousness is a free gift from God. It would be dangerous to neglect the salvation of God and focus on your own righteousness.
@user-bt7oe5jj1o 7 ай бұрын
Always a shame for a teaching to degenate into works based salvation doctrine. A different gospel is a doctrine of demons.
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