I am 27 years old now and feel so lucky that I watch this video today. Although I knew I should be an independent lady and achieve my personal success through my own hard work when I was a little girl. However, when I grew up, my mother and some elder girlfriends/sisters educated me in a subtle way that the most significant success of women is to get a great husband. Gradually, I slow down my pace to my personal success. And gradually, I expect my dream would be realized by my future husband. This feeling is stronger and stronger after 25 years old when I got my first boyfriend. I felt something wrong happening in myself but didn't know what the wrong thing is. Fortunately, I watch Tracey's video and realize I should go back on my own track to my success. 【”大部分人都是靠不住的。“】【自己成功才是最可靠的。】
It’s really great knowing Tracey. I really love this type of pep talk, teaching us girls how to be independent and the different words of wisdom. I hope this video reaches out to more people
Tracey, you are such a positive influence in my life, not only gals should watch your video and learn from you. As a man I am so much from you, you are shaping my outlook in life in such positive way!
我超爱你说关于人生的话题。 我个人也认为独立是非常重要的一件事,还有就是常常接触新的东西 and get out of my comfort zone。 所以我对以后的道路都很有想法,从18岁我就选择去远的地方念书,然后到出国念书,参加不同的international volunteer,也一直在做兼职,也不和家人拿allowance。有时候真的为自己感到骄傲,也开始渐渐觉得我和别人不一样或是我能做到别人做不到的事。我希望你的这个视频可以被很多人接触和帮助到更多人去求上进和追求自己想要的生活。 加油Tracy。
Tracey, my sweet babeeee, your confidence and independence makes you grow from within! My thought echoes with yours especially on the controllable nature of our own life! I am now 21, a year 3 uni students, I hope I could become like you in the future, beautiful, strong and independent successful lady with a warm and loving family~
@IshenChen665 жыл бұрын
Love you, Tracey!!! 一开始冲着美妆看Tracey,现在觉得Tracey的GRWM是个更有质量的聊天节目!!只有心胸宽广,眼界宽广的人才会有这么多深刻的见解吧!!Thank you Tracey, and totally agree with your points! 尤其是容貌管理的重要性这里!不管男孩子女孩子,爱美其实也是让自己喜欢自己,让自己从内到外有自己的风格,有精气神!另外在不同的场合穿着合宜合身份的服装,也是一种对他人的尊重。财富可能来自运气,来自几代人的积累,但个人能hold住多少财富还取决于个人内涵,厚德载物。
非常正能量,人的一生真的需要靠自己努力,有所为才能够感到充实。只是老一辈的观念还是生孩子是给别人生。。。其实本来也是妈妈自己的啊。 Gone with the Wind 是我最爱的一本书,爱Scarlet的独立坚强永不放弃,虽然也有靠一下下男人哈哈哈,但是总体她就是一个在南北战争时期很前卫很有主见的女生了,希望翠宝宝和她一样勇敢美丽!
@shuanghan55345 жыл бұрын
I wish I saw this video when I was in my 20’s. I learnt my lessons and it is never too late.
这段时间非常迷茫和焦虑,想为未来做规划但就不敢前进,不知道是什么挡住了我,还是我内心本能的害怕与担忧。再次看了翠翠的视频,给了我很大力量与动力。Thanks for pushing me.
@lihuui24375 жыл бұрын
爱你翠翠♥️ 很喜欢看你的video,每次都是那么的励志!也很agree with你的观点!♥️
@danadong51705 жыл бұрын
我还在上学 是一名在Vancouver念书的大二学生。感觉Tracy的话对我真的有很大的帮助,这些话都是我爸妈从来没有告诉过我的,毕竟他们那时候找工作的经验应该和我们这个年代有所不同。我们面对的职场竞争力更大一些,听了tracy的话我忽然找到了some goals to work on。感觉Tracy的三观真的很正。 另外在中国的某些社交媒体上,总能看到一些人在那里说:为什么要学英语,他们都应该来学中文,中文博大精深。 每当看到这种言论,我真的很不能理解这种人,是什么样的井底之蛙才会讲出这样的话。 学习一门语言,就是为你自己在各方面提供更多的机会,这样浅显的事情居然会有人不懂....