Trad Ortho Nationalism VS the Bugmen |

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Scott Mannion

Scott Mannion

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@ScottMannion Жыл бұрын
Please share these videos to help grow the channel which gets little algo promotion. Remember to like, share, comment and subscribe as well as turn on notifications.
@jackieo8693 Жыл бұрын
The old Christian kings were Catholic, not orthodox. Pre greedy Henry VIII church land grab.
@thinkofsomethingcooler Жыл бұрын
Scott I’m new here so idk if you do, but I hope you get a lot of credit (the good kind, not social credits 😉) for being superb when it comes to the art of the interview. Not only are you well researched on the topics at hand but it obvious that you take great interest in the *person* you are hosting, and therefore your Qs are insightful and not run of the mill or repetitive. You also have an incredibly relaxing presence that’s not…NPR (a facade) 😂 AND not only did I learn a few things about Jay here, but your recognition of Jay’s holistic approach to content combining all of his skills knowledge and talents; and the following suggestion that he gather a comedic group to do BImprov, or Imbased, is absolute gold. Please do more videos together! I’m a fan of this combo!
@ScottMannion Жыл бұрын
Post that on Jay's channel to incentivise. We are frenly and will prob be more, but always good to show audience want more.
@TheLastRoman0000 Жыл бұрын
I am a historian with a graduate degree, and Jay Dyer still managed to help me better understand theology and philosophy. He's also very funny.
@MarcusBarnabassisSystersSonne Жыл бұрын
Jay also has a graduate degree, in philosophy, I think.
@rodangus4489 Жыл бұрын
What an outstanding discussion. Yes, Protestantism mistakes abstracted theological concepts for the reality. The Orthodox mind and worship baptises us into the divine-human union. Here, dogma is dynamic and alive in the Holy Spirit.
@MrZadokthePriest Жыл бұрын
Scott, you let Jay Dyer loose, and you brought out the best in him. Thoroughly enjoyable and inspiring chat. 💥💫
@SpearsUnclaimed Жыл бұрын
Funny how they say diversity is a strength but it really a weakness. You can say that diversity makes the government stronger though.
@moldyapple1789 Жыл бұрын
it's not inherently a strength or weakness. it depends on what you mean by diversity! 🦞🦞🦞
@iBullyDemons Жыл бұрын
Aristotle wrote about tyrants using diversity to solidify their rule thousands of years ago. This is ancient knowledge.
@ananonymouseuser2571 Жыл бұрын
Diversity is division.
@trickywoo5165 Жыл бұрын
Yeah dieversity is THEIR strength against us, it’s their obvious plan to water down every Western country. Period
@drewwilson6639 Жыл бұрын
Diversity means anti whiteness or the idea that anybody or anything considered white is inherently bad
@nitaishcomer9431 Жыл бұрын
HALITO...FRIEND. I am a Choctaw Indian here in the States, HLAITO is a greeting in my native tongue, which means, Happy Hello. I love Jay Dyer. I subscribed beacause paul joseph Watson told me too! Best wishes on your channel. I hope you guys win to keep British Culture alive, as much as i want to keep my Culture alive!
@eldermillennial8330 Жыл бұрын
I wanted to discuss this anyway, so I thought you might be interested after seeing this comment. God actually promoted two forms of government in scripture, one was, of course, absolute monarchy, as Dyer points out, but He ALSO, prior to Saul, had had Israel govern via a confederation of tribal chieftainships, or “Judges”. There were several Native Nations in America that self governed In similar ways. But I don’t think either system in their pure form is adequate for today’s population, not to mention the standard of living we’ve been accustomed to, spoiled rotten as we have been as a civilization. But there is an example of a country that did somewhat organically combine key elements from both: Old Ireland under the Earls. A confederation of Earldoms doesn’t entirely dispense with the local tribal model, instead it strikes a balance between that and feudal lordship. A hereditary Earl rules his county directly, and peasants can elect a mayor or council for local town affairs, which then lobby the Earl on behalf of their overall interests as issues arise. Any peasant who can pass the appropriate trials can potentially become a knight or dame, who then potentially can marry into an Earl’s family. Unlike most other kingdoms in Europe, however, the King of Ireland was elected by the earls from amongst themselves. When the king died, not his son but the best Earl of that generation became King, and his role was to defend and represent Ireland on international affairs. For this to work in America, we’d need another layer in the hierarchy, given our size. We have over 3,200 counties, after all. So, maybe instead of earls, we use the more Slavic version. “Count” which has sometimes an “Archcount” higher ranking. So every county would have a hereditary count or countess, and upon the death of the local Archcount, they of the same state would conclave together to determine the next Archcount from amongst them. Upon the death of the King, similarly the 50 Archcounts and Archcountesses would conclave to decide who amongst them would be the next King or Queen. When an Archcount is chosen, his next in line becomes Count of his home County, or an acting regent temporarily takes his place if the chosen heir is too young. Similarly, upon becoming king, his chosen heir becomes Archcount, then the second in line becomes Count. High ranking Knights and bishops are the primary councilors on all levels. Anyway, if natives had had the opportunity to be converted by Orthodox priests, I believe such systems would have evolved out of your own traditions, much as they had organically from the pagan old systems in Europe. Jay complains often about how since Charlemagne, Roman prelates have been searching for one excuse after another to rationalize away ancient canon laws if they are inconvenient for Latin ambitions. Native chiefs, upon conversion, should have been afforded full rights of a Christian Lord, at least a minor one. Exact equivalent rank could be figured out later, the salient point is that ALL further theft by conquistadors was supposed to STOP after that. But they didn’t want to stop, their greed was insatiable, so started inventing loopholes, and Roman garbage theology since the Carolingian Coup helped them to do this. If a Byzantium colony started treating converts this way, eventually the emperor would have sent a fleet to capture and hang the abusers. It would have taken a few years to figure out, so a lot of short term harm would be done, but instead of the vial Vatican politics, the Patriarch would have excommunicated the leaders and declared anathemas against their families. The emperor would have no choice but to remove them directly lest they dig in in apostate defiance in case they refused to obey and repent.
@TheRealRealOK Жыл бұрын
Jay 👑🔥
@Nicholas_Powell Жыл бұрын
This was a truly wonderful conversation. It has been very helpful to have you two together in this lenten period. If you would be interested I would love to have a conversation with you. I joined the Orthodox Church last year after intense study of Jonathan Pageaus work. You are carrying forward an important aspect of this movement towards faith and landed community. I deeply appreciate your work. Thank you and God bless.
@davidhodges2583 Жыл бұрын
May I recommend a wonderful book by Father Andrew Phillips, "Orthodox Christianity snd the English Tradition". Another gem is Albion Awakening by John Fitzgerald and William Wildblood which is more eclectic but truly inspiring in places. As an older (well 53 so not too ancient) subscriber may I also say how happy to see this long overdue flowering of traditionalism. Our beloved nation does have a future, even though things may seem hopeless sometimes. Here's a wonderful quote from Rosemary Sutcliff, from the Lantern Bearers which always inspires me , “It may be that the night will close over us in the end, but I believe that morning will come again. Morning always grows out of the darkness, though maybe not for the people who saw the sun go down. We are the Lantern Bearers, my friend; for us to keep something burning, to carry what light we can forward into the darkness and the wind.”
@johncollorafi257 Жыл бұрын
Dyer is correct that the Church aspirationally prefers pious, anointed monarchs, eastern tradition being no different from western. Aristotle and Aquinas recognize monarchy, aristocracy and politeia as three acceptable forms of government, whereas tyranny, oligarchy and democracy are their respective corruptions. Aquinas considered democracy the least harmful of the corrupt forms of government, somewhat like Churchill's quip that democracy is the worst form of government "except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time..."
@johncollorafi257 Жыл бұрын
@Θεόδωρος The comment was according to Aristotle's opinion, Politics, Book III, 7.
@ananonymouseuser2571 Жыл бұрын
​@Θεόδωρος People can be deceived. And are, in general, not greatly concerned with the larger picture or societal issues. They will often elect leaders to "think" for them. People are dumb, and divided, unless they are led. Democracy does not promote strong, or stable, leadership.
@Hanz_theengine Жыл бұрын
Absolutely fantastic episode, recommended to everyone I know. Could somebody list out the books and writings that Jay mentions in 40:00 when he is talking about "Orthodox Nationalism" thanks
@slowboywhiteboardv4 Жыл бұрын
Dumitru Stăniloae was a Romanian Orthodox Christian priest, theologian and professor. He worked for over 45 years on a comprehensive Romanian translation of the Greek Philokalia, a collection of writings on prayer by the Church Fathers, together with the hieromonk, Arsenie Boca, who brought manuscripts from Mount Athos. His book, The Dogmatic Orthodox Theology (1978), made him one of the best-known Christian theologians of the second half of the 20th century. He also produced commentaries on earlier Christian thinkers, such as St Gregory of Nyssa, Saint Maximus the Confessor, and St Athanasius of Alexandria. He is also remembered as editor in chief of the regional orthodox newspaper Telegraful Român (1934-1945) where he imposed a nationalist editorial line. St John of Kronstadt was a Russian Orthodox archpriest and a member of the Most Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church. He was known for his mass confessions, numerous miracles, charitable work, anti-communism, monarchism etc Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco (Maximovitch) was a prominent Eastern Orthodox ascetic and hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) who was active in the mid-20th century. He was a pastor and spiritual father of high reputation and a reputed wonderworker to whom were attributed powers of prophecy, clairvoyance and healing. He is often referred to as "St. John the Wonderworker". Metropolitan Philaret was a cleric of the Moscow Patriarchate. In 1962, he left China for Australia, joining the ROCOR. On May 26, 1963, he was ordained bishop of Brisbane, vicar of the Diocese of Australia and New Zealand. On May 27, 1964, being a youngest bishop by ordination, he was elected the First Hierarch of the ROCOR. The years when Metropolitan Philaret headed the ROCOR became a period of making important decisions, including the anathematization of Lenin and the persecutors of the Orthodoxy (1970), the Canonization of the Nicholas II family and the New Martyrs (1981), the condemnation of ecumenism (1983). He was also a professor of New Testament, Pastoral Theology, and Homiletics at St. Vladimir University. In mid 1945, after the Communist Chinese and Soviet forces took over Manchuria at the end of World War II, archimandrite Philaret remained with the Orthodox believers in Manchuria, but he firmly rejected all attempts to get him to accept a Soviet passport. He held passport burning bonfires after church services in defiance of the communist authorities. Further, he fearlessly denounced the atheistic communists. His overt position against the Soviets placed him in great personal danger. Their hatred of him resulted in an attempt to burn him alive in his monastic cell. He escaped, but suffered severe burns.
@philbutcher6959 Жыл бұрын
Very pleasingto see people like Jay Dyer turn up on your channel. I used to watch him when he was turning up on podcasts and internet radio over ten years ago (Gnostic Media, Tragedy and Hope, Fakeology/911 groups). He made a lot of sense then, among charlatans and (frankly) lunatics and sounds the same today. It is a struggle to adhere to the right path with all the prevailing winds and buffeting along the way - the difference was that he was genuine - well done him. Great interview, Scott, thank you.
@NovRen19 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for accepting our questions, and we enjoyed Mr. Dyer's responses.
@weareabove4233 Жыл бұрын
How does this not have enough views!?!?!?!
@mikemolaro4198 Жыл бұрын
Jay, you said no saint has ever promoted liberal democracy. I was deeply disturbed when I read "the New Ideal in Education" by Saint Nikolai (Velimirovic). His "Prayers by the Lake" is my favorite Orthodox work, and his thoughts on education were to create an International body that would determine how students of all countries would be taught. What!? Did he really write this article??
@slowboywhiteboardv4 Жыл бұрын
St Nikolai was very bazed. I'm sure his international education system proposal was anti-globalist and of course he wanted Orthodox Christianity to be furthered in a way more akin to how Islam have instructed their youth across many different countries, giving them more solidarity in recent history. Also keep in mind he was in his early 30s and was writing this right after WWI and 10 years before WW2. Everyone wanted a European wide system for everything, each group vying against each other. Oh, how wonderful it would have been if, and this is to quote St Nicholai, "The international board of education will let every child go to its own church and learn the catechism from its own parish priest; but it will be brought in touch with the children of different creeds, and it will pray with them upon the general ground of all the creeds." That's an "internationally regulated educational system" I could get behind.
@city_of_coompton6832 Жыл бұрын
​@@slowboywhiteboardv4 "Pray with them upon the general ground of all creeds"? Sounds suspiciously ecumenical... perennialist... even relativist...
@aaronc44852 Жыл бұрын
Saint Nikolai wasn't quite as traditional in his younger years as he was later on. He made mistakes (as everyone does), but you can see in his later writings that his opinions changed radically and were fully Orthodox. We shouldn't emphasize his earlier writings, as these are not what define him as a Saint of the Church.
@mikemolaro4198 Жыл бұрын
@@slowboywhiteboardv4 thanks for the reply. As tp the last quote...brought in touch with children of different creeds, and pray with them upon the general ground of all the creeds"?? But what if the other creed is Muslim, or Mormon, or worse. Is this not ecumenism? Or am I missing something?
@YouTubeWatchers24 Жыл бұрын
It makes me laugh when people call you a conspiracy theorist as an insult. I always say back do they really trust people in high positions in power when they have always done bad things through out history. Do they really think the elite care and have there best interest at heart they see us a cattle and when I say that they tend not to respond to my comment 😂😂
@ThomasG_Nikolaj Жыл бұрын
The red pill can be hard to swallow for a lot of people. I'm Eastern Orthodox now, but when I was first getting into the "c0nspiracy" stuff I was an atheist/agnostic and from experience I can say that getting red pilled was quite depressing. I think this is why a lot of people don't want to hear about it. It could also be that people in western countries have suffered decades of social engineering and the education system has intentionally been dumbed down so that people only believe what they are told and never think critically or question anything. Btw I didnt become Orthodox solely because of these depressing feelings, but I did find Orthodoxy and Jay dyer through this c0nspiracy rabbit hole
@NJP9036 Жыл бұрын
A great discussion. Thank you both.
@CristoMorelli Жыл бұрын
Great talk
@JCOwens-zq6fd Жыл бұрын
Im from Appalachia. Born & raised in the Great Smoky Mtns of TN. Consequently I am also Orthodox though the culture is held by the individual families & communities. Many of us are aware of our heritage & who we descend from etc.
@SH-lb1nu Жыл бұрын
What I find funny is those who live in a more protestant liberal less tradition based church tend to claim they communicate with God or God influences their life more blatantly than most, to the point of near blaspheming. Almost as if they are overcompensating for something.
@jonathanmiller724 Жыл бұрын
See psalm 1
@orthojuche16 Жыл бұрын
Definitely, a lot of piety signaling and spiritual boasting
@ThomasG_Nikolaj Жыл бұрын
They suffer from prelest
@parkermize Жыл бұрын
This is an incredible conversation!
@samuelcrozier3661 Жыл бұрын
Love the content brother! ☦️
@moldyapple1789 Жыл бұрын
dope. 👑
@eldermillennial8330 Жыл бұрын
Western Rite Orthodoxy is SO essential in America to help us get that footing you speak of, particularly the Anglican Sub Rite. My second parish specializes in the Divine Liturgy of Saint Tikhon, which is a rehabilitation of Cranmer’s Mass for Orthodox use. Most of my channel specializes in featuring our Mass, whenever I can attend to record them. I think this form of Orthodoxy is ideal for Anglophiles to anchor themselves as Orthodox Christians, which was at the heart of Doctor JJ Overbeck’s thesis.
@Orthodoge Жыл бұрын
Not really for most non-denominationals/evangelicals. I was one and have no connection to Latin style liturgies. I found complete fulfillment in the Divine Liturgy of John Chrysostom in my Greek Parish and the fact that it’s more Eastern made me feel a closer connection to the Early church, which was itself “eastern”
@jackieo8693 Жыл бұрын
And yet Jesus Christ established the Catholic Church.
@wessbess Жыл бұрын
Excellent discussion gentlemen! I discovered your site after seeing you on Jay Dyer‘s podcast. Very thought-provoking. I am looking forward to exploring your content. I am a big fan of Jay Dyer. He’s a brilliant guy. I am a protestant evangelical Christian. I think he’s wrong about about theology, but I can learn a lot from him. He has become an expert on the global elite texts.
@OperationsAndSmoothProductions Жыл бұрын
1:20:09 What he said there was right. People need meaning, reason and purpose in real-time. Connected to a greater truth. 👍
@kevinfarrell9678 Жыл бұрын
Great interview. Very good!
@MrCharlieC23 Жыл бұрын
@sneakyking Жыл бұрын
Paul sent me. Subbed
@Aquaticphilosophia Жыл бұрын
I can explain why Orthodoxy allows more access to the transcendent than other cultures in a universally understood language, if you want
@TheFl3R Жыл бұрын
Thank Watson for the recommendation, you found yourself a new subscriber grettings from German Sachsen :p
@joanna400 Жыл бұрын
In the beginning where Jay is asked why he decided to have such a variety- Jay just is always 100% himself. He's a goofy guy that does a lot of things. He's right that the old model is so boring in comparison.
@axioschannelx Жыл бұрын
@justanotherlikeyou Жыл бұрын
Fantastic discussion
@hcx1853 Жыл бұрын
8:30 Good question.
@slowboywhiteboardv4 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Scott. This is the tits🍻
@Alexander_Isen Жыл бұрын
Great conversation
@electricrevenue8131 Жыл бұрын
No such thing as Trad Ortho, only Orthodox, not a need for distinction like the Catholics
@ScottMannion Жыл бұрын
I know. Other people don't though and Trad is great keyword for what we're talking about.
@electricrevenue8131 Жыл бұрын
@@ChucksExotics lol your pagan ancestors converted to Christianity because it's the truth and they didn't worship their racial identity. L + cope
@rogerreyne1877 Жыл бұрын
@@ChucksExotics Just a reminder we know literally nothing about for example true norse paganism as it was actually practiced. The only documentation we have was written by Christians as a tool for teaching the grammar of poetry written centuries after paganism was completely obliterated from culture. As for ancient Greek or Roman paganism, unless you're actively raping (women, children, animals) on a regular basis, engaging in animal sacrificial meals & attempting to establish expansionist civilizations which prove the might of their particular god by conquering the most territory... you're not really being a pagan. No pagans were anarchists. Even the ones who "worshipped nature" (which isn't really what they were doing, that's a Materialist distortion of their intentions) still had hierarchical societies which sought to dominate all available territory. It is true, "being civilized" as we understand it today is entirely a Christian concept. Any sense of morality you have which at all aligns with our society is entirely Christian & if you want to pretend to be a pagan you have to completely abandon it. The great irony of the Me Too movement & the LGBTQ+ movement & other left of center actively anti-Christian movements is all of them ground their morality in concepts they got from Christianity. The classical pagan era was a completely brutal society. The Romans made a wasteland & called it peace. Neo-wicca is post-Neoromanticism nonsense & not even worth discussing seriously. Just a reminder.
@hilmirken9852 Жыл бұрын
Bloomin' marvellous! Even better than Seinfeld.
@sparkomatic Жыл бұрын
Good talk. Thanks.
@thinkofsomethingcooler Жыл бұрын
17:32 Hi Scott! New to your channel came over from the master class you just gave on Jay Dyer’s channel. You asked if there’s much Anglo Saxon tradition in American Orthodoxy. I would say not necessarily in the Church but more so in the secular traditions of certain regions. For some reason many Americans forget about The Appalachian Trail, where much Anglo Saxon tradition is preserved. And in my personal experience I witnessed this the most in the northern part of the trail known as New England. And this makes a lot of sense bc that’s where the largest part of the original 13 colonies were located. And these states/or original colonies in particular have deeply ingrained Anglo Saxon traditions in their lore and history which is actually at the forefront of their culture and even community pride. I agree with Jay that the states or regions can function as mini countries, insofar as they exhibit vastly different trends and cultures, and so perhaps this is apparent in some states more than others, especially in parts away from huge metropolitan centers like: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Virginia…there’s a huge focus on pre colonial and colonial history in these states especially. Many universities, particularly the Ivy Leagues and The Sister Schools were the keepers of these traditions for a long time. And so perhaps 15 or 20 years ago I would have directed you to say Easthampton Massachusetts or Hanover New Hampshire where many of the students were of Anglo Saxon lineage… However, much like the demasculinization you’ve discussed there’s been a movement to de-Americanize some of our oldest institutions and communities. The loss of this history and culture is somewhat…more rapid these days. But I think it’s still there. I’m in another part of the country now and spent much of my life near one large metropolis or another where any one tradition or culture is not as readily apparent and is usually a blend. So in large northern cities or metropolitan centers of the colonies the closest you might get to ppl being aware of anything Anglo Saxon would be pride for an author such as Edgar Allan Poe writing and residing in Philadelphia or New York City, but nothing with far reaching roots, if that makes any sense… I do think even with all of the attempts to culture wash going on you’d greatly enjoy a trip to many parts of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Virginia. There are more regions of the country, like the South or the Midwest where I think the communities are in touch with their Anglo Saxon roots, but I have much less experience there. I did attend university with many ppl from those regions however and most were of Anglo Saxon descent* and this did play a role in their culture and traditions (but in my opinion it wasn’t as prominent as it was with New Englanders).
@jackieo8693 Жыл бұрын
The Catholic Church has the answer! Henry VIII was greedy and wanted the Church lands (plus an annulment) so he had to destroy the Catholic Church in England. The old Kings were Catholic, not orthodox.
@MrTrenttness Жыл бұрын
@danytheunicorn95 Жыл бұрын
I came here because Paul Joseph Watson recommended and yeah, you seem legit. I take 6 months to judge people but. Seems Good so far
@ScottMannion Жыл бұрын
@eldermillennial8330 Жыл бұрын
@@ScottMannion I’m curious as to why you told him that. What am I missing?
@ScottMannion Жыл бұрын
seems like sperg
@alexf1007 Жыл бұрын
okay at @40:00, can we get some of the names/titles listed? Jay and Scott -- do you have any off-hand resources that explicate "orthodox nationalism", or an "orthodox" political philosophy, especially as it might relate to our modern situation? I'm thinking of something along the lines of an Orthodox counterpart to Stephen Wolfe's christian nationalism or Doug Wilson's Mere Christendom.
@Austria88586 8 ай бұрын
This resonates with my interest in my Scotch/Irish/Welsh/Anglo Saxon roots in Appalachia. Yes we have preserved British Isles traditions in Ballads, Country Music, Foodways, and Folk Tales. I recommend the mammoth Dictionary of Southern Appalachian English and Eric Kaufman's The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America'. We are Albion's seed. I really don't consider the Orthodox Church a large part of that tradition though.
@ScottMannion 8 ай бұрын
Kaufman's book is great.
@Austria88586 8 ай бұрын
@@ScottMannion Another book you may already be familiar with is "The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity by James C. Russell. I studied German in Marburg where Heidegger held a chair, so I also enjoy your take on Being and Time. I just recently discovered your excellent videos, keep up the good work.
@nw3949 Жыл бұрын
Please tell me that nobody here actually thinks that Gavin is a conservative...
@slowboywhiteboardv4 Жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same thing. 😅
@HickoryDickory86 Жыл бұрын
Regarding Orthodoxy, Anglo-Saxon tradition, etc., there are various Orthodox groups (some canonical, some Old Calendrist) that have restored the Use of Sarum. I honestly believe that that could be a strong evangelistic tool to bring even more Westerners (even Americans) to Orthodoxy. While I acknowledge its various faults at present, I believe strongly in the resoration and proliferation of the ancient liturgies of the Orthodox West. The West desperately needs to rediscover its roots and return to them. There is a lot of work to do (especially the rooting out and synodical condemnations of various post-schism heterodox or possibly even heretical accretions that have crept into Western Rite Orthodoxy), but I think Orthodoxy in general would be very well served in the West by a growing Western Rite. Would love to see a proliferation in the States of the Use of Sarum (for predominately English-extraction populations), the Mozarabic Rite (for predominately Latin populations), and the Gallican Rite (for French - and Irish-extraction populations; the Celtic Rite was less a thing unto itself and more numerous variations on the Roman Rite with bits and pieces from the Mozarabic and Gallican Rites, and there was no one uniform Celtic Rite, as different monasteries had their own versions).
@staxter6 Жыл бұрын
Subscribed as per PJW's strict instruction, what have you got? ;-)
@halslusher6030 Жыл бұрын
I joined your friend asked me to.
@Alexander_Isen Жыл бұрын
1:29:28 "It would be great if someone came up with based improv" "I want to do good sketch comedy that's not woke" World Peace 2 is in production right now fellas, hit up your boy Sam Hyde. I know Jay did a podcast with him so they could get on board
@ScottMannion Жыл бұрын
yeah no doubt they are already talking. I'm not in the US so i'll leave that to Jay.
@raymondmurillo Жыл бұрын
Jay Dwyer?
@ScottMannion Жыл бұрын
it's dyer
@eldermillennial8330 Жыл бұрын
@@ScottMannion At a glance, “Dyer” appears to have originated in Oxfordshire, since you were wondering. 100% English clan….🤔….or does “le Deyere” sound more Norman to you?
@ScottMannion Жыл бұрын
Being used to be spelled beyng. So no, y looks a little fem french, but could easily be a family that dyes things.
@eurethnic Жыл бұрын
I really wish I could be Christian. I've tried for years to understand the Jesus narrative. It just doesn't make any sense to me.
@eldermillennial8330 Жыл бұрын
Have you studied the Desert Fathers?
@eurethnic Жыл бұрын
@@eldermillennial8330 I have not.
@@eurethnic They're excellent. Highly recommended. Orthodox priests are also great to talk to, I would recommend looking on google to see if there's a local Orthodox church near you and just go ask the priest questions, pick his brain, even if it's primarily an intellectual issue for you right now, the priest should be able to answer your questions.
@eikon7001 Жыл бұрын
Are you able to articulate what ‘doesn’t make sense’ about the Christ? Since everything makes sense to me directly due to the Logos ‘narrative’ I find it difficult to apprehend where any confusion may lay to understand where you are coming from.
@AnthonyZamora69 Жыл бұрын
I'm curious so u believe that this god mentioned in this bible is our creator of all? The one who gave us freewill with 2 choices either serve him or be well u know.. Totally curious..
@tcritchfeld481 Жыл бұрын
We don't serve God as a slave. We cooperate with him. By doing that we become like him. God doesn't send us to Hell. Your criticism is valid for Protestantism not Orthodoxy.
@justchilling704 Жыл бұрын
@@tcritchfeld481 That’s incorrect, his criticism is only valid of deterministic streams of western theology. Plenty of Protestants don’t hold to such a view, stop being ignorant and study into things instead of making foolish presumptive claims.
@steve3po13 Жыл бұрын
Woww my man if you were @ under 10k for that ad you sure got a huge influx good for you keep up the awesome content
@thenordicchad4972 Жыл бұрын
Great talk
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Рет қаралды 79 МЛН
小丑在游泳池做什么#short #angel #clown
Super Beauty team
Рет қаралды 42 МЛН
POV: Your kids ask to play the claw machine
Hungry FAM
Рет қаралды 18 МЛН
Eric Weinstein - Are We On The Brink Of A Revolution? (4K)
Chris Williamson
Рет қаралды 4,5 МЛН
What Is Reality?
History of the Universe
Рет қаралды 2,2 МЛН
Machine Learning Street Talk
Рет қаралды 924 М.
Let Them Eat Bugs w/ Jay Dyer
Timothy Gordon
Рет қаралды 15 М.
Bart Ehrman: Revelations about Revelation... and more
The Origins Podcast
Рет қаралды 373 М.
Folk & Fatherland | Jonathan Pageau | Scott Mannion
Scott Mannion
Рет қаралды 15 М.
Getting Baptized, First Confession, and How Comedy Works w/ Shayne Smith
Nietzsche and the Nazis by Stephen R. C. Hicks (Full Audiobook)
CEE Video Channel
Рет қаралды 5 МЛН
Inter Production
Рет қаралды 975 М.