Im just putting mine up in the garden now and using this as a guide. Made the mistake of not pushing the threaded storm pole connectors through the bivvy holes before pulling the tensioning bar down. Just for clarification you can leave the quick releases on the bivvy when taking it down cant you ?
@carpfishingthings-ny9go4 ай бұрын
@@1dowsey yes you can
@philipmildenhall20519 ай бұрын
Do u think 2 standard bed chairs would fit one each side with walk way down middle? Dont want the rs200 as its bloody massive so wondered if for few occasions i take mrs or mate whether there would be room?
@carpfishingthings-ny9go9 ай бұрын
I’m not to shore , to be honest if you are going to be using two bed chair then I would just look at a two man Bivvy
@stevesracingbits7 ай бұрын
In my old 150 I can get 2 bedchairs in but they touch the sides but for the odd trip it's fine, I bought the 200 for when the Mrs comes it's massive but awesome
@Noaksie10 ай бұрын
Getting mine in a couple weeks... 👍
@stevesracingbits7 ай бұрын
You pull the bivvy towards you so the back is off the ground that way its very easy to do it's the same for the tempest 200 for me
@cardjunkie6 ай бұрын
Is this just as quick if you had the inner dome capsual attached?
@carpfishingthings-ny9go6 ай бұрын
Yes leave the inner dome inside it. Then put it up and down , it’s only the clicking of the poles that saves you 20/30 seconds in time the Bivvy itself goes up in just as much time as any other Bivvy that goes up in this way .
@chasepool17099 ай бұрын
Seen one of the new Avid bivvies recently, there plastic joints look a lot stronger than these ones.
@stevesracingbits6 ай бұрын
Trust me when I say this as I own one of these the joints are extremely strong not a chance you will break one and the bar also has a flat to stop it deforming.
@MudPigChaser9 ай бұрын
Looks lovely but for me Frontier still takes the cake
@carpfishingthings-ny9go9 ай бұрын
When I get round to it I’ll do a side by side video with the frontier x plus I think they are about the same size 👍
@gwl789 ай бұрын
And weighs a ton.
@MudPigChaser9 ай бұрын
@@gwl78 both weigh the same X & RS 100 approx 14kg with everything in the bag.. ya just strip whatever you don’t want back is generally the advice. Both great bivvys
@jaylepp9 ай бұрын
Nash titan pro blows this out the park
@colinperry83176 ай бұрын
@@jaylepp totally agree
@gwl789 ай бұрын
Woukd not trust those plastic elbows, probably better off with a normal tempest.
@stevesracingbits7 ай бұрын
Have you seen the plastic knuckles in person or in a tackle shop there is no way you are breaking those they are mega strong they even try to break them in the shop with the sample you have no chance of breaking them
@gwl787 ай бұрын
@@stevesracingbits Did you have to use the word mega lol.
@stevesracingbits7 ай бұрын
@@gwl78 🤣. Very strong is that better for you? Not sure why you would reply with that to be honest, I was just letting you know that they are very strong as I have seen the joints in person, I was very impressed. No need for the sarcasm really
@gwl787 ай бұрын
@@stevesracingbits I just find the use of words such as mega and happy days so cringy when used in a carp fishing context.
@stevesracingbits7 ай бұрын
@@gwl78 I find people like you very cringy too, people like who have to post on peoples comments about something so trivial, everybody comes from a different part of the UK and there for has different expressions and use of language etc etc just because you don't like it that's not my fault is it lol am 45 years old very well educated so if I want to use the word MEGA I can do so I don't care if you don't like it or not! But have a nice day either way 😂
@rogercude14599 ай бұрын
For that cash they should have internal condensation mesh! But they know people just want to spend another couple hundred quid for a wrap😂
@chrisbaxter67069 ай бұрын
Why them internal vapour shields do not stop condensation at all they just stop it dripping on you so their pointless
@rogercude14599 ай бұрын
@@chrisbaxter6706 we'll you can say that about a 200 quid wrap that still gets damp inside😂
@chrisbaxter67069 ай бұрын
@@rogercude1459 all overwraps get wet on the underside from condensation any bivvy and overwrap I’ve ever owned in either aquatex material or nylon material when using the overwrap in cold condition the underside of the overwrap is wet through condensation
@nickschwaller31545 ай бұрын
@@rogercude1459 No they don't. Ya know, if you don't have one, maybe you should keep the criticism to yourself. And if you can't spend the odd 200 quids for fishing, maybe you should focus on making some money instead of fishing... Just saying
@nickschwaller31545 ай бұрын
@@rogercude1459 aww gonna hold your breath next?
@MyDaz19799 ай бұрын
Wish they would have fitted an internal vapour shield
@carpfishingthings-ny9go9 ай бұрын
Yep I’m with you on that 😩
@UK_Stuboy10 ай бұрын
Rip off nice bivvy though
@briansilver61968 ай бұрын
They are all ripping each other off
@tommycooper22319 ай бұрын
this is a total rip off much prefer the fox frontier or even 150 ev never pay more than £600 for bivvy mugged off
@marcohundINV9 ай бұрын
Fox tents are hot garbage.
@stevesracingbits6 ай бұрын
It is a rip off like everything with carp tax but I got a very good deal at my local tackle shop on one