My internet was so bad that I could only watching bits and pieces of the livestream, so I'm super happy that the live dance practice video has been archived! 😭 This choreography is so nice, and it's so beautiful to see how much each and every one of Traja look real happy performing it 💜 And as a Chakatan, I'm really happy to see him do choreography with an aesthetic that he doesn't usually show in his own dance style! It's been amazing seeing him evolve with ST, more and more incorporating the bounce and suppleness of the choreography with each performance ❤️
わあ!うれしいです! 元太からTravisJapanを知ってくださる方が多く、本当にトラビスの最年少はたくさん頑張ってくれてるなぁと感謝💙 まずは知ってもらうことから🐯💜 山Pは、トラビスお世話になってます。FAMILY CLUBチャンネルの Happy LIVE with YOUで、出番がなかったトラビスに山Pが枠を譲ってくれた?とか聞いて✨インスタも、山Pはトラビスを削除せずフォローしてくれているままで。そんなところも、山P✨ありがとう✨です😊