Tree of Knowledge | Mysteries of Eden

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The symbolism of the "Tree of Knowledge," the lush description of the "Garden of Eden" and the creation of humanity from the soil are interpreted with a fresh perspective in this edition of "Mysteries of Eden Revealed in Aramaic" as Aramaic scholar Dr. Rocco Errico offers a direct translation from Aramaic into English. His enlightening interpretation of the Biblical story explains how motifs in the narrative are consistent with themes found throughout the ancient Near East.
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@IAM-ye6vy 3 жыл бұрын
❤️Dr. Rocco Errico, IN THE BEGINNING what you showing to the world is ASHURIAN’S = ASSYRIANS GUARDIAN that YOU call him the winged bull . He’s not a winged bull. But a winged lion. Who has the body of the lion and the legs of the bull and the wings of the Eagle 🦅the head of the Ashurian’s King. He has a name is called ❤️LAMASSU ❤️ he’s one of greatest Angles that guard the throne of the OUR Supreme National God the Holy Lord of all the Lord’s ASHUREIL You find LAMASSU in the Assyrians Empire HISTORY in the land of Ashur only...He’s the Guardian of the Assyria EMPIRE...Also Our language is Assyrians not Aramaic but our foes called the Assyrians language. “Aramaic.“ Which it means the language of pagans . The archaeologists they have mentioned . The Assyrians t never been pagans at all... they were monotheist worshipped their only Holy SUPREME NATIONAL GOD ASHUREIL.. ASHUR NAME means in the Akkadian Assyrians old language the beginner And the finisher as you say the alpha and the omega ... and EIL IT MEANS GOD. for yours and others INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE I would like to tell you the Assyrians language is a divine language of our Holy righteous Mighty ONLY GOD ASHUREIL who art in Heaven... The real father of LORD Jesus Christ. !!!??? The Assyrians =Aramaic is the mother language to all other Semitic languages as Hebrew and Arabic Persian Greek. The been originated from the Assyrian Aramaic language... About the winged bull that you called him.! HE is the four Angels LAMASSU that worship THE LORD OF ALL THE LORD’S ASHUREIL IN HEAVEN 24/7 as of this very moment is in Revelation chapter 4:6-11 please read . I wonder and try to understand where Lamasu came from .??? why the only nation has that.???. What was the relationship the Assyrians had with the a Holy divine God.??? The winged lions, bull or men they were called in the old Assyrians Akkadian language that they are considered to be a division of the divine messengers.[9] Seraphim appear in the 2nd-century BC Book of Enoch,[10] where they are mentioned, in conjunction with cherubim, as the heavenly creatures standing nearest to the throne of God. In the Second Book of Enoch, two classes of celestial beings are mentioned alongside the seraphim and cherubim. ❤️Rev4:6-11 6 Also in front of the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass,(P)clear as crystal. In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures,(Q) and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back.(R) ❤️7 The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle.(S) 8 Each of the four living creatures(T) had six wings(U) and was covered with eyes all around,(V)even under its wings. Day and night(W) they never stop saying: “‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,’[b](X) who was, and is, and is to come.”(Y) 9 Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne(Z) and who lives for ever and ever,(AA) 10 the twenty-four elders(AB) fall down before him(AC) who sits on the throne(AD) and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say: 11 “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power,(AE) for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being ❤️Who ever has ears to hear and let them hear ...
@alicedeen720 Жыл бұрын
Such a silly plot in a nonsense book, it's honestly laughable. Imagine the look on the god's face when he constantly keeps stuffing up! So this god is bored silly and one day 'he' builds himself a garden. Just for the laughs he 'creates' two people who don't have any knowledge. That is the job of the tree, to hold the knowledge within its fruit. Has science ever worked out how knowledge is held in the medium of fruit? It was never used before or afterwards as plot interest. Actually thinking about it the character of Jesus had a hissy fit one day cursing a fig tree that was out of season. Maybe the god should stay away from fruit, seems like it's not his thing. Also maybe some dad issues and anger management? Why could the god, who knows everything, have put all the knowledge he didn't want them to have in say an indigestible rock? So even if it was swallowed and pooped out a million times the knowledge would stay locked up. The problem of original sin is solved. I'm getting away from myself. Next, I'll be thinking just don't invent the silly tree or put the tree on Venus. The tree really did not need to be there in the garden, looking tasty good, with people who did not have the knowledge to understand the instruction of don't eat it. It's like telling a toddler don't play with a sharp kitchen knife. As a responsible parent, you stay with your child and put the sharp knife away, out of reach. We do this as people and clearly are not on the same scale of a god's intelligence, so why did god just wander off? Next, maybe god should just not create a serpent. Or 'zap' it away. Come on you all-powerful god, zap the dam serpent to a small pile of ash, problem solved. Or build an electric serpent fence around the garden. Sit with your new 'babies' and watch and talk to them, explain stuff to them, as a good parent does. These were new creations and left alone, what was this god doing, did he go fishing? Maybe he went to watch some newly created horse racing. Kicked some stones on the beach? So the god comes back knowing 'everything' but not knowing so asks 'what's with the clothes'. Feels like the god is a bit strange to me, upset they now have clothes on!! Does the god not take any responsibility for his easily accessible, edible and instantly working (with one bite) tasty knowledge fruit? Just think he tells people (that don't have the knowledge, come on keep up) not to eat from that tree. You know the one they must not eat from but is sat right next to them for some plot twist. Is anyone seeing a plot hole here? So what does god do, rub it all out and start again super easy and with minimal suffering? Nope (spoiler he tries that later with the flood and that also failed) this plot of that original sin is needed for the Jesus character later. You see instead of sacrificing animals to gods this god likes some human sacrifice. A nice bit of blood magic dashed about for that tree sin at the start of with. Looks to me like god deliberately created sin, evil and the devil to give himself and his son a job to do. Really the writers were from the Bronze Age and can't you tell it with such a terrible garbage plot. It's sloppy and had so many issues. If that is the thinking of a being that created trillions of planets, stars and Ken Ham from nothing then maybe it should have eaten from the tree itself. It could have corrected slavery and the instruction to marry your rapist with the all-new Bible 2.0. OK do tell me what you guys think, where am I going wrong. Don't be shy. Alice
@peterkinberger9741 Жыл бұрын
Frankly Doctor, I do not mix ancient beliefs to come to a biblical conclusion. This is all new to me and I don't quite know how to classify the information you have kindly provided. I do have issue with several things you mentioned regarding the creation of man along with several of your conclusions concerning heavenly beings. As it stands, I am of the belief that the Bible was written to be easy for all people to understand. While there are many phenomena surrounding these writings, both Old and New Testaments, these are written to support the underlying scripture. The Bible in it's totality brings those that read it to a final but all pervasive point. This point is priceless and the Scriptures come alive when this point is reached. Yeshua taught this point and it's relevance in all the scriptures. Truth could not exist without it and any true virtue must have it to be of any effect. Even His disciples were aware of it. Many a scholar has lost valuable time digging into one rabbit hole after another not knowing what they are truly seeking or what they will find. This one point provides guidance in all of our searches, regardless of what they may be. Well, at any rate, I thank you so much for your teaching and your efforts in discovering truth and I hope to hear more from you on video. May God watch over you as you seek the truth and may you find the point I am speaking of, in your heart. I pray that He will give blessing to your loved ones. A friend always !
@MichelleDuzan-d4b Жыл бұрын
I see the Guardian in the trees where I stay within Jeremiah's Park in Summerfield 43788
@daviddykes4002 5 жыл бұрын
I first meet George Lamsa when I was 16 in Peoria, Illinois. He spoke at the Presbyterian Church on Hamilton. I think it was 1973. I soon meet Rocco Errico several years later. He spoke at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois. I've known about the idioms and customs of the bible all of my life. Just recently I started listening to his video tapes on You Tube.
@MichelleDuzan-d4b Жыл бұрын
330 West Cross St is where I live I look across the street and watch the trees and field where the guardian sits. So is the cross street the East Wing?
@onewithin1chava949 3 жыл бұрын
Starts with a w and ends with a w and her name is Wonder Woman
@tbrew8222 2 жыл бұрын
A deeply symbolic language. Very deeply. Many christians seem to forget this and can only see the physical literal side of the texts that they are spoon fed. The way I see it, there are seven layers, just as energy. It is eternal, it is a creator, it is mind, it is the only material, and all is made from it. In bondage it is matter, yet freely flows through that which is bound, animating it. Each layer/ interpretation type of a text is a correct interpretation. The beauty (and tribute to god and nature) is that they all work together, but come from the same words. Physical/ literal psychological, sociological, Energy physiological (like this interpretation of the tree) And two more that I will leave alone. Many may disagree with me, but it does not change what I see. They (interpretations)all fit, they all bring knowledge, they all confirm each other. Listen to the texts, they describe things by their properties and relations. Does this make me a christian? I see this in some other religions too.
@MichelleDuzan-d4b Жыл бұрын
It's a spiritual death! That is what I have been in battle with.
@erstebinger9587 7 ай бұрын
Where is Session one on KZbin or elsewhere?
@VinnyOrzechowski Жыл бұрын
Holy_fukme ,,,,, anunaki are real
@learnthetruthtoday 4 жыл бұрын
Great Teachings .... Keep Up the Good Work !!!
@MichelleDuzan-d4b Жыл бұрын
Teaching us to combat lust
@user-rm1mn3ph1p 3 жыл бұрын
Hue means color.
@TheAmazingBigLuck 4 жыл бұрын
Turkey has all those seraphim statues isis was destroying. Could they have been alive?
@hilarybrown2528 3 жыл бұрын
Love love love hearing what he’s sharing! Soul puzzle pieces fitting together. ☺️ We are this paradise....we have choices. God is so good, gracious and awesome! Dr. Rocco Errico thank you 🙏
@astcal 5 ай бұрын
@D4Disdain 2 жыл бұрын
That is not a Cherub or a "Winged Bull", that is the 4 creatures in Ezekiel and the apocalise and put all together represents the divine calendar of the Assyrians namely; the rear legs is Bull, Spring Equinox and East; forefront legs is Lion, Summer Solstice and South; wings of Eagle is Autumn Equinox and West; head of a Man with the Divine Crown, Winter Solstice and North. The figure is also the representation of the four Guardians of the Throne (4 Constellations) of the God Ashur. Those 4 figures/Constellations also represent the four Evangelists; Matthew _ Angel face _ Aquarius _Winter _North; Luke _ Bull _Spring _ East; Mark _ Lion _ Summer _ South; John _ Eagle _ Autumn _ West. You can see those representations of the Evangelist in Catholic Churches and Bible illustrations. The Dragon of Babylon, SIR-RUSH, was also a calendar of the year's seasons: hornes and body of a Bull, 120 days; forefront legs and mane of a Lion, 120 days; head with scales and tail of a Serpent,120 days; rear legs and feet of a Eagle, extra day dedicated to God Marduke, son of Enki. Babylon was His city.
@Falk4J Жыл бұрын
Sir, thank you first off for your great videos which I greatly enjoy! Through getting to know the litteral Aramaic translation it's just awesome to get a new catch of things I thought to have understood where really I apparently haven't! Yet I do have a different revelation about the 2 trees as you are describing them as purely metaphoric. I believe these trees weren't just metaphorically but litteral trees. And certainly it doesn't have to do with our nerve system. That's my deepest faith conviction. Thanks for understanding.
@onewithin1chava949 3 жыл бұрын
Only the one who eat of that tree have knowledge of the city God Loves most in his garden that many wish they knew but can’t read 😂😂😂😂😂
@pearlofyahuah8472 4 жыл бұрын
@joyceconklin4596 4 жыл бұрын
I love these lessons they bring me close to G__D
@vishveshtadsare3160 4 жыл бұрын
You can call God simply Abba or the Father
@onewithin1chava949 3 жыл бұрын
And all thy crazy’s who stalk but can repeat what I said get a life
@kallasshhhnikofffrustiko5881 4 жыл бұрын
Tree of good and evil, is cause and effet, you will be able to see past present and future
@onewithin1chava949 3 жыл бұрын
Ye should do is repent and most of stop being liars
@MichelleDuzan-d4b Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much I understand now
@lornagodefroy1936 2 жыл бұрын
What is part 2, 3, 4 , 5 called
@777purelight 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Great Teaching!!
@fjde009 2 жыл бұрын
Very interesting 🤔
@ppcclips 4 жыл бұрын
This makes zero sense. If the tree of life is your nervous system how is it that Jesus feeds it to us in the book revelation? So we're gonna eat our brain and spine ? Wait, and man is taken out of the garden so that he doesn't eat the tree of life and live forever in a fallen state. Why do we still have our spines and brains ???
@bradleyrogers3773 6 жыл бұрын
In the picture of Adam & Eve has anyone noticed a stooping or sitting figure behind the rooster on the lower left side?
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