4:34 If you have 3 sockets on a ring, how many spurred sockets can you have? Answer given is 3 however, I would say 4. As you can spur from the Breaker. Thoughts? Also some great stuff being taught at this college. I'm afraid to say but some of these guys know more than "electricians" I have worked with... Good to see there is hope for the future of the trade.
@GSHElectrical6 жыл бұрын
Hi. The total number of non fused spurs can not exceed the number of socket outlets in a circuit. If you spur one from the consumer unit and say you had 10 sockets on the ring then you can only spur non fused spurs from 9 of the 10 points. This makes a total of 10 as you spured from the board. Thanks for commenting and watching GSH Electrical 👍
@gd-bq7em6 жыл бұрын
What are them circuit numbering things called. So you know the live neutral and cpc are the same circuit
@GSHElectrical6 жыл бұрын
www.google.com/search?q=number+tags+for+cable&client=safari&channel=iphone_bm&prmd=sinv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik68jm6pPgAhUKURUIHVAuDlcQ_AUoAnoECAwQAg&biw=375&bih=553#imgrc=wbhy_2Pdnb1MJM Hi I hope this help thanks for watching Gaz 👍