I definitely agree with what he said regarding the 3 classes. Heavy felt over represented in my matches… Light was just not rewarding to play as… and medium seemed to be the go to. I heavily played Ascend… and though I wouldn’t consider myself tier 1… compared to what I could only assume were less experienced players… even I was dominating. I loved my time in the play test and I indeed want more. I think we need bigger maps with more players. But I also agree that we need more fine tuning between new player accessibility and the higher skill ceiling. Which I don’t envy the task. This is already a must buy.
@Xeyvian Жыл бұрын
Heavies were for the maps where the flags were inside. You'd sit there and guard it with a mortar. If the flags are outside you'd never have a heavy in the first place. This game is literally full-throttle ice skating, and jet packs. You'd normally set up a 3 vector approach with lights to grab it; ain't no medium or heavy going to stop 3 of ya trying to take it. It's weird lots of people wanted to play heavy. Lights are great if you like to juke snipers; nothing else is going to get you. Outside of that mediums have a lot more skill involved, but since everyone has a spinfusor well, you'd get swamped by lights and mediums if you got the flag. May as well go heavy with an escort at that point, but as a heavy, you mess up your velocity, you die. Bigger maps is where it was at as well as the complex bases. The second you put it in arena mode, you may as well remove the heavies and scope down the others. I loved the custom maps that everyone had. Make it so you have to bring in all classes to grab a flag.
@Superkuh2 Жыл бұрын
It's a Tribes game. There are things it needs: private servers, mods, user made maps. Any problem with the game can then be solved by the community. If it doesn't have these things, like Tribes: Ascend, it's not a Tribes game and dies.
@arvopenaali896 Жыл бұрын
Erez Goren in charge so it won't turn well. Again. Anyone getting invested is setting themselves up for disappointment.
@jonosc7495 Жыл бұрын
Thoughtful consideration for multiple perspectives, and I totally agree with your points; another great video! 👍
@youtubeaccount1592 Жыл бұрын
I'm new to tribes but I was able to nail the movement in a few hours because of experience in games like Quake and TF2. Overall I found the movement to be extremely satisfying and rewarding but apparently a lot of legacy players say the jetpacks and movement overall are garbage? I disagree with that as I was able to consistently get insane speed and height just with basic sliding plus rocket jumping. I think in order to tap into the best possible movement it should come at the cost of resources/ HP.
@AlsoGreth Жыл бұрын
I'm not worried about the Quake or TF2 players, I'm maybe not even worried about the Overwatch players. But then the 'knowledge' of old school mechanics starts to drop off a bit. Just the idea that you are moving by the physics of the world, rather than by abilities and pressing buttons is a big step that has to be explained quickly. A lot of people are going to be fine and have a good time, but that's already a limited number of people. I'm sure it'll be fine, but best not leave it to chance, as we saw the same issue with Ascend.
@MacGuyver85 Жыл бұрын
Heavies only supposed to be defenders? < scratches Tribes 2 head > Heresy! :p I feel (only from watching) a lot of issues are coming from too much enforcing people how to play instead of encouraging a more sandbox approach that encourages emergent gameplay. I would take a system approach and trust those systems to keep everything in the right balance. A lot also depends on what kind of gameplay you want; do you want somewhat slower more methodical gameplay like T2 had or do you want fast arena-like gameplay? It feels like Tribes Ascend and now Rivals are aiming for the arena which makes balancing trickier. Like you mentioned: smaller player numbers means each individual needs to be relatively powerful to make an impact compared to larger player numbers. For example having multiple lights taking out heavies seems logical but that's a no go in 5v5. All of this is easy to point out but hard to get right of course. My initial approach would be: get the basic movement (jets, energy levels/usage) exactly right for all three classes along with different terrain types and then go from there with weapons/packs/gadgets and tweak that on top of the established movement. It's a shame I can't play and experience T3 myself, but from your footage getting up to speed doesn't look that bad, especially compared to my own T2 experiences, maybe a difference in expectations there? Having vehicles changes the whole notion of having to go very fast, very quickly "on foot" of course.
@k4len Жыл бұрын
Exactlyy... Starsiege tribes typically used Heavies to break defenses with Mortars & Rockets
@Superkuh2 Жыл бұрын
@@k4len Used... but also uses. Starsiege: Tribes still exists and is still played.
@Ricktron3k Жыл бұрын
T2 we'd load up a transport full of heavies and rain down on their turrets, vehicle spawns, and then make our way inside to decimate their generators. I've only watched a few clips of T3 but the maps seem way too small to necessitate a lot of the old vehicles. Are there even vehicles in this upcoming one?
@MacGuyver85 Жыл бұрын
@@Ricktron3k I might have been your pilot ;) Recalescence was/is one of my favourite maps... A lot of matches I was even flying back and forth multiple times instead of joining the raid or respawning. Loved that shit. No, T3 doesn't have vehicles and with the way things are going I don't think it'll get any. Focus seems to be on the small arena play. You never know however.
@Wangpi3ce Жыл бұрын
I definitely agree that the lights felt useless. It came up on my radar pretty late so I only got to play like 5 or 6 hours or so in playtest 2, but the first reaction I had loading in my first game as a light is "where the hell is my impact nitron." I also think they should remove the speed limit idea entirely. I understand its for new player experience(at least I ASSUME that's what the devs reasoning is, nothing else makes sense) but it doesn't work in practice. A new player to Tribes is going to eat discs like they are candy regardless, the learning curve is unavoidable, but it's mostly the feel of the projectile weapons and the mechanics of skiing itself, not the speed. If anything I imagine it would generate intrigue in the player. When he gets blue-plated by a dude screaming by at 250 spamming [VGS] Shazbot, he doesn't think "Why can he go that fast?", he thinks "How the hell do _I_ go that fast?!"
@desolunatic5045 Жыл бұрын
100%, great video and good points. Told you, you are smart so I knew you would have good observations for this one.
@Masabushi Жыл бұрын
So the point is that from tribes ascend onwards there was a big change in mechanics: skiing became the main movement system and the concept of fortifying a base (to promote this idea of speed through skiing) was lost. Skiing in T1 was born from abusing the game's weird physics (spam jump to ski), but it wasn't the only way to move around the map: running on foot had a certain speed, jetpacks had a balanced energy consumption and a good flight time ( obviously it all depended on the armor class one used) and you also had vehicles. BUT the bulk of the speed was gained using unexpected mechanics discovered by the players: disk/rocket boosting, shooting a nade with a disk while midair,crashing vehicles to get a push forward... Skiing was the thing you did to maintain the momentum you had created with other things. There was also the whole point of defending the base (unless we are talking about LT): so there were those who dedicated themselves to the offensive and those who defended. But those who defended had a lot to do. Often bases were closed space and had multiple floors,multiple rooms therefore several entrance had to be fortified: forcefields, turrets, sensors had to be positioned... So the game wasn't just about getting momentum to reach top speed, getting the flag and capturing the flag.It was much more extensive and varied. And this is where the various armor classes come into play: - light -> extremely agile, excellent flight time but not very resistant - medium -> the middle ground between light and heavy with better resistance and moderate agility - heavy -> extremely slow, compared to the other 2 classes but very tanky And the heavy were used to defend your base but also to break through the defenses of the enemy base. But in T3 a base isn't designed with the idead of an actual abse to defend: you don't have to destroy turrets to enter a base, get to the flag room, exit and then use your movement skills to escape,because the game is designed mainly with 24/7 skiing in mind. So the flag stands are mostly very accessible via flight path.(ofc in the previous games there were several maps that offered an outdoor flag stand, but you could still build defenses). But if the devs want to set up T3 as a 5vs5 (LT style) with flag stands outdoors and accessible from all directions, with bases reduced to 1 storage room with a generator, 3 autoturrets, what's the point of having various armor classes? In the early Tribes different armor classes were needed because there were different things to do.
@smithjasong Жыл бұрын
Do lights have tools with skill they can deal with heavies such as mine disc and shocklances? Also does the shield pack drain energy and your ability to maintain momentum perhaps that should be increased along with the recharge rate of shield pack.
@VexedBird Жыл бұрын
Loved the vid, had loads of fun playing the playtest as a new player. Just curious what's the indented role of a medium, disruption and chasing?
@MyOldNameWasTaken Жыл бұрын
They are meant to be a jack of all trades. They will always be less capable of capping than a light or defending than a heavy but will still be usable in both situations. At least thats how they should ve used by the average player once the balance is fixed.
@Zoyx Жыл бұрын
I was in on the playtest. I had not played since Tribes 2. I tried to play as light, and I don't think I got a single frag. I rage quit after a couple of matches. I will try again someday as a medium and see if I have better luck. I have one of my matches on my channel.
@Aiscence Жыл бұрын
Are the turret even useful? In all the videos or stream I saw I forget they even exist
@AlsoGreth Жыл бұрын
They are useful in that they take a few seconds for the O to not destroy the D to deal with them?
@Ugnutz Жыл бұрын
holy shit we are actually getting a Tribes 3 first time im learning this i must of sunk thousands of hours into 1 and 2
@AlsoGreth Жыл бұрын
Playtest Will be up today and tomorrow (depending on timezone)
@kettelbe Жыл бұрын
T2 Katabatic vet here, heavies were made for the offensive bombing run ;)
@Newt211 Жыл бұрын
I in all the maps I have seen, I saw routes in every direction. If you are at a dead stop, you have to pull out the ol' disc jump.
@Connorses Жыл бұрын
Where the vehicles and grappling hooks at?
@nemz7505 Жыл бұрын
First of all the devs have done a sterling job putting this together so quickly and whilst I have concerns I completely understand its an aplha. The game itself is fun to play in terms of there are no other modern fps-z games but balance wise its totally broken, classes are broken, weapons damage is all over the place and movement is less satisfying, slower and not as intuitive as the older games. A lot of us are looking forward to a really good Tribes game and a significant percentage agree hasn't happened since 2001.
@detailingintheokanagan Жыл бұрын
game was good, just needs some tweaks, like 20% more jetpack. I had friends who had no tribes experience play and they had fun too, so this game should be a hit.
@jonasoldorp8586 Жыл бұрын
bump you seem to jave great insight on the game
@BagsyBag Жыл бұрын
Sounds like a lot of good feedback to me. I think you should go even further & try to give clear solutions or more obvious reasoning for each issue you mention. That would help me understand your issue with for example slow VS fast movement & transitioning from horizontal to vertical movement. I'm not an experienced Tribes player, but if I was a dev I wouldn't be sure of what to do with that information for instance even if I wanted to fix those issues.
@JohnKerbaugh Жыл бұрын
I can't speak to T3 specifically. But some of the former versions of the game and spiritual sibling games have had some of these issues. Skiing with low to no friction can turn a high vertical position into a very high velocity so long as you know what you're doing. I'm assuming the speed differential issues come mostly from maintaining momentum vs gaining speed. For skilled skiers with low friction and high conversation of momentum, it is easy to get to speeds that cannot be easily countered. Slower players & lower skilled skiers will have a tough to impossible time attempting a chase. The best chaser might need to keep their speed up to simply be in the running to begin with.
@Furebel Жыл бұрын
They're making a new Tribes?!
@AlsoGreth Жыл бұрын
Yes sir!
@leonm4273 Жыл бұрын
Listen to this man!
@supertacoman5896 Жыл бұрын
Isn't that the black ops 3 logo?
@Overonator Жыл бұрын
So it's true that the diiscord stills this game is coming out in February 2024. My hope is fading... if that's the case.
@Daxiumx Жыл бұрын
Man when I read that earlier today all my hope just vanished. There's absolutely no way it's going to be ready by then.
@SomberSora Жыл бұрын
The game just needs innate health regen. I don’t care how much old vets complain and how many people say they hated T:A, lights need a reliable way to gain speed and continue building momentum, innate regen is also very intuitive for new and casual gamers, as opposed to the “hardcore” aspect of any damage being permanent until recalling or on death. Same thing you were touching on in the movement section, recalling to fight failure in movement feels terrible. Players should be given a second chance should they need it in the mid field without needing to reset position all the way back in base.
@TB-eb3vm Жыл бұрын
Heavy has been key to offensive since Tribes 1, and even more so in Tribes 2. Guess you're an Ascend "vet"?
@AlsoGreth Жыл бұрын
No, I'm an Ascend noob. I implied that heavies wouldn't just be 'defenders'. I was more talking in line with the intended design so far. Obviously I know about heavy O. Hell, I made tac-mortar clips for T:A juggernaut. I know.
@springlietuvismmorpg9064 Жыл бұрын
1:20 LIGHT is not useless class. Who told you this? 2:34 tribes dont need 'finisher weapon'. tribes using 'dog attack' combat style... honorfusor - mortal - rocket pumpell - plasma gun( probably most FINISHER weapon ) is all you need. 5:45 game were better without perks? 10:26 automatic health regeneration should not be 2-4 seconds to full hp. Healt regenration should not go beyond 30% of max hp.
@erkdaj3rk Жыл бұрын
I only played Ascend, but this game looks so boring compared to that. The only reason I stopped playing Ascend was because of all the pay to win weapons, but the game and the maps were great from my perspective.
@NikolaiVozza Жыл бұрын
This game is going to be in the shitter, solely because HiRez is again going E-Sports first. This is what did Tribes Ascend in. Honestly, they could just re-release Tribes Ascend with updated textures, community servers (with options for custom rules and maps), and it would be better than this game hands down.
@5T4Yx3DG3 Жыл бұрын
couldn't they just scatter "apex balloons" or launch pads across the map that get you back up to speed quickly? almost like a hot wheels turbo launcher? xD
@abdc2990 Жыл бұрын
VGA VGG VGS Daed gaem
@AlsoGreth Жыл бұрын
Literally zero players rn
@hafajulz Жыл бұрын
Tribes 3 sucks, play Tribes 2. Still an active community, pub nightly, pugs weekly. Classic mod
@mytechid9748 Жыл бұрын
why are you talking lol just video your face and body doing claps and clap hands waving at camera amen! AMEN!
@AlsoGreth Жыл бұрын
My transition into a completely useless react head in the corner will have to take some time. I have to get my opinions out first.
@nilewow Жыл бұрын
5v5 is absolutely the wrong game mode they should be focusing on, these devs have clearly never played old school T1 and T2. This game looks like T:A and T:A was dogshit compared to T1 and T2.
@hannibalb8276 Жыл бұрын
Seriously. So tired of bad devs just pumping out the usual poorly copied trash. Everything needs to be low skill 5v5 overwatch (insert generic low skill/effort/IQ hero shooter here) style hero shooter garbage these days. The last few skill based, large player/map objective based games like Tribes, Battlefield, etc etc are all but dead these days. It's depressing. Technology is better than ever, but barely any devs are even trying to take advantage of it. Everything is a trashy fortnite quality crapheap game that panders to the lowest common denominator. Gaming is in the gutter and has been for a long time.
@springlietuvismmorpg9064 Жыл бұрын
@@hannibalb8276 16:10
@marcusgardner7640 Жыл бұрын
@@hannibalb8276depends on your definition of ‘dead.’ Battlefield 2 was based on the Desert Combat mod to BF1942 and Desert Combat is literally the main game I play nightly. It’s going on 20 years old now and has a community of a few hundred very devoted players. And maps are still being modded.
@JohnKerbaugh Жыл бұрын
@@springlietuvismmorpg9064 except most new player friendly movement mechanics give more advantage to veteran players.
@TB-eb3vm Жыл бұрын
Erez has no clue what he's doing and unfortunately takes feedback from discord cry babies to heart. Which I understand can be difficult because gaymers just want fast paced deathmatch with no risk. Teamplay is completely foreign to them and the idea of playing together to win a CTF gamemode is unfortunately unappealing to the vast majority. Let's just hope that Tribes 3 is better than his last game Starsiege:Deadzone.