Great.Loved this true / false quiz Thanks.Continue to do Gods work
@lawnmowerman2199 Жыл бұрын
Another great job! Sure do appreciate your time and efforts that you put into this for all of us out here in you tube land!
@Galatians-vr8xd Жыл бұрын
What a good idea, excellent for helping with Bible study
@kateburk2168 Жыл бұрын
Liked this one because it went faster.😊
@CelesteAnleu Жыл бұрын
Greetings from Guatemala! Got them all right except for one. Thanks and blessings!
@rinaprinsloo5052 Жыл бұрын
All right
@lindafromcalifornia1155 Жыл бұрын
19/20. I enjoyed your quiz. This is a great one as an opener to a Bible study.
@MosinMan76254 Жыл бұрын
Great questions! Some were a bit tricky but it'll keep a brother or sister on their toes. Especially the last one question.
@thomaskipfer1008 Жыл бұрын
Very fast quiz... I missed the two questions about number of chapters in Jeremiah and Isaiah. They were fair questions, I should have known them. Great quiz format. Keep them coming.
@kenslorussell8606 Жыл бұрын
99 percent, thanks for your continued support in keeping u sharp with Bible knowledge!! May the blessings of God continue in your life 🙏❣️!!
@asolomonraju Жыл бұрын
All answered correct except one
@45Gdaddy1 Жыл бұрын
a Good test Made me think however i got all.
@juliem.3936 Жыл бұрын
17/20. Thank you!
@GallowayFarmAndGardens Жыл бұрын
10 Commandments are in Exodus 20:3-17, repeated in Deuteronomy. Fun Quiz ☺️
@mervinmicheal2940 Жыл бұрын
Missed 2 rest were all rightly answered amen 👍
@johnnycee5179 Жыл бұрын
Me too but I bet that makes us smarter than the average 5th grader huh
@mervinmicheal2940 Жыл бұрын
@@johnnycee5179 thank you
@douggauzy6258 Жыл бұрын
I actually got these all correct . Good questions . I hear the music in the background it sounds like “ oh come let us adore him !
@goldie5111 Жыл бұрын
Whew! Thank God I did pretty well -- 16 right. I have some studying to do.
@rachelmerry6307 Жыл бұрын
I missed 3 and thank you
@peggydehart4051 Жыл бұрын
Missed 5 need to study how many chapters in books of bible. Thanks for the bible quizes.
@rtoguidver3651 Жыл бұрын
1189 chapters in KJB, but the original scriptures didn't have chapters..
@joycegilfillian8480 Жыл бұрын
Love this❤ got 2 wrong. Did not realized that it said Paul instead of Peter. That got me. I would have gotten 1 wrong instead . Keep them coming
@chucknelson4556 Жыл бұрын
19 wright
@residuejunkie4321 Жыл бұрын
*This is for all who never received the love of the truth enough to know the Shepard's voice from the wolf's voice which includes pretty much every ''Christian'' out there...* *Even though you were made to believe that the bible can never be changed and that God wouldn't allow it, He actually only promised to protect His word until the last days. Daniel 12:4 & 12:9 and Revelation 22:10 He promised to send a famine for hearing His word in the last days too, and that we won't be able to find it anywhere in Amos **8:11**-12. In Daniel 7:25 God said that He would give the AC power to "change times and laws" for a short time which we now know meant history, laws of physics and scripture. The famine for hearing God's word has already been sent! Because when hearing "pastors" today, you're hearing some of Satan's words mixed in with God's words **_UNAWARE!_** This truth shines a light on people and exposes who the Wheat and the tares are. Wheat ALWAYS react the same way, they immediately investigate to PROVE if this is true or not, find out it is and start warning their brothers and sisters because they LOVE truth and OBEY God's commandment to "prove all things". Tares ALWAYS react the same way too, they quote scriptures and argue instead of looking into the videos offered as proof.* *The tares are being divided from the wheat and the famine for hearing the words of God has been sent! Our bibles will never be taken from us like we used to believe, they have all just been changed by Satan into his "rat poison." Rat poison is 99.95% corn, and even though the rats love it, it is 100% fatal for every rat that eats it. If you are still reading ANY bible now without knowing a LOT about what the thousands of supernatural changes in it are, Satan is laughing at you! Soon Amos **8:12** will be fulfilled like **8:11** already has, because they are going to cut our lights! The ONLY place you can still find God's words without risking reading some of Satan's mixed in unaware is in the videos DOCUMENTING the changes or in written lists of the documented changes like the one at the web site (amos)(8)(.)(org). I urge EVERYONE to open up your bible and watch as many as you can NOW! There will be time to read Satan's rat poison later if you want. I will never read mine again, and haven't for 7 years. It gives me the creeps just looking at it like if I was looking at a Ouija board on my bookshelf or something, so it will stay in a box in my closet. I learned so much about this it disgusts me! There are thousands of changes, they're on every page, many are ridiculously obvious and blasphemous, and they are ongoing!!* 👉 *The first few short films are just about Isaiah 11:6, and could easily prove it was changed in any court of law in the world. Open any bible to that verse and watch those films, (this is one of the two universal changes, the other is Luke 19:27) I don't make films btw, they were made by 6 other true followers of Jesus (TRUTH) who researched to find "residue" showing that it used to say "LION" instead of "wolf".* *Watch all of the rest of the films for a good understanding of how this is perfectly fulfilling many end time prophecies that we had all previously misinterpreted simply because we had no idea they would be fulfilled supernaturally. It's funny how many people who claim to believe the bible just scoff if you talk about the supernatural. LOL But when people see absolute proof of this with their own eyes, their faith is strengthened greatly! You can read some of their testimonies on my COMMUNITY page.* *Here are a couple examples of the replies I receive from the "wheat"...* Hello Residue Junkie, my name is Tamara Dobson. God lead me to you through a call for an uprising. I just wanted you to know how blessed I have been through finding you. For awhile I thought I was losing my mind, because of the things that I was seeing and experiencing, that so many around me were apparently not seeing. And I couldn't understand how or why that would be, unless maybe, I was in fact losing my mind. About 2 years ago I was diagnosed with white matter disease, which I thought was a completely ridiculous notion, however alzheimers and dementia, as well as a vast laundry list of other mental degenerative disorders are associated with it. So I thought it was at least possible, however, that never set right with my spirit. Any way, I was thinking about you and hoping all is well with you and yours. I remember you mentioned that your health is not the best and I hope you are feeling better. But I mostly hope you're in good spirits and your faith is still strong . Much love and many prayers for you and yours, & God willing, I hope to meet you someday, so I can hug you and thank you in person for restoring & strengthening my faith . john oz Yes residue junkie I was a backsliden Pastor, away from God for over 25 years. When I found out that Isaiah 11:6 had supernaturaly changed from a lion to a wolf. It spun me out, and as a result it brought me back to Christ. I have been back in the arms of Jesus for 12 months now. I see changes in the bible constantly now. For example, you can not find the words, "hallelujah, demons or wineskins" in the Old KJV bible anymore. Too many changes to go into. In Gen 1:1, the word heavens has changed to heaven. It no longer has the letter s in the word.... *To see proof of many of the changes plus all of the end time prophecies this is perfectly fulfilling, and to receive the greatest strengthening of faith you ever had, type in PROOF OF BIBLE CHANGE RESIDUE JUNKIE. God bless you all!!!* *Everyone will learn about this eventually, I'm simply trying to keep as many as I can from learning about it at the Gate.* ❤✝️💪
@residuejunkie4321 Жыл бұрын
*The King James bible **_was_** at one time a literary masterpiece without blemish. There were no spelling, grammar or punctuation errors in it. I have a short film in my playlist on how that came about. Now, they're on every page! Satan has **_supernaturally_** attacked it more than any other translation, but all of them in every language have been destroyed in the fulfillment of prophecy! Plus all concordances, encyclopedias, dictionaries, history books, the original manuscripts and the Dead Sea scrolls have been miraculously changed!* *Not every word, Satan is too smart for that and he understands that rats won't eat pure poison so .05% is added to 99.95% corn and the rats love it... and perish for lack of knowlege!* *Our Father said to "prove all things" and you better obey Him on this thing especially. I have an exceptional memory, I clearly remember my third birthday party and can draw an accurate picture of my baby stroller. I'm 70, was saved when I was 10 and **_had been_** reading only the **_exact same copy_** of the King James bible since 1961. (I am not a king James onlyist though.) I memorized many scriptures out of it over the years and I absolutely **_know_** that the word **_demons_** used to be all through it. But today that word is not anywhere in there! It was replaced with **_devils._** And the only place I've ever read the word **_wineskins_** was in my bible, but it's not in it any more either. It was replaced with **_bottles._** And now **_unicorns, easter, matrix, castles, damsels, stuff, corn, colleges, banks, employment, schools, missles, tires, mufflers, manifolds, engines, highways, suburbs, pavement, presidents, doctors, pilots, sheriffs, beer, dumb ass, India, Spain, Italy, ferryboats, couches_** and lots of other words are in my bible that I never saw in it my whole life! Many of these words are anachronisms (they didn't even exist in 1611!) It never talked about men with milk in their breasts nursing babies either, but now it does! Isaiah 11:6 used to say the **_lion_** shall lie down with the lamb, not the **_wolf_** shall also dwell with the lamb! Lion represents Jesus and wolf is associated with Satan! The first eleven films in my playlist will show you plenty of undeniable "residue" (proof of what **_was_** that Satan missed) on that verse. Luke 17:34 used to say "two shall be in one bed, one shall be taken and the other one left", but now it says "two **_men_** shall be in one bed.......! And the following verse said "two women shall be grinding at the mill together......" and now it just says "two women shall be **_grinding together_** ......! So now the bible makes it sound like homosexuals are going to be raptured!* But *this is the biggie,* in Luke 19:27 it has Jesus saying "And those mine enemies that would not that I should reign over them, bring hither and *SLAY THEM BEFORE ME!"* It did say _eshew_ them. This change makes Christians sound like radical extremists!! *Millions of Christians will be killed because of this verse!!!* And I know that this is a parable, but the king Jesus was talking about was Himself, the King of Kings! The film titled *Satan's Agents and Doctrines of Demons* which is in my playlist is just about this verse, and is the most important video most of you have ever seen. *I memorized the Lord's prayer as a boy because Jesus told us to say it, and I have probably said it tens of thousands of times, and it absolutely did not say **_which_** art in heaven, it said **_who_** art in heaven, it didn't say **_in earth,_** it was **_on earth._** And it now says forgive us our **_debts_** instead of our **_trespasses._* *God has sent His strong delusion to all of the people that never received the love of the truth! What's scary is, so far that appears to be most believers! This incredible phenomenon they're calling the Mandela effect is absolutely real, but it should actually be called the Daniel 7:25 effect. I first became aware of some of the bible changes in 2014 before I ever had a computer or had heard of the Mandela effect. But since 2016 I've watched hundreds of videos on the subject, and saved some of the best and most important ones for proving your bible has been changed and pointing out all the places this was talked about in end time prophecies in my playlist which you can see by 👉 typing into KZbin (PROOF OF BIBLE CHANGE RESIDUE JUNKIE)* 👀 👈 *Even though I will no longer read any bible, mine gives me the creeps just looking at it like a Ouija board or something, so I continue to study what God inspired men to write by seeing what scriptures have been changed with proof of what was originally written. I urge you all to do the same, while you still can, because when **_all_** truth is censored, or we no longer have access to internet, all we'll have then is hard copies of the bible Satan wants us reading! At that point Amos **8:12** will be fulfilled where it says we will no longer be able to find His words anywhere again.* *This is without question the biggest and most important event since the day of Pentecost! When you see absolute proof that the miraculous fulfillment of end time prophecies are happening with your own eyes, and how close we are to our Savior's return, it's the most faith strengthening and exciting thing that you've ever experienced! And if your pastor hasn't told you about this, you better find one that has told his people about it!* *God bless you all!!!*
@revalationrevaltion9291 Жыл бұрын
17 rite 3 wrong
@Elohims.favorite1 Жыл бұрын
Perfect not to slow not to fast
@chadsshow2010 Жыл бұрын
thank you from chadsshow
@horaciopereda9954 Жыл бұрын
Missed 2 only, 😁 in how many chapters are in the book of Isaiah and Jeremiah. But those were great questions. Thank you 😊 God bless you all. 🙏
@r1273m Жыл бұрын
I tripped up on the Ten Commandments question. I said they are in Exodus, which they are, but repeated again in Deuteronomy. I didn't know the Acts sequel question. Must try harder!
@brothermarion8224 Жыл бұрын
16 out of 20. (I gotta brush up on the O. T.)
@gerardine9675 Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed the quiz. I got one wrong, two correct guesses and the rest I knew.
@kidkratoski3778 Жыл бұрын
Missed 1 🙄🤔😁
@lindaquinn-mcdowell3244 Жыл бұрын
Yes that was great, caught me a few times 😂
@raymondcooper8151 Жыл бұрын
I missed two because I miss read one of the questions and I simply didn't know the number of chapters in Jeremiah.
@NancyDearmon-nh2xl Жыл бұрын
I missEd 2
@cmvb77 Жыл бұрын
i missed 1 question. I knew the ten commandments was in exodus but forgot it was repeated in deuteronomy.
@glendareid2470 Жыл бұрын
Missed 2
@ruthsnyder4315 Жыл бұрын
1:26 John answered them, saying, I baptize with water: but there standeth one among you, whom ye know not; Jhn 1:27 He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to unloose. Jhn 1:28 These things were done in "*Bethabara beyond Jordan*, where John was baptizing." Jhn 1:29 "The *next day* John seeth Jesus coming unto him", and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. Jhn 1:30 This is he of whom I said, After me cometh a man which is preferred before me: for he was before me.
@TboneWTF Жыл бұрын
I answered every one correct! And I'm an Atheist! How about that?!
@cynthiamaharaj6718 Жыл бұрын
1 wrong
@kipitoshoe980 Жыл бұрын
When was eve created?
@elizabethochung7045 Жыл бұрын
I got only one wrong
@tommywitte9916 Жыл бұрын
@joeguardado1683 Жыл бұрын
Adam and eve were created the 8th day
@ceceliamowatt6770 Жыл бұрын
Get 1 incorrect
@estheremerald8602 Жыл бұрын
@rebeccasainz2715 Жыл бұрын
Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?
@rtoguidver3651 Жыл бұрын
If I pass can I go to Heaven ???
@estheremerald8602 Жыл бұрын
@trudewhite876 Жыл бұрын
The book of Revelation was written by John of Patmos. I don't think it was written by St. John the Apostle.
@tonyrobbins1665 Жыл бұрын
I can't believe how out of tune that guitar is?
@curiousgeorge555 Жыл бұрын
How is it that a person giving a Bible quiz can't pronounce some of the words correctly? Do they know the Bible?