Excellent,balanced and helpful discussion from a Christian perspective.
@renatamaria528027 күн бұрын
@paulbobier785729 күн бұрын
Beyond any cabinet appointment particulars, we must remember that we are Christians and we owe our allegiance to God and Jesus. And we need to look at political stances through the lens of "What would God want and is this something he approves of ?" It is well-documented that Donald Trump is a fascist, and is building a fascist regime. His speech and intentions are constantly interwoven with abject control, removal of freedoms and implied violence, increasingly so over the last while. If we look at fascism and authoritarian governments, throughout the Bible, including the Book of Revelations, we see an indisputable connection between an antichrist and fascist ideology. We know from the Bible that the antichrist's regime is fascist, long before it was named that. I am not suggesting Trump is THE antichrist. But it is clear he is setting the stage to take on the moves and characteristics of an antichrist, since many of his political moves mirror Hitler and 1933 Germany. Do not be consumed with his rhetoric or imaging. He does not demonstrate good fruit and is not a man who places God above himself. This is quite clear. He feels he is God, and paints himself this way, blasphemously placing himself equal to Jesus, as the Bible foretold. Now the important part. It is our duty to God, Jesus, and our fellow man, as Christians, to dismantle fascism and warn people in the world, of the satanic nature of this. I hope you will all do your part in this effort, as this is in support of God's will and His good plan for us. God bless.
@robertslimm931929 күн бұрын
I emphatically do not agree. A fascist is one who brings all levers of power into his/her control. Look at Canada, for example, where the media, the unions, the schools, and the leftist government are all collaborating to control all of society. That is fascism. Trump is not a Washington insider. The mainstream media is not on his side.
@-RM-29 күн бұрын
I cannot even begin to say just how awful and incorrect your comment is. Wow. No Christian that I personally know thinks that Trump is a Christian or without sin. Certainly he is sinful. But an antichrist and a fascist?! His goals are to bring America back to its Constitutional foundations and to make the government work again, and to get rid of all of the Left's sinful, God-hating ideologies, and to get men out of women's sports, and to close the border so we can actually be a nation again, and to keep elected officials accountable, and to make sure elections are honest and accurate, and to keep the U.S. out of unnecessary wars, and to stop persecuting political enemies (including Christians, mind you) by using the power of the government, and to uphold the 1st and 2nd Amendments, and to bring our economy back from the brink of destruction, and to make houses, cars and food affordable again...My goodness Paul! What parts of this do you have a problem with?!! And this doesn't even begin to touch upon your (presumed) dispensational premillennialism eschatology, which I believe is an inaccurate reading of Scripture (I'm a partial preterist amillennialist).
@jons601328 күн бұрын
The Beatles said they were ‘more popular than Jesus’ are they 'antichrist'? Maybe they are in the sense of opposing Him, and that is the test. Even Peter opposed Jesus and Jesus responded 'get behind me...' - we all can. Fascism is by definition the excessive collusion between business and the executive at the expense of ordinary people. That has been evident in Democrat rule - spending taxpayers’ trillions on projects with companies that endorse their views, breaking down the independence of the legal system (as they believe the rule by law not the rule of law), suppressing free-speech influencing with Social Media and Legacy Media - even challenging the value of ‘truth’ itself and the Constitution. Every leader has to have authority, so its not authority as such but what is done with it.