英語訳はこちら。すみません、これは長いです。 Here's an english translation, my japanese isn't the best so apologies for any mistakes. ----- Decked Out Birthday NRC in School News Interview with the Birthday Person Special Feature ~Floyd Ver.~ --- Story 1 --- MC: Happy birthday. Ah, little shrimp came to the celebration too. Thank you~ MC: How does it feel to have this celebration today? Its so busy which makes it re~ally fun. We had birthday parties back home but it wasn't all cheery or whatever like this. Since its not formal at all, I like this party better. MC: I've heard a story that you keep a large stockpile of candy in your room, is that actually true? Eh? Little shrimp, you don't know? Even after eating dinner, don't you get a little hungry before bed? Me and Jade are still growing y'kno~w. MC: Do you have a favorite candy? Hmm~, it changes depending on my mood that day y'know~... a long time ago it was peppermint candy, a week ago it was melon soda flavored gummies, yesterday it was biscotti with almonds in it. In terms of taste, I like chewy things. Then like, stuff that you can only get above sea. Little shrimp, why don't you also try to find rare types of candy? MC: Alright. By the way, do you have a favorite food in general? Its... takoyaki! _(*TL note: takoyaki is a traditional japanese snack or appitizer food that consists of batter that is cooked in a ball shaped mold, and is typically filled with minced octopus . There really isn't an english equivilant for this, but 'tako' means octopus, and 'yaki' is to cook, to fry, or grill. Just note of the octopus part since that comes up later.)_ Ah, do you know what that is? Eh, little shrimp doesn't know? In this school there's a lot of guys who don't know what it is, are you sure you don't know either? The other day, after Mostro Lounge closed up shop I ate some with Jade and a few other dorm students. Well, it's surprisingly tricky to turn it over, but I've done it so many times, so I'm really good at it. The name has tako in it but there can be other stuff in it besides octopus so you won't get bored of it. MC: What other ingredients have you tried swapping in? First, shrimp and cheese! Then from that, sausage and oyster... tomato, broccoli, strawberries, whipped cream, chocolate, anchovies, potato salad, konjac... MC: You've tried a lot huh. Yeah~. We also make a game out of whoever can make the most bizzare creation... its laughable at how bad all of it is! If we waste food though Azul gets re~ally mad so we have to eat all of it in the end. This time we could try it together little shrimp~. It's a promise, right? --- Story 2 --- MC: You always have your shirt collar open, is it difficult to button up? I wouldn't say its difficult, its just annoying so I don't do it. I like to squeeze things, but I don't like being squeezed~. When I first came up to the land I hated clothes. It was like being wrapped up in seaweed y'kno~w. And like, doesn't it suck whenever you wear something and its gotta be washed and everything? I used to think, "Why do humans like all of these annoying things." But now, I like to pick out clothes. Theres a lot of colors to pick from so its really fun. Little shrimp, did you know that colors that look bright on land are ,like, really dark in the ocean. Other things besides clothes like shoes and excessaries... There's a lot of fashionable stuff here on land. But, I buy a lot of things so my room gets messy quick which is a bother. Jade's room is always clean so I asked if I could store stuff in some of the open space. He was like "No" and turned me down. A~h, I wish I could get another closet in my room. MC: Is there anything you collect that you like? Eh~? Jade and Azul like to collect stuff like plants or coins but like- I get tired of that stuff too easy, so I don't really have any collections... oh wait, there is one thing. I don't really have a collection, but from time to time I've bought merch with eels on it. MC: What kinds of things did you buy? T-Shirts with cartoonish style drawings and like, keyholders with funny faced looking mascots. "The witch of the sea had capable eel underlings." is like the legend and all, so in the ocean eels have a rough image. They're carnivorous fish, y'know. But, on the land they sell goods with oddly cute looking eels, which is interesting. So this is how humans see eels- I gave the T-shirt to Jade and he was happy to put it on. Ahah. Azul was like "Don't go out dressed like that." but like, it was so cute, so isn't that kind of rude~? --- Story 3 --- MC: Which do you perfer, your mermaid or human form? When I first turned into a human, I didn't know how to use my legs, and my body felt really heavy... It was like, "I really just want to turn back into a mermaid and go back to the sea". But like, recently I've been thinking that this form isn't really that bad. In the coral ocean, there's really only fish and other mermaids. But im this school there's all kinds of different people. That makes it not boring at all. Then like, stuff like basketball or dancing, y'know, stuff you can only do on land which makes it fun. Recently I've been really into doing parkour. MC: What's parkour? A~h, you don't know? Its a thing were you jump from handrails or kick from the wall to go up a building really fast. If there's obsticles you have to avoid them without slowing down your speed and aiming for a goal. MC: It seems really difficult. I never really think about if its difficult or hard. Ever since I was little I've always liked obsticle courses. MC: Ocean "obsticle courses"........? Yeah. I decide on a goal, and decide on a route through an abandoned ship. In a wrecked ship, theres a bunch of broken stuff here and there, which means theres a lot of stuff that gets in the way of swimming- To not slow down my swim speed I avoid obsticles with little movement. Then, whoever is the fastest at reaching a goal, wins. See, isn't it kinda like parkour? That's why I like it. With parkour there's new moves and stuff, and it's like swimming above water. It's so fun~. There's no right or wrong way to do things or reach a goal, it's like, what's it called.... freedom? Because, I hate rules. Ah-, one day though I overslept and so I parkoured through the window into class and ticked off the teacher. To not be late I tried so hard, doesn't that make me a good boy in some way~? Next time I'll try not to get caught. Aha. MC: Thank you for sharing a bunch of different stories today. And aswell, happy birthday!