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Connecting World
君の横顔 盗み見て少し幸せな気分。
(Stealing a glance at your little happy profile)
君の笑い声 なんだか笑顔ってうつるよね。
(Made me laugh, it's a contagious smile)
(But I looked away unintentionally when our eyes met)
(And looked up at the sky, begging a request)
君と出会って気付かされた 空の青さとやわらかい風。
(I always remind the soft wind and the blue of the sky back there when I met you)
少しせつないこの気持ちが 少しだけ届きますように。
(Feeling a bit sad that this feeling will only reach you a little)
君の服の袖つまんで 駆け足でついていく後ろ。
(Giving a pinch at your sleeve in a hurry to keep going)
君と同じことしたくて 君の癖真似したり。
(We were so alike, that you imitated my habit)
(And feeling a bit ashamed, our hands touched)
(A gentle wind embraced us)
君と出会って気付かされた 木々の緑とこぼれる光。
(The light spilling in the green of the trees reminded me when I met you)
手を繋いでるこの瞬間 少しだけ時間を止めて。
(This moment we are holding hands, stop the time a little bit)
(I wonder if you didn't notice)
(Because I didn't say a word)
(But my sight was always chasing you)
君と出会って気付かされた 空の青さとやわらかい風。
(I always remind the soft wind and the blue of the sky back there when I met you)
少しせつないこの気持ちが 少しだけ届きますように。
(Feeling a bit sad that this feeling will only reach you a little)
交わした言葉一つ一つ そっと心の宝物。
(One by one the words were exchanged)
風が紡いだ赤い糸が 君に繋がっていますように。
(Treasuring in my heart softly)
(Linking them to you)