Windy, you don’t have to be a CU guy, ‘cause any HKers who have a decent heart would appreciate what Master Mau’s bravery and fought the Left- mouth-fish unselfishly, Salute!
@@coffeepak 當然,音樂是仁愛的化身這些說話不是我作的,是老師黃友棣先生在他的創作散文所說及的。好的音樂像 Pachelbel 的 Cannon in D , 約瀚史特勞斯的藍色多瑙阿,黃老師的抗戰歌杜鵑花,秋夕,遣忘等等都是好的音樂。一個國家被極權統治下是沒有真的藝術創作,因思想無自由,個腦無自由就無真藝術創作,那首乜乜大合唱我一聽就作嘔,充滿鬥爭火藥味,黃老師話我説得什對。看看那些鋼琴家一個男的演奏時雙邪眼作狀得很,人不正便邪眼便反來反去邪望東邪望西,另一個女的愛穿露屁股來吸引男觀眾,我見到就一把火,這些人只能進於道未能達於藝。不講了,越講越勞氣越為河山哀傷。
I wonder if the ex- Film Director of Shaw’s in the 70’s or maybe earlier, from Taiwan most likely, Mr Mau ( same as Master Mau here), Duen( Jordan’s Duen , then ?.. ( Cho Fa Tau, and Tze = City down below, dunno how to read. They might be relatives I guess. There’s possibility of what I think, UC, please pronounce the third word of his name,as Mau Duen-????, a fella with glasses also beard and moustache. Looks like Professor Chung Kim-Wah to me.Thanks.
@coffeepak Жыл бұрын
你指"牟敦芾"? 若係佢,"芾" 字粵音讀 "費"。
@bingchiuyuen6816 Жыл бұрын
@@coffeepak Thanks a lot! UC, G’day.
@bingchiuyuen6816 Жыл бұрын
@@coffeepak I always thought it’s Sze’ sounds exactly as City, or Pui= Double, Thanks to ‘ YAU BIN DUK BIN, MO BIN DUK CHU SIN’ haha!