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@SALAMInitiative 3 жыл бұрын
Without your help & support we couldn’t have carried on, may Allah swt bless you guys for helping us spread the message of Islam: support us here salam.org.uk/donate/
@masternobody1896 3 жыл бұрын
Yes make islam more strong
@masternobody1896 3 жыл бұрын
you should debate or discuss with the queen of england that would be epic
@Traveling_Tariq 3 жыл бұрын
@@masternobody1896 Ya that would be crazy 😝
@brewfortwo 3 жыл бұрын
In Saheeh al-Bukhaari there are two ahaadeeth (nos. 6529 and 6530 according to the numbering of Fath al-Baari). In hadeeth no. 6529 it says that the number of “those who are to be sent to Hell is ninety nine from every hundred.” And in hadeeth no. 6530 it says that the number of “those who are to be sent to Hell is nine hundred and ninety nine from every thousand.” I hope that you could comment and explain this. May Allaah reward you with good.
@atsuthungngullie6898 3 жыл бұрын
Ali...Ali..Ali..do u like cake 🤣🤣🤣
@halalpolice23 3 жыл бұрын
The sister need to learn her creator and study the Quran with scholars. May Allah swt guide her and us all to the right path
@thepilgrim1581 3 жыл бұрын
** READ ** The first hurdle that ISLAM cannot get over. Muhammad was never a true prophet. I say that because, a true prophet must receive a direct call from God, especially if he is to be the founder of a religion. Muhammad did not receive a direct call from God. Let's start from the beginning. Muhammad was one day meditating in the cave, a spirit visited him, pressed his chest tightly such that, he thought he was going to die. But on each occasion, Muhammad told the spirit he was illiterate and couldn't read. After this encounter with the spirit in the cave, Muhammad thought he had been visited by a DEMON and ran to his wife in fear. He said to Khadija, his wife, 'cover me' she covered him until his fear was over. Muhammad related what had transpired in the cave to his wife and said, 'O Khadija, what is wrong with me? What has happened to me? I am afraid for myself! However, Khadija and on the advice of lbn Neafal her cousin managed to convince Muhammad that the spirit was Gabriel. But the spirit did not introduce itself as The Angel Gabriel. ************************** It is of great importance to identify the SPIRIT who squeezed Muhammad at the cave of Hira near Mecca. ************************** Was the spirit really The Angel Gabriel? ***************************** The answer is absolutely NO! ***************************** 1) Had the spirit been The Angel Gabriel, he would have calmed Muhammad and relieved his fear. But the spirit left him in extreme distress. The Angel Gabriel appeared to many people before his alleged visit to Muhammad and each time the first thing he did was to allay that person's fear. i. When The Angel Gabriel appeared to Daniel, he was afraid but The Angel Gabriel touched him. The Angel Gabriel did not squeeze him or cause him pain, The Angel Gabriel only touched him (Daniel 8:16-18). ii. The Angel Gabriel also appeared to Zachariah father of John the Baptist who is called Yahya in the Qur'an he identified himself and said to Zachariah : Do not be afraid, Zacharia ...... I am Angel Gabriel that stand in the presence of God (Luke 1:13-19) iii. The Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, MOTHER of JESUS CHRIST our Lord. Mary was scared but The Angel Gabriel said to her: Do not be afraid, Mary (Luke 1:30) 2) Had the spirit been The Angel Gabriel, he would not have contradicted his former revelations. Six hundred (600) years before the birth of Muhammad, the REAL Angel Gabriel said to Mary that she would bear a child who will be the Son of God: The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God (Luke 1:35). But the spirit which appeared to Muhammad told him JESUS was not the son of God:... The Christians call Christ the son of Allah .... Allah's curse be on them (Sura 9:30). If; the spirit that appeared to Muhammad was The Angel Gabriel, it would not have said JESUS was not the son of God. That would make the Angel Gabriel a liar would it not? So would it really have been the Angel Gabriel that appeared in the cave? 3) Had the spirit been Gabriel. He would have taught Muhammad to read and write. The Qur'an declares that Allah taught JESUS how to write: "'And Allah will teach him the book and wisdom, the Torah and the gospel" (Sura 3:48). The famous Qur'an Commentator ibn Kathir in his exposition of the Qur'an (vol.1 p.344) says: 'The book mentioned here means write. We would expect that Mohammed, who calls himself the seal of the prophets, would be taught to read and write. The spirit said in his revelation to Muhammad Read: and thy lord the most Bounteous, who teaches by the pen, teacheth man that which he know not (Sura 96:3-4). The question is if God teaches man that which he know not by the pen, why did he not teach Muhammad (the 'senior prophet) how to read and write instead of leaving him illiterate all his life? 4) We learn from Islamic tradition that on several occasions when Muhammad saw the spirit, he would be so frightened he would run home to his wife and ask her to cover him with clothes: "I was called again and raised my head, and there on the Throne in the open atmosphere he, i.e. Gabriel (peace be upon him) was sitting. I began to tremble on account of fear. I came to Khadija and said: Wrap me up. They wrapped me up and threw water on me..." (Sahih Muslim book 1 ch.74 no.307 p.100. Narrated by Jabir) At other times, Muhammad experienced some strange physical symptoms. From Hadith Mishkat, we learn that, sometimes he would shrive and swoon, roar like a camel and white foamy saliva would come from his mouth (Hadith Mishkat iv p.359). Sometimes when he receive revelation(s) there was the sound like the buzzing of bees near his face (source: Umar Ibnu'l Khattab), while at other times, he felt a tremendous headache. Muhammad once said: "At times it comes to me like the ringing of a bell and that is most severe for me... and at time an Angel in the form of a human being comes to me... (Sahih Muslim vol.4 book 28 no.5765-5767 p.1248) However, it is unclear why Mohammed later said, "...The bell is the musical instrument of Satan." Sahih Muslim vol.3 book 22 no.5279, also Abu Dawud vol.2 no.2548 -2550 According Ahmad b. Hanbal, "He became distressed, foaming at the mouth and closing his eyes. At times he snorted like a young camel (Ahmad b. Hanbal I, 34, 464, vi.163). This gave rise to the allegation in certain quarters Muhammad was epileptic. Prophet Muhammad according to 'Amr Ibn Sharhabil, mentioned to his wife, Khadija, that he feared he was possessed by demons and wondered whether others consider him possessed [i.e. evil spirits] (source: pfanoter 1910:345). These statements about the physical symptoms exhibited by Muhammad when he saw the spirit were not made by strangers, non Muslims or people who did not know him. These statements were made by Aisha, Muhammad's favourite wife, relatives and his close followers who strongly believed that he was the seal of the prophets. All these people happened to be very close to Muhammad, whom knew the alleged prophet well! Yet when the same angel Gabriel visited Daniel, Zachariah and even Mary, none of them had convulsions with foam coming from their mouths. Neither did they hear the sounds of bells ringing nor the buzzing of bees near their faces. They did not roar like a camel or swoon, etc. Over time Muhammad started having some doubts about the revelations he received from the spirit. Allah (God) directed Muhammad to check the truth from the 'Book:' If thou wert in doubt as to what we have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the book from before thee (Sura Yunus 10:94). The 'book' mentioned in this verse is the Holy Bible. If Muhammad were a learned man, he would have known what the Holy Bible says concerning Satan: 'And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light'. (2 Corinthians 11:14) Mohammed was not only deceived then, but the hadiths record that later he was under an evil spell too. (Bukhari vol.4 book 53 chapter 34 and vol.4 no.400 p.267) (Article credited to Dr Labib). While truth can be painful, I do not mean to offend; my hope is that all muslims will find the truth and embrace JESUS wholeheartedly - not thru Islam but thru the teachings of the HOLY BIBLE - Only thru JESUS CHRIST can you walk the path towards the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen Peace be unto you all. Only thru JESUS CHRIST can you walk the path towards the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen
@zhangwei1273 3 жыл бұрын
@@thepilgrim1581 May you be guided on the right path.
@thepilgrim1581 3 жыл бұрын
@@zhangwei1273 I am brother. I am with JESUS CHRIST. JESUS spoke of being in Heaven; Born of water and of the Spirit. John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Amen No other came into the world to teach us about our journey to Heaven except JESUS, because only JESUS knew. Your Islamic prophet did not know of going to Heaven nor guiding any of you to Heaven. The Qur'an clearly states: Qur'an 46:9 Say, “I am not different from the other messengers; and I do not know What Will be done With me, or with you. I only follow what is inspired in me, and I am only a clear Warner." Read that again. 'and I do not know What Will be done With me, or with you. I only follow what is inspired in me'.... Read it again........ and now open your eyes to the truth. *'I do not know what will be done with me, or with you.' * It is therefor true........... Muhammad cannot guide any of you to Heaven. Being the supposedly senior prophet, He had no confidence of going to Heaven. Why then should I base my true salvation in the age to come with any other than JESUS CHRIST? Why would I listen to any other than JESUS CHRIST? JESUS had the confidence to say; with which he would sit on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of Heaven. Matthew 26:64 Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. Amen It is also written: Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Amen ********** JESUS EXIST ✔️ GOD EXIST ✔️ THE HOLY SPIRIT EXIST ✔️ ********** The teachings of the Qur'an has misguided all of you. Muslims declare they LOVE all of the above. This is a lie. If you love all of the above you would not be a Muslim. ******************** Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven ******************** Matthew 16:19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Amen Now why would anyone go again the words of JESUS CHRIST whom promise us all the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven unlike Muhammad who didn't know what will be done to him or to you? Why would you forfeit the path to true salvation by accepting false gods? I accept and believe in the words of JESUS CHRIST wholeheartedly and that JESUS will accept me in the age to come. This is the confidence in which I speak. I am with CHRIST. Amen I understand it is not easy for Muslims to repent, but you should because in most of your hearts you all love JESUS but thru fear of family and friends you are unable to express it. I pray for you Brother as you and many others will be lost in salvation. For your true salvation; only JESUS matters. Let it be known that it is impossible to get to Heaven without JESUS CHRIST Remember this: Do not allow others to deny you the truth and the love of JESUS CHRIST. Even if the whole world is pointing there finger at you and trying to make you feel guilty of accepting JESUS CHRIST; GOD will not want you to walk a life of shame amongst your Muslim friends and family and will open his arms out to embrace you. Your salvation can only be thru JESUS CHRIST and no other. Peace be unto you all. Amen
@alwaysquestionthings8896 3 жыл бұрын
@@thepilgrim1581 why do u quote the bible its full of contradictions and errors 😂 even the highest eminence of Christianity acknowledge this. U are a lost soul may Allah guide your soul
@thepilgrim1581 3 жыл бұрын
@@alwaysquestionthings8896 Is that it? Is that what your mosques are teaching you to ask?
@Someone-ct2ck 3 жыл бұрын
The sister is nice. May Allah preserve her and make her strong.
@mezxai6134 3 жыл бұрын
@gurpreet daliwell Ali is a Kurd from Turkey too. What’s your point?
@Anon-uv9mj 3 жыл бұрын
@gurpreet daliwell Islam > nationalism. Stop hating on our kurdish brothers and sisters because of their ethnicity
@shakirdefines3321 3 жыл бұрын
@gurpreet daliwell Its funny how you say this in a channel run by a Kurd and generalize all kurds giving turks bad names lol negative energy bro😥😥😥🤐
@shakirdefines3321 3 жыл бұрын
@gurpreet daliwell Lol just saying kinda messed up to say that about the kurds I aint trying to go into alis historical records on turky lol
@shakirdefines3321 3 жыл бұрын
@gurpreet daliwell bro you think im historically brain damaged lol I know were the turks came from just saying no need to generalize hate towards the kurds we all hummans after all and yea hatun is something else any person who is willing to go so low to pretend to be someone else to tarnish that group of peoples name are cowards
@nadine7293 3 жыл бұрын
Allah created you, gave you life, a well functioning body, wealth, good health, abundance of food, safe place to live in, parents, and he gave you other countless blessings. For all what he gave you, you give him nothing in return and you disbelieve in the oneness of God and associate partners with him. That's why shirk is the worst sin ever in the eyes of Allah SWT.
@Mo-gg8ts 2 жыл бұрын
What a man ALI
@Death4Horseman 3 жыл бұрын
Speakers corner what time and when and where?
@maquacr7014 3 жыл бұрын
Each sunday at Hyde park London. Don't know about timings. Probably 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. considering how England works.
@riam5429 3 жыл бұрын
Sister needs to know Allah her creator better, his names and attributes May Allah aid her and us
@ibnmianal-buna3176 3 жыл бұрын
The Turkish people could really use some Dawah. May Allah(SWT) guide them and grant Jannah to the sincere amongst them, Ameen.
@gokhansarimsaklio2311 3 жыл бұрын
@@ibnmianal-buna3176 I kind of disagree and agree you can't just saying turkish people what about our brothers that know Allah and choose not to follow it for example our leaders in Allah's eyes which is the worse the one that knows and doesn't act on it or the one that doesn't know and doesn't act on it
@thepilgrim1581 3 жыл бұрын
** READ ** The first hurdle that ISLAM cannot get over. Muhammad was never a true prophet. I say that because, a true prophet must receive a direct call from God, especially if he is to be the founder of a religion. Muhammad did not receive a direct call from God. Let's start from the beginning. Muhammad was one day meditating in the cave, a spirit visited him, pressed his chest tightly such that, he thought he was going to die. But on each occasion, Muhammad told the spirit he was illiterate and couldn't read. After this encounter with the spirit in the cave, Muhammad thought he had been visited by a DEMON and ran to his wife in fear. He said to Khadija, his wife, 'cover me' she covered him until his fear was over. Muhammad related what had transpired in the cave to his wife and said, 'O Khadija, what is wrong with me? What has happened to me? I am afraid for myself! However, Khadija and on the advice of lbn Neafal her cousin managed to convince Muhammad that the spirit was Gabriel. But the spirit did not introduce itself as The Angel Gabriel. ************************** It is of great importance to identify the SPIRIT who squeezed Muhammad at the cave of Hira near Mecca. ************************** Was the spirit really The Angel Gabriel? ***************************** The answer is absolutely NO! ***************************** 1) Had the spirit been The Angel Gabriel, he would have calmed Muhammad and relieved his fear. But the spirit left him in extreme distress. The Angel Gabriel appeared to many people before his alleged visit to Muhammad and each time the first thing he did was to allay that person's fear. i. When The Angel Gabriel appeared to Daniel, he was afraid but The Angel Gabriel touched him. The Angel Gabriel did not squeeze him or cause him pain, The Angel Gabriel only touched him (Daniel 8:16-18). ii. The Angel Gabriel also appeared to Zachariah father of John the Baptist who is called Yahya in the Qur'an he identified himself and said to Zachariah : Do not be afraid, Zacharia ...... I am Angel Gabriel that stand in the presence of God (Luke 1:13-19) iii. The Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, MOTHER of JESUS CHRIST our Lord. Mary was scared but The Angel Gabriel said to her: Do not be afraid, Mary (Luke 1:30) 2) Had the spirit been The Angel Gabriel, he would not have contradicted his former revelations. Six hundred (600) years before the birth of Muhammad, the REAL Angel Gabriel said to Mary that she would bear a child who will be the Son of God: The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God (Luke 1:35). But the spirit which appeared to Muhammad told him JESUS was not the son of God:... The Christians call Christ the son of Allah .... Allah's curse be on them (Sura 9:30). If; the spirit that appeared to Muhammad was The Angel Gabriel, it would not have said JESUS was not the son of God. That would make the Angel Gabriel a liar would it not? So would it really have been the Angel Gabriel that appeared in the cave? 3) Had the spirit been Gabriel. He would have taught Muhammad to read and write. The Qur'an declares that Allah taught JESUS how to write: "'And Allah will teach him the book and wisdom, the Torah and the gospel" (Sura 3:48). The famous Qur'an Commentator ibn Kathir in his exposition of the Qur'an (vol.1 p.344) says: 'The book mentioned here means write. We would expect that Mohammed, who calls himself the seal of the prophets, would be taught to read and write. The spirit said in his revelation to Muhammad Read: and thy lord the most Bounteous, who teaches by the pen, teacheth man that which he know not (Sura 96:3-4). The question is if God teaches man that which he know not by the pen, why did he not teach Muhammad (the 'senior prophet) how to read and write instead of leaving him illiterate all his life? 4) We learn from Islamic tradition that on several occasions when Muhammad saw the spirit, he would be so frightened he would run home to his wife and ask her to cover him with clothes: "I was called again and raised my head, and there on the Throne in the open atmosphere he, i.e. Gabriel (peace be upon him) was sitting. I began to tremble on account of fear. I came to Khadija and said: Wrap me up. They wrapped me up and threw water on me..." (Sahih Muslim book 1 ch.74 no.307 p.100. Narrated by Jabir) At other times, Muhammad experienced some strange physical symptoms. From Hadith Mishkat, we learn that, sometimes he would shrive and swoon, roar like a camel and white foamy saliva would come from his mouth (Hadith Mishkat iv p.359). Sometimes when he receive revelation(s) there was the sound like the buzzing of bees near his face (source: Umar Ibnu'l Khattab), while at other times, he felt a tremendous headache. Muhammad once said: "At times it comes to me like the ringing of a bell and that is most severe for me... and at time an Angel in the form of a human being comes to me... (Sahih Muslim vol.4 book 28 no.5765-5767 p.1248) However, it is unclear why Mohammed later said, "...The bell is the musical instrument of Satan." Sahih Muslim vol.3 book 22 no.5279, also Abu Dawud vol.2 no.2548 -2550 According Ahmad b. Hanbal, "He became distressed, foaming at the mouth and closing his eyes. At times he snorted like a young camel (Ahmad b. Hanbal I, 34, 464, vi.163). This gave rise to the allegation in certain quarters Muhammad was epileptic. Prophet Muhammad according to 'Amr Ibn Sharhabil, mentioned to his wife, Khadija, that he feared he was possessed by demons and wondered whether others consider him possessed [i.e. evil spirits] (source: pfanoter 1910:345). These statements about the physical symptoms exhibited by Muhammad when he saw the spirit were not made by strangers, non Muslims or people who did not know him. These statements were made by Aisha, Muhammad's favourite wife, relatives and his close followers who strongly believed that he was the seal of the prophets. All these people happened to be very close to Muhammad, whom knew the alleged prophet well! Yet when the same angel Gabriel visited Daniel, Zachariah and even Mary, none of them had convulsions with foam coming from their mouths. Neither did they hear the sounds of bells ringing nor the buzzing of bees near their faces. They did not roar like a camel or swoon, etc. Over time Muhammad started having some doubts about the revelations he received from the spirit. Allah (God) directed Muhammad to check the truth from the 'Book:' If thou wert in doubt as to what we have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the book from before thee (Sura Yunus 10:94). The 'book' mentioned in this verse is the Holy Bible. If Muhammad were a learned man, he would have known what the Holy Bible says concerning Satan: 'And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light'. (2 Corinthians 11:14) Mohammed was not only deceived then, but the hadiths record that later he was under an evil spell too. (Bukhari vol.4 book 53 chapter 34 and vol.4 no.400 p.267) (Article credited to Dr Labib). While truth can be painful, I do not mean to offend; my hope is that all muslims will find the truth and embrace JESUS wholeheartedly - not thru Islam but thru the teachings of the HOLY BIBLE - Only thru JESUS CHRIST can you walk the path towards the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen Peace be unto you all. Only thru JESUS CHRIST can you walk the path towards the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen
@ibnmianal-buna3176 3 жыл бұрын
@@thepilgrim1581 Aside from the fallacies, watch this: kzbin.info/aero/PLQnJKTQYTJ_ua_qd34dwj5GfVvMNWD253
@thepilgrim1581 3 жыл бұрын
@@ibnmianal-buna3176 You still cannot get over the first hurdle. If I unleash more of the truth. You will leave ISLAM because you know GOD is watching. Peace be unto you. Only thru JESUS CHRIST can you walk the path towards the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen
@ztoefy4026 3 жыл бұрын
Whenever hell is mentioned then paradise is mentioned in the next verse. There is balance in the Quran and Allah always describes the bad then follows up with the descriptions of the good. It's meant to to fear the punishment and love and have hope in Allah's mercy.
@thepilgrim1581 3 жыл бұрын
** READ ** The first hurdle that ISLAM cannot get over. Muhammad was never a true prophet. I say that because, a true prophet must receive a direct call from God, especially if he is to be the founder of a religion. Muhammad did not receive a direct call from God. Let's start from the beginning. Muhammad was one day meditating in the cave, a spirit visited him, pressed his chest tightly such that, he thought he was going to die. But on each occasion, Muhammad told the spirit he was illiterate and couldn't read. After this encounter with the spirit in the cave, Muhammad thought he had been visited by a DEMON and ran to his wife in fear. He said to Khadija, his wife, 'cover me' she covered him until his fear was over. Muhammad related what had transpired in the cave to his wife and said, 'O Khadija, what is wrong with me? What has happened to me? I am afraid for myself! However, Khadija and on the advice of lbn Neafal her cousin managed to convince Muhammad that the spirit was Gabriel. But the spirit did not introduce itself as The Angel Gabriel. ************************** It is of great importance to identify the SPIRIT who squeezed Muhammad at the cave of Hira near Mecca. ************************** Was the spirit really The Angel Gabriel? ***************************** The answer is absolutely NO! ***************************** 1) Had the spirit been The Angel Gabriel, he would have calmed Muhammad and relieved his fear. But the spirit left him in extreme distress. The Angel Gabriel appeared to many people before his alleged visit to Muhammad and each time the first thing he did was to allay that person's fear. i. When The Angel Gabriel appeared to Daniel, he was afraid but The Angel Gabriel touched him. The Angel Gabriel did not squeeze him or cause him pain, The Angel Gabriel only touched him (Daniel 8:16-18). ii. The Angel Gabriel also appeared to Zachariah father of John the Baptist who is called Yahya in the Qur'an he identified himself and said to Zachariah : Do not be afraid, Zacharia ...... I am Angel Gabriel that stand in the presence of God (Luke 1:13-19) iii. The Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, MOTHER of JESUS CHRIST our Lord. Mary was scared but The Angel Gabriel said to her: Do not be afraid, Mary (Luke 1:30) 2) Had the spirit been The Angel Gabriel, he would not have contradicted his former revelations. Six hundred (600) years before the birth of Muhammad, the REAL Angel Gabriel said to Mary that she would bear a child who will be the Son of God: The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God (Luke 1:35). But the spirit which appeared to Muhammad told him JESUS was not the son of God:... The Christians call Christ the son of Allah .... Allah's curse be on them (Sura 9:30). If; the spirit that appeared to Muhammad was The Angel Gabriel, it would not have said JESUS was not the son of God. That would make the Angel Gabriel a liar would it not? So would it really have been the Angel Gabriel that appeared in the cave? 3) Had the spirit been Gabriel. He would have taught Muhammad to read and write. The Qur'an declares that Allah taught JESUS how to write: "'And Allah will teach him the book and wisdom, the Torah and the gospel" (Sura 3:48). The famous Qur'an Commentator ibn Kathir in his exposition of the Qur'an (vol.1 p.344) says: 'The book mentioned here means write. We would expect that Mohammed, who calls himself the seal of the prophets, would be taught to read and write. The spirit said in his revelation to Muhammad Read: and thy lord the most Bounteous, who teaches by the pen, teacheth man that which he know not (Sura 96:3-4). The question is if God teaches man that which he know not by the pen, why did he not teach Muhammad (the 'senior prophet) how to read and write instead of leaving him illiterate all his life? 4) We learn from Islamic tradition that on several occasions when Muhammad saw the spirit, he would be so frightened he would run home to his wife and ask her to cover him with clothes: "I was called again and raised my head, and there on the Throne in the open atmosphere he, i.e. Gabriel (peace be upon him) was sitting. I began to tremble on account of fear. I came to Khadija and said: Wrap me up. They wrapped me up and threw water on me..." (Sahih Muslim book 1 ch.74 no.307 p.100. Narrated by Jabir) At other times, Muhammad experienced some strange physical symptoms. From Hadith Mishkat, we learn that, sometimes he would shrive and swoon, roar like a camel and white foamy saliva would come from his mouth (Hadith Mishkat iv p.359). Sometimes when he receive revelation(s) there was the sound like the buzzing of bees near his face (source: Umar Ibnu'l Khattab), while at other times, he felt a tremendous headache. Muhammad once said: "At times it comes to me like the ringing of a bell and that is most severe for me... and at time an Angel in the form of a human being comes to me... (Sahih Muslim vol.4 book 28 no.5765-5767 p.1248) However, it is unclear why Mohammed later said, "...The bell is the musical instrument of Satan." Sahih Muslim vol.3 book 22 no.5279, also Abu Dawud vol.2 no.2548 -2550 According Ahmad b. Hanbal, "He became distressed, foaming at the mouth and closing his eyes. At times he snorted like a young camel (Ahmad b. Hanbal I, 34, 464, vi.163). This gave rise to the allegation in certain quarters Muhammad was epileptic. Prophet Muhammad according to 'Amr Ibn Sharhabil, mentioned to his wife, Khadija, that he feared he was possessed by demons and wondered whether others consider him possessed [i.e. evil spirits] (source: pfanoter 1910:345). These statements about the physical symptoms exhibited by Muhammad when he saw the spirit were not made by strangers, non Muslims or people who did not know him. These statements were made by Aisha, Muhammad's favourite wife, relatives and his close followers who strongly believed that he was the seal of the prophets. All these people happened to be very close to Muhammad, whom knew the alleged prophet well! Yet when the same angel Gabriel visited Daniel, Zachariah and even Mary, none of them had convulsions with foam coming from their mouths. Neither did they hear the sounds of bells ringing nor the buzzing of bees near their faces. They did not roar like a camel or swoon, etc. Over time Muhammad started having some doubts about the revelations he received from the spirit. Allah (God) directed Muhammad to check the truth from the 'Book:' If thou wert in doubt as to what we have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the book from before thee (Sura Yunus 10:94). The 'book' mentioned in this verse is the Holy Bible. If Muhammad were a learned man, he would have known what the Holy Bible says concerning Satan: 'And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light'. (2 Corinthians 11:14) Mohammed was not only deceived then, but the hadiths record that later he was under an evil spell too. (Bukhari vol.4 book 53 chapter 34 and vol.4 no.400 p.267) (Article credited to Dr Labib). While truth can be painful, I do not mean to offend; my hope is that all muslims will find the truth and embrace JESUS wholeheartedly - not thru Islam but thru the teachings of the HOLY BIBLE - Only thru JESUS CHRIST can you walk the path towards the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen Peace be unto you all. Only thru JESUS CHRIST can you walk the path towards the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen
@umaraliofficial01 3 жыл бұрын
Z toefy You are right•
@MR.DEINOCHEIRUS 3 жыл бұрын
@@thepilgrim1581 You seem to make many irrelevant points, im not here to debate or whatsoever but you need to know : - You cannot say a true prophet must receive a direct call from God as the first thing he has to receive, because you don t know, there has been many prophets that we don't actually even know the names, let s not talk about their history. But in the old testament ( wich contain truth as well as falsehood) we see that the event of prophet Muhammad peace from God be upon him, meeting Gabriel in the cave was partly inscribed, it is said :.... as for one to whom the book is revelated but he says : i can't read. - Moreover, you say this spirit never identified himself as Gabriel, wich is false, because later on we have the prophet being called by him from the sky , jibril (Gabriel) in his True shape, and himseld stating : Ô Muhammad, (this is) Jibreel. The prophet then was scared a this time again. - and now, What was revealed to the prophet Muhammad was never in contradiction from what was revealed before him, because jesus being called the son of God ( in litteral sense) was never what was revealed, as for such, you see in history that this trinitarian thing you have in christianity nowadays was not practiced in any church from except 3 centuries after the departure of Prophet Jesus, stunning isn't it? What i find as a clear proof in the Qur'an is that God already state why christianity is irrelevant, and these are things even yourselves can't argue with : ×Then the factions differed [concerning Jesus] from among them, so woe to those who disbelieved - from the scene of a tremendous Day. - Surah maryam verse 37. There you see that sects among these people differed, otherwise a cult wasn't meant to be born 3 centuries after .... And there are more points made in. The thing is your arguments are made out of lack of knowledge, try to study things from the good perspective and not from the haters' perspective.
@thepilgrim1581 3 жыл бұрын
@@MR.DEINOCHEIRUS By understanding Muhammad's original vision then the entire religion falls apart, for the whole bases of Muhammad being a prophet is that he was visited by the ANGEL GABRIEL. Let's begin: We all know that Muhammad was meditating in a cave. Why did Muhammad needed to go to a cave to meditate? Why did Muhammad need to meditate in a cave? Meditation is a form of communication with demons. Caves are the homes of the unseen. Why would GOD or an Angel reside in a cave when they are above us in Heaven? What was Muhammad summoning in the cave, if not for witchcraft and the devil? If Muslims can openly pray even out on the street; Why then did Muhammad need to hide in a cave?..... Unless he did the opposite. He hid the truth of his actions. He summoned demons unto the cave. And they turned up. In his own testimony, even he himself thought it was demonic. Muhammads own testimony thought it was DEMONIC. DEMONIC. IBN Ishaq 106, al Tabari vol 6, 7071. He was a victim of delusion and magic spells and also wanted to kill himself and blamed the devil for teaching him. Bukhari 3175, 5765 Bukhari 5158 Muslim 3480, 3481 Ibn Ishaq 106; Bukhari 6982 Ibn Ishaq 165-7 Ibn Sa'd vol 1, 236-9 If you listen to Muhammad then why do you not listen to his very first testimony that he was possessed by evil spirits? Instead all Muslims have gone against Muhammad's original testimony. Prophet Muhammad according to 'Amr Ibn Sharhabil, mentioned to his wife, Khadija, that he feared he was possessed by demons and wondered whether others consider him possessed [i.e. evil spirits] (source: pfanoter 1910:345). Muhammads own testimony thought it was DEMONIC. ******************* The Holy Bible tells us: 'A boy possessed by the Devil, foams at the mouth.' Luke 9 : 38-43 38 A man in the crowd called out, 'Teacher, I beg you to look at my son, for he is my only child. 39 A spirit seizes him and he suddenly screams; it throws him into convulsions so that he foams at the mouth. It scarcely ever leaves him and is destroying him. 40 I begged your disciples to drive it out, but they could not.' 41 'O unbelieving and perverse generation,' Jesus replied, 'how long shall I stay with you and put up with you? Bring your son here.' 42 Even while the boy was coming, the demon threw him to the ground in a convulsion. But Jesus rebuked the evil spirit, healed the boy and gave him back to his father. 43 And they were all amazed at the greatness of God. While everyone was marveling at all that Jesus did, Amen. ********************* 'Foamy saliva from Muhammads mouth.' The Qur'an tells us: They wrapped me up and threw water on me..." (Sahih Muslim book 1 ch.74 no.307 p.100. Narrated by Jabir) At other times, Muhammad experienced some strange physical symptoms. From Hadith Mishkat, we learn that, sometimes he would shrive and swoon, roar like a camel and white foamy saliva would come from his mouth (Hadith Mishkat iv p.359). *********** Muhammad had Foam at the mouth. ************ Yet when the same angel Gabriel visited Daniel, Zachariah and even Mary, none of them had convulsions with foam coming from their mouths. These signs should tell Muslims the truth but they are all truly in denial? ******************** The Angel Gabriel NEVER appeared to Muhammad. ******************** Muhammad had told the world that he thought it was Demonic but Muslims choose to ignore his words. Why? I will now go even deeper ............ Are you ready for this? * Muslim's do not follow Muhammad * This is a fact. Muslim's follow KHADIJA. Muslim's listened to the words of KHADIJA. It was KHADIJA that told Muhammad that the visions he had in the cave was the ANGEL GABRIEL and NOT Muhammad himself. Muhammad accepted KHADIJA'S words and followed her words. I now ask ALL MUSLIMS. Has the ANGEL GABRIEL ever appeared to KHADIJA? The answer to that is categorically NO. Then therefore; how would KHADIJA know of the ANGEL GABRIEL? How would KHADIJA know what the ANGEL GABRIEL looks like? She wouldn't. Therefore on what grounds has she to tell a man who thought he was possessed by demons to declare it to be an ANGEL from GOD? Therein lay your biggest flaw. Oh Muslim friends, your path has been a misguided one. Islam has taken your soul to HELL. If only Mankind listened to Muhammad's original testimony that it was Demonic we would never be in this mess. *************** CHRISTIANITY was created in HEAVEN. JESUS drove out Demon's. ISLAM was created in a Cave. Muhammad was possessed by Demons. ISLAM has put so much pressure and fear within all muslims that drives you inwards and not outwards. Muslims have succumbed to fear and the delusion that hides you from the truth of JESUS CHRIST. Your true salvation can only be thru JESUS CHRIST and no other. Muslim friends, your path is flawed right from the beginning. Everything else after is also flawed. Hence my words are true that nothing matters except the Beginning. If you accept the beginning then you leave ISLAM. If you do not accept the beginning then you do not listen to your prophet's original testimony. 'To get something you never had.' 'You have to do something you never did.' Once you take hold of JESUS'S hand. JESUS will NEVER let go. JESUS loves us all. Our eternal salvation is thru JESUS CHRIST and no other. Peace be unto all the misguided. Only thru JESUS CHRIST can you walk the path towards the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen
@MR.DEINOCHEIRUS 3 жыл бұрын
@@thepilgrim1581 you are bringing other irrelevant taughts my friend. Even me i like to get out individually , at night gazing at the sky while i run trough intense reflection. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him , going to a cave to meditate, going away from the paganism he wasn't practicing when pretty much almost everyone else around him did, prove us that he was one of reason,he didn't follow blindly what his people was doing before him. Communication with demons? What sort of assumption are you making?lol
@rafaelbabar3494 3 жыл бұрын
Even the Muhammad (pbuh) said he would only be granted Jannah due to Allah’s mercy.
@awakenedservant 3 жыл бұрын
She is a sweetheart . May Allah SubhaAllahtaala protect her and guide her always Ameen
@azilius5302 3 жыл бұрын
Sister if you're reading this, i feel like you maybe still confused but it's alright. Clearing your doubts and gaining knowledge is not a one time thing. It's a journey. May Allah reward you for your efforts of taking out time and may He keep you safe ( ameen) ✨
@kerrangzapplintv1733 3 жыл бұрын
The sister need to be careful on impose her own justification without checking the reference or obtain reference from people of more knowledge. She could be disbelieving due to emotion and secular media in the west. May Allah makes her strong and protect her.. AMIN
@ucfmayl802 3 жыл бұрын
A sin against an ultimate infinite being lead to an ultimate infinite punishment. ===> 0,00...01 * ➰ =➰ ( Sabour's argument 💪💙 )
@mishalaqeel380 3 жыл бұрын
@servercabinet 3 жыл бұрын
I think the discussion looses its structure when two dawah people are pointing their views.
@lfmsmka 3 жыл бұрын
It isn’t a discussion tho, she was asking a question and wanted to hear the answers
@waqarrr3103 3 жыл бұрын
This sister is very emotional & subjective unfortunately.
@HPzFreelance 3 жыл бұрын
Subhanallah this moved me. May Allah SWT guide us all in the true path and keep us far away from shirk. Ameen
@AK-47ak12 3 жыл бұрын
Ameen ❤
@StarKid786 3 жыл бұрын
@HorrorNerd1997 3 жыл бұрын
The crazy dude with the conspiracy banner returns.... He needs to seriously get a life.
@ghiaspiracha302 3 жыл бұрын
Michael Myers xxiiiviiixxi The man with the banner is a TAXI-Driver, has become more annoying and causes distraction than the hackler, aka, Asif. These two guys have no clue what is LIFE all about...their pleasure is only to become a nuisance for other.
@unclegardener 3 жыл бұрын
@@ghiaspiracha302 At least Asif means sorry in Arabic so he’s indirectly apologizing using his name
@ghiaspiracha302 3 жыл бұрын
@@unclegardener xxivviiixxi Frankly, we all know, 'he' is trying to make a living under his contractual obligation with the Missionaries by spewing crap that he has been brainwashed with...after being baptized. Pity he is too arrogant and THICK to think. His poor grasp of the lingo is another impediment adds to his misery. I could listen to an Italian.. speaking English all day, kill myself laughing.
@prastikokhalifah 3 жыл бұрын
Human being felt so entitled, we are a creation. Allah doesn't have any obligation to his creation, he can do what he please because that's what a creators do.
@omarfarooq7685 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah the human being makes his own convictions as axiom, we need the correct convictions, ISLAM
@joelsalminen1357 2 жыл бұрын
So if God is actually misleading every believer and puts every believer in hell for eternity and every nonbeliever in paradise for eternity, you won't have a problem with that? You will say "but God, you were supposed to be the truth and i submitted to you" and God says "you are my creation and i do as i wish. I created the world just to lie to the believers". Obviously it makes more sense that humans have a natural entitlement for being treated lovingly and well by our creator because that is what God created us for. If God didn't want us to be "entitled" and require good, then God could have created us very different.
@joelsalminen1357 2 жыл бұрын
@@omarfarooq7685 by making islam your axiom, you still rely on your own conviction of islam being true as the axiom.
@musamohammed2312 3 жыл бұрын
Alhamdulillah, this was so nice to watch and may Allah guide here and keep here on the right path
@_mobasshir_ 3 жыл бұрын
18:14 this showed me that she is really innocent. May Allah protect her from evil.
@mudassirhotak7131 3 жыл бұрын
at this age and era, nobody is innocent. She might seem like but she isnt and i might be wrong too so dont judge.
@aimanbabahmed7449 2 жыл бұрын
@@mudassirhotak7131 perhaps only children are
@TinaHashemyar Жыл бұрын
@@mudassirhotak7131don’t you dare ever assume the worst of your brothers and sisters. Arrogance and pride is very dangerous. Assume the best, or don’t assume at all.
@princessrachida8092 3 жыл бұрын
This isnt due to being pure hearted rather it's a lack of knowledge. When you name trauma as a possible reason than you are missing some info. All people experience trauma yet not everyone deals with trauma in the same way. This is where sincerity plays a huge role. It's the insincere that use trauma as an EXCUSE for their bad actions. Trauma for the sincere is used as a steppingstone to do BETTER. Allahu akbar! Allah is The Most Wise.
@muhibkhan8163 3 жыл бұрын
This is good. I love the dawah channels, but they’re mainly answering questions and getting in debates with people that refuse to accept Islam. Much of the questions those people have are not like the doubts the average Muslim youth today has. This video is a great example of a question that much of the youth have and I believe you did well explaining it. We need more of these.
@thepilgrim1581 3 жыл бұрын
By understanding Muhammad's original vision then the entire religion falls apart, for the whole bases of Muhammad being a prophet is that he was visited by the ANGEL GABRIEL. Let's begin: We all know that Muhammad was meditating in a cave. If Muslim's listen to Muhammad then why do you not listen to his very first testimony that he was possessed by evil spirits? **************** If Mankind only listened to Muhammads original testimony we would never be in this mess. **************** Prophet Muhammad according to 'Amr Ibn Sharhabil, mentioned to his wife, Khadija, that he feared he was possessed by demons and wondered whether others consider him possessed [i.e. evil spirits] (source: pfanoter 1910:345). Muhammads own testimony thought it was DEMONIC. DEMONIC. IBN Ishaq 106, al Tabari vol 6, 7071. He was a victim of delusion and magic spells and also wanted to kill himself and blamed the devil for teaching him. Bukhari 3175, 5765 Bukhari 5158 Muslim 3480, 3481 Ibn Ishaq 106; Bukhari 6982 Ibn Ishaq 165-7 Ibn Sa'd vol 1, 236-9 ***************** Now lets go even further back...... and ask the true question in ......... Why did Muhammad needed to go to a cave to meditate? Why did Muhammad need to meditate in a cave? Meditation is a form of communication with demons. Caves are the homes of the unseen. Why would GOD or an Angel reside in a cave when they are above us in Heaven? What was Muhammad summoning in the cave, if not for witchcraft and the devil? If Muslims can openly pray, even out on the streets; Why then did Muhammad need to hide in a cave?..... Unless he did the opposite. He hid the truth of his actions. He summoned demons unto the cave. And they turned up. In his own testimony, Muhammad thought it was DEMONIC. **************** The Angel Gabriel NEVER appeared to Muhammad. **************** The Holy Bible tells us: 'A boy possessed by the Devil, foams at the mouth.' Luke 9 : 38-43 38 A man in the crowd called out, 'Teacher, I beg you to look at my son, for he is my only child. 39 A spirit seizes him and he suddenly screams; it throws him into convulsions so that he foams at the mouth. It scarcely ever leaves him and is destroying him. 40 I begged your disciples to drive it out, but they could not.' 41 'O unbelieving and perverse generation,' Jesus replied, 'how long shall I stay with you and put up with you? Bring your son here.' 42 Even while the boy was coming, the demon threw him to the ground in a convulsion. But Jesus rebuked the evil spirit, healed the boy and gave him back to his father. 43 And they were all amazed at the greatness of God. While everyone was marveling at all that Jesus did, Amen. ********************* 'Foamy saliva from Muhammads mouth.' The Qur'an tells us: They wrapped me up and threw water on me..." (Sahih Muslim book 1 ch.74 no.307 p.100. Narrated by Jabir) At other times, Muhammad experienced some strange physical symptoms. From Hadith Mishkat, we learn that, sometimes he would shrive and swoon, roar like a camel and white foamy saliva would come from his mouth (Hadith Mishkat iv p.359). *********** Muhammad had Foam at the mouth. ************ Yet when the same ANGEL GABRIEL visited Daniel, Zachariah and even Mary, none of them had convulsions with foam coming from their mouths. ********************** Muhammad had told the world that he thought it was Demonic but Muslims still choose to ignore his words. WHY? ISLAM has taken many many souls to HELL and will continue to do so. *********************** I will now go even deeper ............ Are you ready for this? * Muslim's do not follow Muhammad * This is a fact. Muslim's follow KHADIJA. Muslim's listened to the words of KHADIJA. It was KHADIJA that told Muhammad that the visions he had in the cave was the ANGEL GABRIEL and NOT Muhammad himself. Muhammad accepted KHADIJA'S words and followed her words. I now ask ALL MUSLIMS. Has the ANGEL GABRIEL ever appeared to KHADIJA? The answer to that is categorically NO. Then therefore; how would KHADIJA know of the ANGEL GABRIEL? How would KHADIJA know what the ANGEL GABRIEL looks like? She wouldn't. Therefore on what grounds has she to tell a man who thought he was possessed by demons to declare it to be an ANGEL from GOD? Oh Muslim friends, your path has been a misguided one. If only Mankind listened to Muhammad's original testimony that it was Demonic we would never be in this mess. *************** CHRISTIANITY was created in HEAVEN. JESUS drove out Demon's. ISLAM was created in a Cave. Muhammad was possessed by Demons. ISLAM has put so much pressure and fear within all muslims that drives you inwards and not outwards. Muslims have succumbed to fear and the delusion that hides you from the truth of JESUS CHRIST. Your true salvation can only be thru JESUS CHRIST and no other. Muslim friends, your path is flawed right from the beginning. Everything else after is also flawed. Hence my words are true that nothing matters except the Beginning. If you accept the beginning then you leave ISLAM. If you do not accept the beginning then you do not listen to your prophet's original testimony. 'To get something you never had.' 'You have to do something you never did.' Once you take hold of JESUS'S hand. JESUS will NEVER let go. JESUS loves us all. Our eternal salvation is thru JESUS CHRIST and no other. Peace be unto all the misguided. Only thru JESUS CHRIST can you walk the path towards the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen ..........................
@k1369 3 жыл бұрын
The guy with the banner behind should go get a life. I think he is paid to stand behind you in the videos so people get annoyed and click out of it.
@HorrorNerd1997 3 жыл бұрын
I highly agree.
@Someone-ct2ck 3 жыл бұрын
12:35 Ali: "I haven't got the virus" The sister: "You never know" loool
@osmanxxrngxx1369 3 жыл бұрын
That Was not good comeback tbh that Was awkward
@andypham6335 3 жыл бұрын
@@osmanxxrngxx1369 You could have the virus but not have symptoms. She's not wrong to be cautious.
@unclegardener 3 жыл бұрын
@@andypham6335 yeah. asymptomatic
@defenseandgeopolitics 2 жыл бұрын
Ali i love how you give examples. Einstein said "Giving examples is not one way to teach. It is the only way to teach".
@yasfi5196 3 жыл бұрын
Anyway, no one ever said that evil is a sort of innate nature or original disposition of human-being. However, science suggests that Homo sapiens are naturally kind/good species. We choose to be Evil, OR, we can submit to our predisposition (fitrah) to be a good human-being. I suggest everyone to read a book called "Human-Kind" by Rutger Bregman. This book give some good points such a the origin of evil, why evil can come to exist.
@abduugas 3 жыл бұрын
0:32 So your name is actually not Ali?! 😮
@roastrtoaster8828 3 жыл бұрын
Actually, his real name is Erdi
@andydufresne4444 3 жыл бұрын
If he chose Ali to be his name then his name is Ali.
@AbdulGiwa 3 жыл бұрын
A man has no name
@DubSalvation 3 жыл бұрын
@@AbdulGiwa thats deep. Care to elaborate?
@ozzy2834 3 жыл бұрын
Muhammad Ali's official name is Cassius Clay but everyone still calls him Muhammad Ali
@user-sj1mw1mh1v 3 жыл бұрын
11:45 Haha that made me smile. May allah bless you. You seem really kind and understanding. May that be a reason why you are granted Jannah. Ameen.
@kamranraja5281 3 жыл бұрын
Wish br eesa wa here in the park. The park not same without our brother. May allah grant him highest rank of jannah
@-.-l 3 жыл бұрын
he's now enjoying with the winners
@treehigh5156 3 жыл бұрын
@@-.-l how do you know this? any proof?
@xxxLoyalFeliciaxxx 3 жыл бұрын
"You're so pure in your heart that you believe everyone is like you." This summed it up.
@HalalHistory 3 жыл бұрын
@@thepilgrim1581 ok
@thepilgrim1581 3 жыл бұрын
@@HalalHistory You cannot refute it. Muslim's actually listen to Khadija and not Muhammad. Hence ISLAM has been a lie from the beginning. You are all cursed. Leave ISLAM. Only thru JESUS CHRIST can you walk the path towards the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen
@HalalHistory 3 жыл бұрын
@@thepilgrim1581 if I did refute it, you would still not accept it, so is there any point?
@thepilgrim1581 3 жыл бұрын
@Sherine Slavina If Muslims only listened to Mu hammad's very first testimony that he thought his vision was demonic. ************* Let's ask: Why did Muhammad needed to go to a cave to meditate? Why did Muhammad need to meditate in a cave? Meditation is a form of communication with demons. Caves are the homes of the unseen. Why would GOD or an Angel reside in a cave when they are above us in Heaven? What was Muhammad summoning in the cave, if not for witchcraft and the devil? If Muslims can openly pray, even out on the streets; Why then did Muhammad need to hide in a cave?..... Unless he did the opposite. He hid the truth of his actions. He summoned demons unto the cave. And they turned up. In his own testimony, Mu hammad according to 'Amr Ibn Sharhabil, mentioned to his wife, Khadija, that he feared he was possessed by demons and wondered whether others consider him possessed [i.e. evil spirits] (source: pfanoter 1910:345). Muhammads own testimony thought it was DEMONIC. DEMONIC. IBN Ishaq 106, al Tabari vol 6, 7071. He was a victim of delusion and magic spells and also wanted to kill himself and blamed the devil for teaching him. Bukhari 3175, 5765 Bukhari 5158 Muslim 3480, 3481 Ibn Ishaq 106; Bukhari 6982 Ibn Ishaq 165-7 Ibn Sa'd vol 1, 236-9 Why do Muslims not listen to Muhammad's words? But instead they all fell for the words of a woman. KHADIJA Khadija told Muhammad that the vision he had in the cave was the Angel Gabriel. My question to all Muslims: (and it has never been answered). Did the Angel Gabriel ever appeared to Khadija? Yes or No? If Yes then prove it. If not then, on what authority does this woman have the right to declare the Spirit was an Angel of GOD? How would she know of the Spirit to be that of the Angel Gabriel? Where did she learn of the Angel Gabriel if it not be for the Holy Bible? The Angel Gabriel NEVER appeared to Muhammad and Khadija lied. THIS IS THE ONLY DECIDING FACTOR. The entire belief of ISLAM is based on KHADIJA'S assumption. A huge mistake for all Muslim's soul. A mistaken action can only be saved by the love of JESUS CHRIST. GOD is within you and all around you but you are blinded by misguidance. Come to JESUS CHRIST people. I invite you all to follow the true path of your salvation in the age to come. It is not about Muhammad. It is about you. Peace be unto you. Only thru JESUS CHRIST can you walk the path towards the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen
@thepilgrim1581 3 жыл бұрын
@Sherine Slavina Let's break down your comment. Which one is it? Muhammad. The Devil or Khadija. Thank you. You have answered your own question. At no point was it the Angel Gabriel. Amen Bare false witness? Prove it. Prove that I bared false witness if you cannot then you are the liar. May GOD be the witness.
@bobmarley9712 2 жыл бұрын
This is such an easy topic. I don't know how Ali didn't mention it although I'm not finished yet. Talk about the rapists, talk about the evil elite abusing babies and women, these evil elite mock Allah, they think they can defeat Allah astaghfirullah, this sister will agree those peoppe don't have a right to be forgiven.
@bobmarley9712 2 жыл бұрын
Not sure who the black brother is, if he's part of the team or not but he didn't help in thsi conversation, he either spoke about irrelevant things or confused her. This was an easy topic handled badly. She walked away unfulfilled and frustrated, hope she speaks to perhaps someone with a better understanding of deen that Allah allows to guide jer
@felicytatomaszewska2934 2 жыл бұрын
She appears to be sweet but she is really arrogant:...shocked me when she said that she will wish the murderer of her child to be punished forever 24:21 but when it came to the murderers of millions of children in Iraq and Afghanistan 23:47 , she thinks it is not just to punish those murderers forever 24:14... May Allah guide her and cure her arrogance.
@MyAbdul111 3 жыл бұрын
She doesnt make sense she says she would want that child murderer to be in hell forever but wouldnt want Allah to put him in hell forever because Allah should be All good. But Allah is not 'ALL'-good. She lowkey wants to just follow her desires just like not choosing to wear the Hijab. Ali answered her question so perfectly though and she still didn't seem to get it.
@rayanallouzi8806 3 жыл бұрын
Respectfully speaking brother, you judging her like that is not very wise of you. It is none of your business if she wants to wear hijab or not. She could come to this video and see the comments then see how people judge her and she will be deterred from the religion. I am sure you, as well as me, and everyone does a lot of things according to their desire and we all make mistakes. She could have contradicted herself a bit but that does not give you authority to talk about what makes her a none perfect Muslim.
@MyAbdul111 3 жыл бұрын
@@rayanallouzi8806 If she becomes deterred from the religion then it's her fault. I cannot send anyone to hell. I'm not judging, clearly this is a public sin- not wearing the hijab I'm just pointing out the obvious. Her not wearing the hijab is clearly a desire.
@MyAbdul111 3 жыл бұрын
@@rayanallouzi8806 sometimes you just have to point out the obvious and if she reads my comment maybe she will think twice about her question because it was clearly answered in the video and she still said she didnt get it at the end
@MyAbdul111 3 жыл бұрын
@@rayanallouzi8806 No one should judge the religion from other than the Quran and sunnah. If muslims are doing bad things it doesnt mean Islam is a bad religion.
@MyAbdul111 3 жыл бұрын
@@rayanallouzi8806 I never said that she is a non perfect muslim because no muslim is perfect (other than the prophets of course) I just put up a comment relative to the video. I don't need authority to make a comment.
@baiqing3370 3 жыл бұрын
Kısaca özetlemek gerekirse, Türk bayan Ali’ye eğer Allah Rahman ise (en çok bağışlayan) neden insanları cehennem ile cezalandırır diye sordu. Ali’de ona Allah’ın sadece Rahman (bağışlayan) ismimden başka 98 ismi daha olduğunu, Allah’ın her zaman adaletli olduğunu, ölüm zamanı şirk haricinde O’nun her günahı affettiğini anlattı. Allah’ın neden insanları edebi cehenneme gönderdiğini Kur’andaki bir ayetle açıkladı, cehennemlik insanlar Allah’a yalvaracak bizi geri dünyaya gönder ve sadece sana ibadet edelim. Fakat eğer Allah onları milyon defa geri gönderse, tekrar aynı günahları işleyecekler, Allah geleceği bilen olduğu için bu isteklerini reddedecek. Sonra Ali kişinin cehenneme kendi işlediği günahlardan dolayı gedeceğini, cennete de Allah’ın merhameti sayesinde gireceğini anlattı. Değişik örnekler var ama kısaca tüm söyleşi bundan ibaret.
@thegamechanger3317 3 жыл бұрын
Can you translate to English
@TimeflowBratan 3 жыл бұрын
@@thegamechanger3317 Bro just watch the video. He just summarized the video in Turkish
@thegamechanger3317 3 жыл бұрын
@@TimeflowBratan I have watched it. Thank you. I just wanted insight on how our turkish brother thought and the turkish people in general. As I heard there are very few people who accept islam fully in turkey nowadays. Peace.
@TimeflowBratan 3 жыл бұрын
@@thegamechanger3317 very few is kinda wrong. We have a bunch of different groups. They are very religious alhamdulillah. They have their own schools and stuff. But you are kinda right too because in the big cities and especially in the western part of Turkey there are many secularists. And Turkish atheists are very cringe. In sha allah we will see better days for the Turkish part of the ummah soon.
@thegamechanger3317 3 жыл бұрын
@@TimeflowBratan Insha Allah. Wish you and turkey the best.
@kasihsaputra333 3 жыл бұрын
Like wise people said : "If Heaven & Hell never existed, human will do whatever they want. Even if they genocide their own race."
@mudassirhotak7131 3 жыл бұрын
May Allah guide her.. she is a nice person but she is ignorant(less knowledgeable) about the attributes, mercy and justice of Allah.
@mudassirhotak7131 3 жыл бұрын
@@rockybalboa6068 I dont know whether you are being sarcastic or serious. A very funny idiotic logic.
@majd_shoots 2 жыл бұрын
Her accent is very American, where is this video being recorded? And it's very heart breaking what my country Türkiye has become, they were once the caliphs of the Muslims and now most of them are either secular or having deep deep doubts 💔
@mansoormajeed5041 3 жыл бұрын
Alhamdulillah. I’m gonna use these points when I talk to non Muslims. Allahu Akber. I’m so happy.
@asadullahsaaid3794 3 жыл бұрын
@theislamicjourney960 3 жыл бұрын
The sisters question was not properly adressed i think. She wanted to know if you live a life of just 100 years (for example) whatever wrong you do in those 100years, how can you ever end up being punished for ever? And the answer to this is actually simple. A crime can be commited in minutes while its consecuences take years thus its punishment also takes years. Taking a life of a person ends not only their life but also their bloodline and all the children whom would have come after that. You basically ended many peoples lives. This is how severe killing is! Its punishment in this world can be 40years or life imprisonment. But that does not mean the punishment was sufficient. Only God knows how much punishment is needed to fit each crime. But he says it is always just. So whatever punishment is given is always justice and earned by the transgressor. Even if he is doomed for eternity... he would have kept killing if he was on earth thus he is judged by his evil intention which remains unchanged in the hellfire. As soon as he would be taken out of it he would start killing again. Hence his punishment is continuous.
@tofutofu137 3 жыл бұрын
Beautifully explained my brothers, it was great to see team work in action. May Allah bless you both and reward you with janaat al firdous al a'alaa and guide our sister so that she can make sense of who Allah is which is why questioning His wisdom is arrogance in itself and to know that even if we don't understand His wisdom it is the ultimate justice. Allah will forgive those who humble themselves to Him. May Allah make amongst those who do just that. May Allah bless our sister with the wisdom to accept that Allah knows best what is good for us as he has created us and knows we need fear as much as we need hope to succeed in this life and in the aakhira.
@Sohaib.Sarwar_EYM 3 жыл бұрын
As I read what a brother wrote before which is very true. Disobedience to an infinite being makes eternal punishment proportional
@jacobsamuel9963 2 жыл бұрын
kquran DOES NOT meat!! ONLY BONES!!! DOGS eat bones!!!
@speakgoodorsilence2205 3 жыл бұрын
Mashallah respects to the black brother followed the Sunna and had his gaze controlled throughout the conversation
@r.b7979 3 жыл бұрын
Respect to him yes , but i think we shouldnt be praising so many men for doing the bare minimum out of respect for muslim women. I only say this because i see this comment a lot and ut starts to become quite overbearing.
@r.b7979 3 жыл бұрын
@@rockybalboa6068 just because he was looking at hwr through the conversation doesnt mean he was checking her out. Hw looked at her face the whole time
@aqibsattar9374 3 жыл бұрын
Does sis want to gather killer and puous on the same place ( jaanh) ? What then stop the pious man to abondon his bad habits or works ? He would do all the the bad thing and enjoys life as he want and end up in paradise . If there will no judgement , then what will stop the man doing wrong thing?
@unknowntuber9061 3 жыл бұрын
Give her this example, we as humans, may have the choice to eat a piece of broccoli or a beautiful crepe filled with chocolate and all the sweatiness and nice of tastes, we as humans all know broccoli is the healthy and right option for us, but we still rather eat the crepe even tho it is harmful, filled with bad fats, w harmful cholesterol, and is bad for our health. We humans have a nature to sometimes choose what satisfies us over what is right and healthy for us. Are all humans sick or psychopaths for eating a tasty thing even tho we know it is harmful to our body? No. They ate it because they wanted to and they fell down for their weak selves. النفس الاماره بالسوء
@mksoftware91 10 ай бұрын
I think the punishment should be big or small depending on how serious the offense is. For example, some atheists say, "I didn't do anything, I just said there is no God". The synonym for this is: "I didn't do anything, I just threw a small fire into the forest" (but you ended up burning a big forest). Like that, what you are doing is trying to be good by ignoring all the services and blessings that have been given to you. You are violating the rights of all that has been created and served you.
@wakeupnow2224 3 жыл бұрын
Why u didnt tell her that shirk is like not thanking god for what u have and thank someone else , the easy way to understand it is like u have a friend that gives you evrything food a house a work a car evrything and you are saying to him i dont think u exist or iam gonna thank the company that maked the car or something/someone else than you would do the most disrespectfull thing to youre friend so now he has the right to take evrything from you that u ever had even youre happines and all and imagine now god gives u breath a body to taste eat and drink and enjoy life and beutifull earth and promisses paridese what is zilliion times better than this life and only thing that he is asking you is to thank him with prayer him alone but the non bilievers and shirk doers are disrespecting god to deny him so god has the right to punnish them etternal because they would do the same over and over again , i hope u wil understand this and get a good lesson to share it with someone with another look on my story just understand this logic !!
@blank2426 3 жыл бұрын
She says muslim, but she doesn't follow Allah's orders
@HakmanTim 3 жыл бұрын
@rezyousuf4954 2 жыл бұрын
Love took on form of flesh and died for our sins on the cross , the Holy Sacrifice who took our punishment (all humans are sinners all but Jesus the seed of heaven) No fesh is worthy of Heaven but Jesus blood is powerful,,,, Abraham did not sacrifice his son because God provided His Son .....which is actually Him in fleshform, that was foreshadow Jesus Isa. The one thing satan does not want any human to know is HOW MUCH GOD LOVES THEM! FEAR is of satan and perfect Love casts out fear= Jesus. Adam separated us from God but Jesus restored our relationship with God, REDEMPTION!! HALLELUJAH Jesus! He will return very soon but he is giving people time to find Him in these last days.
@disclaimer6872 2 жыл бұрын
I loved the contribution of the african guy
@Kakarot1992 3 жыл бұрын
Ali dawah @it is very frustrating for the sister to have a conversation with 2 people. My advice is to speak to her alone. Everytime your trying to make a good point. The other guy interrupts the conversation. It’s just my observation. May Allah reward you.
@MrChickenstalker 3 жыл бұрын
I disagree
@samimisamiy 7 ай бұрын
Please correct the timeline "How can you truly understand shit" as "How can you truly understand shirk". shit->shirk serious mistake... May Allah's mercy be upon us.
@RamsyRam 3 жыл бұрын
So basically the All knowing, Benevolent, God prioritises his EGO over Murder ?? I think I understand why Taliban/ISIS re okay with human bombs and Genocide but have a problem with Other Gods. It's not the extremists but the principle that is at fault. And That Allah wants you to beg over earn by merit and for that he has even made arrangements to scare u as well as tilted the scales ... How just isn't he ?? Thank you for ensuring no one with common sense will convert to Islam 😊👍🏽
@subhanyusha Жыл бұрын
One person who spent his whole life suffering but still he didn't do anything wrong to anyone. He remained grateful to GOD in all of his life AND on the other hand a person to whom GOD had given all his blessing. but still, he spent his whole life killing people disobeying GOD, spreading corruption and being ungrateful to GOD, Does she thinks that both of them should end up in paradise?? wouldn't that be unjust?
@snowflake1458 Жыл бұрын
I understand why Shirk is worse, because its ingratitude and a lie to Allah to associate partners with Him in worship, when Allah is our Creator and the Creator of the Heaven and the Earth and everything in it. When Allah has created you and gives everything to you, how can anyone then turn and worship something else? For example: You know your mother birthed you and cares for you, but you trn around and thank someone else and see someone else as your mother. That is an insult to your mother and shows ungratefulness. Si i completely understand and accept why Allah won‘t forgive it, if a person dies in that state. You expect Him to forgive you and grant you Jannah, when you didn‘t do 1 thing and that is worshiping Allah alone. That‘s the only thing other than doing good that Allah tells us to do and if we do that we will get blessings and rewarded. So can‘t we do these things for the Almighty Allah , when He gives us so much we can‘t even count our blessings. Allah deserves our submission. Allahu Akbar. May Allah forgive us for all of our sins
@sairanajam5604 2 жыл бұрын
ALLAH is the kindest and most forgiving. But if ALLAH will not punish the sinner then nobody is gonna do good deeds. Oppressed one will ask for justice that day.. if He forgives all murderers, rapists, Abusers, how will it be the just to the ones got murdered, raped or abused? He is the Kindest but the most Just too.
@azilius5302 3 жыл бұрын
That was very interesting and insightful. Her questions are what i always had in heart but didn't knew who to ask. JazakAllah to the sister and to brother Ali for the video💙✨
@michaelphilps 3 жыл бұрын
2:28 that Tap after it ♥
@user-h3q7d9m2z5 3 жыл бұрын
*That TAP* ..
@MustafaKhan-hz5mr 2 жыл бұрын
i feel that the black brother did not understand her question. he kept repeating that those who end up in hell are the worst of people, however her question was why will they be in hell forever. they both didnt explain to her that if allah did not punish the mushriks, it would be injustice for the mumins. in a previous video ali had said that the forever punishment is because, if they were allowd to live for 1000 years they would do the same evil, if they would live for a million then too they would do the same evil. so it doesnt matter how long they live if they are going to do the same thing. in the end they should have also added that whoever has an atoms weight of iman will end up going to heaven. and allah has explicitly said that the only unforgivable sin is shirk.
@MrManny075 3 жыл бұрын
This guy is talking nonsense and said Allah said in the Quran how come we all know death is the and there is no coming back is he saying the good ones come back and the bad ones stay in hell? When people mention hadith they speak of it as what really happens they picture Allah as a human being, this a luck of knowing oneself, the great ignorance is they speak of the I as separate from the body but never stop to think who Am I,
@StarMagnet1 2 жыл бұрын
Ppl seem to fall into the trap of determining if quran is true or not based on their own ideas of what certain things are suppose to be. In this case, justice and hell fire. IF quran is true and islam is the real religion then it does not matter at all how she feels about hell fire. God knows about his world and creations better than her. Ppl seem to be judging religion on what they think god should be. Instead of judging the validity of the religion through testing its claims and origin. If u can determine quran is false then it doesnt matter what it says. But if it u determine its true then whether u like what it says or not u have to follow it.
@ibrahimidris5092 2 жыл бұрын
"Keleqna ens wel jinn Ella liyaebudu Allah " jinn and mankind created to worship God and only , mean the main reason our existence, then come all the rest about goodness and evilness .
@samirachami2209 2 жыл бұрын
She is naive and that is ok but she shouldn’t question God's will. Allah knows best, he knows his creation and knows everyone's heart and mind.
@hobaelala3056 3 жыл бұрын
Not following through would be injustice, cuz every oppressed person would want justice to be served eventualy. If you know Allah wouldn't follow through with his وعيد (waeed) =threat , then why make the threat in the first place. Allah is mighty and Just as well as he is merciful.Allah shows his attributes in a perfect manner. If we know that the mercy of Allah would precede every attribute, then we would act like the Christians ( believing that shirk is only what we need to stay away from).
@zuhairfan2490 3 жыл бұрын
Deep yet true!
@mindthegap1651 3 жыл бұрын
May allah guide u sister 🤲
@mahmoonabdurrub6424 2 жыл бұрын
she think that there shouldnt be the hell because allah is most merciful . 🤣 simple answer was if there will be no hell then evil people will do bad things to the limit in this world and allah will forgive them .then good people will think allah will forgive them we also do same because allah is most merciful . then there will be no difference between evil and good . the end result of good and evil people will be heaven .
@joyzylove 3 жыл бұрын
I have a question. I’m a convert. My mom, my dad and my brother are non-believerers. I have had a lot of conversations with my mom about my believe in Allah and I’ve tried many times to convince her of The Truth of Allah. But she will not believe… beside that is my mom such a beautiful person. She does good, she always helps people etc. She’s a very beautiful and good person. Will my mom still go to Hell if she doesn’t repent?… May Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala guide all the non-believers to Islam. Ameen 🤲🏼
@Nox-02 3 жыл бұрын
You have to know that ultimately no one knows if she will really go to paradise of hellfire because only الله knows if she has validated thoses conditions . Your job is to be the best muslima so that you can teach them through you comportement and actions what is a muslim
@treehigh5156 3 жыл бұрын
this is one of the biggest issues with islam and christianity; if allah is real, he chose to make your mother non muslim and because of his choice she will go to hell.
@Nox-02 3 жыл бұрын
@@treehigh5156 who said to you that she will go to hellfire if she doesn’t even know what is Islam ?
@treehigh5156 3 жыл бұрын
@@Nox-02 so are all non muslims going to jannah?
@erdogan123erdogan4 3 жыл бұрын
actually you are wrong and they are right. infinite punishment or reward for finite karma is INJUSTICE. anything which has start/origin/beginning/birth should end/die. if soul ics created then it must be destoryed. life is not a test according to islamic scriptures. it is a lie... Life is infact hide and seek per islam.. If you say you found Allah without seeing him you are saved. Else you go to hell fire. Remember there is a Quranic verse which says on judegement day we can see Allah.. Hadiths also confirms this. If we can see Allah on judgement day why can't we see allah now in this earth? After all you have houries and wines in heaven as in earth right? NEED quran verse ? hadith reference?? Muslims would say well - this is earth, that's nth dimension etc
@moonlighttlit4866 3 жыл бұрын
I've been listening to a lot of podcasts that talks about human atrocities and how people abuse and murder and torture other people and animals for sport, out of spite, slowly, horrible, inhumane, unfathomable forms of torture. and i fully believe in my heart these are the people who deserve hellfire since they don't value any life other than theirs. the sister is too pure and doesn't understand how vile the world can be.
@omerguner742 Жыл бұрын
Brother ali the section of 10:20 doesnt say shirk it says sh*t hopefully you see my comment and change it ❤️
@YouOnUsPath 3 жыл бұрын
She just confuse about eternal hellfire, thats only for people commited shirk.
@cagatayocal7049 3 жыл бұрын
Even Turkish people are having doubts about islam subhanallah. I don't blame them. Turkey is a very secular nation.
@TheBrcngrdk 9 ай бұрын
'Asking questions' is not mean we have doubts about islam.
@razmiihsan8897 3 жыл бұрын
Assalamualaikum. What is the hadith at 14:00? Never heard that one.
@prankhell2446 2 жыл бұрын
ali is not right that if u slap your mum but also do charity then the charity is usless thats not true thats why we have different sins and rewards
@raheemrahman230 8 ай бұрын
The time stamp says 'how can you truly understand shit'😅
@umar-_ Жыл бұрын
in first place People have no right to think Why About Allah .
@celestialknight2339 3 жыл бұрын
The answer to her question is quite obvious-God is Just. And so God will punish those who committed crimes in this world yet failed to be properly punished. So that criminals will be payed back for their crimes, and justice will be done. This life is a test-and on Judgement Day is when the result of that test will be given, with either reward or punishment as an outcome, depending on what you did. And so as God says in the Qur’an: *_”Or are We to somehow treat those who have faith and do righteous works like those who make create violence & havoc on earth? Or are We to treat the conscientious like the sinful?”_* _(Qur’an __38:28__)_ -------------------- *_”Do those who perpetrate the evil deeds actually think that We will treat them as equal to those who believe and do righteous deeds, whether in their life or their death? How awful is their judgment!”_* *_”God created the heavens and the earth with meaning & purpose, and so that every soul will be repaid for what it had earned. And they will not be treated unfairly!_* _(Qur’an __45:21__-22)_ And so as God conclusively says about those who will end up in Hell: *_”We did them no injustice at all, but it was they themselves who were the oppressive & unjust!”_* _(Qur’an 43:76)_
@baleriontheblackdread4491 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah but the real question is how is hell a just punishment ?
@yosefofarabia508 3 жыл бұрын
A good God doesn't mean He is not a just god. Allah is good, merciful and just all together.
@skyking297 3 жыл бұрын
My friend said to me after taking a long absent from school bcuz of an unfortunate accident then he comes back to school and said "There are sane humans out there who never think twice to kill,murder,rape.....,,, someone"....."be careful mate" his words&the way he looked at me while telling this gave me chills. His father killed by a burglar and his uncle saved his mom and him.....that guy caught by police and given 3lifetime sentence prison.
@blayzahkingalertoo7 3 жыл бұрын
27:50 the Quran verse answered the whole video lol “The verses that you read after are better then the ones before” Subhaan’allah
@uReDucation-c3d 3 жыл бұрын
What do you mean 'better than the ones before'
@r.b7979 3 жыл бұрын
@@uReDucation-c3d it probably is in relation to the fact that after almost every verse abt war or hell or anything of the sort, paradise or good will is always explained after.
@blayzahkingalertoo7 3 жыл бұрын
@@uReDucation-c3dit’s in Quotation marks . It’s what the man selected from the Quran at random , watch the video before the time mark and you’ll understand.
@essa200911 3 жыл бұрын
I have a question is the Hadith in 14:33 authentic or not please provide me the Hadith and if the Hadith is correct in sources
@oayysz8909 3 жыл бұрын
Just checked its a weak narration due to"rashdeen ibn saad" who is considered a weak narrator amongst the hadith scholars
@oayysz8909 3 жыл бұрын
KZbin keeps deleting the comment once i post the hadith in arabic you'll have to search it up its in sunan al tirmidi 2599 book sifat jahanam
@essa200911 3 жыл бұрын
@@oayysz8909 So okay thank you for referring to the source True I could not find anyone until now correcting this Hadith but it is an Athar. It is not Hadith because we have two people in that Athar which are weak or as some said they are “ واه or maybe in English have some illusions or can’t remember because has weak memory“ But I find numbers of Hadiths which they are very very close to this Athar The main one is this : يخرجُ من النَّارِ - قال أبو عِمرانَ - : أربعةٌ ، - وقال ثابتٌ - : رجلان فيُعرَضون على ربِّهم ، فيُؤمرُ بهم إلى النَّارِ فيلتفتُ أحدُهم فيقولُ : يا ربِّ ! وقد كنتُ أرجو إذا أخرجتني منها أن لا تعيدني فيها ، فينجِّيهم اللهُ تعالَى منها الراوي : أنس بن مالك | المحدث : أبو نعيم | المصدر : حلية الأولياء الصفحة أو الرقم: 2/358 | خلاصة حكم المحدث : صحيح التخريج : أخرجه مسلم (192)، وأحمد (13313) باختلاف يسير، وأبو نعيم في ((حلية الأولياء)) (2/315) واللفظ له It is very similar and the meaning almost true and I don’t know if these numbers of Hadiths if they could strong this athur or back it up but we have other Hadiths which provide the meanings and are more authentic
@L4AH4N1889 3 жыл бұрын
The Holy Quran doesn't abrogate itself at all and the Hellfire is not without limits whatever long criminals stay inside as Allah taala says لَابِثِينَ فِيهَا أَحْقَابًا which means long times. Please brothers don't spread incorrect news about Islam !
@LizBezzy 3 жыл бұрын
This sister is confused
@asl43n5 Жыл бұрын
Does someone know the Hadith Ali mentions with the 2 men going to hell? At 13:54
@ElQana9 3 жыл бұрын
Why can’t we just trust Allah that he is fair and most merciful. We don’t need to question why Allah do this or that. It feels so wrong to ask such questions.
@5raxy178 2 жыл бұрын
Can anyone pray for me, I'm really scared of hell :(
@Guts_Brando Жыл бұрын
What is the hadith called about the man running to hell?
@Traveling_Tariq 3 жыл бұрын
Masha Allah ❤️
@legend-freegaza 3 жыл бұрын
Our Turkish brothers and sisters are lost may Allah guide me and them people say to me it’s rare for Turkish people to be on deen :( there so westernised kmt upsets me how we was so strong to so weak Allah help us
@Silentship98 3 жыл бұрын
That’s not true. Go to Turkey and you will see they are not different or even better then other Muslim countries
@legend-freegaza 3 жыл бұрын
@@Silentship98 I’m talking about London
@Userdoesnotexit 3 жыл бұрын
she is too naïve
@idrisnova9617 3 жыл бұрын
How is she turkish and not muslim
@bonar1211 3 жыл бұрын
I dont want to brag around. I kinda dont like how Ali anwered the questions. The anwer is simple, everytime we are breath is a chance that Allah give to us to repent so He can forgive us. The Most Merciful
@ibtissame25 2 жыл бұрын
People should not forget that ‘being a sociopath’ is merely a label that psychologists give a person when that person qualifies for thoughts and behaviors that belong to/fit in the category of certain mental illnesses. But NO ONE, not even psychologists, can prove that with every person this behavior is CAUSED by trauma. In some cases it IS for sure, but in some cases it cant be proven. And by stating that every evil/wrongdoing person HAS to have a trauma as his/her motive, you actually claim that evil doesn’t exist…. And that’s pretty contradictive…
@driouchlani7293 3 жыл бұрын
بسبب القومية ، لدينا 1000 سبب لكراهية كل منهما. بسبب الإسلام. لدينا 1000000 سبب لنحب بعضنا البعض. لا تختر ما يدمرنا ، اختر ما يحقق لنا النجاح. الإسلام - القرآن والسنة عجلوا بعودتكم إليها ، ولنبدأ بإعادة بناء هذا UMMAH.
@tarekzenati5348 2 жыл бұрын
Anas b. Malik reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be u n him) said: It would be said to the non-believers on the Day of Resurrection: If you were to possess gold, filling the whole earth, would you like to secure your freedom by paying that? He would say: Yes. Thereupon it would be said to him: Something easier (than this) was demanded from you (but you paid no heed to it).
@xmuhmd 3 жыл бұрын
I do not understand her problem with Quran yet? It is clear That God never lie If God promise hellfire for people... And those people choose hellfire It is their mistake... To choose hellfire rather than beliveing God! God is just and truthful! And keeps his promise!
@PoeticSonic 3 жыл бұрын
there is a hadith saying that out of 100, 99 will go to hell and 1 will go to heaven and another hadith says that in 1000 people, 999 people will go to hell and 1 will go to heaven. but mind you in the first hadith what the theologians and the rest of the ahadith say, for the first hadith it's more than likely about the muslims and the second one is about everybody as a whole including yajuuj and majooj who were also mentioned in the second hadith who are all going to hell and there numbers are gonna sky rocket before this life on earth is over. plus from other ahadith that whoever has iman as much of an atom then they will eventually go to heaven even if they will have to first go to hell for there transgressions. as allah is going to summon prophet muhammad pbuh and tell him that whatever he asks for will be answered any intercession he makes will be answered so the prophet will cry's out "ummaty ummaty" which means my people my people so allah with his mercy tells him that anybody with imman the size of a mustard seed of imman can go to heaven from hell and then the prophet goes to get his people (the muslims) and then against asks allah intercede for him people so allah says that anybody who has imman the size of an atom so on and so forth smaller in iman that the prophet pbuh can intercede for basically all the real muslims with any iman will (eventually) go to heaven thanks to allah's mercy and the prophet interceding for us and always making us him priority and always worrying for us. going back to the main issue, if you are aware that allah is your creator who gave you so much and will give you much more and knowing full well that by not having iman in allah you are going to hell, then it's on you, i mean LITERALLY! allah gave us free well for a reason that includes humans and jinn, the difference between adam pbuh and iblees even though iblees was once a righteous person is that iblees has a very high ego and is so racist so much so that he defied allah even though he made it in heaven and raised him to a higher place that all his people, yet he full well disobeyed allah, yet that wasn't his biggest sin. as allah allowed iblees to trick adam to eat from the forbidden fruit to show the difference between adam and iblees as when adam disobeyed allah by eating the fruit he was told not to eat, adam pbuh right away apologised to allah and seeked forgiveness and mercy. and THAT is iblees's biggest mistake as he totally disregarded the idea that allah can still have mercy on him and forgive him if he just asked allah, he had NO IMAN in allah's mercy.
@5raxy178 2 жыл бұрын
So there is even a way at the day of judgment to go to heaven 🙃.
@huesna61 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah it is but this shouldn't encourage you to commit sins and just say o we can be forgiven on the day of judgement
@mumin9761 3 жыл бұрын
Allah has written his mercy is bigger than his wrath, Allah counts a sin for a sin, but a deed for at least 10 times that deed or how much Allah wills, Allah will always forgive no matter what unless u die with shirk(disbelief or association with Allah)! Allah replaces bad deeds to good! Allah enters u into heaven through his mercy, it isn’t a place u will be ever worthy of, the people of hellfire earned it! How are we to claim Allah isn’t merciful!
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