In the contract law, the person who signs it has responsibility to review the written document. Don’t blame on the sales rep. It’s your responsibility to seek legal advice.
@markluk91882 жыл бұрын
It’s not about the contract problem. It’s all about the misrepresentation. Misrepresentation is NOT allowed under no circumstances and if the agent gave wrong information to the customers, the contract is void.
@green 咁想問問,啲agent有讀law嘅?個個人才輩出,有law底,可以同你解釋清楚you are bound by咩contract rules?緊係唔會負責架啦,"呢單嘢唔係我跟開"。其實到頭黎,睇contract好過聽人講,到頭黎係啲victims要睇清楚個contract
@54646541357562 жыл бұрын
@green 呢個係其一,如果要開files,任何嘢都要base on contract
@dsse6571 Жыл бұрын
I think you are misleading, people sign the contract because they trust the agent, and he supposed to explain clearly to the customer, also they get commission and that’s his job, if people need to look everything themselves, why we need the agent,I minus well do it myself