一路睇一路受感動,特別是 每次提到 袁隆平前輩,他及其團隊 不單止為祖國解決糧食問題,仲將善心延伸至遠至非洲,為中國人爭光。真的非常非常感激佢,讓人永遠懷念的 袁隆平前輩! 陳貝兒Janis《無窮之路4》正!,絕對珍貴無懈可擊的節目 🎉🎉🎉 面對那麼艱巨艱辛的拍攝過程 實在辛苦哂貝兒這位Top Top優秀主持 與及台前幕後精英團隊 陳貝兒飽受五十幾度嘅高溫,真係幾乎中暑,但可以拍到好多精彩嘅內容,Janis辛苦哂 Janis n crew, stay healthy, must support n watch with appreciation 太感動了,很感恩貝兒和攝製團隊的努力,讓我有機會看見自己國家如何援助其他國家共建地球村 希望求全球人民能吃得飽🙏
This is not only a high-quality, well-crafted documentary from Janis and her team, but it also demonstrates the success of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. It highlights how the initiative connects the world globally, regardless of trade, civilization, religion, or political differences, creating a win-win situation for all involved.