《省港旗兵3》(英語:Long Arm of the Law III)是1989年上映的一部香港電影,副題為「逃出香港」,由麥當傑執導,劉德華和李美鳳主演。主題核心是抨擊中國大陸當時的落後與殘酷的法制。 李長江(劉德華飾)由於一個小案而被判死刑,不甘心被處決,遂偷渡到香港,在偷渡的過程中李長江認識了常滿(李美鳳飾)和雞心(莫少聰飾),在互助下李與常滿彼此有了好感。來港後得知常滿因欠債而被賣做妓女,於是投靠黑幫老大以賺錢為常滿贖身。不料大陸方面派特工毛向陽(徐錦江飾)來港繼續追緝李歸案。李經過與毛和黑幫老大的多次艱難較量後,最終與常滿到了遙遠的巴拿馬,過上了自由安寧的新生活。
@RogerLo-ip2xpАй бұрын
one of the best HK action films of its time. truly epic
@존지-q5e2 ай бұрын
Andy Lau made 11 movies in a year at the time. His all movies are not bad.
@onggiong66602 ай бұрын
@존지-q5e2 ай бұрын
@onggiong6660 因为He is good.
@lampingnin17222 ай бұрын
@shahnizam91662 ай бұрын
@@존지-q5ein acting...not directing film
@toneps2 ай бұрын
He in debt he lost money in making his own film he had a salary and u can use him for anything you wanted
@quentinj63572 ай бұрын
I'm 21 from the United States. This is the first time I see classic Chinese movie. I find out it's a Hong Kong production. I need to see more of this classic movies. Good action, good acting. Very awesome.
@joelo29592 ай бұрын
A very good and exciting Hong Kong action movie! I think the film was made in late 1980s, and reflects accurately Hong Kong at that time. The fishing harbour in the film is called Aberdeen, where I lived when the film was being shot.
@ယြန္းယြန္း-ဠ၇င4 күн бұрын
@forrachan8112 ай бұрын
@susankwan67882 ай бұрын
At least 20 years ago movie.
@Philip-dy3ww2 ай бұрын
I think it’s at least 30 years ago
@Garnacho1029Ай бұрын
Both of you wrong, it s' 4 0 years ago (19 8 5)
@happygolucky97622 ай бұрын
The title and cover of the movie is SO MISLEADING and VERY DECEIVING !!! Just to attract more views ???
@tsnowice1226 күн бұрын
Andy Lau looks too young
@magicvivo1638Ай бұрын
@theplasmacollider6431Ай бұрын
Stop saying that the movie title is wrong WITHOUT saying what the name of this movie actually is!
@susankwan67882 ай бұрын
The young man of Andy Lau, he is so old looking with so slim to control his diet, he doesn't look good at all.
@shahonchen666125 күн бұрын
Greedy for money can live into no ripe old golden age!
@lindan10142 ай бұрын
very good movie
@benzstarcreation60422 ай бұрын
The movie is okay but the title is misleading and this should not being acceptable. And where are YT staffs? They have been blinded? Mther F.....
@mastermobile-t6o2 ай бұрын
wira kamu jgn lbh
@mastermobile-t6o2 ай бұрын
wira mulut kmu yg celake.kamu nak mapus ape
@mastermobile-t6o2 ай бұрын
kmu nak mapus ape
@mattma962 ай бұрын
yOU SEE, KZbin IS such a rubbish platform!!!
@NanaNa-p5qАй бұрын
@nayaaurora314217 күн бұрын
@bl3783Ай бұрын
2:25 Robin Shou on the left (Liu Kiang of Mortal Kombat)
Please DON’T label the movie with a the WRONG NAME just to attract views. Shame Shame Shame!
@General_Tso7622 ай бұрын
Shame on you for trying to illegally watch a different movie lol
@henrylui55592 ай бұрын
@@General_Tso762 , it’s up to KZbin to enforce any copyright. I’d gladly pay for any fees to the intellectual property owner if required. You? Weren’t you here too to watch a movie you wanted to watch?
@General_Tso7622 ай бұрын
@@henrylui5559 I was looking through reviews of it. Saw this, obvious bs, still looked cool so I checked it out. Honestly not disappointed this movie takes me back. Oh ya the "KZbins responsibility" line is like saying its ok to steal someone's stereo because they didn't lock their car but nice try justifying it to yourself. and yes the actual movie is purchasable both digitally and physically so dont gimme that.
@henrylui55592 ай бұрын
@@General_Tso762 , so you were there just to check it out, but will definitely not watch it if it’s free? Right. I can see a big "BS" alert flashing in front of me already. Just tell me you weren't going to watch it if it's the original one available and you have no other paid options. KZbin is very good at enforcing copyrights, especially new movies. I was totally prepared to pay if required but never got to that step since I already realized it was click bait shortly after clicking on the link. Your analogy of me finding an unlocked car and conveniently grabbing the stereo is completely out of whack. So, tell me where I can rent the movie digitally. I’d love to know but haven’t been able to find a site which has it for rent.
@General_Tso7622 ай бұрын
@@henrylui5559 yeah talk shit and then ask for help lol. I don't care if you believe me. If you are too stupid to find it yourself that's your problem but I'll give you a hint because I'm a nice person; WATCH SOME FUCKIN REVIEWS LIKE I DID! almost every review I watched told me where I could find it. You want to steal it I could care less but don't bitch about losers making a buck off you cuz you are cheap and trying to steal shit. Also that analogy is VERY fitting.