Have you already done the registration with the phone pay that you can use their live url and credentials but if not then you have first registered with them and get all the live credentials and use them in the code . Going live is very simple you just need to change the url and credentials. All details are in the documentation.
Have any idea cancelled and recurring payment api?
@code-18014 күн бұрын
@rudrapurohit4033 There is a seperate process for that.
@anbuselvanrocky Жыл бұрын
The credentials with the above host and keys used in your project doesn't work.. The response, i'm receiving is 401. Why is that?
@code-180 Жыл бұрын
Can you please share which 2 keys you are taking, and also you can go to the office page for the phonepe and check the keys that you are using are correct or not i have shown in the video from where i have got the keys.
When i done payment in test environment then user automaticaly logged out and therefore user will get 419 error in redirect url
@code-1805 ай бұрын
@amitgarg272 Why will be the user automaticaly logged out if you have a active login session of the user, in stripe or paypal when we do payment we are never logout of it as we are in the login session and laravel also mentain that. There might me some other bug that is casing this problem.
@bhupendrasahu3708 Жыл бұрын
When i have dd($response) in code i have show error are :- "{"success":false,"code":"KEY_NOT_CONFIGURED","message":"Key not found for the merchant","data":{}}"
@code-180 Жыл бұрын
if you are using a production key on UTA environment this the error that is given. Please check this out - stackoverflow.com/questions/77001627/key-not-configured-error-showing-in-phonepe-php-integration HELP LINK - developer.phonepe.com/v1/docs/uat-testing#api-integration---test-setup
@ajayi4662 Жыл бұрын
Im getting this error { "success": false, "code": "BAD_REQUEST", "message": "Please check the inputs you have provided.", "data": {} } but all payload values are correct.? why this error comming.?
@code-180 Жыл бұрын
ok, Please check the code with my code, the error is saying "Please check the inputs you have provided" as there is something may be wrong with the input but if the input is all correct and it matches exactly then there must something wrong in the phone pay portal that is why you are getting this error, wait for 1 day or 2 and then try it and please verify your code first.
iam getting an error CHECKOUT RESPONSE Undefined property: stdClass::$data like this, what to do with this
@code-180 Жыл бұрын
Though it is a very short description for the error, still my guess will be you are not getting the respond form the curl for the step 1 which has a data property that mean your checksum has some problem that what I think but there may be different thing also can't confirm without see the full code.
@eonnisworld3542 Жыл бұрын
actually i used the same you provided it works correctly but in live server when i add original salt key and index its giving above mentioned error, is this issue because of phonepe or the code. And which url will be used in live payment? can you please reply?@@code-180
@code-180 Жыл бұрын
Ok, the logic for any payment gateway development is if there sandbox mode is working properly then the live mode should work with the same code only by changing the URL and credential that we can see any payment gateway like stripe, Razerpay, PayPal. If that is not working then there is something wrong with the payment gateway live credential . As you have said that the code is working in sandbox mode then it should work with the live one if you put in properly and don't miss anything. There are 2 URL in this payment gateway according to the documentation. Below are the URL i have shared form the documentation 1 is production URL . If after putting this prod URL and live credential your code doesn't work, you need to talk to the support of Phone Pe. Also, please remember you need to test the live code in a server not in a local system. Thank you hope that help. Happy coding. @eonnisworld3542 1. PROD Host URL: api.phonepe.com/apis/hermes 2. UAT Host URL: api-preprod.phonepe.com/apis/pg-sandbox 3. UAT PAY API URL: api-preprod.phonepe.com/apis/pg-sandbox/pg/v1/pay PhonePe URL - developer.phonepe.com/v1/reference/pay-api-1