You got a lot more valuable items than I've seen on several other youtubers. Good for you.
@lindapatterson79238 ай бұрын
The black and white checked ribbon works well with cow or bee projects. Some of the items would make nice gifts!😊
@StoneWolf998019 ай бұрын
Box 3, you got a 3rd paint set, would you consider selling it to make up the cost of the box? You can decorate the white glass ornaments with UV resin, Make them custom and pretty. I do it all the time. The plain wreath you could use the ribbon to decorate it. Those big wreaths can sell pretty well for a lot if you decorate them well.
@kristietaylor7198 ай бұрын
The Christmas picks from box 1 can be used to decorate the two wreaths along with the ribbon.
@TheHolisticMother8 ай бұрын
Good idea! 👍🏻
@131dyana8 ай бұрын
You received sp many nice things we are happy for you. God bless.
@dawnlindgron55707 ай бұрын
Wow you and your daughter can make lots of gifts for People. Paint on Christmas bulbs for a craft. lots of projects to make with a the Christmas greens and picks,ribbons etc
@debbiegreen98829 ай бұрын
the purple sticks with the plastic that you got were Knitting needles
@TheHolisticMother9 ай бұрын
Thank you! I was wondering 😅
@PorscheAmbassadorATX9 ай бұрын
Totally worth it!!!🎉
@StoneWolf998019 ай бұрын
By the way, my name is Kollean, figured since I commented so much I might as well introduce myself. Im a bed bound disabled artist (wheelchair). I do resin, make it minis, water colors, diamond paintings, markers, ink drawings. I don't leave my apartment much for anything but doctors appointments, i buy all my art supplies on Amazon & Temu, (love temu prices & i live on disability income). I used to sell my art in galleries in my youth. Back when i had the physical ability to work on big oil canvasses. Now, i just paint for me. I do custom model horses as well. I live in Alaska, but i am opening the worlds largest model horse museum in Virginia with a partner. Its where she lives. My collection is my lifes work, been shipping it down for years, still have over half to ship...
@StoneWolf998019 ай бұрын
The wide ribbon works great for doll skirts if your into making like Barbie clothing.... So it doesn't have to wait for Xmas. Just one use for it.... I make saddle pads for breyer model horses out of it.
@StoneWolf998019 ай бұрын
Gravel Bag!!!! If you need a new home for it! I do miniatures, and I use things like that to decorate my mini's!!!!! There are NO craft stores where I live. We do have a JoAnnes fabrics, but our store gets stocked with what other stores cant sell. I live in Juneau Alaska. So i have to ship everything in and shop online. Also, many places wont ship here for some stupid resin, so I ship to a friend in Oregon then she ships on to me. Its a huge hassle to ship twice... Is the fox missing the pieces or is he just broken pieces in the package? if the pieces are there I can fix him and give him new life.
@StoneWolf998019 ай бұрын
Press the vinal & the boatd under something large and heavy to reflatten it kn a large surface like a table... It should fix it. Leave it like a week.