Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost is Broken

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10 ай бұрын

So Touhou 19 came out a few weeks ago, and honestly It's i've been having an absolutely blast with it, it's definitely my favorite new Touhou game release since I've gotten into Touhou. But it is definitely all over the place when it comes to balancing and polish, so I felt like throwing together a "X is Broken" video for this game.
(This video is not meant to be taken seriously, like I said I love this game)
Hopefully none of the sections drag on for too long. Since the game is more complex than most Touhou games I wanted to try explaining what's going on a bit more indepth than just quickly summing up things that are wrong and then moving on!
Inspired by Mino's videos which were inspired by Heeew's videos.
• Double Dealing Charact...
• Hidden Star in Four Se...
• Melee is Broken
Can You Really Call This A Hotel, I Didn't Receive A Mint On My Pillow Or Anything - Undertale
White Surf Style 6 - Omori
Meta Knight's Revenge - Super Smash Bros. Brawl
I Think My Dad Shops here - Omori
Support me (if you have nothing better to do with your money):

Пікірлер: 82
@LushieTilde 10 ай бұрын
A few corrections and other bugs: -The draw bug can happen on stage 6 (genuine mistake on my part) - Orin's LV2 turns Nazrin's blue pendulums into spirits while Zanmu can't and her LV2 turns things into spirits faster than Zanmu's. So in at least one matchup her LV2 can be better. - Tsukasa's lasers are supposed to bounce off the edges of the screen, but the code is bugged and spawns new lasers out of Tsukasa's position instead of the edges of the screen (I didn't put in the video because I wasn't sure if it was bugged, but someone confirmed it for me now) -Someone found why spirits can stop spawning sometimes: Zanmu's level 2 will increase the amount of spirits the game thinks are on the screen, but fail to decrease it in some circumstances. So eventually the game will stop spawning spirits normally because it thinks it reached a cap. - Some story mode dialogue isn't skippable by holding down the shoot button for some reason - Sanae's theme in this game is misnamed as "Faith is For The Transient People" when it's actually a remix of "The Primal Scene of Japan the Girl Saw" - Chiyari's orbs sometimes bug out and never get smaller, it is very very rare and I have no idea what causes this bug
@themadsuika3909 5 ай бұрын
Oh so you're telling me that the only time i have fought against Chiyari was bugged hell and back?! Context: 10 seconds before my demise my screen was exponentially turning purple because of the wisps until the full screen was covered… thanks i hate it
@foxxbaker 10 ай бұрын
Just the beauty of pofv like games, absolute mayhem and jank. No one knows what’s gunna happen next
@usateiusatei 10 ай бұрын
i want to say that this is the beauty of puyo puyo, in the end. even if PoDD was of course, a twinkle star sprites clone, all 3 touhou games included in it's mechanics brings that format of stacking against the opponent essentially from puyo puyo, to me at least.
@imagebear8916 8 ай бұрын
@@usateiusatei I can't say for podd, but I also see puyo puyo in pofv. The way you would hold onto lv4 just to wait for your opponent to hit you first then counter the sh*t out of them. I feel like 19 is really different.
@errhedA 10 ай бұрын
The fact this video is approx. double the length of DDC is Broken says a lot
@tasouganenonihilai362 9 ай бұрын
Well, it IS called Unfinished Dream
@MedsieLovr 10 ай бұрын
Phantasmagoria games are insane, i hope ZUN makes more of these in the future.
@AJSdanmakufu 10 ай бұрын
The game is so absolutely fun and so absolutely broken. I actually love it.
@LushieTilde 10 ай бұрын
Sometimes things being broken just adds to the fun!
@chonlasitcheodchan7381 10 ай бұрын
MVC3 fans be like: first time?
@augmentedu-turn5071 3 ай бұрын
hello neighbor and violet detector enjoyer here i can confirm
@GarryDumblowski 10 ай бұрын
I sorta feel like if a laser is cancelled, unless it's a really weird spell card it should cancel the laser spawn as well to avoid nonsense like Yachie's matchup with Marisa, though I suppose fixing the existing laser bug would help with that anyway. It's not just a problem in this game even, I always felt like it was super risky to use a bomb or active during Megumu's laser cards in the previous game because the lasers will all respawn with no warning.
@LushieTilde 10 ай бұрын
Yeah I noticed Megumu's lasers in UM will just rapidly fire when canceling them.
@perez_rales 10 ай бұрын
Just once, while I selected Enoko, and the other character being selected while presing down and right at the same time, I managed to make Enoko's shot being tranformed into Marisas and her charge shot being swapped with Marisas' Orbs and never leaving the screen once they were fired. Can you imagine it? Firing Marisas instead of your usual shot. Sadly, I was dumb enough to not record it and I haven't achieved to make it happen again :'v
@perez_rales 10 ай бұрын
Now that I think about it carefully, I believe both caracters were selected Randomly :v
@foxxbaker 10 ай бұрын
Won’t be surprised if servers or tournaments set it up so you can only select characters in the same tier like advance wars by web
@olixx1213 10 ай бұрын
Well besides reimu and chiyari the rest if fine Some characters hard counters other hard tho , animal leaders have an hard Time dealing with orin or zanmu
@foxxbaker 10 ай бұрын
@@olixx1213 yeah, but hey, I like the game
@abarette_ 9 ай бұрын
@@olixx1213 nazrin vs orin 💀
@cirnobyl9158 10 ай бұрын
Fighting Lunatic Chiyari as Orin is very inconsistent for me. Sometimes the wisps eat up all 5 lives. Sometimes they only eat 1. But overall because Orin's C2 is so good that fight ends up being not too bad. Now Zanmu on the other hand...
@drexfivemorning3930 10 ай бұрын
Looks like ZUN got a stronger beer to drink with when he worked on this. The online PvP problems are the only thing that makes me sad. Hopefully, my locals will do some offline PvP because I saw some offline matches are already going around in JP and they look fun.
@voisenyerasylum 10 ай бұрын
Seeing players play on the lower half of the screen against Chiyari is just sad- Though I have a 50/50 scoring against human play Chiyari
@vitorhenriquefarias8916 5 ай бұрын
when the dream of all living ghosts is unfinished
@KnakuanaRka Ай бұрын
I’m guessing the reason for the AI bug with Chiyari is that it’s trying to determine the direction the flame is in so they can move away from it; when they’re in the same position as the flame, this breaks so the AI locks up.
@usateiusatei 10 ай бұрын
this is some very detailed analysis that reflects exactly what i want to communicate, about how wild this game is. i wish to be able to beat it on lunatic on every character, but i literally can't get past critical sections of the story because of a mixture of chiyari, zanmu, and goddamn yachie's otters! i have ragequit multiple times because i will be able to beat a boss, but die within the last halfsecond, and it'll end up just being a "draw"; still, i love the new characters, i just wish this game was, many times more playtested? if it wasn't for the spaghetti code, within a short amount of time we would've had people adding lots of other characters, too. i also really hope that it becomes balanced to the point where the PVP is as freeflowing as PFoV; maybe there'll be more of a demand for more fangames in the coming few years?
@FanMSMK 10 ай бұрын
UDoALG has quickly become one of my favorite touhou games, and how broken it is it's part of the reason lol, admittedly, some bugs really do suck but I can't help but like the madness that can get to be done in this game, is honestly so fun. Something that I'd like to add, is that if you lose connection with a friend in online mode while the second round is loading, the game will resume the round with all the characters, stage and everything the moment you play a match again (doesn't matter the player or who characters did you choose), which can cause some wacky glitches in the visuals and gameplay
@caseydewitt6236 7 ай бұрын
I'm so glad you included the draw glitch. I thought no one would believe me. It happened to me with Aunn on Normal Mode. I thought it was a glitch when I fought Sanae and Reimu again, but then I thought maybe it was intentional because of Aunn's comment to Yachie about coming in pairs (plus this meant I had both of Sanae's cards & Reimu's). But then I was like "But that doesn't make sense with the tube fox thing," so I was super confused.
@UltimaJC 8 ай бұрын
I really didn't care for 19, but I'm glad to see other people enjoy it.
@jambon2730 9 ай бұрын
Tsukasa's spell feels like lasers are supposed to bounce like her spell in touhou 18's extra, but it seems like zun forgot to add a bounce property? Oh and some characters are straight up garbage because the ai can perfectly dodge their attacks, no matter how dense it is, especially Seiran and Aunn
@orcinus2104 Ай бұрын
People: *complain about PoFV AI dodging every bullet ZUN: *makes Chiyari People: *complain about Chiyari You gotta admit tho, getting to defeat that b*stard Suika with Chiyari is the best feeling ever!
@xaropevic7918 10 ай бұрын
The chiyari problem explains why the only other two chosen characters were yuuma and reimu, one that has the best matchup against chiyari due to the large scope as the only form of "counterplay" and reimu is the next most broken option. I also got that draw bug after a huuuge time trying to win against zanmu and when I finally got it, right after the draw, as I learned better to abuse the "shield", I was confused as I needed to fight against Ran again (I was doing Sanae's route), and I figured it out that it was a bug. Lastly, a bit surprised that netplay ignores distance between players, so I think it would be very funny if I played there and started making the largest playerbase, the japanese one, ragequit due to huge lags from literally the other side of the world. Well, I was speaking about trying to play with a friend from a very distant place of my country, but probably not gonna work, from my experience that would make lag in even simpler online games, imagine this one though.
@D_T_S_V 10 ай бұрын
With every time a Touhou 19 balance video comes, Chiyari gets Brawl Meta Knight Revenge. It’s only a matter of time before people start making art of Chiyari Mach Tornado
@CGerardito 9 ай бұрын
About Orin's Lv2, when I played her for the first time, I genuinely thought the random dead/hit is intentional. Since then I thought her Lv2 is an equivalent to a "screen clear" and spamming it would be broken hence why ZUN coded a hit after you use it a few times. Never would I ever thought that it's a bug based on her position on the screen lol
@WhimWidget 10 ай бұрын
Very nice video! A nice visual compilation of all of these oddities. Not really "forgotten" things, but other oddities: Nazarin's Skill can feel like a bootleg Zanmu's. Use it, then immediately charge and any poor spirit (void, animal, giant animal, Rin's) that touches her homing aura just vanishes. I managed to clear all of Yaichi's health when playing in story mode lunatic due to it. I wouldn't call it broken though, but with mention of ways the AI can lose in story, thought it was worth mentioning. ...I say "Rin's", but Nazarin's EX attack Pendulums can be converted by Rin's aura and used to further boost her counter combo. Not Zanmu's skill though, that's one thing unique to Rin's. Nazarin's EX Special pendulums are safe though, for some reason - they can't be converted. Rin's Skill has an additional property that spawns more spirit points from any shots on screen (like an aura). Zanmu's doesn't have this either. This isn't a bug, but it's interesting that is does have those two unique properties. Online does at least offer variants (No delay, low latency, middle latency, high latency) that it asks before joining someone. It definitely helps the framerate considerably when connecting to players across the globe...but desyncs are still likely. Players have been able to change name during the error screen (sometimes to say hi or so), but I'm currently not sure how. (The game has a lot of undocumented or just inconsistently documented quirks so sometimes it's hard to tell what's intentional. Giant spirits not counting as animals, but general spirits. Aunn's Skill granting 1 second invlnerability with nothing stating, sound indicacting or visually indicating. Nazarin't pendulums being affected by Rin...ect) There's a video of a bugged time Chiyari's shots just...always beserked, never lowering their timer (making the _even worse_ -.- ). There's no information on this though. ...Was "Meta Knight's Revenge" for the meta breaking Chiyari, tails41yoshi's idea?
@Iris_Descent 10 ай бұрын
kinda yeah happens when you're dating xd
@LushieTilde 10 ай бұрын
I honestly had no idea Orin's LV2 converted Nazrin's pendulums. That's so bizarre. Tails linked me the music as a response to something Chiyari related and I thought it would be funny to put it as background music during Chiyari's long section. But the video took so long that she ended up getting the same idea for her own video. Shared braincell moment.
@Iris_Descent 10 ай бұрын
well nuh-uh, i made that funny with the tier list template before i did that
@lalkao_o 10 ай бұрын
- no u - no u - no u
@ssneakyandfriends1626 10 ай бұрын
guys I'm sending an Extra Attack LV5 your way.
@Bravidunno 10 ай бұрын
Zamnus can't shoot directly after her lv2 unlike Orin, she has to wait for one second or so. I'd like to think of Zamnus's sticks as being bullets or intangible enemies. Orin isn't weak because her Lv2 makes her kill the bosses easily, but it has that bug that kills her if she attempts to use it. Also, yeah, Reimu's Lv2 kills enemies only when the fantasy seal explodes, so until then, you're forced to dodge the swarms of eagles if you manage to make things go haywire.
@Eltipoquevisteayer 10 ай бұрын
Th3 = Explode things and spam Lv1 If they are decent until you summon a Boss Th9= Spam Lv2 and use the Gaps in intensity to rest, try to gather as much ghosts Th19= Spam Lv3 and Farm bosses the sooner before everything becomes out of control, watch out for the ghosts and spirits
@Se--Se 9 ай бұрын
I knew someone was gonna make this video sooner or later, i was just waiting for it
@ssommegguyy 10 ай бұрын
The only bug I noticed when I played was the game getting stuck at the end of the match during the first stage of Marisa's story, forcing me to reset. No idea why that happened. Also for some reason the only time I was able to kill the AI in story mode was with Biten against Suika
@LushieTilde 10 ай бұрын
Huh I never had that happen to me before. Also not gonna lie out of all the characters that could kill the final boss in story mode, I didn't think Biten could.
@olixx1213 10 ай бұрын
​​@@LushieTildethe AI is really Bad at dealing with biten level 3 for some reason It usually corners itself at the first wave then die to the second
@satorikeyeto 9 ай бұрын
Did it get stuck at the part you got the card? I now that this happens when you play with the keyboard but have a controller plugged in
@ssommegguyy 9 ай бұрын
@@satorikeyeto It's been a while but I do play on keyboard so your probably right
@namholephuong117 3 ай бұрын
ok, so the reason being, you're plugging a, say, xbox or playstation controller into your computer. for whatever reasons, when finishing the first stage, the game defaulted to controller input, making plyers stuck. The solution being unplug the controller.
@Merciless_Marbles 10 ай бұрын
15:11 even in my own home my brother and i desync many times
@FORTEtheSECOND 9 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for this. It actually made me excited for the game but I need to see the issues get addressed so it can be enjoyed proper. Guess I'll be biding my time with Stonks-sama in the meantime.
@szymon6207 Ай бұрын
Do project 20 WIP ?
@jrhamari 10 ай бұрын
Actually the draw bug does work on stage 6, because I encountered it while playing as Mamizou and I was really confused as to why the game gave me both of Zanmu's ability cards and sent me back to stage 2 lol
@LushieTilde 10 ай бұрын
I swear I've tried it before and it didn't work. But I just did it right now and you are right it absolutely does. It also gave me Zanmu's card twice for some reason instead of just once! Sorry for making the mistake!
@captain_chompers 9 ай бұрын
I had the draw bug happen on Zanmu so I had to play through the whole game a second time, had a hilarious amount of cards.
@fezsquall9 7 ай бұрын
Chiyari really out here harassing people with a 2010's Sonic's worth of wisps
@gnixreal 10 ай бұрын
I was playing against someone on discord and he picked Reimu, I picked Enoko and at the end of it, i posted an image and they said that i was Reimu and they where seiran Also, local pvp is also somewhat broken, i was playing with a friend, and the keybinds kept getting stuck, only unstuking after presing a few times, wich lead to only p2 dying in unexpected ways
@flandechocolate9675 9 ай бұрын
i love this game honestly, at first i thought that the tanky enemmies were a problem but you stop noticing after a while. my favorite character has to be mamizou with the aunn card that makes you charge faster, keep getting bombs like candy
@AndrewMerrell 8 ай бұрын
Zun needs to see this
@littleanvil2164 4 ай бұрын
"It's all over. Everything is according to plan. Gensokyo will be pacified without being destroyed. Anyone who challenges this peace is an enemy of the future. Eh? Don't you agree, Jean-Pierre Polnareff?"
@BGDMusic 9 ай бұрын
@Merciless_Marbles 10 ай бұрын
When i heard OMORI themes i was shocked
@LynxFTG 9 ай бұрын
I realized watching this.. English patch already rolling out?
@LushieTilde 9 ай бұрын
It has been out since about a week after the game released
@LynxFTG 9 ай бұрын
@@LushieTilde oh. Crazy how the thpatch site said it's still in progress.
@LushieTilde 9 ай бұрын
@@LynxFTG It was pretty WIP when it first came out (lots of rushed translations that were updated since then), but it has been pretty much finished for a while now. Sometimes the wordings get changed a bit but that's it.
@callie_calamari 9 ай бұрын
@@LushieTilde could i get a link to the english patch? i dunno where to find it lol
@LushieTilde 9 ай бұрын
@@callie_calamari www.thpatch.net/wiki/Touhou_Patch_Center:Download
@AmanomiyaJun 7 күн бұрын
new update dropped, invalidates a lot of things in the video
@LushieTilde 4 күн бұрын
RIP this video
@neitoxotien2258 9 ай бұрын
Where did you get english ver. Of the game???
@LushieTilde 9 ай бұрын
You can get the english patch from thcrap (Touhou Patch Center).
@raikaria3090 9 ай бұрын
"Everything about Chiyari is streight up broken" - Now now; her lv4 isn't that good. You never use it; but still.
@zakihdt7710 10 ай бұрын
Is funny why name touhou Unfinished Dream of All living ghost becaue name Unfinished many charater are unbalanese accept is hard to play then farmem drop
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