Unpopular Opinion: Single Men over 35 with No Kids is a Red Flag

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Only For The Ears

Only For The Ears

23 күн бұрын

This video is about how it is a red flag if a man is 35 years old with no kids. A red flag doesn't automatically mean something is wrong with the man, but it means that there could be a larger issue. Some men are called to be single.

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@3moreroses003 19 күн бұрын
I don't care about a stigma. I'm rich.
@delawarehistory1675 20 күн бұрын
"A man could go out and get a wife" Is that a joke? I could go to an online dating site right now as a decent looking man, thin, 6ft tall, make over 6 figures etc and like about 1000 profiles of women and get absolutely NOTHING. No likes, no messages. No dates. Zero. Nada.
@copperphilosophy4768 19 күн бұрын
That doesn’t make any sense at all? ? I’m not being rude but what are you doing wrong ?? How do you dress how do you act? Have you tried dating in other states as well? Not being rude believe me but curious because I have a coworker who is 5’8 and 300lb and chews and smells like tobacco and he even gets GFS
@Orangeapple894b 18 күн бұрын
Looks like you are doing it wrong
@copperphilosophy4768 18 күн бұрын
@@Orangeapple894b it’s crazy right now?? This man is saying he’s decent looking and 6ft makes money and still can’t get a date ?! How he must be doing something wrong that he doesn’t want to admit
@copperphilosophy4768 18 күн бұрын
@@Orangeapple894b I’m willing to bet he’s getting attention from solid 6/10 but is wanting those 10/10 and upset he’s not getting them because there are more single women and single moms in the US that are begging for husbands
@Orangeapple894b 18 күн бұрын
@@copperphilosophy4768 He is most probably lying or have below average communication and social skills.
@delawarehistory1675 20 күн бұрын
I am 42 years old and no kids. I was with a woman for 8 years. I thought we;d get married, I thought we'd have kids. She didn't hold up her end of the bargain. She said no to a proposal. She just wasn't feeling it or something. SO here I am. My only red flag is that I didn't end it with her sooner. That I was naive enough to think her love for me would endure. WRONG.
@copperphilosophy4768 18 күн бұрын
So what’s your plan now? Your not to old to date are you going out to restaurants bars gyms or even joining a local coed softball team to start dating ? Because believe me you can word this correctly when you start dating say you are divorced with no kids that will get rid of a red flag and also start to spoil yourself bro hit the gym get healthy eat healthy and buy some cologne get regular hair cuts and a good 50-200$ watch and I guarantee you’ll have a date in a few weeks.
@delawarehistory1675 18 күн бұрын
@@copperphilosophy4768 I am just going to be single. Thats what I am going to do. Because women's standards are off the charts now. I already did the self improvement thing. I am there. WOmen aren't interested. If you are banking on self improvement to land you a date-I hate to break it to you- its not going to be the golden ticket you think it is.
@goodfellabeats 19 күн бұрын
Bro, you need to rethink this take in this day and age. Maybe in 1950 but with the lack of morality, divorce being easy and commonplace, and the war between sexes right now, a man that is 36, never married and no kids is wise. Like one of the disciples said and Jesus agreed "Then it is better for a man not to marry" I was 34 when I got married and I would've happily stayed single and no kids for years until I happened upon my wife. I could've gotten married 2 other times but chose not to and seeing what those women became I am glad that I waited. I've been happily married for 8 years now.
@Thrown2010 19 күн бұрын
F that marriage ish. Most dont even last.
@user-wc8lu7qd2m 19 күн бұрын
I don’t think this guy knows what makes a man “high value.” None of what he lists in his title makes a man high value or not.
@user-wc8lu7qd2m 19 күн бұрын
How about 60 years old, two ex-wife’s, 6 children; and he will get any woman he wants any time. His name, Brad Pitt. Why? Because he’s “high value.” The dude is a walking red flag, but it doesn’t matter.
@BarriosGroupie 19 күн бұрын
A significant fraction of the male population, around 25% in Norway at age 45, will end up childless because they lost out in the genetic lottery. If you're still single in your early 20s, then already things look pretty grim long term.
@ggeoffreyy9411 19 күн бұрын
There is no way a childless single man at 35+ is a bigger red flag than a woman at 35+ who is also single and childless. I have no idea how you are able to come to this conclusion from a societal, cultural, and/or logical standpoint.
@lawrencecarter1939 19 күн бұрын
Just look at him lol! A chubby Beta
@PaulAndBiscuit 19 күн бұрын
Same red flag!
@ggeoffreyy9411 18 күн бұрын
@PaulAndBiscuit @PaulAndBiscuit it's not lol. The type of woman a man can attract at 35+ is very different from the type of man a woman can attract at 35+. Not to mention fertility rates which is one of the main reasons of biological life? Women above 35+ are used and returned goods at best. Expired at worst.
@PaulAndBiscuit 18 күн бұрын
@@ggeoffreyy9411 you are talking your own book.
@ggeoffreyy9411 18 күн бұрын
@PaulAndBiscuit lmao I'm in my 20s. I just see the world for how it is. Tons of women date men 35+ but not many men date women 35+ especially if they're wanting kids
@Blueweek1 19 күн бұрын
You need to have the courage to ignore other people. Settling with a random women doesn't define who you are
@BreadAndGatorade 20 күн бұрын
Men would get married at 18 if women allowed it. It is women driving single-dom, "child free", divorce, hookup culture, etc. All they have to do is say I won't have sex or children outside of marriage. 90% of men would sign up for that. EDIT: That wind sock looks dope btw lol
@doncartier6796 20 күн бұрын
I no longer want a wife. I wish I could understand that stigma but I don’t get it. Like if I have a wife nor a girlfriend, what’s the problem? I can provide for myself and entertain myself. What else would a woman be providing me if not an extra bill.
@copperphilosophy4768 18 күн бұрын
It’s good to have a connection with someone and even opening up and finding someone like you that you can enjoy this short time on earth with , from your comment you seem very pessimistic and maybe you had a rough time dating but don’t be discouraged if you want to date I’ll Tell you how 1.) you need to be working full time if your not 2.) self care meaning getting regular haircuts 2 -3 times a month , and going to the gym regularly no not to look like Arnold but to get healthy once you have a healthy body your mind gets clearer 3.) dating can be easy just gotta know where to look , dating apps is a must but don’t just do 1 do multiple, but don’t stop there try local restaurants and bars and gyms and churches also joining a CoED softball team works wonders 4.)buy yourself dark clothes like dark shirts or dark jeans or dark long sleeves it makes you look more strong and fit but gives the appearance that your not trying to hard 5.)wear cologne and buy yourself a good 50-200$ watch and a good pair of shoes or square toed boots dark Ofcourse that should be between 60-250$ And I guarantee you’ll have a date in a few weeks
@user-nl9me3er7w 18 күн бұрын
it makes no sense logically. for a man to get married, in this day of age.
@copperphilosophy4768 18 күн бұрын
@@user-nl9me3er7w marriage is a great thing to do but Ofcourse don’t just marry some random woman who you have nothing in common with . But marry someone who has the same great qualities like yourself and enjoy this short time we have on this earth.
@doncartier6796 18 күн бұрын
@@copperphilosophy4768 agreed. There’s just one thing any man learns after being in a committed relationship. You don’t need to be married to know that you’re going to be with a random woman. Why do I say this? Because the woman you met is not the same once you’re with her.
@copperphilosophy4768 18 күн бұрын
@@doncartier6796 well Ofcourse life happens around and changes circumstances and you grow and get older but how you act from 21 is different at 41 isn’t that the point of getting older ? Plus every good marriage if it’s with the right person is worth the fight why give up
@gregthompson9434 20 күн бұрын
I get your point , but it’s slim pickings as far as women
@tmscipione1 20 күн бұрын
No. It is prudence. A virtue is not a red flag. I have all the 6s. I'm worth 8 figures. Women see me as a target. I'm over 35 and still have my assets. I refuse to marry and set myself up. I'm thinking of having kids, but will go the surrogate route so the women are disconnected and no women in my life have genetic ties to my kid. I'm not having my kids taken away from me. I have two amazing girlfriends, who don't have a wedding ring and don't cohabitate with me. They are on their best behavior, because they know they are replaceable. Self-preservation in the setting of this gynocentric culture and court system is not a red flag.
@goodfellabeats 19 күн бұрын
No disrespect, but I really feel bad for you. Hope the stuff that you're dealing with gets resolved so you can gain some internal stability. Sincerely.
@tmscipione1 19 күн бұрын
@@goodfellabeats Thank you. I was in an amazing relationship and we were amazing. We were together almost 11 years. She fell into addiction and started stealing from me. My family was pressuring me to marriage and following the standard B.S. I wouldn't do it, and it ended up saving me half my assets, etc. The culture and legal system are so biased toward the favor of women, that I rationally have to plan around it. I broke up with the addict in 2016, but the experience is still with me. My current relationships are amazing and I'm really happy. I just can't trust the system until it changes.
@goldjellyfish2452 20 күн бұрын
You wrong.....
@TheWeardale1 21 күн бұрын
complete load of BS
@daveari6699 21 күн бұрын
Um no. You're wrong but at least you're smart enough to realize this is an unpopular opinion. Not only in Western cultures but especially in Eastern cultures it is WAY more embarrassing for a woman to be old and single than for a man. And it's not even close. There's a reason why there is a term called the Wall for a woman but not for a man. And with today's hypergamy it makes even more sense to be single and alone. I'm your age and also a "high value man" and I can't believe it but I actually recommend to my son to never marry.
@user-cw7ly8nu5j 19 күн бұрын
Yes I am red flag 🚩
@Aubatron 18 күн бұрын
I think there's different levels you can look at it, and your way of thinking is valid for sure. Another way is, that your value is dictated by the opposite sex. There's a lot more women desperate who are 35-40 than there are men even from 35-50. If you have a lot suiters who are interested in you, in that aspect, your value is sky high.
@ProspectusNkosi 19 күн бұрын
Young people are under so much pressure today to have everything figured out and worked out by a certain age. The truth is we're all learning and growing our entire lives and there are always going to be failures and points in our lives when we don't feel like we have a clue what we are doing. This is natural. I just want to encourage you that in your time of failure do not consider yourself a failure. No one ever has it all figured out. No one. Life is about learning and growing over the course of the entire journey.
@user-nl9me3er7w 18 күн бұрын
Well I'm a walking, taking, mother fooking red flag. I'm over fifty, and it has never been a point in my life. Where I thought, I wanted to do 18 years of hard labor. With a bissh, I don't want to be around for more than a weather season. sigm-males don't settle.
@Aaron_R 19 күн бұрын
I think its more embarrassing for women to be single/childless at age 40. Odds are she can't have kids. Men still can.
@shea1219 19 күн бұрын
Women can have kids until about 45 years old.
@Aaron_R 19 күн бұрын
@@shea1219 Not quite accurate - starting around age 33, women become sub-fertile and chance of infertility increases each year. At 40/41 about half are infertile... 99.8% are infertile at age 50
@shea1219 19 күн бұрын
@@Aaron_R I do agree fertility decrease with age in a women. This is also true for men. Yes, a man can have children at 60, but the quality of sperm is less than ideal. BTW, I'm 40 and pregnant with my first.
@Aaron_R 19 күн бұрын
@@shea1219 Coin flip on which half you are on (fertile versus infertile). At age 30, much less of a concern. Michelle Obama struggled at age 34 and needed expensive fertility treatments. Age 32-33 is when fertility problems start for a small percentage of women. Each year, more and more have problems. Also - just because you are pregnant with your first child, does not mean you are out of the woods. You have an increased chance of miscarriage and down syndrome (at your age). Also, stop drinking any alcohol or smoking (if you do any of those), until the child is born. At age 40, you have a 33-44% chance of miscarriage (1 in 3) and a 1 in 100 chance of down syndrome. At age 30, it's 15% for miscarriage and 1 in 900 chance of down syndrome. It's random though on whatever happens. I agree though, its not ideal for a 60 year old man to have kids - not so much on biological part but he'd be 78 when the kid graduates high school and 82 for college. 50% of men are dead at age 78 and he'd be working until the day he died supporting his family. Not ideal.
@shea1219 19 күн бұрын
@@Aaron_R Yes, as I stated before fertility does decrease with age. Yes, things are more likely to happen as you get older. This I agree with. I am not saying a 40 year old is as fertile as a 20 year old. All I am saying is that women can still have children in their 40s. I also have many family members who had children in their 40s, who are all healthy btw. I also have friends who have children at 40. Yes, there are those who will struggle to get pregnant as they age, and will need the help of fertility treatments.
@drexultimate6533 19 күн бұрын
You are correct in a sense. But since you seem to be a preacher, then you are wrong - because you are way too worried about what others think about you. This is NOT the godly way, brother. They should become more worried about what YOU think about them! You would feel *embarrassed* and self-conscious because you still believe that the best thing in life is to be with a woman. This is not true. But it's also not all that bad, and yet the question is what KIND of a woman? Is it just any woman that justifies your existence and all of your strivings in life? If you truly believe in God (as you sound) then you should know that life indeed gets a do-over. I don't know, sometime and times after the Judgment? Basically, I believe that the Creator will someday show all of the intelligent beings that had seen this world go to sh*t, what a world would look like, that is full of people that sincerely love and strives to obey Him. Finally, the problem with your counsel is that you neglect the fact that too many women in the world today have now taken almost everything that used to be the attributes of a man, in the name of equality; BUT HAVE conveniently refused to take the role of the person that goes after their mate. So the longer they fail to *evolve* into this new normal, the harder it would get for them to find even that desirable man that STILL wishes to be found by them. As such men would gradually diminish from the earth. PS:- Come read this again 10 years from now, and check out how the world looks by then. :)
@OnlyForTheEars 19 күн бұрын
Thanks for the feedback. I agree that we shouldn't care too much about what people think, but it's also what I think of myself. I definitely don't think being with a woman is the pinnacle of life, but I now believe that a family is one of the best gifts we can have. I'm definitely aware of the culture, and I will be addressing that a lot in future videos. My motto is that all you need is ONE woman.
@drexultimate6533 19 күн бұрын
@@OnlyForTheEars " My motto is that all you need is ONE woman." Me too. But you will agree that this puts us at a huge disadvantage. And unfortunately, no one could care any less about this disadvantage than women. Meanwhile... "but I now believe that a family is one of the best gifts we can have." I completely agree with this one. But the gap between the risks and the rewards of having one, just seems to keep on widening with time. Thanks sir. Have a great weekend.
@CanofArizona 18 күн бұрын
I heard you out, and I still don't agree. This is an insecurity that you have. I'm not bashing you for it. You want what you want. I also want to have children one day. However, it's clear to me that you're letting outside pressure get to you. I'll be 33 in a few days, single and childless. I'm not bothered, and I won't be bothered at 35 either if this remains the case. It is unwise to get married to fit in or to feel like you're doing the socially acceptable thing. Men have more time than women to make that decision. In my case, I extend it by staying active and keeping myself in good shape. Women have biological reasons to feel the way they do by this age if they have not achieved these goals. The stigma they receive comes from that biology. Men don't have this issue. An actual high value man (a term that has been misused and abused for a while now) doesn't have a stigma placed on them by wider society for not having kids or being married. There will be individuals who feel a way about it, but they don't matter. Marriage and children are life altering decisions. So to me it doesn't matter what my group or society says. I'm not doing it unless I know it's the right choice. I need a woman with a good head on her shoulders and good motherly qualities before I even consider entertaining marriage and children. Ultimately, it's to my childrens benefit for me to do so. So I'd encourage you not to fall victim to outside pressures and dive into some nonsense just to live up to a standard. Do what's right for you and for the children you want to have. I'd also like to add that finding a woman who is family focused is getting increasingly harder as time goes on. Men are going to be hesitant regardless of social stigma.
@gmyersgilmer9470 19 күн бұрын
This is full of a lot of labels judgements and assumptions. Just because you do not have kids does not mean you don't care about others and are self involved. It is just a different expression of love not being a parent. I see your video as caring way too much about what others think and how they look at you. You keep comparing to some kind of pie in the sky ideal. A high value temporary guy to then realize thru god that the highest ideal is to have kids or a wife? These are just your interpretations, obviously the highest image to you is a celebrity or a family man but there can be a lot of in between that is not in the loser camp at all. You can do music or art and have that as an ideal without wanting to start a family or have a wife for instance. Or do one or both, It does not mean you are any higher or lower than one that has kids if you give to your community, be a caring generous person and do what you love. Any pressure you felt in being single was possibly your own compass but that does not mean others are not being authentic and with merit doing their path of the otherwise.
@carolO22 21 күн бұрын
Amen 🙏🏻
@PaulAndBiscuit 19 күн бұрын
Good video, 100% right. Most single men over 35 will disagree!
@mitchmcconnely 19 күн бұрын
I'm 35 single with no kids because I have yet to even meet a single woman that comes even CLOSE to my very basic standards for a wife. Kind, cute, smart, funny, athletic, tall, loyal, no kids, never married...now just those first 3 very basic traits alone are nearly impossible in my lifelong experience to find nowadays, but as soon as I add "funny" to the list, I might as well be looking for a unicorn. Forget about what I wrote after that because it's just not gonna exist nowadays. Don't even get me started on virgins aka the true women unicorns. The problem is I have a lot to offer. So finding a woman that also has a lot to offer when most women think that their cat box is enough is quite frankly laughable when you look at the ratio of good to bad women and you realize what your odds are. So yeah dude, people with this thought process are not thinking "big picture" and totally overlook the guys on the other end of the spectrum, where they have no girl that even comes close to them because every girl is somebody's baby mama by the time they're 22 and think to themselves "I am the table."
@PaulAndBiscuit 19 күн бұрын
Is this a parody post? If real your standards are ridiculous. Are you kind, cute, smart, funny, tall, athletic, no kids?
@mitchmcconnely 18 күн бұрын
@@PaulAndBiscuit Yeah that's what I have to offer. I want that in return. It sounds majorly egotistical to say that without knowing me but I do have a lot going for me. I hit the genetic lottery for one. I was blessed enough that God gave me a big, strong, well put together and well endowed body with not a terrible mind to boot. My childhood abuse has turned me into a despiser of selfishness, huge empath, and I have a very large funny bone now cuz that's how I coped. I make pretty good money and about to make a lot more in 2 months. Did 8 years in the army and got a little fucked up so now I have a shit ton of benefits and 2 more years of free schooling even after I got 2 certifications already from it. Own my house and I'm almost retired at 35 due to my 100% P%T disability from VA. I'm doing pretty good dude and I got a lot of lucky with my parent's genes cuz they were both athletic, tall, model level good looks, etc. So yeah I also want a girl that has a few things going for her dude lol is that really that crazy to imagine someone like me exists? Someone that actually has a lot to offer and is looking around and all he sees is a sea of baby mama's? Is that parody or just reality that there might actually be a lot of guys with a lot to offer and all they see when they look around is baby mama's? Seriously? That side of pendulum didn't even possibly exist to you I bet did it? Yeah dude not every guy that is single at 35 with no kids is a loser. Crazy I know. A dang parody lmao.
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