Bro I'm sorry but this build isn't it. Used to try a dot build too, but the ramp up is just too slow. Just buy a riven for 15-20p and start doing 8M crits with this one: /build/new/1076/dread/?bs=WzEsMTA3NiwzMCwxLFtbNjUyLDUsM10sWzYyNiwxMCwxXSxbNTgyLDUsM10sWzU4NCw1LDBdLFs2MDQsNSwwXSxbNjExLDEwLDJdLFs1NTE5LDEwLDFdLFs1NTIwLDEwLDFdLFs2OTksMCwzXSxbNTUwNyw1LDBdXV0= Bladed rounds is unseen dread (site doesnt have the new mod yet because the admin got issues), swap serration for a riven with crit chance, damage, multishot, -ammo max/zoom. Your build struggles against lvl 130 enemies, while this one can easily slap 300+
@ControversyCupcakeАй бұрын
Not every build needs a riven, but thats sounds way cool.
@lordliboriusАй бұрын
Yeah as I said, rivens for this weapon are highly recommended. It just makes the weapon deal so much damage