A reasonably well done run through of the process of upgrading the firmware on these HobbyEagle stabs. Would have been easier for my ancient half deaf ears if enunciated in the former crisp BBC English announcer's voice rather than the slightly sibilant local accent used - but that's our Furriners' problem! 😉 These (and the smaller Mini versions) are now very competent and widely compatible stabs. One of the petty annoyances stem from this entry under "Receiver Connection" in the (very well-done) English manual instructions .... "After each time you have changed the receiver type the current channel settings will be reset to the default. Choose "None" for those channels you do not use." ..... A pity that you can't just lock those settings in whilst swapping receiver types over. For Multi Radio users that is. 🤔😊
@MattTakharRC8 ай бұрын
Thanks for pointing that out (spoken in my best BBC English announcers voice lol). I'm about to configure another one to try out some of the more advanced functions. I will also be connecting it up via SBUS, to cover that off as well