URGENT: Jesus told me, "Here are the 11 sins that lead Christians to hell" - Saint Faustina Kowalska

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Christian Way

Christian Way

4 ай бұрын

URGENT: Jesus told me "Here are the sins that lead Christians to hell" - Saint Faustina Kowalska
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Dear brothers and sisters, let us together listen to the words that Jesus entrusted to Saint Faustina Kowalska, words that according to Jesus' will, everyone must know.
After visiting hell, Saint Faustina warns everyone about the 11 sins that lead Christians to hell.
It's an extraordinary testimony of faith that should not frighten us, but rather aid us in prayer and motivate and inspire us in our faith in God.
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@christianwayprayer 4 ай бұрын
The writings of Faustina Kowalska are very clear; as requested by Jesus, everyone should know the truth, because Jesus would like to save us all.
@pilarrusso9883 4 ай бұрын
@peaceonearthpeaceonearth9686 4 ай бұрын
THE WHOLE WORLD ASTRAY written by Isho144k i. In December of 2021 as I was dozing off one night, God put the following question into my mind. “God, how many people are going to heaven?” This woke me up and then God said to me, “1 in 10,000." The following scriptures prove most will not go to heaven. Matthew 13:41 The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. Matthew 16:27 The Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done. John 8:34-35 Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. John 14:23-24 Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. John 15:12-14 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. Revelation 12:9 The great dragon was hurled down, that ancient serpent called Satan, who leads THE WHOLE WORLD ASTRAY. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. Revelation 20:12-15 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books. The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done. Then death and hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire. Revelation 21:8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the lustful, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars, they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. Revelation 22:12, 14 I am coming soon. My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. ii. Do you believe you are going to heaven after reading these scriptures? If so, is it because of what Paul taught? Did you know that Jesus warned us about Paul? Of the seven churches Jesus wrote to in Revelation, only one of them did Paul also write to, the church in Ephesus. Revelations 2:1-2 To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands. I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast. Jesus recognized the Ephesians for their deeds and their hard work. The belief that we are saved by grace, not by works is a false belief taught by a false apostle, for this teaching does not align with the teachings of Jesus Christ. iii. Paul contradicts Jesus in the book of Romans. Romans 10:9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Revelation 2:23 Then all the churches will know that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds. Romans 10:12-13 Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Matthew 7:21 Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. iv. Matthew 7:15-16 Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. It is illogical to believe you are saved simply by believing God raised Jesus from the dead. The devil and his angels believe God raised Jesus from the dead. Are they saved? It is illogical believe you are saved by grace, not by works. How can good fruit be produced from doing nothing? Good deeds produce good fruit. Matthew 5:16 Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. v. Revelation 3:21-22 To the one who is VICTORIOUS, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. Revelation 21:6-7 To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. Those who are VICTORIOUS will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children. If you believe you are saved by grace, then what exactly is it that you have you done for which you can claim victory? John 8:34-35 Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. John 15:14 You are my friends if you do what I command. Victory is achieved by obeying the teachings of Jesus. VICTORY is achieved by removing sin from your life. vi. Proverbs 1-7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Revelation 20:15 Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire. John 14:24 Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. Revelation 21: 27 Nothing impure will ever enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 19:26 With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Matthew 22:37 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. If you love God, you will have a righteous fear of him. If you love God, you will put him first in all things. If you love God, you will dedicate your life to obeying his commands as taught to us by his beloved son, Jesus Christ. As long as you faithfully seek God’s righteousness, he will never forsake you. vii. John 16:12-14 I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears. He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. There is a sin hardly anyone is able to overcome, mostly because they have no desire to do so. You know what sin I am talking about. If this is you, I hope understand your soul is in grave danger. There are a few who truly want to rid themselves of this sin, but are unable to do so. Just as God has revealed to me only 1 in 10,000 will make it into heaven, God has also revealed to me the root cause of this shameful sin. If you want to overcome this sin, then you must first stop committing an even more shameful sin, eating animals. The Word of God resides in your heart more than any book ever written; look to your heart for this truth. Matthew 13:43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears, let them hear. Your Isho
@Kttypawz_ 3 ай бұрын
@Es-ch3nn 3 ай бұрын
PERHAPS YOU SHOULD STUDY THIS FIRST ... chalettesmith.blogspot.com/2021/04/sheol-hades-gehenna-tartarus.html
@ac-vb9ff 3 ай бұрын
Salvation is By Grace thru Faith. The Scripture says 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 -Moreover, Brethren, I declare unto you the Gospel which I preached unto you , which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; - By which Also ye are Saved , if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain , - For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our Sins according to the Scriptures; - And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures: Have you ever asked this question that if you were to die today are you 100 percent sure that you can go to heaven. My friend is so simple to get save. You first got to realize that you can't go to heaven. Because you've sinned against God and God as a Holy Judge, he has to judge sin with a Burning Hell. So it is very important that you feel sorry over your sinful condition. And if you do there is hope for you. You see Jesus who is God left heaven come down here on earth died on the cross. Raised himself from the dead. Why did he do all that so his blood can wash away the sins for you. So you see that's your only way to heaven of what he did on the cross. It's "FAITH ALONE " IN WHAT JESUS DID ON THE CROSS. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS SAY THAT TO THE LORD . DEAR GOD , I AM A SINNER AND NEED FORGIVENESS. I BELIEVE THAT JESUS CHRIST SHED HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD AND DIED FOR MY SIN. I AM WILLING TO TURN FROM SIN. I NOW INVITE CHRIST TO COME INTO MY HEART AS MY PERSONAL SAVIOUR.
@ChristosDoxa 3 ай бұрын
Father God please forgive me for my disgusting sins in my past. Although I know I have grace through Jesus Christs death on the cross, I still feel ashamed and seek your forgiveness with all my heart
@Johnrider1234 3 ай бұрын
If you feel ashamed then you still dont know grace.
@ChristosDoxa 3 ай бұрын
@@Johnrider1234 I know grace that doesn’t mean I have the right to sin happily. It’s important to keep the commandments and not just take Christs sacrifice for granted. Faith without works is dead
@jaroslaval9159 2 ай бұрын
Maybe this might help? Make sure you have gone to Confession and obey what the priest tells you to do. Then- the Fathers of the Church say to not dwell on the past failings. Sometimes we think that that will keep us humble, but the opposite can happen in that you will be drawn back to the old ways. If St. Paul had looked back to when he used to persecute the Church, he would not have been able to move forward. Neither would St. Peter who denied he knew the Lord. Put your hands to the plow and do not look back! An exorcist said; "Stay humble, stay small and stay clean."
@deemisquadis9437 2 ай бұрын
Walk through all the things that you are having trouble with. It is you, that you must make peace with. I love you, and I hope I have lightened your load. Jesus is not in the world.
@zcder_jan5549 2 ай бұрын
asking God for forgivness shouldnt be asked in comments on yt videos but in private with him.
@tieeieita2735 4 ай бұрын
Forgive me father for I have sinned greatly against you and my brothers and sisters. I believe in you and I repent deeply. Help me never to sin again. In Jesus Name. Amen
@user-oh9nb1fh3h 4 ай бұрын
Which father are you making reference to? If GOD THE FATHER THAT'S GOOD, BUT if father in terms of those you go to in a confession box. THEN YOU'RE IN BIG TROUBLE AS ONLY GOD THE FATHER CAN FORGIVE SINS COMPLETELY.
@Cozybearz88 4 ай бұрын
You will sin again. We are human. But your words are so great. ❤
@user-oh9nb1fh3h 4 ай бұрын
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@user-oh9nb1fh3h : Confession why it's important to confess to a priest John 20:21-23 21). and he said to them again, 'Peace be with you. 'As the Father sent me, so am I sending you.' 22). After saying this he breathed on them and said: Receive the Holy Spirit. 23). If you forgive anyone's sins, they are forgiven; if you retain anyone's sins, they are retained. The only way the apostles could either forgive or retain sins is by first hearing those sins confessed, and then making a judgment whether or not the penitent should be absolved. James 5:14-16 14). Any one of you who is ill should send for the elders of the church, and they must anoint the sick person with oil in the name of the Lord and pray over him. 15). The prayer of faith will save the sick person and the Lord will raise him up again; and if he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven. 16). So confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another to be cured; the heartfelt prayer of someone upright works very powerfully. When it comes to one “suffering;” St. James says, “Let him pray.” “Is any cheerful? Let him sing praise.” But when it comes to sickness and personal sins, he tells his readers they must go to the “elders”-not just anyone-in order to receive this “anointing” and the forgiveness of sins. St. James had just told us to go to the presbyter in verse 14 for healing and the forgiveness of sins. Then, verse 16 begins with the word therefore-a conjunction that would seem to connect verse 16 back to verses 14 and 15. The context seems to point to the “elder” as the one to whom we confess our sins. 2 Corinthians 2:10 10). But if you forgive anybody, then I too forgive that person; and whatever I have forgiven, if there is anything I have forgiven, I have done it for your sake in Christ's presence, 2 Corinthians 5:18 18). It is all God's work; he reconciled us to himself through Christ and he gave us the ministry of reconciliation. Matthew 16:19 19). I will give you the keys of the kingdom of Heaven: whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.' Matthew 18:18 18). 'In truth I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@user-oh9nb1fh3h : Where the sacrament of confession is in the Bible As soon as Jesus rose from the dead and earned salvation for us, he brought his apostles a new gift. After speaking peace to them, he said, "As the Father has sent me, even so I send you" (John 20:21). Just as Jesus was sent by the Father to reconcile the world to God, Jesus sent the apostles to continue his mission. Jesus then breathed on the apostles. This is a verse that is often passed over, but it has extraordinary significance because it is only the second time in all of Scripture where God breathes on anyone. The other instance was at the moment of creation, when God breathed his own life into the nostrils of Adam. This should tell us that something of great importance is taking place. Upon doing this, Jesus said, "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained" (John 20:22-23). Notice that Jesus is not simply commissioning the apostles to preach about God's forgiveness. He is not saying, "Go tell everyone that when God forgives men's sins, they're forgiven." In using the second person plural you, Jesus is telling his apostles that by the power of the Holy Spirit he has given them the power to forgive and retain the sins of men. Having the power to forgive and to retain sins implies that the apostle knows what a person's sins are, which in turn implies oral confession. Otherwise, how is the apostle to know what to retain or forgive? In the same way that Jesus gave his apostles other supernatural powers (such as raising men from the dead), he gave them power to absolve sins (raising them from spiritual death). In Matthew 9, we read that Jesus forgave a paralytic and then healed him so "that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins" (Matt. 9:6) After he exercised this power as a man, the crowds glorified God for having given "such authority to men" (Matt. 9:8, emphasis added). Notice that Matthew indicates this power to forgive sins had been given to men, and not simply to a man.
@stevencruz3977 3 ай бұрын
Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is our Lord and savior AMEN
@Es-ch3nn 3 ай бұрын
PERHAPS YOU SHOULD STUDY THIS FIRST ... chalettesmith.blogspot.com/2021/04/sheol-hades-gehenna-tartarus.html
@jgrillo638 4 ай бұрын
Imagine turing away the grace of God in your last moments? I can't think of a worse fate than spending eternity away from love and in constant pain, loneliness and despair. Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell. Lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy. Amen.
@lanaofficiel4042 3 ай бұрын
Amen and Amen 🙏!!!!
@AllPraiseToYeshua 3 ай бұрын
The epitome of terrifying. May The Lord Jesus have mercy on humankind.
@TP42411 2 ай бұрын
Amen! Forgive me Jesus for the sins i have done, and the sins that I will commit! Help me Jesus and all of us! Don't let us send ourselfs to Hell!🙏✝️🕊❤️
@mcrdl76 2 ай бұрын
Ir they don't believe there is a hell, why would they repent?
@happydays310 Ай бұрын
Ephesians 1 7 teaches that Jesus Christ shed his blood for our redemption and for the forgiveness of sins. You are forgiven. Believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins was buried and rose again the 3rd day by which we are saved, 1 Corinthians 15 1-4.
@metripastel 3 ай бұрын
God is bringing His children back to Him one by one. Like most people, I was lost and living a shameful sinful life. But God. He saw fit to speak to me spiritually and help me to redeem myself. I give Him all the glory and praise! I love you LORD God.
@albertvitela4379 3 ай бұрын
@deemisquadis9437 2 ай бұрын
Stay out of the Bible, it will confuse you. God is not there. He is waiting outside the Bible, for you to see the truth.
@metripastel 2 ай бұрын
@@deemisquadis9437 relax. I will never stop reading the Bible :)
@joedipietro2559 2 ай бұрын
​@@metripasteleach to their own. Just understand that God iss not the Bible or religion. The bible is a book written by stupid confused idiots over 2000 years ago and now making a fool out if you. 👌🤣🤣🤣
@teresaritchie2177 2 ай бұрын
I love reading the biblical accounts .
@EvangelistAaron2024 3 ай бұрын
"Dear God, I know I am a sinner. I want to turn from my sins, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe He died for my sins and that You raised Him to life. I want Him to come into my heart and to take control of my life. I want to trust Jesus as my Savior and follow Him as my Lord from this day forward. In Jesus' Name, amen."
@TP42411 2 ай бұрын
Well said! I want that prayer too! I also believe that Jesus has risen, and that He is the Saviour and the true Messiah! And I am a sinner! Help and save me Jesus ❤️🕊✝️🙏
@user-lq6dd9pt7k 3 ай бұрын
Father give me grace to overcome earthly things so that I may concentrate with heavenly things so that I may inherit your kingdom
@stringercorrales6627 2 ай бұрын
That’s right, there are plenty of Christians in hell. To become a Christian, you pray that God forgive you and claim Jesus’s sacrifice and sin-cleansing blood. After that, you are supposedly forgiven, born again and a child of God, saved from damnation and bound for Heaven. No power on earth, Heaven, or hell is supposed to be able to separate a Christian from their salvation. Jesus instead of a Christian’s works is supposed to get Christians into Heaven. However, several NDEs report Christians suffering in hell forever while atheists and followers of different religions are seen in Heaven. Ultimately, it looks like Jesus just picks whoever He feels like to send to Heaven or hell, like an infant or pet that reacts positively or negatively to people for no reason. It is finished? I guess not.
@deemisquadis9437 2 ай бұрын
I was sent to you. You must get out of religion, and see the truth. And you will be very close to God. Get away from rituals and congregated activities. Do not obey and comply to the world. Leave all influences of the Bible, and see the truth. You can always go back to the lies, and as a matter of fact, this would be the hardest thing you could ever do. This is the Jesus path. No one wants to travel, but all say they do. None have the strength to let go of the world, because you are trapped with the words. This light is shining for you, you asked for help. I have unconditional love for you, this
@FJ26622 2 ай бұрын
Go away satan
@FJ26622 2 ай бұрын
God is with u girl
@wbaukema 2 ай бұрын
Jesus words: 'The Kingdom of God is within you'... (1Cor.13:13)
@oliververa2282 4 ай бұрын
I receive, believe, and have prepared to manage and grow these resources, for God's glory, In Jesus's Name.
@EzekielElias-ig8pw 4 ай бұрын
Thank the Lord🙏Amen
@oliververa2282 4 ай бұрын
After enduring many struggles, I am now filled with gratitude for owning a new home. My family is happy, and everything is finally falling into place.
@AuroraLuna-hq4bh 4 ай бұрын
I have been searching for ways to achieve success. Can you please guide me on how to do so?
@AuroraLuna-hq4bh 4 ай бұрын
Wow, that's a lot! How do you manage to earn that much every week?
@oliververa2282 4 ай бұрын
@user-lr3qg1lf1u 4 ай бұрын
I pray for HIS MERCY🙏🙏🙏
@stringercorrales6627 2 ай бұрын
That’s right, there are plenty of Christians in hell. To become a Christian, you pray that God forgive you and claim Jesus’s sacrifice and sin-cleansing blood. After that, you are supposedly forgiven, born again and a child of God, saved from damnation and bound for Heaven. No power on earth, Heaven, or hell is supposed to be able to separate a Christian from their salvation. Jesus instead of a Christian’s works is supposed to get Christians into Heaven. However, several NDEs report Christians suffering in hell forever while atheists and followers of different religions are seen in Heaven. Ultimately, it looks like Jesus just picks whoever He feels like to send to Heaven or hell, like an infant or pet that reacts positively or negatively to people for no reason. It is finished? I guess not.
@jpbernier4196 4 ай бұрын
Those shrouded by darkness, in their heart, can't see the light. But those who can love and forgive can see the light and obtain eternal peace.
@paulcoey951 3 ай бұрын
Please forgive me lord for all my sins. I trust In you. Amen
@anthonythomas3150 3 ай бұрын
Thank you God and Thank you Jesus for everything you have done for me. Please forgive me for my sins. I Love You with all my heart, mind, and soul.
@Erick-zp8vm 4 ай бұрын
St. Faustina's comments coincide with what Our Lady of Fatima told the little children. There are many people in Hell because there is no one praying for them. Let us pray for sinners,, including ourselves so we can repent of our sins and become closer to Jesus. Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever! Amen.
@jada-son9344 3 ай бұрын
We can pray for people in hell so god can give them rest?
@patriciaw4270 3 ай бұрын
​@@jada-son9344when someone is in hell, there are no prayer on earth that can get him out. You can pray for people who are alive for God have mercy on their souls, to repent and turn away from their sins.
@liamd6363 3 ай бұрын
Why dosent God just help them anyway if he’s so good?
@ElianAbi 3 ай бұрын
Nothing can separate believers from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39). Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Faith/belief means to trust - see Eph. 1:13 (Greek word: pistos). Most people are UNbelievers and trust in their works/lawkeeping/sinning less instead trusting in Christ or else they would believe His words that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish (John 11:26). Cross reference Romans 4:4-5, Romans 11:6, Ephesians 2:8-9. BELIEVE/TRUST in Christ and you shall be saved! It is not just mental assent - it's FULL knowledge and acknowledgement that Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice to pay for ALL sins of the WHOLE WORLD (1 John 2:2).
@winall9 2 ай бұрын
​@liamd6363 Because he has given everyone a free will to choose. The human creature has the ability to choose to obey, follow God or disobey instead.
@koreaboo1437 2 ай бұрын
Forgive me father its only your grace snd mercy that i am saved . I have back slidding but i want to serve you lord in jesus name
@henrimarechal2418 9 күн бұрын
My wife AnnMarie died and my son Erik died of Leukemia at age 14 and I suffer a stroke and can no Longer walk Haleluia ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@joeblogs-vx4ep Күн бұрын
Having faith is extremely difficult at many times in life for many people Some people have lost everything and are not only called to have faith but to also rejoice in that faith Perhaps read about the lives of the saints and early church fathers how much they suffered for their faith ...
@henrimarechal2418 Күн бұрын
@@joeblogs-vx4ep God bless
@patodwyer721 4 ай бұрын
Lord have mercy on me a sinner ✝️ 💕
@SamanthaAllen-ir5bo 3 ай бұрын
@@SoyebAkhtar2312Nope. Jesus is the only way
@Es-ch3nn 3 ай бұрын
PERHAPS YOU SHOULD STUDY THIS FIRST ... chalettesmith.blogspot.com/2021/04/sheol-hades-gehenna-tartarus.html
@rodrigosavedbygrace 3 ай бұрын
​@@SamanthaAllen-ir5boYou are right. 🙏 Jesus Christ is the only way .
@SamanthaAllen-ir5bo 3 ай бұрын
@@rodrigosavedbygrace my mum and her parents were not Christian when they died
@edmondnongrum7182 4 ай бұрын
Forgive me father for I have sinned against you. I don't deserve to be your Son again, have mercy on Me a sinner🙏🏻🙏🏻
@christopherdavis5113 3 ай бұрын
AMEN. How loving, merciful and great is our LORD AND SAVIOUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.
@selvammarayappa7724 3 ай бұрын
Jesus plz forgive me all the sins I committed past present and also forgive my family members also from all sins
@JoeJoe4life88 4 ай бұрын
Amen I Love my Lord Jesus Christ with all of my heart and I trust Jesus with my own life, I Love the father God and the Holy Spirit as well, I Gave my life to Jesus last year 2023.
@alexshibu2756 4 ай бұрын
Lord Jesus have mercy on us🙏
@earthajacobs 4 ай бұрын
God, you’re the Rock of our Salvation, Amen.
@sofigospelmusic5530 2 ай бұрын
There is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in CHRIST JESUS. Romans 8:1
@mariamartins5796 Ай бұрын
Those who are in Christ, obey what Christ established and ordained with His Apostles. And Christ established and ordained with His Apostles, baptism in water and spirit jonh 3:5 Confession jonh 20:23 And last supper institution of Eucharist. He never said ignore what I ordained with you as long as you remain in me you are saved. Instead He said, jonh 6 53:54 If we don't eat the flesh of the son of man and drink His blood ye have no life in you 54.whose eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day
@patriciaphilbrick4771 Ай бұрын
Obey Acts 2-38,39 or you’re not in Christ Jesus Not all churches teaches the right thing Follow Christs church in the book of Acts
@npzwane9331 Ай бұрын
There's no way there can be any condemnation to those who are in Christ. But the problem is that whilst people proclaim to have surrendered their lives to Christ they continue to live their lives according to their own desires and not of God. And long prayers, staying in church the whole week, offering large sums of money, fasting, dedication in reading the bible, not sinning, etc. all do not count as being a child of God. What counts is total surrender. Seeing the beauty in all of God's word. Enjoying doing God's word. Not finding doing God's word being a burden. Not seeing God's laws as laws per se but seeing God's laws and some guidelines which God gives us on how He likes us to love Him and our duty being to search every time what He likes and don't like.
@AfrojackdeAlma Ай бұрын
Those who Are in Christ.
@bandai7602 4 ай бұрын
Through suffering from chronic sickness, i feel like a get closer to God. I pray more often now unlike when i was still healthy.
@annlolmaugh4491 4 ай бұрын
We're you a stubborn person? I was very stubborn I too have illnesses that have brought me back to christ
@geraldineekhator5428 4 ай бұрын
Tell God everyday that you offer it up for the poor souls in purgatory, the sick and the dying and whatever else is in his sacred heart and divine will. It will help many souls who need it dear. I try to do this myself. It builds graces for you and brings you closer to God.
@geraldineekhator5428 4 ай бұрын
@@annlolmaugh4491My dear this has nothing to do with whether you are stubborn or not. It’s what God asks us to do for him. The more we suffer the closer we are to God. I was born with my health issues.
@user-ne8vl2uh8g 3 ай бұрын
@user-ne8vl2uh8g 3 ай бұрын
​@geraldineUeekhator5428 Yes people can be very stubborn
@jxpeter866 4 ай бұрын
Lord save all of us from the hell of fire... May your blood purify all of us 🙏🙏🙏 thank you Lord
@lawrencehmurcik8905 4 ай бұрын
my sister and I were brought up as conservative Catholics -- my sister is 81 yrs old -- she is close to death -- she told me that she does not believe that hell exists -- I gave her a pamphlet of St. Faustina's dealings with Jesus and her visits to hell -- so far, she has chosen to continue in her lifestyle of "no hell"-- please add a few prayers to my own -- please help me to convert my sister -- note: I have had 60 Masses said for her, but so far it seems futile -- I am concerned brother
@DivineGrace-py7th 4 ай бұрын
pray and fast for your blinded sister...May the Good Lord enlighten her...I will also pray for her deliverance.
@ricparks7441 3 ай бұрын
Although she is in denial, my friend, no prayer is ever wasted or ineffective as God is intently aware of each and every one. The Heavenly Father works in mysterious and loving ways that we weak humans will never be able to understand. But, continued prayer is the right and loving thing to do. In the final analysis: God is Love. Peace be with you. 😊
@speedygonzales8144 3 ай бұрын
You can tell her that my father was pronounced dead at the hospital and he went to hell it is a very real place and there's people there now.. for some reason Jesus pulled him out of there but a lot of people won't be so lucky
@mcrdl76 2 ай бұрын
@@speedygonzales8144 Hi, just curious, so how do you know your dad was saved? Will say a preyer for you and him also..
@speedygonzales8144 2 ай бұрын
@@mcrdl76 because Jesus brought him back to life. And he gave his heart to Jesus. And how he describes hell is horrific we all need to make sure that we're good with Jesus
@joanmariepiazza5363 4 ай бұрын
I believe every word of the Divine Mercy. I do not refuse it. I am deeply grateful for it and pray the Chaplet every day. St. Faustina pray for us. Jesus I trust in You!
@dannyboy6598 4 ай бұрын
Faustina is not a saint. She is burning in hell. Read n obey the bible, do not believe everything u see n hear.
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@joanmariepiazza5363 : be very wary of what you believe from KZbin videos, there are some who deliberately make claims of various saints saying something that they never said, it's done purposely to confuse Catholics, unless they state their sources page etc.. don't believe it. I suspect that they are only doing it for views because enough people view their channel they will get money. I suspect that this channel is one of these false claimers
@user-bx7hf3lp8n 4 ай бұрын
“May the Sacred Heart of Jesus, be praised, adored, and glorified, throughout the whole world, now and forever, Amen!”. Lord God, please have mercy on my soul and the souls of my wife and children, and all the souls in purgatory, and all sinners in the world who are trying to find and know your love and mercy. Please Blessed Mother Mary, come to us at the moment of our death and help us gain entrance to the Heavenly Kingdom. Amen!🙏
@user-oh9nb1fh3h 4 ай бұрын
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@user-oh9nb1fh3h : Purgatory Jesus' transfiguration Luke 9:28-31 28 Now about eight days after this had been said, he took with him Peter, John and James and went up the mountain to pray. 29 And it happened that, as he was praying, the aspect of his face was changed and his clothing became sparkling white. 30 And suddenly there were two men talking to him; they were Moses and Elijah 31 appearing in glory, and they were speaking of his passing which he was to accomplish in Jerusalem. We know Moses died, and he couldn't have come from heaven because at that stage Jesus hadn't died, and he couldn't have come from hell, because nobody gets out of hell, therefore there must be a place between, could it be the place that Jesus talks about in the parable of Lazarus & the rich man (Luke 16:19-30) 19 There was a rich man who used to dress in purple and fine linen and feast magnificently every day. 20 And at his gate there used to lie a poor man called Lazarus, covered with sores, 21 who longed to fill himself with what fell from the rich man's table. Even dogs came and licked his sores. 22 Now it happened that the poor man died and was carried away by the angels into Abraham's embrace. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 'In his torment in Hades he looked up and saw Abraham a long way off with Lazarus in his embrace. 24 So he cried out, "Father Abraham, pity me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in agony in these flames." 25 Abraham said, "My son, remember that during your life you had your fill of good things, just as Lazarus his fill of bad. Now he is being comforted here while you are in agony. 26 But that is not all: between us and you a great gulf has been fixed, to prevent those who want to cross from our side to yours or from your side to ours." 27 'So he said, "Father, I beg you then to send Lazarus to my father's house, 28 since I have five brothers, to give them warning so that they do not come to this place of torment too." 29 Abraham said, "They have Moses and the prophets, let them listen to them." 30 The rich man replied, "Ah no, father Abraham, but if someone comes to them from the dead, they will repent." (Matthew 5:25-26). 25 Make friends quickly with your accuser, while you are going with him to court, lest your accuser hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the guard, and you be put in prison; 26 truly I say to you, you will never get out till you have paid the last penny. Matthew 12:32 , 32 And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven; but whoever speaks against the holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.” Here Jesus speaks of sin against the Holy Spirit. The implication is that some sins can be forgiven in the world to come. We know that in Hell there is no liberation and in Heaven nothing imperfect can enter it as we see in the next part. Sin is not forgiven when a soul reaches its final destination because in heaven there is no need for forgiveness of sin and in hell the choice to go there is already made. Revelation 21:27 (God tells us that nothing imperfect can enter into heaven) 27but nothing unclean will enter it, nor anyone who does abominable things or tells lies.” The place that is to be entered (the place to which this passage refers) is heaven (read the text around it for context). The Bible clearly implies a place for an intermediate state of purification after we die in the many passages which tell that God will reward or punish according to a person’s life. 1 Peter 3:18-19 (Especially note 19) 18 Christ himself died once and for all for sins, the upright for the sake of the guilty, to lead us to God. In the body he was put to death, in the spirit he was raised to life, 19 and, in the spirit, he went to preach to the spirits in prison. The prison would be purgatory, because there's no point in preaching to people in Hell; because they will never get out. Ponder the following example. Imagine a Christian man, justified by the Lord, loses his temper and yells at his next door neighbours for letting their dog dig a hole in his yard. We can see that the man treated his neighbours rudely, albeit the neighbour’s behavior was also reprehensible. His actions would be considered a light sin (called venial sins by the Catholic Church). It’s not of the same moral weight as theft or murder, but it’s still a sin. After shouting at the neighbours, with all the anger and stress in his body the man walks into his house, has a heart attack, and dies having just committed a small sin in the final moments of his life. Remember, this man is Christian and justified by the Lord, yet has committed a sin. Does he go to heaven or does he go to hell? Are all sins created equal? No, all sins are not equal and even justified men of the Lord can make mistakes and sin. If purgatory didn’t exist, the man would go to hell for his small sin. God’s mercy is so great and our God is a just God that it seems unfathomable that he would condemn a justified man to hell for a small, yet unrepented sin. The man’s soul is dirty. His actions have defiled his soul, but not the point where he has cut himself off from God. Only mortal sins cut off a person from God’s grace. So, the man, having been justified by the Lord, is destined for heaven, yet his soul is defiled by his sin (Matthew 12:36, 15:18). His soul is in need of cleansing because nothing defiled can enter heaven. This is the purpose of purgatory. Out of mercy and love God sends the man through purgatory on his way to heaven so that his soul can be purified to be able to join God in heaven. Remember, purgatory is not a second chance for conversion; the man is already justified. If there is no place of intermediate state of purification, the man would be damned to hell! Who would be saved? Those who teach against purgatory teach an unreasonable doctrine. 1 Corinthians 3:9-15 9 After all, we do share in God's work; you are God's farm, God's building. 10 By the grace of God which was given to me, I laid the foundations like a trained master-builder, and someone else is building on them. Now each one must be careful how he does the building. 11 For nobody can lay down any other foundation than the one which is there already, namely Jesus Christ. 12 On this foundation, different people may build in gold, silver, jewels, wood, hay or straw 13 but each person's handiwork will be shown for what it is. The Day which dawns in fire will make it clear and the fire itself will test the quality of each person's work. 14 The one whose work stands up to it will be given his wages; 15 the one whose work is burnt down will suffer the loss of it, though he himself will be saved; he will be saved as someone might expect to be saved from a fire. This passage speaks of the believer being refined by fire. It is a clear indication of a refining place, purgatory.
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@user-oh9nb1fh3h : God is outside of time Luke 9:27 'I tell you truly, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God.' This is not about the end of the world, for “the kingdom of God is in the midst of you” (Luke 17:21), and some of Jesus’ disciples were about to see it manifested in a powerful way. In each Synoptic Gospel (Matthew, Mark, and Luke), the Transfiguration immediately follows Jesus’ announcement (Matt. 17:1-9; Mark 9:2-10; Luke 9:28-36). Jesus takes three of the disciples-Peter, James, and John-up a mountain. His clothing becomes dazzlingly bright, Moses and Elijah appear beside him, everyone is enveloped in a cloud, and God the Father speaks from heaven, identifying Jesus as his Son and his Chosen, and declaring, “Hear him!” This manifestation is the coming of the kingdom “with power” that Jesus referred to, and the text of each Gospel suggests that this is the way the evangelists understood it. Not only does the Transfiguration happen right after the announcement, but each Gospel says it was about a week later (Matt. 17:1, Mark 9:1, Luke 9:28-the slight difference in the number of days may reflect reckoning parts of days as wholes and counting days as beginning at sunset, midnight, or dawn). Peter, James, and John thus were the three who did not taste death before they saw the kingdom coming with power Luke 23: 42-43 concerning the thief on the cross: 42). Then he said, 'Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.' 43). He answered him, 'In truth I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.' The Greek manuscripts containing Jesus’ words do not contain punctuation, so it is not certain where commas should be placed. Consider this possibility: “Truly, I say to you today, you will be with me in paradise.”
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@user-oh9nb1fh3h : About Idolatry Exodus 20:4 You shall not make yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything in heaven above or on earth beneath or in the waters. The Lord did not prohibit statues; he prohibited worshiping them. God actually commanded the making of images. Just five chapters later, God commanded Moses to build the Ark of the Covenant, which would contain the presence of God and was to be venerated as the holiest place in all of Israel. Here is what God commanded Moses concerning the statues on it: And you shall make two cherubim of gold; of hammered work shall you make them, on the two ends of the mercy seat. Make one cherub on the one end, and one cherub on the other end; of one piece with the mercy seat shall you make the cherubim on its two ends (Ex. 25:18-19). In Numbers 21:8-9, not only did our Lord order Moses to make another statue in the form of a bronze serpent, but he commanded the children of Israel to look at it in order to be healed. The context of the passage is one where Israel had rebelled against God, and a plague of deadly snakes was sent as a just punishment. This statue of a snake had no power of itself-we know from John 3:14 that it was merely a type of Christ-but God used this image of a snake as an instrument to effect healing in his people. Further, in 1 Kings 6, Solomon built a temple for the glory of God, described as follows: In the inner sanctuary he made two cherubim of olivewood, each ten cubits high. . . . He put the cherubim in the innermost part of the house. . . . He carved all the walls of the house round about with carved figures of cherubim and palm trees, and open flowers, in the inner and outer rooms. . . . For the entrance to the inner sanctuary he made doors of olivewood. . . . He covered the two doors of olivewood with carvings of cherubim, palm trees, and open flowers; he overlaid them with gold (1 Kgs. 6:23, 27, 29, 31, 32). King Solomon ordered the construction of multiple images of things both “in heaven above” (angels) and “in the earth beneath” (palm trees and open flowers). After the completion of the temple, God declared he was pleased with its construction (1 Kgs. 9:3). It becomes apparent, given the above evidence, that a strictly literal interpretation of Exodus 20:2-5 is erroneous. Otherwise, we would have to conclude that God prohibits something in Exodus 20 and elsewhere commands the very same thing. Why would God use these images of serpents, angels, palm trees, and open flowers? Why didn’t he heal the people directly rather than use a “graven image”? Why didn’t he command Moses and Solomon to build an ark and a temple without any images at all? First, God knows what his own commandments mean. He never condemned the use of statues absolutely. Second, God created man as a being who is both spiritual and physical. To draw us to himself, God uses both spiritual and physical means. He will use statues, the temple, or even creation itself to guide us to our heavenly home. Psalm 19:1 tells us: “The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.” Romans 1:20 says: “Ever since the creation of the world his invisible nature, namely, his eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made.” Gazing at a sunset-or a great painting of a sunset-and contemplating the greatness of God through the beauty of his creation is not idolatry. Nor is it idolatrous to look at statues of great saints of old and honor them for the great things God has done through them. It is no more idolatrous for us to desire to imitate their holy lives and honor them than it was for Paul to exhort the Corinthians to imitate his own holy life (1 Cor. 4:16) and to “esteem very highly” those who were “over [the Thessalonians] in the Lord and admonish [them]” (1 Thess. 5:12-13). Having statues honouring God or great saints brings to mind. For Catholics, having statues is just as natural as-having pictures in our wallets to remind us of the ones we love here on earth. But reminding ourselves of loved ones is a far cry from idolatry.
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@user-oh9nb1fh3h : Church History What Jesus and the apostles left to the early Church Fathers was teachings and Sacred Traditions. It was only later that the apostles decides to write it down for the next generations to read. And that NEXT GENERATION or FIRST GENERATION was Catholics (member of the Universal) Church. Your Protestant denomination among thousands and thousands was only started in 1517 by ex Catholic priest Martin Luther(owns the Reformers Bible), and by ex Catholic King Henry VIII of England (from him came the GREAT BOOK which later became King James Version after it was revised in 1611 by King James). The former was the founder of Anglican Church also known as the Church of England (1535). These over 48,000 Protestant denominations in existence today and still multiplying only branched out from these two. (Wikipedia/Colliers Encyclopedia) Read your denomination history How do you know you have the truth when what you have is based only on self interpretation of the Bible (which your church doesn't own) as compared to the 2,000 year old Catholic Church's wherein it was the whole Church Council usually composed of hundreds of Bible expert bishops and church theologians (example: Council of Nicea in 325AD attended by 318) that would interpret it if the need arises? When exactly was your church founded. Can you guide me to see it in the Bible and the History books like the encyclopedia Books? If you protestants were correct in your interpretation of the Bible why is it that there is so much division and confusion and chaos among you protestants? It's because you are LEADERLESS. That's what happen. When you refuse to follow the established authority. The Pope, starting from Peter, is the Church authority established by Jesus Himself as these verses from the Bible itself tells us : On Peter's primacy: JOHN 1:42 - Jesus on their first meeting renamed Simon to Cephas which means Peter. MATTHEW 16:18 - Jesus founded His Church upon Peter. MATTHEW 16:19 - Jesus gave Peter the KEYS OF HEAVEN, the symbol of authority and power. JESUS SPECIFICALLY DIRECTED PETER TO GUIDE HIS CHURCH ON EARTH. John 21: 15-17"Peter do you love me? Yes Lord.... Feed my sheep...feed my lambs" - DOESN'T ALL THESE SIGNIFY PETER'S HEADSHIP OF JESUS'S CHURCH? VERY CLEARLY, IT IS! 1. Peter's name was mentioned over 190 times in the New Testament, 2. John's name mentioned 29 times, 3. All other Apostles names = 130 times, 4. In Acts of the Apostles, Peter's name was mentioned 56 times from Chapter 1 to 5. 5. Peter leads in replacing Judas Iscariot in Acts 6. Peter speaks for the Church at Pentecost in Acts Chapter 2. 7. Peter works the most miraculous healings in Post-ascension Church, Acts Chapter 3 8. Peter answers for the Church before the Council 9. Peter metes out the discipline of Ananias and Saphira - Acts Chapter 5, 10. The first Gentile Convert was specifically told to find Peter - Acts Chapter 10. Matthew. 10:2-4 - Peter was mentioned FIRST among the12 Apostles. Mark. 3:14-19 - Peter was also mentioned FIRST among the 12 Apostles. Luke 6:14-16 - Peter was also mentioned FIRST among the 12 Apostles. Acts 2:37, Acts 5:29, Mark 1:36 - Peter was mentioned FIRST and Judas last. Mark 16:7 - The Angel of God specifically mentioned Peter's name. Aren't these an indication of Peter's headship of Jesus’ church? Bear in mind, that Jesus had established one and only church upon Peter - Matthew 16:18 Gave its chair heavenly authority (Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven) - Matthew. 16:19 And his church was "for all nations", which means "Universal" OR "katholikos" in Greek, which in English "catholic" (Matthew 28:19 Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations; baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, And this religious organization that Jesus had established upon Peter (Matthew 16:18-19) is destined to last forever!, Until his return (Matthew. 28:19-20) Only the Catholic Church has an unbroken connection to the apostles and to Jesus Christ. A clear fulfilment of Jesus’s promise in Matthew 28:20 ("I will be with you until the end of time") Here it is: Holy Pope, Christ’s representative on earth (Vicar of Christ): St. Peter (67 AD. Murdered by the Romans. Crucified upside down); Pope Linus (succeeded St. Peter. Martyred by the Romans in 76 AD. Name mentioned in 2 Timothy 4:21), Pope Anacletus (succeeded Pope Linus. Martyred by the Romans in 91 AD), Pope Clement I (succeeded Pope Anacletus. Martyred by the Romans in 100 AD. He was thrown to the sea with a ship anchor tied to his neck. Name mentioned in Philippians 4:3)... This is only from the 1st Century. Pope Francis is now our 266th Church Head How about your church history? Who was your Protestantism/INC1914 Fathers mentioned in the Bible and martyred by the Romans? Can you give me one name? Where is its proof in the Bible? Ephesians 5:23 " For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Saviour." And what church this verse is referring to? Read: Matthew 16:18 - "And I tell you that you are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church." And this Church is the Universal or Catholic one, the Catholic Church. katholikos, the combination of two words, kata (concerning), and holos (whole). According to the Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology, the word catholic comes from a Greek word meaning "regarding the whole," or, more simply, "universal" or "general." The word church comes from the Greek ecclesia, which means "those called out,” as in those summoned out of the world at large to form a distinct society. So the Catholic Church is made up of those called out and gathered into the universal society founded by Christ. Very clear isn't it? Does this verse say that Jesus will also save your self-founded church? Or, those tens of thousands others? Give me the verse if true.
@boink800 3 ай бұрын
Ste. Faustina, pray for us sinners. May all souls be led to Heaven by the mercy of our Lord.
@vickipasquale4216 3 ай бұрын
God forgive me for I am a sinner, I repent and beg for your mercy. I ask in your sons name Jesus Christ 🙏
@markpridgen809 4 ай бұрын
Say the Devine mercy chaplet prayer faithfully .. At the hour 3 pm. Trust me you'll fall in love with this beautiful prayer..
@jonathanlowe599 3 ай бұрын
I Pray The Chaplet of Divine Mercy regularly. Very devout to The Divine Mercy myself. However it's a shame not many people know of it. Great Devotion to Jesus and His Mercy
@rayherbst6655 4 ай бұрын
Blessed be the obedience of Jesus Mary and Joseph
@joyqueen2006 2 ай бұрын
We pray for his mercy and pray That he may help us to lead many to obtain salvation
@josephineacolicol1990 Ай бұрын
Jesus' blood has redeemed us all from all our sin only If we believe and accept Him as Lord and Savior.
@davidaucoin7317 20 күн бұрын
Yes Romans 10:9 says If we confess Jesus as Lord we will be saved not as savior,not as masieah,not as God but as Lord we will be saved. This is confirmed by the thief on the cross according to Luke 23:42-43 KJB the thief called Jesus Lord before asking the Lord Jesus to remember him when he comes into his kingdom.Why lord? Because the word lord means ruler with athority. How did the thief know he should call Jesus lord when no one was calling jesus lord until after the resurrection? The answer is it was the Holy Ghost who was the only one that knew that empowered the thief to use the word lord. Why? because Romans 10:9 said If you confess Jesus as Lord you will be saved. Only when one confesses Jesus as Lord does Jesus become the lord of the one who calls him lord. It is much the same as with lawyers. You can believe in lawyers but unless you hire one to be your lawyer you have no legal advocate in a court of law. So also unless one has confessed jesus as lord publicaly Jesus is not your lord. So the Holy ghost empowered the thief to call Jesus Lord to give Jesus the authority to grant the thief's request.so dear reader Please make sure you call Jesus lord publicaly because until you do according to Romans 10:9 and the Holy Ghost you are not saved. Anyone who tells you otherwise are diss agreeing with Paul the great apostle and the holy ghost. Ambassodor for The Lord Christ David Aucoin deepthink70@gmail.com
@TCGriswold_ICXC 17 сағат бұрын
Praise God and His Grace and Mercy! Amen. ☦
@evelynkihia1165 2 күн бұрын
This is definitely God speaking through this devout sister. May your grace lead me to total repentance, deliverance and transformation to be a light for him in these trying times. Amen. 🙏🙏
@robertotero7155 4 ай бұрын
Amen! I love God and the lord Jesus Christ with all of my heart forever!
@ReinoDominguez-lg6io 3 ай бұрын
Lord Jesus said if you love me follow my commandments. Did you follow His commandments?
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@ReinoDominguez-lg6io : John 6:53-56 (the Eucharist) 53 Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. 55 For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. 56 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them. Matthew 26:26 (the Eucharist) 26 While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Mark 14:22 (the Eucharist) 22). While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take it; this is my body.” Luke 22:19 (the Eucharist) 19). And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.” 1 Corinthians 11:23-24 (the Eucharist) 23). For the tradition I received from the Lord and also handed on to you is that on the night he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took some bread, 24). and after he had given thanks, he broke it, and he said, 'This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.' 1 Corinthians 10:16 (the Eucharist) 16 The blessing-cup, which we bless, is it not a sharing in the blood of Christ; and the loaf of bread which we break, is it not a sharing in the body of Christ? bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ? John 6: 51 (the Eucharist) I am the living bread which has come down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever; and the bread that I shall give is my flesh, for the life of the world.' John 6:53 (the Eucharist) Jesus replied to them: In all truth I tell you, if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@ReinoDominguez-lg6io : Jesus is God! Jesus created us John 1:1-3 1) In the beginning was the Word: the Word was with God and the Word was God. 2) He was with God in the beginning. 3) Through him all things came into being, not one thing came into being except through him. Colossians 1:16 16) for in him were created all things in heaven and on earth: everything visible and everything invisible, thrones, ruling forces, sovereignties, powers -- all things were created through him and for him. John 8:57-59 57) "Then the Jews said to Him, "You are not yet fifty years old, and You have seen Abraham?" 58)"Truly, truly, I tell you," Jesus declared, "before Abraham was born, I am!" 59).At this, they picked up stones to throw at Him. They were going to throw stones at him, because they fully understood what he was saying: He was God (the "I am" was never said by any Jew, because this is the self-given name of God) - and had existed long before Abraham. John 1:15 15). John witnesses to him. He proclaims: 'This is the one of whom I said: He who comes after me has passed ahead of me because he existed before me.'
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@ReinoDominguez-lg6io : John 6:53-56 53 Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. 55 For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. 56 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them.
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@ReinoDominguez-lg6io : John 3: 3-5 3). Jesus answered: In all truth I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above. 4). Nicodemus said, 'How can anyone who is already old be born? Is it possible to go back into the womb again and be born?' 5). Jesus replied: In all truth I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born through water and the Spirit; Catholics are born again believers, We are born again when we are baptized in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Christ speaks of in John 3:5 as being "born of water and the Spirit." In Greek, this phrase is, literally, "born of water and Spirit," indicating one birth of water-and-Spirit, rather than "born of water and of the Spirit," as though it meant two different births-one birth of water and one birth of the Spirit. In the water-and-Spirit rebirth that takes place at baptism, the repentant sinner is transformed from a state of sin to the state of grace. Peter mentioned this transformation from sin to grace when he exhorted people to "be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2:38). The context of Jesus' statements in John 3 makes it clear that he was referring to water baptism. Shortly before Jesus teaches Nicodemus about the necessity and regenerating effect of baptism, he himself was baptized by John the Baptist, and the circumstances are striking: Jesus goes down into the water, and as he is baptized, the heavens open, the Holy Spirit descends upon him in the form of a dove, and the voice of God the Father speaks from heaven, saying, "This is my beloved Son" (cf. Matt. 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22; John 1:30-34). This scene gives us a graphic depiction of what happens at baptism: We are baptized with water, symbolizing our dying with Christ (Rom. 6:3) and our rising with Christ to the newness of life (Rom. 6:4-5); we receive the gift of sanctifying grace and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:27); and we are adopted as God's sons (Rom. 8:15-17).
@gordontempest2575 3 ай бұрын
Praise God for His Divine Mercy. For the sake of His Sorrowful Passion have Mercy on us and the whole world. Jesus Mary and Joseph, I love you. Save souls.
@user-wd5by7wj8h Күн бұрын
I pray for my generations till your second coming ...Lord protect us all..in Jesus Name ..Amen..
@sheldonbarro5804 8 күн бұрын
Blessed are all those who heart Sister Faustina's words and believe. Thr mercy og Eloim will visit them and the rosary will inyercede for them.
@mysticdragonx3535 4 ай бұрын
Lord please have mercy on me a poor sinner. I ask for the intercession of the souls of purgatory to please pray for me, my family, and all the souls of the world. That we may all one day merit heaven. I offer up all my sufferings to the all mighty God for the penance of sins and for my personal salvation. I ask Mother Mary to please appear and comfort me at the hour or my death. I pray for perseverance and final perseverance at the hour of my death. Amen!
@Tokkan1 4 ай бұрын
purgatory doesnt exist, read the bible
@mysticdragonx3535 4 ай бұрын
@@Tokkan1 Psalm 66:12 (RSV) Isaiah 4:4 Micah 7:9 Malachi 3:3 2 Maccabees 12:44-45 Matthew 5:22 Matthew 5:26 Matthew 12:32 1 Corinthians 3:11-15 Hebrews 12:14 How about you read your Bible and stop interpreting it in your own way like every other Protestant
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@Tokkan1 : Purgatory Jesus' transfiguration Luke 9:28-31 28 Now about eight days after this had been said, he took with him Peter, John and James and went up the mountain to pray. 29 And it happened that, as he was praying, the aspect of his face was changed and his clothing became sparkling white. 30 And suddenly there were two men talking to him; they were Moses and Elijah 31 appearing in glory, and they were speaking of his passing which he was to accomplish in Jerusalem. We know Moses died, and he couldn't have come from heaven because at that stage Jesus hadn't died, and he couldn't have come from hell, because nobody gets out of hell, therefore there must be a place between, could it be the place that Jesus talks about in the parable of Lazarus & the rich man (Luke 16:19-30) 19 There was a rich man who used to dress in purple and fine linen and feast magnificently every day. 20 And at his gate there used to lie a poor man called Lazarus, covered with sores, 21 who longed to fill himself with what fell from the rich man's table. Even dogs came and licked his sores. 22 Now it happened that the poor man died and was carried away by the angels into Abraham's embrace. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 'In his torment in Hades he looked up and saw Abraham a long way off with Lazarus in his embrace. 24 So he cried out, "Father Abraham, pity me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in agony in these flames." 25 Abraham said, "My son, remember that during your life you had your fill of good things, just as Lazarus his fill of bad. Now he is being comforted here while you are in agony. 26 But that is not all: between us and you a great gulf has been fixed, to prevent those who want to cross from our side to yours or from your side to ours." 27 'So he said, "Father, I beg you then to send Lazarus to my father's house, 28 since I have five brothers, to give them warning so that they do not come to this place of torment too." 29 Abraham said, "They have Moses and the prophets, let them listen to them." 30 The rich man replied, "Ah no, father Abraham, but if someone comes to them from the dead, they will repent." (Matthew 5:25-26). 25 Make friends quickly with your accuser, while you are going with him to court, lest your accuser hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the guard, and you be put in prison; 26 truly I say to you, you will never get out till you have paid the last penny. Matthew 12:32 , 32 And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven; but whoever speaks against the holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.” Here Jesus speaks of sin against the Holy Spirit. The implication is that some sins can be forgiven in the world to come. We know that in Hell there is no liberation and in Heaven nothing imperfect can enter it as we see in the next part. Sin is not forgiven when a soul reaches its final destination because in heaven there is no need for forgiveness of sin and in hell the choice to go there is already made. Revelation 21:27 (God tells us that nothing imperfect can enter into heaven) 27but nothing unclean will enter it, nor anyone who does abominable things or tells lies.” The place that is to be entered (the place to which this passage refers) is heaven (read the text around it for context). The Bible clearly implies a place for an intermediate state of purification after we die in the many passages which tell that God will reward or punish according to a person’s life. 1 Peter 3:18-19 (Especially note 19) 18 Christ himself died once and for all for sins, the upright for the sake of the guilty, to lead us to God. In the body he was put to death, in the spirit he was raised to life, 19 and, in the spirit, he went to preach to the spirits in prison. The prison would be purgatory, because there's no point in preaching to people in Hell; because they will never get out. Ponder the following example. Imagine a Christian man, justified by the Lord, loses his temper and yells at his next door neighbours for letting their dog dig a hole in his yard. We can see that the man treated his neighbours rudely, albeit the neighbour’s behavior was also reprehensible. His actions would be considered a light sin (called venial sins by the Catholic Church). It’s not of the same moral weight as theft or murder, but it’s still a sin. After shouting at the neighbours, with all the anger and stress in his body the man walks into his house, has a heart attack, and dies having just committed a small sin in the final moments of his life. Remember, this man is Christian and justified by the Lord, yet has committed a sin. Does he go to heaven or does he go to hell? Are all sins created equal? No, all sins are not equal and even justified men of the Lord can make mistakes and sin. If purgatory didn’t exist, the man would go to hell for his small sin. God’s mercy is so great and our God is a just God that it seems unfathomable that he would condemn a justified man to hell for a small, yet unrepented sin. The man’s soul is dirty. His actions have defiled his soul, but not the point where he has cut himself off from God. Only mortal sins cut off a person from God’s grace. So, the man, having been justified by the Lord, is destined for heaven, yet his soul is defiled by his sin (Matthew 12:36, 15:18). His soul is in need of cleansing because nothing defiled can enter heaven. This is the purpose of purgatory. Out of mercy and love God sends the man through purgatory on his way to heaven so that his soul can be purified to be able to join God in heaven. Remember, purgatory is not a second chance for conversion; the man is already justified. If there is no place of intermediate state of purification, the man would be damned to hell! Who would be saved? Those who teach against purgatory teach an unreasonable doctrine. 1 Corinthians 3:9-15 9 After all, we do share in God's work; you are God's farm, God's building. 10 By the grace of God which was given to me, I laid the foundations like a trained master-builder, and someone else is building on them. Now each one must be careful how he does the building. 11 For nobody can lay down any other foundation than the one which is there already, namely Jesus Christ. 12 On this foundation, different people may build in gold, silver, jewels, wood, hay or straw 13 but each person's handiwork will be shown for what it is. The Day which dawns in fire will make it clear and the fire itself will test the quality of each person's work. 14 The one whose work stands up to it will be given his wages; 15 the one whose work is burnt down will suffer the loss of it, though he himself will be saved; he will be saved as someone might expect to be saved from a fire. This passage speaks of the believer being refined by fire. It is a clear indication of a refining place, purgatory.
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@Tokkan1 : God is outside of time Luke 9:27 'I tell you truly, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God.' This is not about the end of the world, for “the kingdom of God is in the midst of you” (Luke 17:21), and some of Jesus’ disciples were about to see it manifested in a powerful way. In each Synoptic Gospel (Matthew, Mark, and Luke), the Transfiguration immediately follows Jesus’ announcement (Matt. 17:1-9; Mark 9:2-10; Luke 9:28-36). Jesus takes three of the disciples-Peter, James, and John-up a mountain. His clothing becomes dazzlingly bright, Moses and Elijah appear beside him, everyone is enveloped in a cloud, and God the Father speaks from heaven, identifying Jesus as his Son and his Chosen, and declaring, “Hear him!” This manifestation is the coming of the kingdom “with power” that Jesus referred to, and the text of each Gospel suggests that this is the way the evangelists understood it. Not only does the Transfiguration happen right after the announcement, but each Gospel says it was about a week later (Matt. 17:1, Mark 9:1, Luke 9:28-the slight difference in the number of days may reflect reckoning parts of days as wholes and counting days as beginning at sunset, midnight, or dawn). Peter, James, and John thus were the three who did not taste death before they saw the kingdom coming with power Luke 23: 42-43 concerning the thief on the cross: 42). Then he said, 'Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.' 43). He answered him, 'In truth I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.' The Greek manuscripts containing Jesus’ words do not contain punctuation, so it is not certain where commas should be placed. Consider this possibility: “Truly, I say to you today, you will be with me in paradise.”
@vivianikanzuakhura9945 2 ай бұрын
There is nothing like purgatory,the Bible says in Ecclesiastes when a tree falls,that position it remains,south or north it remains,no prayer's can redeem a sinner from hell,stop the illusion
@Susan.Burns63 4 ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏, I'm not Catholic but attended Catholic school and I always will remember Sister Marie Julie for her word's that encouraged me and I even wanted to become a Nun for many year's based on her Faith and kindess 🙏🇦🇺
@vesnabluestar3314 4 ай бұрын
I pray that you return to the apostolic Faith..
@alicevb1841 4 ай бұрын
Oh how much l thank You Jesus, for saving me from the Jaws of Horror, You made me suffer greatly, but You saved me with Your Love,,,,thank You My Love, thanyou very, very much,,❤❤❤
@AnnAssam-vv8lj 3 ай бұрын
I pray every day the divine mercy Iove my mother Mary and Jesus when I pray and ask Jesus to forgive me I cry because we hurt him badly
@momichaux5054 3 ай бұрын
When you ask for Mary’s help or any saints help the you reject Christ, you need to turn from that blasphemy
@pimpc4619 3 ай бұрын
I couldn’t imagine turning away from God or his grace. Especially hearing what hell is like who would want to spend eternity in such tournament.
@lindablevins4955 9 күн бұрын
I thank God for his love and mercy and forgiving me of my sins! I want to do all He wants me to do so I can live eternally with Him!!! Praise God for his forgiveness!!!
@user-wh9hd3im8p 4 ай бұрын
Let us pray, for those who have become cold against Almighty God, and our Lord's body, which is his church. Lord hear our Prayer. Holy Mary. Mother of God. wrap me in your mantel hide my face in your veil, keep me from the temptations of satan and his evildoers.
@NothosXXI 4 ай бұрын
God bless you, friend! What a great gift to hear these testimonies from the Saints!
@evval6747 4 ай бұрын
11 SINS lead Human Beings to hell. (Most of the Souls there did not believe that hell exists). Punishment of the senses. Intellectual Sins graver than Carnal Sins. 4 Sins that invoke Divine Vengeance: 1 -Voluntary Murder (e.g.: abortion, etc.) 2- Sexual perversion that confuses society -Sodomy and Pedophilia 3-Oppression of the poor 4-Defrauding workers of their just wages and 7 Sins against Holy Spirit : 1- Despair of Salvation 2-Presumption of Salvation without merit 3-Opposing known truth 4-Envy of others' grace 5-Obstinacy in sins 6-Final impenitence 7-Carnal weakness and passions.
@jabangun 4 ай бұрын
Does anyone have a link to an explanation of these sins in lamen terms (normal daily English)? Thank you.
@javierhernandez-rx9ct 4 ай бұрын
Yes I agree layman’s terms
@NickVS707 3 ай бұрын
Yes, can someone explain all this is greater detail? It would be much appreciated. Thank you
@mikegrigsby6361 2 ай бұрын
Christ died on the cross for all sins; this is a Catholic falsehood, otherwise Christ died on the cross in vain@@NickVS707
@avoiceinthewilderness2053 Ай бұрын
@@NickVS707 -Voluntary murder- Best example is abortion. Willful killing of another human except when required to defend another life (as in war....but even in war there are just and unjust killings i.e. civilians, killing of already wounded soldiers, killing out of hatred instead of necessity etc) - Sexual perversion that confuses society- Anything that is impure (anything other than the natural act of procreation between a MARRIED man and woman)i.e. pornography in video, movies, literature, books as well as homosexual acts and pedophilia, sexualization of children, such as being done in schools -Oppression of the poor- Exodus 22:20-26. You shall not oppress the poor or vulnerable. God will hear their cry. (This means not only actively oppressing the vulnerable but also failure to help the poor/widow/orphan/those in need when we are able to...charging unjust interest rates, making money on high interest rates on debt, pursuit of riches without regard to others. (Ecclesiasticus 27:2 KJV: As a nail sticketh fast between the joinings of the stones; so doth sin stick close between buying and selling. - Defrauding workers of their just wages. Failure to pay on time or not at all, high tax rates, wage garnishing, ALSO refusal to pay a fair wage -Despair of Salvation=you believe your sin is too great for God to forgive ( so He doesn't) -Presumption of Salvation without merit =Belief that you will be saved even though you aren't doing what it takes to be saved (Keep the commandments..i.e Luke 18:18 A certain ruler asked him, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 19 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good-except God alone. 20 You know the commandments: ‘You shall not commit adultery, you shall not murder, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, honor your father and mother.’[a]” AND Luke 25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?” 27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[a]; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b]” 28 “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.” If God isn't the center or your life and you aren't striving with your whole heart to keep His commandments, you CANNOT PRESUME to be saved. Whether He chooses to have Mercy on you at the end is up to Him. -3-Opposing known truth - There are 2000 years of teaching passed down through the apostles which are accessible on the internet on just about any topic. But we too often throw out any teaching that we don't like or is not comfortable for us to hear in todays sinful society. Here are 2 examples regarding what the Bible has to say about abortion and sexual immorality of ANY kind. Ex. The Bible says "Jeremiah 1:5,Psalm 139:13-18 Before I formed you in your mother's womb I knew you" AND 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous[a] will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,[b] 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.. - Envy of others' grace= This refers to being upset and angry that someone else was blessed with a spiritual good that we don't have such as prophecy, holiness, gift of healing etc (this was the sin of Cain that lead to him killing his brother). For God gives to all those gifts as He sees fit in HIS OWN wisdom. -Obstinacy in sins- continuing in the same sin and expecting that God will jut look the other way (Ex. God knows I have a problem with alcohol, pornography, blasphemy [taking His name in vain], fornication, homosexuality etc and He will forgive me). We are expected to turn from sin and amend our lives. -Final impenitence =This refers to refusal to confess and be sorry for your unrepentant sins even when at the point of death....Considering many people die in an unprepared death, this gets quite a few people -Carnal weakness and passions -These include all the sins of the flesh and passion= sloth, gluttony, list, drinking to excess, pretty much any unmoderated pleasure, anger, sins of impurity, unmoderated pursuit of pleasure in any form
@LCccce6 Күн бұрын
Lord, please forgive me my sins. I am so sorry.
@imnatolaaier1661 2 ай бұрын
Forgive me lord for lam doing bad things ❤
@imnatolaaier1661 2 ай бұрын
Amen thank you lord almighty ✝️✝️🎁💗
@mohancharles3158 4 ай бұрын
Amen! Praise be to God!🌹🌹🌹 The message is to live according to the will of God! ....And be saved.!
@FirefighterKWann 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this. Gods love, and forgiveness cover us all.
@chriswilford4657 3 ай бұрын
Through our belief in the life death and resurrection of Jesus Christ we are imputed righteousness
@canarychick7688 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing that. Everyone needs to hear it.
@thediuslobo7710 4 ай бұрын
Praise be to you Lord Jesus Christ beloved Son of the Most High Living God the lamb of God who has conquered and who has bought us for a great price to whom the Heavenly Father raised from the dead to the glory of God the Father in heaven Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@johnobrien717 4 ай бұрын
Amen ...... 🙏
@stevenmagdefrau158 24 күн бұрын
Thank You dear God. I am who I am. You made me this way. I see now I could had be made to please people. I only please you, that is enough for me.
@josephsantiago2072 3 ай бұрын
Dear, "* God*" Have mercy on us... Amen...💕🙏
@heru-deshet359 4 ай бұрын
It saddens me to remember that a man that was like my uncle and loved dearly by all of our family, died cursing God. I hope that God, having infinite mercy, who knows everything, knows why he did that and it may not have been done with hate and rejection in his heart, but was out of his mind in pain when he died.
@whitemountainapache3297 4 ай бұрын
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@whitemountainapache3297 : You are an atheist; Atheist's aren't deep thinkers, they wander aimlessly through life with no real thoughts or sense of purpose and are living a meaningless selfish life. Maybe you think that by putting Christian's down you might get some sort of argument; in hope that someone might validate your existence.
@blubblurb 3 ай бұрын
@@whitemountainapache3297If you don't believe in god, what is the motivation to go onto christian videos and tell this? I really wonder about the motivation behind it.
@whitemountainapache3297 3 ай бұрын
To evangelise. To save you from THEM! To hopefully open your mind to the truth. There IS NO GOD, but there are Entities who created us and religion. They're coming back, and they're not nice.
@shannon32523 3 ай бұрын
@@whitemountainapache3297Care to elaborate a little more?
@tpor1206 4 ай бұрын
Great video and 100% true. Thank you for posting it. Pray the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet for the conversion of sinners everyday 🙏🏻
@shauncoetzee5136 3 ай бұрын
@laetitiauwihoreye4110 Күн бұрын
I pray jesus remember at the moment of my last breath🙏🙏🙏🙏
@user-op6eu3tt9j 4 ай бұрын
Jesus mercy ❤
@user-dm4gs1ig7r 3 ай бұрын
God brought me here he is my Maker and Savior and he's all I have got. Love God as I do. 🙏🤗❤️Xxxx Amen
@jesusstaanajr591 2 ай бұрын
Jesus forgive us our sins Amen
@clarenceross6020 Ай бұрын
Amen Thank you Jesus
@zeejimi4044 4 ай бұрын
I absolutely LOVE God‘s Divine Mercy, and I pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet every day ! Hell unfortunately exists, and as it stated in the video, many people who go there didn’t believe in its existence.. „JESUS I TRUST IN YOU !“. ❤️❤️❤️ Pray the novena of the Divine Mercy Chaplet from Good Friday until the Sunday after Easter Sunday (Divine Mercy Sunday), go to confession in that week, and to Holy Communion, and you will get a COMPLETE REMISSION of your sins thereafter. You will then be as pure as a newly baptised baby in the eyes of God !!! GO for it !!!
@ritam9132 4 ай бұрын
Read "Divine Mercy In My Soul". St Faustina's main message is proclaiming God's unlimited mercy, love, and grace. Trust with humility and confidence in God's generous mercy.
@oliverkent7158 3 ай бұрын
Jesus Christ Son of God have Mercy on me a Sinner. Forgive my wilful and unwilling sin and help me overcome my many weaknesses.
@meisterhand5436 Ай бұрын
Our God and Saviour Jesus Christ please have mercy on us sinners❤️✝️
@michaelmcmullen2458 9 күн бұрын
@ChauNguyen-fd9bx 4 ай бұрын
The voice is excellent.
@manuelvargas467 4 ай бұрын
Let pray our pirests and nuns to faithful Jesus 📿☦️✝️
@user-ff3cj4yw8j Ай бұрын
My Lord please forgive my past transgressions❤️🙏
@user-zm8hj4hi3z 2 ай бұрын
I want to go to god when my time comes. I am obeying his commandments and then some. Amen
@heliandme 2 ай бұрын
The only "sins" leading to Hell are not believing in Christ and not repenting. Period.
@seanpk78 2 ай бұрын
Exactly. This is Catholic theology who believe in sanctifying their own sins.
@jesusrosary9067 2 ай бұрын
You can believe in jesus and still go to hell
@seanpk78 2 ай бұрын
@@jesusrosary9067 Nope! Romans 10:13 says ‘whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved’.
@seanpk78 2 ай бұрын
@@jesusrosary9067 by the way that’s the most anti-Christ statement I’ve ever heard.
@jesusrosary9067 2 ай бұрын
@@seanpk78 what does Paul say about believing in vain
@davefreeman9347 4 ай бұрын
Incredible vision blown away by it 😮 Even at our very last minute we have a choice to be with our father lord and saviour and that some souls are so stubborn they chose Hell😢 May God forgive me if my sins in Jesus’s name AMEN 🙏
@brendafarmer9952 23 күн бұрын
Lord Jesus forgive me for my sin I know I sin against u please forgive me help me not to sin again amen.
@user-sk6or9qx3g 2 ай бұрын
God .I'm asking for forgiveness I will abandoning my haters...focus my prayers for u lords. AMEN.❤
@donaldharris5133 4 ай бұрын
When you break one commandment you break them all. We are born into a broken creation, All are sinners & All fall short of the Glory of GOD by Free Choice !!! There is only One Sin that Will Not be Forgiven & that's to Blasphem The Holy Spirit for which there is no return, and you will come to know the 2nd Death, Eternal Condemnation, Alone, Darkness, Torment, Separated From All Good & GOD Eternally !!! 👍😎🇺🇲🙏 DDH 2-17-2024.
@bigal98761 4 ай бұрын
Exactly if there were certain sins that could lead us to hell then Christ died for nothing all sins are forgiven the only 1 is blasphemy of the holy spirit
@APR4JC 3 ай бұрын
@@bigal98761 even blasphemy of the holy spirit can be forgiven.t he 1 sin that can not be forgiven, is suicide. cant repent from that one. didnt saul commit blasphemy in the bible? i might be wrong about saul though.
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@bigal98761: Only the sins you have repented of with true remorse are forgiven. If you are unforgiving you will not be forgiven! If you aren't sorry to God for offending him (by your sins) you are not forgiven! Forgiveness from God is conditional!
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@APR4JC : Read the Bible! Mark 3: 28-29 28). 'In truth I tell you, all human sins will be forgiven, and all the blasphemies ever uttered; 29). but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, but is guilty of an eternal sin.'
@evelynbare1975 4 ай бұрын
Humans condemn themselves and their repentance is there for them right to the last. There are only two teams, choose wisely.
@aodwyer71 7 күн бұрын
Please forgive me of all I have done that displeases my Lord. I love you with all my heart. Amen.
@michaelhobbs3426 2 ай бұрын
This is a real place you go if you don’t believe in repentance or repent you are doomed there forever please turn back to god before it’s to late amen 🙏 ❤
@christinemcguiness9356 4 ай бұрын
Jesus I trust in you 🙏
@annarhodes3149 4 ай бұрын
Holy angels and saints holy Mother of God have mercy on me and my family 🙏 have MERCY on those who suffer Yet no one pray for them ,I offer this prayer for all these poor souls , Lord Jesus please Have MERCY on them ALL Thank you LORD ❤️ with LOVE and blessings to all heavenly beings❤ Thank you LORD
@ckost2308 4 ай бұрын
Anna, God has NO mother. We are to pray to God, NOT angels.
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@ckost2308 : Jesus is God! Jesus created us John 1:1-3 1) In the beginning was the Word: the Word was with God and the Word was God. 2) He was with God in the beginning. 3) Through him all things came into being, not one thing came into being except through him. Colossians 1:16 16) for in him were created all things in heaven and on earth: everything visible and everything invisible, thrones, ruling forces, sovereignties, powers -- all things were created through him and for him. John 8:57-59 57) "Then the Jews said to Him, "You are not yet fifty years old, and You have seen Abraham?" 58)"Truly, truly, I tell you," Jesus declared, "before Abraham was born, I am!" 59).At this, they picked up stones to throw at Him. They were going to throw stones at him, because they fully understood what he was saying: He was God (the "I am" was never said by any Jew, because this is the self-given name of God) - and had existed long before Abraham. John 1:15 15). John witnesses to him. He proclaims: 'This is the one of whom I said: He who comes after me has passed ahead of me because he existed before me.'
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@ckost2308 : Mary the mother of God Jesus is one Divine person with two nature's (God nature and human nature),He's not a divine person & a human person separately. If you are saying Mary gave birth to only the man then you are either denying the Divinity of Jesus or you are saying Jesus is 2 persons which would make 4 persons in the Trinity. Mary is not the mother of the Trinity she is the mother of the Second person of the Trinity (Jesus, the second person of the Trinity, is the only one who became incarnate) Mary gave birth to Jesus. Mary gave birth to Jesus' body and soul composit; she didn't give birth to a soulless body! she didn't create the soul; just as your mother didn't create your soul but your mother gave birth to you a person, both body and soul (not a soulless body). Mary gave birth to a person with the (essence) nature of Divine. Therefore we can call Mary the mother of God, not mother meaning that she created. In the garden of Eden Satan overthrew both the man and the woman, (Adam & Eve). therefore it needs both man and woman to redeem humanity from Satan. Both (Jesus and Mary) for redemption. John 1:1-2: “In the beginning was Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.” And then in verse 14 it says “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.” Well, how was he made flesh? He was born of the Virgin Mary. So what we have here is almighty God was born of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which means Mary necessarily is the mother of God.
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@ckost2308 : If you do not believe that Jesus is God, you are not a Christian! A Christian is: A follower or disciple of Jesus; someone who believes Jesus is the Christ or Messiah. Catholics are Christians.
@ckost2308 3 ай бұрын
@@margaretoconnor7077I know Jesus IS Father God and Savior! Catholics are not Christians, they are catholics.
@ferdinandkharduit7218 4 ай бұрын
Amen lord Jesus Christ help me to repent with all of my sins.
@joe7pham Ай бұрын
All sins lead to the grave, but the blood of Jesus paid for it all. Believe in the Lord Jesus and you are forgiven.
@dorisbrinkerhoff8124 4 ай бұрын
i dont understand people who say hell isnt real. i know its real. i have seen things . its real.
@edwarddelacroix6995 4 ай бұрын
Actually all sins lead people to hell only Christ can redeem us. Through His blood, death and ressurection, He secure us eternal life. God doesn't want us to be in hell that''s why He send Jesus Christ. Believe and repent from your sins, have faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and His transformative power, only that can save you.
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@edwarddelacroix6995 : Faith without works You are not saved by faith alone, but! by works of love. John 8:51 51 In all truth I tell you, whoever keeps my word will never see death. How do you keep Jesus' word? By doing what he asks of us! James 2:14-26 14) How does it help, my brothers, when someone who has never done a single good act claims to have faith? Will that faith bring salvation? 15) If one of the brothers or one of the sisters is in need of clothes and has not enough food to live on, 16) and one of you says to them, 'I wish you well; keep yourself warm and eat plenty,' without giving them these bare necessities of life, then what good is that? 17) In the same way faith, if good deeds do not go with it, is quite dead. 18) But someone may say: So you have faith and I have good deeds? Show me this faith of yours without deeds, then! It is by my deeds that I will show you my faith. 19) You believe in the one God -- that is creditable enough, but even the demons have the same belief, and they tremble with fear. 20) Fool! Would you not like to know that faith without deeds is useless? 21) Was not Abraham our father justified by his deed, because he offered his son Isaac on the altar? 22) So you can see that his faith was working together with his deeds; his faith became perfect by what he did. 23) In this way the scripture was fulfilled: Abraham put his faith in God, and this was considered as making him upright; and he received the name 'friend of God'. 24) You see now that it is by deeds, and not only by believing, that someone is justified. 25) There is another example of the same kind: Rahab the prostitute, was she not justified by her deeds because she welcomed the messengers and showed them a different way to leave? 26 As a body without a spirit is dead, so is faith without deeds. Jeremiah 17: 10 I, Yahweh, search the heart, test the motives, to give each person what his conduct and actions deserve. Matthew 25:42-46 (faith without works) 42) For I was hungry and you never gave me food, I was thirsty and you never gave me anything to drink, 43) I was a stranger and you never made me welcome, lacking clothes and you never clothed me, sick and in prison and you never visited me." 44) Then it will be their turn to ask, "Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty, a stranger or lacking clothes, sick or in prison, and did not come to your help?" 45) Then he will answer, "In truth I tell you, in so far as you neglected to do this to one of the least of these, you neglected to do it to me." 46) And they will go away to eternal punishment, and the upright to eternal life.' Romans 2:7 (Proof of the need for works) 7 For those who aimed for glory and honour and immortality by persevering in doing good, there will be eternal life. 1 Peter 2:12 Always behave honourable among pagans, so that they can see your good works for themselves. Matthew 7:21 21 'It is not anyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord," who will enter the kingdom of Heaven, but the person who does the will of my Father in heaven. Matthew 25: 34-40 34 Then the King will say to those on his right hand, "Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take as your heritage the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you made me welcome, 36 lacking clothes and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me." 37 Then the upright will say to him in reply, "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and make you welcome, lacking clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we find you sick or in prison and go to see you?" 40 And the King will answer, "In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me." Revelation 14:13 Then I heard a voice from heaven say to me, 'Write down: Blessed are those who die in the Lord! Blessed indeed, the Spirit says; now they can rest for ever after their work, since their good deeds go with them.' (The deeds are what people carry with them to God's judgement). You can lose your salvation by: being unrepentant & harbouring unforgiveness. An unrepentant person knows that he or she has sinned and refuses to ask God for forgiveness or turn away from the sin. The unrepentant show no remorse for their wrongdoing and don’t feel the need to change. Unrepentance is the sin of willfully remaining sinful. Matthew 6: 14 if you forgive others their failings, your heavenly Father will forgive you yours; Matthew 6:15 but if you do not forgive others, your Father will not forgive your failings either. Matthew 7:24 Therefore, everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a sensible man who built his house on rock. Mark 11:25 And when you stand in prayer, forgive whatever you have against anybody, so your Father in heaven may forgive your failings too.' Exodus 32:33, Yahweh said to Moses, 'Those who have sinned against me are the ones I shall blot out of my book. Hebrews 12: 14 Seek peace with all people, and the holiness without which no one can ever see the Lord. John 15: 6 Anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a branch -- and withers; these branches are collected and thrown on the fire and are burnt. 1 John 4:20 Anyone who says 'I love God' and hates his brother, is a liar, since whoever does not love the brother whom he can see cannot love God whom he has not seen. You can lose your salvation 2 Peter 2:20-22 20) and anyone who has escaped the pollution of the world by coming to know our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and who then allows himself to be entangled and mastered by it a second time, ends up by being worse than he was before. 21) It would have been better for them never to have learnt the way of uprightness, than to learn it and then desert the holy commandment that was entrusted to them. 22) What they have done is exactly as the proverb rightly says: The dog goes back to its vomit and: As soon as the sow has been washed, it wallows in the mud. Ezekiel 18:24-26 24) 'But if the upright abandons uprightness and does wrong by copying all the loathsome practices of the wicked, is he to live? All his upright actions will be forgotten from then on; for the infidelity of which he is guilty and the sin which he has committed, he will most certainly die. 25) 'Now, you say, "What the Lord does is unjust." Now listen, House of Israel: is what I do unjust? Is it not what you do that is unjust? 26) When the upright abandons uprightness and does wrong and dies, he dies because of the wrong which he himself has done. Hebrews 10: 26 26) If, after we have been given knowledge of the truth, we should deliberately commit any sins, then there is no longer any sacrifice for them. Romans 11: 22 22) Remember God's severity as well as his goodness: his severity to those who fell, and his goodness to you as long as you persevere in it; if not, you too will be cut off. Matthew 16: 27 'For the Son of man is going to come in the glory of his Father with his angels, and then he will reward each one according to his behaviour.
@truthforall9311 3 ай бұрын
@chrisconnors8713 Ай бұрын
Help me LORD Jesus to trust in your Divine Love And Divine Mercy. I feel so Landen by my entire life of being a carnal man that I feel in despair and Jesus' Divine Mercy And Love won't be able to penatrate through my guilt. PLEASE pray Sister Faustina that I can open my soul to God's Love. MERCY and Grace that goes beyond human comprehension and finite beliefs. Amen Amen. Thank you very much. Chris Connor
@user-pz4xm3qg2q 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for that.
@josephbrooks6251 4 ай бұрын
Christ came to save sinners not condemn them to Hell ? Humans are weak that’s why God sent his son to save all who believes in Jesus
@bigal98761 4 ай бұрын
It's like saying that Jesus's death wasn't good enough lol his blood covers all sins the only 1 is blasphemy of the holy spirit these catholics are lost they listen to saints and preists that feed them lies
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@bigal98761 : Faith without works You are not saved by faith alone, but! by works of love. John 8:51 51 In all truth I tell you, whoever keeps my word will never see death. How do you keep Jesus' word? By doing what he asks of us! James 2:14-26 14) How does it help, my brothers, when someone who has never done a single good act claims to have faith? Will that faith bring salvation? 15) If one of the brothers or one of the sisters is in need of clothes and has not enough food to live on, 16) and one of you says to them, 'I wish you well; keep yourself warm and eat plenty,' without giving them these bare necessities of life, then what good is that? 17) In the same way faith, if good deeds do not go with it, is quite dead. 18) But someone may say: So you have faith and I have good deeds? Show me this faith of yours without deeds, then! It is by my deeds that I will show you my faith. 19) You believe in the one God -- that is creditable enough, but even the demons have the same belief, and they tremble with fear. 20) Fool! Would you not like to know that faith without deeds is useless? 21) Was not Abraham our father justified by his deed, because he offered his son Isaac on the altar? 22) So you can see that his faith was working together with his deeds; his faith became perfect by what he did. 23) In this way the scripture was fulfilled: Abraham put his faith in God, and this was considered as making him upright; and he received the name 'friend of God'. 24) You see now that it is by deeds, and not only by believing, that someone is justified. 25) There is another example of the same kind: Rahab the prostitute, was she not justified by her deeds because she welcomed the messengers and showed them a different way to leave? 26 As a body without a spirit is dead, so is faith without deeds. Jeremiah 17: 10 I, Yahweh, search the heart, test the motives, to give each person what his conduct and actions deserve. Matthew 25:42-46 (faith without works) 42) For I was hungry and you never gave me food, I was thirsty and you never gave me anything to drink, 43) I was a stranger and you never made me welcome, lacking clothes and you never clothed me, sick and in prison and you never visited me." 44) Then it will be their turn to ask, "Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty, a stranger or lacking clothes, sick or in prison, and did not come to your help?" 45) Then he will answer, "In truth I tell you, in so far as you neglected to do this to one of the least of these, you neglected to do it to me." 46) And they will go away to eternal punishment, and the upright to eternal life.' Romans 2:7 (Proof of the need for works) 7 For those who aimed for glory and honour and immortality by persevering in doing good, there will be eternal life. 1 Peter 2:12 Always behave honourable among pagans, so that they can see your good works for themselves. Matthew 7:21 21 'It is not anyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord," who will enter the kingdom of Heaven, but the person who does the will of my Father in heaven. Matthew 25: 34-40 34 Then the King will say to those on his right hand, "Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take as your heritage the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you made me welcome, 36 lacking clothes and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me." 37 Then the upright will say to him in reply, "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and make you welcome, lacking clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we find you sick or in prison and go to see you?" 40 And the King will answer, "In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me." Revelation 14:13 Then I heard a voice from heaven say to me, 'Write down: Blessed are those who die in the Lord! Blessed indeed, the Spirit says; now they can rest for ever after their work, since their good deeds go with them.' (The deeds are what people carry with them to God's judgement). You can lose your salvation by: being unrepentant & harbouring unforgiveness. An unrepentant person knows that he or she has sinned and refuses to ask God for forgiveness or turn away from the sin. The unrepentant show no remorse for their wrongdoing and don’t feel the need to change. Unrepentance is the sin of willfully remaining sinful. Matthew 6: 14 if you forgive others their failings, your heavenly Father will forgive you yours; Matthew 6:15 but if you do not forgive others, your Father will not forgive your failings either. Matthew 7:24 Therefore, everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a sensible man who built his house on rock. Mark 11:25 And when you stand in prayer, forgive whatever you have against anybody, so your Father in heaven may forgive your failings too.' Exodus 32:33, Yahweh said to Moses, 'Those who have sinned against me are the ones I shall blot out of my book. Hebrews 12: 14 Seek peace with all people, and the holiness without which no one can ever see the Lord. John 15: 6 Anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a branch -- and withers; these branches are collected and thrown on the fire and are burnt. 1 John 4:20 Anyone who says 'I love God' and hates his brother, is a liar, since whoever does not love the brother whom he can see cannot love God whom he has not seen. You can lose your salvation 2 Peter 2:20-22 20) and anyone who has escaped the pollution of the world by coming to know our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and who then allows himself to be entangled and mastered by it a second time, ends up by being worse than he was before. 21) It would have been better for them never to have learnt the way of uprightness, than to learn it and then desert the holy commandment that was entrusted to them. 22) What they have done is exactly as the proverb rightly says: The dog goes back to its vomit and: As soon as the sow has been washed, it wallows in the mud. Ezekiel 18:24-26 24) 'But if the upright abandons uprightness and does wrong by copying all the loathsome practices of the wicked, is he to live? All his upright actions will be forgotten from then on; for the infidelity of which he is guilty and the sin which he has committed, he will most certainly die. 25) 'Now, you say, "What the Lord does is unjust." Now listen, House of Israel: is what I do unjust? Is it not what you do that is unjust? 26) When the upright abandons uprightness and does wrong and dies, he dies because of the wrong which he himself has done. Hebrews 10: 26 26) If, after we have been given knowledge of the truth, we should deliberately commit any sins, then there is no longer any sacrifice for them. Romans 11: 22 22) Remember God's severity as well as his goodness: his severity to those who fell, and his goodness to you as long as you persevere in it; if not, you too will be cut off. Matthew 16: 27 'For the Son of man is going to come in the glory of his Father with his angels, and then he will reward each one according to his behaviour.
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@bigal98761 : Once saved always saved is a lie from Hell Repentance and conversion is a choice that we make daily. Jesus says what he means and means what he says. Matthew 6:-9-15 9) So you should pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be held holy, 10) your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. 11) Give us today our daily bread. 12) And forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven those who are in debt to us. 13) And do not put us to the test, but save us from the Evil One. 14) 'Yes, if you forgive others their failings, your heavenly Father will forgive you yours; 15) but if you do not forgive others, your Father will not forgive your failings either. So according to Jesus, a condition for having our sins forgiven is that we forgive others. If the condition was not met, the individual would not be forgiven of their sins, So, if all our future sins were already forgiven initially when we first came into a saving relationship with Christ, then this command of Christ to ask God to forgive us on condition that we forgive others throughout the Christian life, would be unintelligible. It would not make sense. So, that Jesus gives us the command to pray this prayer throughout the Christian life entails that we need to have our sins forgiven throughout the Christian life as we sin. We need to pray this prayer continuously throughout the Christian life, because we continuously are faced with temptation. And in the moment we need the help of God. We also pray deliver us from evil. Once again, an ongoing prayer that we pray throughout the Christian life. It’s within this context that we need to ask for God’s forgiveness of our sins on condition that we forgive others implying that this is something we ask and request throughout the Christian life. Luke 9:23 Then, speaking to all, he said, 'If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross every day and follow me. James 2:14 14 How does it help, my brothers, when someone who done a single good act claims to have faith? Will that faith bring salvation? If we accept Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, confess him as Lord, yet commit bad actions, God judges accordingly. Matthew 12:37 37) By your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned. Our acceptance of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross does not abdicate our responsibility live the Gospel. Salvation is not assured. Salvation is not by faith alone for the Bible says that we will be held accountable by our words and that much will be entrusted to us! Nowhere in the Bible does it say salvation is by faith alone. This teaching is un-Scriptural. James 2:26 26 As a body without a spirit is dead, so is faith without deeds. Accepting Jesus is only the first step in a journey of faith. Living that faith is the rest of the journey. Paul understood this when he instructs the Philipians (2:12) to work out their salvation with fear and trembling. If he believed that salvation was a sure thing through faith alone he would not direct them to work out their salvation because he would be able to assure them of their place in heaven. Matthew 25:44-46 44 Then it will be their turn to ask, "Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty, a stranger or lacking clothes, sick or in prison, and did not come to your help?" 45 Then he will answer, "In truth I tell you, in so far as you neglected to do this to one of the least of these, you neglected to do it to me." 46 And they will go away to eternal punishment, and the upright to eternal life.' Matthew 7:21-23 21 'It is not anyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord," who will enter the kingdom of Heaven, but the person who does the will of my Father in heaven. 22 When the day comes many will say to me, "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, drive out demons in your name, work many miracles in your name?" 23 Then I shall tell them to their faces: I have never known you; away from me, all evil doers!
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@bigal98761 : The Bible itself never promotes "Bible alone." We realised that "sola Scriptura" was unscriptural. The early Church had the Apostolic Tradition, bishop in the apostolic succession. Do you really think that scriptural training will get you to heaven? That is what the Pharisees thought also, and Jesus wasn't too thrilled with them! Or should I quote John 5:39 You pore over the scriptures, believing that in them you can find eternal life. The first Christians lived, preached, worshiped and died before the New Testament was even in existence. They were authentic witnesses to the life, tradition and practice of the apostles themselves.
@margaretoconnor7077 3 ай бұрын
@bigal98761 : Prayers to the saints is biblical Revelation 5:8, where John depicts the saints in heaven offering our prayers to God under the form of “golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.” But if the saints in heaven are offering our prayers to God, then they must be aware of our prayers. the saints would be aware of our prayers even when they are not directed to them! The intercession of fellow Christians-which is what the saints in heaven are-also clearly does not interfere with Christ’s unique mediatorship because in the four verses immediately preceding 1 Timothy 2:5, Paul says that Christians should intercede: “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way. This is good, and pleasing to God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim. 2:1-4). Clearly, then, intercessory prayers offered by Christians on behalf of others is something “good and pleasing to God,” not something infringing on Christ’s role as mediator. God answers in particular the prayers of the righteous. James declares: “The prayer of a righteous man has great power in its effects. Elijah was a man of like nature with ourselves and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth. Then he prayed again and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth its fruit” (Jas. 5:16-18). Yet those Christians in heaven are more righteous, since they have been made perfect to stand in God’s presence (Heb. 12:22-23), than anyone on earth, meaning their prayers would be even more efficacious. Not only do those in heaven pray with us, they also pray for us. In the book of Revelation, we read: “[An] angel came and stood at the altar [in heaven] with a golden censer; and he was given much incense to mingle with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar before the throne; and the smoke of the incense rose with the prayers of the saints from the hand of the angel before God” (Rev. 8:3-4). And those in heaven who offer to God our prayers aren’t just angels, but humans as well. John sees that “the twenty-four elders [the leaders of the people of God in heaven] fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and with golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints” (Rev. 5:8). The simple fact is, as this passage shows: The saints in heaven offer to God the prayers of the saints on earth.
@francispeter2344 4 ай бұрын
Don’t believe anything a nun tells you. Just believe the Bible, God’s Holy Word and especially for us…Paul’s epistles for this Dispensation of Grace.
@KazibweTonny2222 2 ай бұрын
Lord God give me strength to overcome earthly things.
@DaisyDTorre-zq4dm 3 ай бұрын
Lord Jesus Christ my saviour, give me a heart to deeply sorry for my many sins committed. Give me wisdom to avoid sins and walk in the light of my path. With my entire family, my children, my brothers and Sisters. 🙏
@williamkeene9032 4 ай бұрын
What a complete load of crap.
@michaeljohnson-thiman4975 4 ай бұрын
So whats the truth?
@xhochslavr Ай бұрын
@@michaeljohnson-thiman4975the only way, truth and life is Jesus Edit: the comment above me (not reply) is disrespectful
@user-vx7ot7rf7v 2 ай бұрын
Yes, may God bless us all. Amen. 🙏
@roseangela2797 4 ай бұрын
Yes, I read this in St Faustina's diary Divine Mercy in my Soul.
@keithmorrison5735 Ай бұрын
God bless us all!!
@patwarburtonr7488 4 ай бұрын
God opens many doors in our lives, but unless we have the courage to walk through those. We will never know what awaits us on the other side. Amen 🙏 🙏
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