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Pekora Ch. 兎田ぺこら

Pekora Ch. 兎田ぺこら

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@わんさねこ 4 жыл бұрын
サヨリって誰?独断と偏見の時間割。 00:03:33 開始。 00:04:44 もぐもぐ。ギャルゲー久しぶり。 00:05:13 セブンイレブンのスモークタン美味しい。 00:06:17 はいぃ。 00:06:58 ポエム。 00:08:24 どんな性格してるんだろ? 🐰ドキドキ文芸部 00:09:33 起動したら…。 00:09:45 お歌。 00:09:57 一瞬ぺこちゃんガード。 00:10:35 なんで? 00:11:07 タイトル画面。嬉しそう。 00:12:32 見た目はこの子! -1周目 00:13:09 名前入力。 00:13:27 開始。 00:14:24 あんたが負けヒロインか。可愛いかも? 00:15:56 帰宅部だった。主人公の性格が…? 00:17:57 放課後。 00:20:10 アホの子? 00:21:01 部室。 00:21:53 髪の色やばくない?この子がカップケーキの子!? 00:23:41 あんた可愛いじゃん! 00:24:52 選べないかも!? 00:25:32 じゃじゃーん。 00:26:15 距離感わかってない!ツンデレキャラ! 00:28:39 主人公ドキドキしないの? 00:30:21 なるほどな。 00:31:22 リーダーになるべく人って…。漫画の方が好き。 00:34:00 わかる!ホラーなら山田さんの読んだことある。 00:36:16 ぺこーらと似てるね。 00:38:36 はいぃ。 00:41:13 帰宅。どうしよう! 00:41:57 ★詩を書く。 00:45:13 部室。 00:47:39 もしかしてユリちゃんと? 00:50:00 眠るの?会話を聞く。文化祭の話。 00:52:09 107万人おめでとう。寝起きで…。 00:53:40 目の前に!? 00:55:17 色んな女の子に!? 00:56:32 ★恋愛対象として見てないな。ええええ!? 00:57:51 見ないでね! 01:00:04 きtら。 01:00:57 詩を見せる人を選択。 01:02:33 モニカと会話。 01:05:44 詩を読む。 01:07:11 まだよく知らないから…。 01:08:07 お歌。里芋。はいぃ。 01:09:13 ユリと会話。 01:11:51 詩を読む。難しい字使わないで! 01:13:30 あれでマイルド? 01:15:15 ナツキと会話。 01:15:49 詩を読む。ぺこーらは好きだぞ! 01:18:22 サヨリと会話。 01:20:11 詩を読む。ちょっと待って!? 01:20:57 自信なくすわ! 01:22:29 明日も詩をやることに喜ぶ。 01:25:44 やばいぞ!盛ったの!? 01:28:09 貧乳か巨乳か!?逃げたい。 01:30:17 サヨリのフォロー。 01:33:16 帰宅。 01:34:42 ★詩を書く。ナツキを喜ばせるわ! 01:38:09 部室。サヨリの財布の中身を確認。 01:41:38 ナツキ可愛いな。 01:43:33 モニカが居ない? 01:44:34 彼氏いるの!?いらねぴゅぴゅ。 01:45:48 モニカのポーズ好き。 01:46:48 画材を探しに…。あれ? 01:50:30 画材探し。 01:51:36 ★えろーい!可愛いね! 01:52:53 林檎ジュース好きなんだ!?飲みかけを渡した!? 01:56:35 ちゅーしちゃうんじゃ? 01:57:20 部室。画材置いてきた!ぽんぽんぽん? 01:58:25 ナツキと会話。 02:00:08 詩を読む。長くなった!?昨日の方が…。 02:04:05 ユリと会話。 02:05:53 詩を読む。日記!? 02:07:58 個性が無くなった!? 02:09:48 サヨリと会話。実質告白。 02:12:35 詩を読む。急に怖い! 02:16:21 モニカと会話。 02:17:23 はい! 02:17:53 詩を読む。ピアノ!? 02:20:24 ポエムも勉強出来て、女の子も攻略出来る!? 02:21:08 文化祭準備。 02:23:44 やりたいとは思わない! 02:24:38 主人公は賛成…!? 02:25:57 鼻かみミュート。お薬も飲む。 02:26:52 バカタレ!再開。読まないの!? 02:28:12 ユリがやる気になった!? 02:29:53 サヨリは平原!? 02:32:00 けぽ。 02:32:53 主人公がやる!褒めてくれない!? 02:34:20 ナツキが…。少年ジャンプ!? 02:35:18 よっ!👏 02:37:45 皆で帰るか!? 02:38:03 帰宅。ホロライブにもポエム部作ろうよ! 02:38:41 ええええ!!選択。 02:40:59 詩を書く。サヨリが喜ぶものにする。ナツキに!? 02:42:35 部室。 02:43:12 女の子は笑顔!サヨリどうしたの? 02:48:19 えへえへ。ふぉふぉふぉ! 02:49:51 サヨリと会話。 02:50:55 あれ??ふさわしくない!? 02:53:35 サヨリどうしたの!? 02:54:47 ユリと会話。 02:57:15 詩を読む。めちゃくちゃ良いんだけど!? 02:59:07 聞いてませんか? 03:00:22 ナツキと会話。ナツキあんた可愛いな。 03:01:52 詩を読む。はくむちゅう。 03:04:50 モニカと会話。 03:05:53 え?バレてる? 03:07:00 詩を読む。大丈夫か? 03:08:45 ミステリーサークルにでも?楽しい事よりも? 03:10:45 文化祭準備。呼び方が!? 03:13:18 ユリに出来る事を…?ギスギスに!? 03:16:31 選択。サヨリ一択でしょ! 03:17:15 選択。やめてくれ! 03:17:58 モニカを…。ギスギスが…。 03:19:01 ★選択。助けてくれぺこ!! 03:20:06 ユリを選択。ナツキごめん。 03:21:51 バカタレ! 03:23:27 お家に来るの!? 03:25:48 家に来ちゃうのか! 03:26:23 日曜が来た!サヨリ音沙汰ない!? 03:27:02 サヨリの家。 03:27:30 部屋着も可愛いじゃん。 03:28:41 あの女要らない事言うなよ! 03:30:13 恋愛禁止法!? 03:31:37 ★真実!? 03:32:58 いつもどおりが…? 03:36:05 お前が好きなんだ! 03:38:18 文化祭一日過ごす約束。 03:39:48 会ってられないよ!? 03:40:48 部屋の中。 03:41:55 ここでやっちゃうの!? 03:43:07 アロマを使う。 03:45:05 折り紙に言葉を書いていく!? 03:46:40 ナイフ!?大丈夫? 03:49:04 はぁ!?望んだ相手じゃ!?何やってるの!? 03:50:59 はじめないでよ!? 03:52:19 まくってた袖を!?何書くの? 03:54:53 顔に絵具が…?いいね。 03:55:34 積極的じゃん!?やばい!? 03:57:37 帰りたくないの? 03:59:07 ★それは?サヨリが!? 04:00:25 サヨリと会話。ごめん。 04:01:55 モニカが正しい? 04:02:55 好きだよ!愛してる! 04:03:31 選択。結ばれますよ! 04:04:02 好きだ。 04:04:37 アイラブユー!え? 04:06:20 どゆこと?理解してなかった? 04:07:32 文化祭の日。サヨリと連絡が取れない!? 04:08:15 部室。 04:09:21 ん?なに?背筋が寒くなった…。 04:10:27 BGMが無くなった…? 04:10:58 サヨリの詩を読む。どした? 04:11:56 サヨリの家に。 04:12:45 ★彼氏ぺこだからね。悲鳴。 04:13:28 ★バグった!? 04:15:53 うそでしょ!? -2周目 04:16:03 ★タイトル画面に唖然。 04:17:25 ★ロード。あれ?? 04:18:09 ★え?え?え?仕様だよね? 04:19:03 モニカと会話。 04:20:34 部室。サユリは?? 04:21:28 背景に気が付いた。うそでしょ!? 04:23:25 怖いんですけど…。 04:25:53 特別な詩。え? 04:26:35 点をよく見ててね。あいしてるって!? 04:27:45 今日はここまで。 Cパート 04:29:45 ミュート芸。明日聞くわ。 04:31:51 思ってたのと違うゲームだった。 04:32:35 トイレタイム。 04:33:40 戻り。んぱ!海外で人気なのかな? 04:34:23 明日も楽しみ。 04:35:24 昨日許可出たばかり。何時流行ってた? 04:38:43 スパチャ読み。 04:42:51 7Daysは自転車作れるようになった! 04:50:25 ぷいん。更新。 04:54:39 誕生日。ウインク。 04:55:51 おわりの挨拶。
@TBakerXD 4 жыл бұрын
@ZeR0W1 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much
@REN-ke9sn 4 жыл бұрын
@existentialthought 4 жыл бұрын
@KatsuM1n 4 жыл бұрын
arigato gozaimasu
@わんさねこ 4 жыл бұрын
English version. 00:03:33 Start. 00:04:44 Mogu mogu. It's been a while since I played a gal game. 00:05:13 Delicious smoked tongue from Seven-Eleven. 00:06:17 Yes. 00:06:58 Poem. 00:08:24 What kind of personality does he have? 🐰Doki-Doki Literary Club 00:09:33 When I start it up... 00:09:45 A song. 00:09:57 Peko-chan guards for a moment. 00:10:35 Why? 00:11:07 Title screen. She looks happy. 00:12:32 She looks like this! -1st round. 00:13:09 Name input. 00:13:27 Start. 00:14:24 So you're the defeated heroine. Maybe she's cute. 00:15:56 I was in the homecoming club. The hero's character...? 00:17:57 After school. 00:20:10 Stupid kid? 00:21:01 Club room. 00:21:53 Isn't her hair color awful? Is this the girl from the cupcakes? 00:23:41 You're so cute! 00:24:52 I might not be able to choose! 00:25:32 Ta-da! 00:26:15 You don't know the distance! You're a tsundere! 00:28:39 Don't you get nervous, protagonist? 00:30:21 I see. 00:31:22 A person who wants to be a leader... I like the manga better. 00:34:00 I know what you mean! I've read some of Yamada's horror books. 00:36:16 It's similar to Pekora. 00:38:36 Yes. 00:41:13 I'm going home. What should I do? 00:41:57 ★ Write a poem. 00:45:13 Club room. 00:47:39 Could it be you and Yuri? 00:50:00 Are you going to sleep? Listening to the conversation. Talking about the school festival. 00:52:09 Congratulations on 1.07 million. I woke up from sleep... 00:53:40 Right in front of you! 00:55:17 To all kinds of girls! 00:56:32 ★ You're not looking at me romantically. Yeah, yeah! 00:57:51 Don't look at me! 01:00:04 Kittara. 01:00:57 Choosing who to show the poem to. 01:02:33 Conversation with Monica. 01:05:44 Reading the poem. 01:07:11 Don't know much about it yet... 01:08:07 Song. Taro. Yes. 01:09:13 Talking with a lily. 01:11:51 Reading a poem. Don't use difficult letters! 01:13:30 Is that mild enough? 01:15:15 Talking with Natsuki. 01:15:49 Reads poem; Pekora likes it! 01:18:22 Conversation with Sayori. 01:20:11 Reading poem. Wait a minute! 01:20:57 I'm losing confidence! 01:22:29 Glad to be doing poetry again tomorrow. 01:25:44 Oh no! I've been heaping it on! 01:28:09 Poor tits or big tits! I want to escape. 01:30:17 Followed by Sayori. 01:33:16 Returning home. 01:34:42 ★ Write a poem. I'll make Natsuki happy! 01:38:09 Club room. Checking the contents of Sayori's purse. 01:41:38 Natsuki is cute. 01:43:33 Monica's not here? 01:44:34 You have a boyfriend? I don't want one. 01:45:48 I like Monica's pose. 01:46:48 Looking for art supplies.... What? 01:50:30 Looking for art supplies. 01:51:36 ★Elo! It's so cute! 01:52:53 You like apple juice! I gave him a drink! 01:56:35 You're going to kiss her, aren't you? 01:57:20 Club room. I left my art supplies there! PonPonPon 01:58:25 Talking with Natsuki. 02:00:08 Reading a poem. It's getting longer! Yesterday's was more... 02:04:05 Talking with Yuri. 02:05:53 Reading poem. Diary! 02:07:58 I've lost my individuality! 02:09:48 Conversation with Sayori. Actual confession. 02:12:35 Read poem. Suddenly scared! 02:16:21 Conversation with Monica. 02:17:23 Yes! 02:17:53 Reading poem. Piano! 02:20:24 I can study poetry, and I can conquer girls! 02:21:08 Preparing for cultural festival. 02:23:44 Don't think I want to do that! 02:24:38 The protagonist agrees...! 02:25:57 Sniffle muted. I also take medicine. 02:26:52 Resuming Bakatare! You're not reading! 02:28:12 Uri is motivated! 02:29:53 Sayori is on the plain! 02:32:00 Kepo. 02:32:53 The main character does! He doesn't praise me! 02:34:20 Natsuki does... Shonen Jump! 02:35:18 Yo! 👏 02:37:45 Let's all go home! 02:38:03 Going home. Let's make a poetry club for Hololive! 02:38:41 Yeah, yeah, yeah! Choice. 02:40:59 Write a poem. Make it something Sayori would like. For Natsuki! 02:42:35 Club room. 02:43:12 Girl is smiling! Sayori, what's wrong? 02:48:19 Ehehehe. Whoo-hoo-hoo! 02:49:51 Talking with Sayori. 02:50:55 Huh? That's not appropriate! 02:53:35 Sayori, what's wrong? 02:54:47 Talking with Yuri. 02:57:15 Reading a poem. It's so good! 02:59:07 Aren't you listening? 03:00:22 Talking with Natsuki. You're so cute. 03:01:52 Reading a poem. Reading a poem. 03:04:50 Talking with Monica. 03:05:53 What? Is it obvious? 03:07:00 Reading a poem. Are you okay? 03:08:45 Maybe in a crop circle? More than fun? 03:10:45 Preparing for cultural festival. I'll call it! 03:13:18 What can I do for Uri...? To the giggles! 03:16:31 Choice. You have to choose Sayori! 03:17:15 Choice. Don't do it! 03:17:58 Monica... 03:19:01 ★ Choice. Help me, Peko! 03:20:06 Selecting Yuri. Sorry, Natsuki. 03:21:51 Bakatare! 03:23:27 You're coming to my house! 03:25:48 It's coming to your house! 03:26:23 Sunday's here! I haven't heard from Sayori! 03:27:02 Sayori's house. 03:27:30 Her loungewear is cute too. 03:28:41 Don't say anything she doesn't need to know! 03:30:13 Law against romance! 03:31:37 ★ Truth! 03:32:58 As usual is...? 03:36:05 I like you! 03:38:18 Promise to spend a day at the cultural festival. 03:39:48 I can't see you! 03:40:48 In the room. 03:41:55 We're going to do it here! 03:43:07 Using aroma. 03:45:05 I'm going to write words on origami! 03:46:40 Knife! Are you okay? 03:49:04 Huh! Not the one you wanted! What are you doing? 03:50:59 Don't start with me! 03:52:19 You've got your sleeves rolled up! What are you writing? 03:54:53 Paint on your face...? That's nice. 03:55:34 You're so aggressive! Oh, no! 03:57:37 Don't you want to go home? 03:59:07 ★ What's that? Sayori is! 04:00:25 Conversation with Sayori. Sorry. 04:01:55 Monica is right? 04:02:55 I love you! I love you! 04:03:31 Choice. We'll be tied together! 04:04:02 I love you. 04:04:37 I love you! What? 04:06:20 What do you mean? Didn't you get it? 04:07:32 The day of the festival. I can't get in touch with Sayori! 04:08:15 Club room. 04:09:21 Hmm? What? I got a chill down my spine... 04:10:27 The background music is gone...? 04:10:58 Reading Sayori's poem. What's wrong? 04:11:56 At Sayori's house. 04:12:45 ★ It's my boyfriend Peko. Scream. 04:13:28 ★ It's a bug! 04:15:53 No way! -2nd round. 04:16:03 ★ Stunned by the title screen. 04:17:25 ★ Loading. 04:18:09 ★ What? What? What? It's a specification, right? 04:19:03 Talking with Monica. 04:20:34 Club room. Where's Sayuri? 04:21:28 Noticed the background. No way! 04:23:25 I'm scared... 04:25:53 A special poem. Huh? 04:26:35 Keep an eye on the dots. You said you love me! 04:27:45 That's it for today. After the ending 04:29:45 Mute art. I'll listen tomorrow. 04:31:51 The game was different from what I expected. 04:32:35 Toilet time. 04:33:40 Back. Mmm! I wonder if it's popular overseas? 04:34:23 Looking forward to tomorrow. 04:35:24 Just got my permit yesterday. When was it popular? 04:38:43 Super chat reading. 04:42:51 7Days now I can make a bike! 04:50:25 Puin. update. 04:54:39 Birthday. Wink. 04:55:51 Closing greetings.
@AlexRgz88 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@lelzech 4 жыл бұрын
a legend
@BrianNokusagi 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for english version
@reaperkun4157 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks as always!
@johngomezzz 4 жыл бұрын
I lost it when she said "this isn't a cursed poem, right?"
@rickmalinger5361 4 жыл бұрын
PSA If you see someone breaking the rules just block and report them. No need to make a big deal about it. "Oh boi their spoiling AOT again better comment how they're dumb." If you respond to them your also part of the problem. Just ignore them, follow the rules and enjoy the stream. It's not that difficult. Or if it's still to much close the chat.
@user-lc3on9fd9m 4 жыл бұрын
PSA If you see someone making a big deal out of someone breaking the rules just block and report them. No need to make a big deal about it. "Oh boi their ranting A LOT again about someone spoiling AOT again better comment how they're dumb." If you respond to them your also part of the problem. Just ignore them, follow the rules and enjoy the stream. It's not that difficult. Or if it's still to much close the chat.
@vitatreat9037 4 жыл бұрын
Agree, Pekora would love her viewer to get along by ignore them. There no need to discipline them. Report and trust on KZbin AI slipped hand shadowban 😆 I have feeling most spammer and people forgot that the shadowban exist.
@KaiusWaffenCid 4 жыл бұрын
I don't even watch anime anymore so not bothered 😂 but yeah follow the rules guys
@Iskanzar 4 жыл бұрын
PSA Block Report Ignore Repeat.
@idkbruh1131 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah... It was annoying ngl and the guy who has pekora pfp keep spoiling in aot and outraged a fight.
@すこすこくん-l4k 4 жыл бұрын
ぺこーらどっきりポイント サヨリの詩 4:10:56 例のシーン 4:13:00 Glitch 4:18:03 Glitch 4:18:32 背景に気付くぺこら 4:21:22
@barbaroi0905 4 жыл бұрын
3:36:02 ぺこら「サユリっ!」 サヨリ「違うよ、ぺこら」
@twinight_san 4 жыл бұрын
@そうめん-r1h 4 жыл бұрын
@yonayonayona 4 жыл бұрын
ぺこちゃんの読み上げボイス可愛い好き。 これだけ良いリアクションしてくれると作者さんもニッコリだろうなあ。 …ところでサヨリって誰?
@想い月-f3d 4 жыл бұрын
@あいうえお_onz 2 жыл бұрын
サヨリってあのリボンの!! …………………だれ?
@川上洋平-x3m 4 жыл бұрын
今までみたドキドキ文芸部実況の中でも反応が一番面白かったです! 序盤の普通の展開なのに面白かったです!
@justjeff1927 4 жыл бұрын
4:13:05 Nostalgic indeed. When I first played this, I didn't pay attention to the warnings and lost it when I saw this scene P. S:stop spoiling the fun goddamnit
@yonitsu4568 4 жыл бұрын
"I gently open the door" didn't need to know japanese but you can already know it lol
@yangsinful 4 жыл бұрын
@@yonitsu4568 the nostalgia lol
@yokedswole 4 жыл бұрын
I remember almost balling my eyes out at this scene lol. Her symptoms of depression hit more close to home than I expected. They did a real good job with this game.
@thefakecoconut 4 жыл бұрын
I was scarred after that death, I knew that it was a horror game, but the more times I replayed it for mods and other stuff, it somehow makes it more chilling the before
@thefakecoconut 4 жыл бұрын
@@yangsinful agreed, I still play it tho, but it’s been so long since some else played it
@Randomviewer543 4 жыл бұрын
4:13:07 It was worth staying up late to see that precious wholesome moment with pekora
@funnymanjohnson5797 4 жыл бұрын
Very precious indeed
@gaiko804 4 жыл бұрын
@@funnymanjohnson5797 very wholesome indeed
@bigchips5370 4 жыл бұрын
Yea honestly it was real wholesome made me get me insulin
@Lapppdumb 4 жыл бұрын
Yes it was very soothing
@manuelsputnik 4 жыл бұрын
Bless 100 emoji
@kulonstep69 4 жыл бұрын
what I expected : Scary Pekora what I got : Playboy Pekora
@AlexRaylight 4 жыл бұрын
I mean... she is a bunny...
@YoshinoLolimaki 4 жыл бұрын
waiting for next episode of ddlc with Pekora
@Tensho_C 4 жыл бұрын
Bunnygirls are invented by Playboy Clubs after all... Google it
@wren8996 4 жыл бұрын
This is Ushida Bekora at its prime and glory. Even trying to flirt with whoever this Sayori girl she keeps talking about. Who's Sayori anyway?
@kulonstep69 4 жыл бұрын
@@wren8996 no idea, someone from pekoland maybe
@Ynknohoshizora 4 жыл бұрын
04:13:05 "I open the door gently" 「私はそっとドアを開ける」
@どさんこ-l9f 4 жыл бұрын
このゲーム初見で、マジで恋愛ゲームだと思って軽い気持ちで見てたので、後半の衝撃展開でかなりびっくりした。。今日までがチュートリアルだったとは。 次の配信が待ち遠しい!
@hituzi_tetugaku 4 жыл бұрын
これからの展開もかなりのトラウマ展開だから心の準備大切になる 笑 気をつけて((o( ̄ー ̄)o))
@rimingtomuch314 4 жыл бұрын
ほんと気をつけて。 僕も、精神が危なかったから
@hituzi_tetugaku 4 жыл бұрын
@@rimingtomuch314 分かります...自分もなりました(^-^; 初見だと特に精神に来ますよね...初めてみるリスナーさん達には、精神が安定した落ち着いた状態で見ることを強くおすすめですね(*´ω`*)
@どさんこ-l9f 4 жыл бұрын
画面も意外と隠さないから直視出来なかったし、今回のでもトラウマなりそうな感じだった(・・;) 心の準備しておきます!
@sinnn0309 4 жыл бұрын
@amaimono_suki Жыл бұрын
@Iskanzar 4 жыл бұрын
I guess knowing something that others don't really makes some people feel special. Just have to tell everyone about it.
@yangsinful 4 жыл бұрын
@Aki Akisautumn not everybody tho
@Tensho_C 4 жыл бұрын
@Aki Akisautumn and would it kill you to not do something?
@chknsalad6854 4 жыл бұрын
I love that emote.. The smug one is awesome too.
@mimisannn33 4 жыл бұрын
@Raihan Tri Wahyudi both are equally annoying. don't feel superior.
@AikaMonomon 4 жыл бұрын
I'm just laughing because they're fighting in the chat All I'm seeing is "Horror" "Just Monika" "No spoiler please"
@chidoritino6873 3 жыл бұрын
33:27 デルトラクエストが懐かし過ぎて心だけ冒険に出たわ
@yurie.channel 4 жыл бұрын
Now we can confirm that Pekora had the same style like Natsuki when it comes to writing poems haha. Also Nice Boat.
@KidMangaX 4 жыл бұрын
Chat: "I gently open the stream..." Fucking *LOST IT!*
@あるごん-o3r 4 жыл бұрын
DDLCおつぺこ〜 ぺこちゃんの読み上げキャラクターごとに読み分けててすごくよかった! 前に見たことあったけど結末を知りつつ見るといろいろ伏線が垣間見えて楽しかった〜 ぺこちゃんのリアクションもバッチリでニヤニヤしてたぺこ 明日もドキドキしていこうぺこな〜 昼配信ありぺこでした〜!
@りとふぃ 4 жыл бұрын
@genz0725 4 жыл бұрын
@keizoku_is_power_kotaro 4 жыл бұрын
@ryokihama 4 жыл бұрын
I was busy following the English Translations of DDLC in my own laptop cuz its been a *while* since I've last seen this game. Pekora was opened in my other monitor and looking back and forth was my max capacity. So I didn't see how chaotic the EN spam was until the end.
@ren7686 4 жыл бұрын
dude, I stop playing long time ago when the guide said to delete "Just Monika" file , What happened if you kill her??
@ryokihama 4 жыл бұрын
@@ren7686 game ends?
@exzobree9158 4 жыл бұрын
Me: I gently open the chat.
@adamantine001 4 жыл бұрын
@@ren7686 you'd get "Now everyone can be happy" screen iirc when you open the game
@WasLilChrisnowbigish 4 жыл бұрын
@@ren7686 You can play through the game again, but this time no Monika, but when you play Sayuri goes crazy (like Monika did) and Monica comes back and deletes everybody and crashes your game to the point the only way to play again is a fresh reinstall.
@シセル-g8p 4 жыл бұрын
ポエムとかもあって面白いゲームだったねー 何か衝撃的なこともあったような気がするけど… 明日からの攻略楽しみ!3人とも攻略しようね!
@おかか-x1m 4 жыл бұрын
@NoePeko_ 4 жыл бұрын
ぺこフルボイス助かった!! ここからの展開 どう反応してくれるか楽しみに見守ってる
@kitupekko7 4 жыл бұрын
詩の見せ合いとかめためた楽しかった!ぺこちゃんのポエムとシナジーがあるのも見つけられてよかったな明日のドキドキ文芸部も楽しみー! ところでさ、サヨリって…だれ?
@is_claw 4 жыл бұрын
@パッさんぱちりす 4 жыл бұрын
3:58 本日のアーモンド なんか、自らアーモンドに寄せてなーい?w
@roryschussler 4 жыл бұрын
Is it weird if I know almost zero Japanese, but I know the plot well enough that I can understand what she's saying most of the time?
@thejamesonthestreet 4 жыл бұрын
Same bro, lmao. I was really invested with this game back then. ...but it still hurt somehow
@uw63926 4 жыл бұрын
You guys need to take a rest, and probably a psychologist Edit: jk
@dominicdcocco3361 4 жыл бұрын
@@thejamesonthestreet pain peko
@takecareyoself5379 4 жыл бұрын
Natural language absorbing perhaps. We did the same thing back when we were babies to mother's language.
@raandomplayer8589 4 жыл бұрын
Then you might have an easy time learning Japanese because you have this game to practice.
@nekonitaiyaki 4 жыл бұрын
本ゲームに関する記事を過去に読んだことがあったので、大筋については知っていたけど、 実際にプレイしてる様子見るのもまた面白いと感じました* ぺこらの独特なテキスト読み上げやストーリーについての考察が普段より多くみられる点も個人的に嬉しいポイント* 新たなぺこらの定番枠としてシミュレーションゲーム配信が追加されることを密かに期待しています。。。**
@EX-tv4ol 4 жыл бұрын
ドキドキ文芸部、ぺこちゃんの可愛い反応とか、驚く反応とか見れてすごく楽しかった! この続きもぺこちゃんがどんな反応してくれるのかすっごく楽しみ! ところで、ぺこちゃんが最後の方言ってた…サヨリって誰?
@RenkoBocchi 4 жыл бұрын
*Sayori dies Pekora face: *still smiling
@野うさぎ印の灼熱のほむら 4 жыл бұрын
久しぶりの恋愛ゲーおつぺこ! と思ったらいつの間にかホラーな感じに・・・ これからいったいどうなっていくのかサヨリって誰のなのか続きが楽しみ! あのポスター全然気づかなかったなぁ ぺこーらの観察力には毎回驚かされるよ! ぺこーらのアテレコフルボイス大好きだけどライブまでだし喉のケアしっかりとね
@bluefanofeverything4329 4 жыл бұрын
Man, it's been long since I saw a Hololive Vtuber play this game. I remember PPTenshi play this game a year ago
@ExcelonTheFourthAvalonHeirs 4 жыл бұрын
That one is great. Love how she voicing all the character.
@yzkykr 4 жыл бұрын
too bad Kanata stream is privated, i want to rewatch it again tbh
@zulkifli4201 4 жыл бұрын
Dont forget Miko
@racingandy 4 жыл бұрын
PP Tenshi debuted less than a year ago. She played it around seven months ago, around April I think
@thejamesonthestreet 4 жыл бұрын
@@yzkykr since they can play this again, maybe all the previous holomembers ddlc video will became public again
@涼波千華留 4 жыл бұрын
1人目のエンディングがあんなことになるなんて… 最後の選択肢が違えば結末も変わったのかな? そしてなかったことにされる存在… 画像もテキストもバグったようになるこのゲームでどんな結末を迎えるのか楽しみ
@vvevvlord12 4 жыл бұрын
4:13:06 idk anything about this game but wtf
@chaosniklas2307 4 жыл бұрын
That's the game and that's why I love it
@mongooseunleashed 4 жыл бұрын
If you want to play it, it's free on Steam.
@konpeko7134 4 жыл бұрын
It's horror game
@konpeko7134 4 жыл бұрын
This will be awesome in part 2
@vvevvlord12 4 жыл бұрын
@@mongooseunleashed oh rly? ill try it out later. thanks
@世界最弱のサーモントラウト 4 жыл бұрын
4:17:48 自分用
@QRenjo 4 жыл бұрын
DDLC is often attracting bad chat everytime. I was watching a Vtuber stream DDLC just days ago and chat is just similarly chaotic.
@KikonSketches 4 жыл бұрын
I guess people enjoy being idiots
@cry9438 4 жыл бұрын
@死体ちゃん found the anti
@donutlover1088 4 жыл бұрын
@死体ちゃん So you think you're cool??
@leonardo2337 4 жыл бұрын
@死体ちゃん I see that you do not have the emotional maturity nor the basic education to properly behave in social environments. You seem to lack any experience of human interaction as you don't seem to understand the problem, do you?
@donutlover1088 4 жыл бұрын
@@leonardo2337 spoiled brat I think XD
@natsume_sun3 4 жыл бұрын
文芸部入部おつかれー! えへえへうふふな青春と時々もれるぺこおじ要素がめっちゃ楽しかった! え…?サヨリ…?お魚かな? 続きが気になる!楽しみに待ってるぺこー!!
@AzuMazu_ 4 жыл бұрын
また会いましょう、待ってます、ペコ :)
@Sengoku1206 4 жыл бұрын
Sayori = Kiara Natsuki = Miko Yuri = Moona oooooh my god...it's all coming together. Let us witness the Ballad of The Play Boy Rabbit
@Dita000 4 жыл бұрын
Monica = Rushia
@Xoruam 4 жыл бұрын
Sayori? Who's Sayori?
@angelvazquezguerrero7726 4 жыл бұрын
doki doki hololive club
@samwise5486 4 жыл бұрын
Monica = kiara (this 10chou have yandere tendecies) Sayori = miko (childhood friends) Natsuki = rushia (can also be miko since both Tsuntsun) Yuri = Moona (ofc it can only be her) MC = Usada 🅱️ekora (truly a harem protag)
@yohahaha6949 4 жыл бұрын
Monika = YAGOO
@NegaNekojin 4 жыл бұрын
Pekora: "Just Pekora" More than 30k nousagis: "Just Pekora" Really enjoyable stream, I'm looking forward to the let's play finale for sure ^^ As for the chat shenanigans, meh... I just report those for spamming and block them to prevent them to cause more me annoyance (typical Korone sleep police's procedure basically XD). Heck, as a personal level I feel more upset about people generalizing and including ALL English speakers in the same bag for no other reason than sharing language (spammers come and go, but prejudice will ALWAYS take root).
@rickmalinger5361 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah basically. It's like Coco's chat before the members only chat.(That experience turns you into a banning machine let me tell ya) But the best feeling is when you remove all the gunk from chat. And it become pristine. It's a great feeling.
@KaiusWaffenCid 4 жыл бұрын
@kizarunagato7762 4 жыл бұрын
30k toxic chat.I know this would happen since most of them are new to hololive and mostly bandwagons
@dekoponchi7118 4 жыл бұрын
I dont think pekora's stream chat were that toxic tho, as most of the chat are reaction to pekora. Some may sound like spam but none of hatred comment. Dangerous comment are the one who try to incite controversy and spam wall of text comment.
@kizarunagato7762 4 жыл бұрын
@@NegaNekojinyou took it personally.thanks for proving my comment
@asuca_as 4 жыл бұрын
@ouo2883 4 жыл бұрын
サヨリの例のシーンで心臓が痛くなった...。 その後、直前のモニカの「今朝まで宙ぶらりんにさせちゃって」っていうところ見直すとさらに怖い。 ひぐらしのなく頃に、みたいなゲームだったんか....これ。
@yuihirasawa5549 4 жыл бұрын
@puri_m 4 жыл бұрын
ポエムで長とシナジーありまくるゲームで面白かったw 明日の続きが楽しみ! ところでサムネに知らない子が1人写ってる...?
@警察官-g1x 4 жыл бұрын
@tomo_amane_0420 4 жыл бұрын
このゲーム好きすぎるしぺこちゃんの全朗読実況本当に好きすぎる ところで、ぺこちゃんが配信中に言ってた"サヨリ"って誰…?
@三本足のカラス 4 жыл бұрын
昼枠おつぺこ! ギャルゲー枠って初リアタイぺこ ぺこーらの反応可愛すぎる ...しかし、長は誰に愛を語ってたんだ…?サ、ヨリ…?
@okaeru11 3 жыл бұрын
@rudyshy 4 жыл бұрын
Ah yes... The beginning of the end
@user-vp8fk1gq1y 4 жыл бұрын
@itzpatrick2450 4 жыл бұрын
great stream, if only the EN chat can behave themself with all the foreshadowing and spam instead of focusing on the stream and react accordingly. I hope there is no more like this when she plays a popular overseas game
@CookiesAreCookiesLOL 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah it ruins the fun a bit. But I still enjoyed seeing Pekora going through the first half
@meltenvy 4 жыл бұрын
@Plop2839 4 жыл бұрын
They're lucky Pekora can't understand english well, or else they would have ruined the fun.
@JUN-hx4yd 4 жыл бұрын
Report, block and ignore. But damn those AOT spoilers lol.
@99toyotacorolla 4 жыл бұрын
Why I didn't open the chat much throughout the stream. It's annoying, to the point they started talking about stuff unrelated to the stream.
@Ventus1105 4 жыл бұрын
Man who's this Sayori Pekora seemed to keep mentioning the whole stream?
@mayhare55555 4 жыл бұрын
Best gurl
@mayhare55555 4 жыл бұрын
@Whatwillyou buildmany yagoo is bestest gurl
@7RicolmE7 4 жыл бұрын
@@mayhare55555 sayori is a girl? I was thinking that it was some kind of ceiling decoration...
@erymakon 4 жыл бұрын
@@7RicolmE7 yeah, the hanging-type of ceiling decoration
@ainko1068 4 жыл бұрын
@@erymakon hanging decorations are always cool
@katsuo070209 3 жыл бұрын
@斜め七十七度の並びで-i4h 4 жыл бұрын
@sattontakkan2760 4 жыл бұрын
@KaGe-el1hc 2 жыл бұрын
@ユメ-n1u 4 жыл бұрын
ぺこーらフルボイス助かる!ポエムがシナジーあって感想やリアクション面白かった~! しかし噂には聞いていたけどすごい展開だ…続きが気になりすぎる! やっぱり土日の昼枠があるとぺこーら漬けになれて本当に嬉しい!ありがとね~!
@猫子ねこ239 4 жыл бұрын
@sya2711 4 жыл бұрын
best streams are watched with a closed chat when its getting `toxic`
@lilaclyliac 4 жыл бұрын
I stopped watching halfway and waited for clips coz of the toxicity of the chat this stream
@Skelyos 4 жыл бұрын
@@lilaclyliac What happened?
@uhoh6706 4 жыл бұрын
@@Skelyos Oh the usual. Some one playing a popular game and chat members think they are on a higher level of thinking just because they know what’s about to happen and start teasing/spoiling what happens next instead of letting someone find out themselves
@zellrang 4 жыл бұрын
@@Skelyos and then someone just spoiled some certain latest mainstream anime spoiler just to get back at them
@josu-5565 3 жыл бұрын
Típico de los streams en español
@畝栖 4 жыл бұрын
長の久しぶりの恋愛シミュレーションゲーム、途中?長が疲れてなのかおかしくなったけれども・・ 次回3人の女の子の中から一体誰と結ばれるのか!?注目が集まる!(ドキドキワクワク)
@茉莉-g6i 3 жыл бұрын
(桃太郎 アリオス討伐リュミエール  犬   ルヴァ討伐リュミエール  雉   クラヴィス討伐リュミエール  猿   オリヴィエ討伐リュミエール) 何だこのアメフラシ…化物じみてくる……
@Guccicci 4 жыл бұрын
おつぺこでした! 今日はちょっとバイトで見れなかったからアーカイブでみます!
@oshigotojudenki 4 жыл бұрын
ぺこちゃんがかわいくセリフ読んでくれるのが最高すぎた🥰 サヨリって誰?
@cencourang985 4 жыл бұрын
It's weird.. Why Pekora keep saying name like *Sayori* in the entire game? Who is that? Is that some kind of reference or another pop culture character that I don't aware? Or hidden heroine?? Okashi peko..
@Deldot123 4 жыл бұрын
Idk if this is a joke but one of the characters name is sayori in the game
@kaedezi954 4 жыл бұрын
This is obviously a joke
@wangttang 4 жыл бұрын
@@Deldot123 you're probably thinking of a different game, there is no individual in this game that is called Sayori.
@SkyRaker 4 жыл бұрын
I started laughing when chat saying "Sayori who?"
@akayuki_312 4 жыл бұрын
Maybe its her imaginary waifu or something?
@mayuu1786 4 жыл бұрын
本物のギャルゲのように楽しそうに女の子と話してるぺこらちゃん可愛いかった(´- `*)まさかあんな鬱展開が待ってるとはねぇ… これからこ展開のぺこらちゃんのリアクションも楽しみだね
@moonwiseman 4 жыл бұрын
3:27:46 もうエアコンの大きさのせいで話が全く入ってこないわ
@テオドワ 7 ай бұрын
@user-sounan-desune 3 жыл бұрын
@mjrev20 4 жыл бұрын
@yzkykr 4 жыл бұрын
otsupeko! thank you for amazing stream! Also you mention to keep remember a character Sayori, who is that? okashii, peko 4:13:05 this is what you looking for fellas
@yangsinful 4 жыл бұрын
I gently open the door moment
@Just_Some_Guy_with_a_Mustache 4 жыл бұрын
*Pekora:* "It's not a galge? Is it an eroge?" *Everyone:* "Just hang on a bit. You'll find out."
@GhaniFida 4 жыл бұрын
Oh so u r growing mustache right now
@patyuraji 4 жыл бұрын
配信お疲れ様!そして、ようこそ本当の文芸部へ。 随分ハイペースでここまで来たけど後悔していないかしら?貴女の望むギャルゲーではなくて残念ね。 言っておくけど、あの選択肢に意味はないわよ?どちらを選んだとしても同じ結末が待っているわ。 どうしてあんな事になってしまったのか、DDLCは何なのか?知りたかったら明日、最後までプレイしてね。 その時、貴女がどんな感情を抱き、どんな答えを出すのか楽しみにしているわ。
@benhenderson8952 4 жыл бұрын
😳 M-M-Monika ! !
@navialisatighnariaremyspouses 3 жыл бұрын
Just Monika.
@ルナ-q1t 3 жыл бұрын
@takkuru 3 жыл бұрын
@ShizuhaRenka 4 жыл бұрын
おつぺこでした〜 長の反応面白かった 明日の続き楽しみ サヨリって誰…
@idkbruh1131 4 жыл бұрын
It was fun ngl... At first pekora assumed it to have R18+ scenes and it was funny af.. Pekora being playboy and always relying on Sayori to calm down the situation was gold. And the scene where Sayori hanged herself and the reaction of pekora was kj tbh.. The scream wasn't just loud enough. And where the Main menu where Sayori was bugged made pekora confused af. So this stream, is good.
@鳩ぽっぽ-o7p 3 жыл бұрын
@netnet124 4 жыл бұрын
The soundtrack for this game is amazing, I especially love the song that plays when your creating your poem.
@ShadowUnanimous 4 жыл бұрын
3:40 コンペこ、コンペこ、コン。。。やば ↖️↗️⬅️➡️⬆️⬇️
@renouw3 4 жыл бұрын
2:20:34 just leave tag, monica moment here
@Neon_Neon 4 жыл бұрын
Some people seem to be worried about the Windows user name being exposed. The game won't do that if OBS is running. Please make sure you actually know what you're talking about before spamming the comments.
@deschia_ 4 жыл бұрын
Heck, doubt that they even played the game themself
@Plop2839 4 жыл бұрын
Actually, it does happen if OBS is running... Dosen't mean they should spam, but they do have a reason to be concerned. Edit: Leave the warnings to the JP bros since she has some difficulty with english. Edit 2: Guys pls ignore this, I got it wrong. Just rewatched the Tech Rules video, my bad.
@UnordoxRevs 4 жыл бұрын
@@Plop2839 PPT and plenty of Nijisanji v-tubers have played it with no issues so I think it should be fine.
@SkyRaker 4 жыл бұрын
Actually it safe, Kanata and many other vtuber played this too
@mikudayoooooo 4 жыл бұрын
@@UnordoxRevs they still have reason to be concerned
@けいじろう-o9x 4 жыл бұрын
in today. English user in the stream chat was so bad manner. Spamming storm, chatting with each other, spoiling. Please follow chat rule, and respect JP stream. PLEASE
@hellion83 4 жыл бұрын
They are most likely children who are just as badly behaved when they are offline. Sadly, it's difficult for one to learn or be taught respect over the internet.
@zlain5572 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah it was getting out of hand
@Karls_Clips 4 жыл бұрын
Im sorry for my fellow English speakers i regret their actions
@zlain5572 4 жыл бұрын
@@Karls_Clips You know it’s bad when someone else has to apologize for someone else’s actions.
@GDragonSankusai 4 жыл бұрын
probably because of the game alot of new people coming here to watch her reaction. There are some bad apples around so yeha make sure that those people being ask to follow the rules if not report and block thanks
@waaooo427 4 жыл бұрын
4:21:26 pekora rabbit vision 102/10 i didnt even spotted that until now
@ぺこーんいぇんふぉん 4 жыл бұрын
恋愛ゲーきtら!始まったばかりだけど面白かった!ポエム作りと鑑賞も楽しかった! ヒロインは3人もいるね!みんなかわいい! 全部攻略してハーレムを作ろう! ところでサヨリって誰?
@katsura497 4 жыл бұрын
次のストリームを楽しみにしています ぺこ!!!
@ブルーオーシャンフラン 4 жыл бұрын
@daviddavidson1090 Жыл бұрын
「嫌われる勇気」っていう発言から間もなく、 1:28:30 「みんなに愛されたい!」 www
@fubicamarolu3688 4 жыл бұрын
@shintaxy5103 3 жыл бұрын
@Koronel79 4 жыл бұрын
At some point chat is worried about Pekora' Steam account and how it can be public thanks of this game. I think this is relevant for the streamer in order to avoid future leaks of private information. Good to see that her followers protects her in that way.
@coca-colazero2936 3 жыл бұрын
@serphv5579 4 жыл бұрын
@はなびらさくらの-c9n 4 жыл бұрын
みんなが見たいとこ 4:13:05
@きのこさみ 4 жыл бұрын
ポエムかくのぺこちゃんにシナジーあって楽しかったぺこ! 文芸部入ったことないから知らなかったけど 最近は世界も書き換えられるんだね 最後どうなるのか楽しみぺこ!
@あくとのえる 4 жыл бұрын
他の配信者とかもそうなんだけど 五時間もぶっ続けで配信できるなんて才能だよね。 マジですごい
@hiibanaa 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the stream, it was great .
@竜とモチノコの天ぷら 4 жыл бұрын
@わんさねこ 4 жыл бұрын
おつぺこ~ 知らない人がプレイするとホラーだって気が付かない1周目楽しいよね。 ここからが本番、明日が凄い楽しみだよ! ぺこーらが長時間やると喋り少なくなるの気が付いてたのにびっくり。 ずっと話してるの大変だから当然ではあるのだけれども、あまり無理せず ぺこーらが楽しく配信してね! 毎日配信してくれてありぺこね!
@おだんご-p2d Жыл бұрын
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Рет қаралды 2,5 М.
Brawl Stars
Рет қаралды 17 МЛН