These four poor dogs were like four employees being led by two poor leaders. In fact, these two dog owners exhibited more than one characteristic of poor leadership. _Conflict avoidance_ They let the dogs run wild in the house and ignored the bulying behaviors among them. _Unrealistic expectation_ They thought that being a dog owner was a privilge; they never thought about providing a healthy and safe environment for the dogs. They did not realize that being a dog owner is a responsibility and commitment rather than a privilege. _Failure to communicate_ They never communicated their rules to the dogs; they just expected the dogs to behave. _Lack of accountability_ When the dog trainer pointed out the problems, they still attempted to deflect and evade being held accountable. The good thing was that these dog owners sought help. In this video, the dogs were still puppies. I cannot imagine how terrible the situation would become when the dogs grew up - if the owners did not seek help.