客観的でユニークな視点がとても参考になった。SNSやインターネットの発展で世界の国々の個性や考え方の傾向や環境などの会話とても興味深い。洞察や私的な観点も面白かった。メラニーと僕の観察力と個性のすり合わせがしっくりとする動画配信だ思う。これからいろいろあるだろうけれどハッピーでいてほしい。この動画のアップをありがとう。 The objective and unique perspectives were very informative - very interesting conversations about personalities, trends in thinking and environments in countries around the world with the development of social networking and the internet. The insights and personal perspectives were also interesting. I think this video feed is a good fit for Melanie and I to match our observational skills and personalities. I hope you'll be happy with what's to come. Thank you for uploading this video.