King Soloman did not worship idols but he just allowed his concubines to build temples for their gods in HIS Holy Land. But GOD count Soloman worshipped the idols. Adam did not eat the forbidden fruit first but GOD count Adam who sinned against HIM. If we allow our children to sin in our house, GOD will count us who sin. Eli, the high priest, is a very good example. Since he allowed his sons to do evil things in GOD's temple, all his descendants will die immature and young, not to the old age. FEAR GOD, the beginning of all true and real wisdom. Stephen Tang is so talented, so no one in his church can balance him. Very sad.
FM L 没往教堂接啊,明说了那是博物馆。博物馆就是收藏文物艺术品的。我是基督徒,我也是教美术史的老师,我工作和专业原因天天都得研究各种文化艺术,包括中国的佛教道教艺术、希腊神话。唐牧师信仰之外有各种爱好,我见过他画的画,教堂、博物馆和音乐厅都是他自己设计,音乐就更不用说了,他还精研钟表、医学等等。这样的人对人类任何优秀的文化艺术都会感兴趣的,我相信与拜偶像无关。再次强调,这些东西放教堂肯定不对,所以唐牧师建了专门的博物馆,是博物馆,懂?
I excommunicate him if he does not repent before GOD and correct his wrongdoing and blasphemy. The church of Lord Jesus Christ has the authority and power of ex-communication.