イキグサレ 「虫ライブ!」

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@fuyuu-chaaan 4 жыл бұрын
蝿の女王は映画化して欲しいくらい好き… 化けて出て呪うとかより、よっぽど情念籠もってる感じがして怖くて素敵。 暗い曲調でなくサンバっぽいところもより狂気を感じて、 発想と曲の展開が天才的だと思っています😢
@蟇目ロロ 2 жыл бұрын
2号ちゃんタイツかと思ってたらニーソだったのこの衣装 可愛い
@xoxoxo_xoxo Жыл бұрын
自分用歌詞🏷𓈒𓏸︎︎︎︎ 0:19 黒いキューピッド せっかく二人きりになったんだからさ もっと積極的に話しかけなさいよ じれったいな ここは私の出番ね 冷蔵庫の後ろから カサコソ出撃 女の子は可愛く彼に抱きついて 男の子は男らしく私と戦って そうすれば二人の距離は急接近 私 黒いキューピッド たまにはケンカするのも いいけれどさ いつまで引きずってんの 空気悪いでしょ 触角 振り回して準備OK 必要なら空だって飛んであげちゃう 女の子は可愛く彼に抱きついて 男の子は男らしく私と戦って そうすれば二人はすぐに仲直り 私 黒いキューピッド どんなに辛く悲しい時も どんなに深刻な場面でも 私が現れればそこは ドタバタコメディーの舞台 ほらバイ菌ばら撒いちゃうよ ほら捕まえて御覧なさいよ 私だってそう簡単に 殺られたりはしないからね 女の子は可愛く彼に抱きついて 男の子は男らしく私と戦って そうすれば二人の距離は急接近 私 黒いキューピッド 3:20 はらぺこ軍団 お風呂のタイルの はじっこが欠けて 出来た小さい穴 蟻がゾロゾロ這い出てきた 布団しまってた 押入れの奥の 壁と床の隙間 蟻がウジャウジャ這い出てきた 試しにテーブルの上に カステラ一切れ置いといたら あっという間に見つかって 大軍団攻めてきた 遠慮せずどんどん食べて 残さず綺麗に食べて はらぺこの軍団 僕の手首から 真っ赤な血が流れる 思っていたよりも 大量の血があふれ出てる 目はどんどん霞み 体 重くなる 床にたまった血に 蟻がウジャウジャたかっている 僕はもう動かない タンパク質の塊 後始末 お願いします 跡形もなく片付けて 遠慮せずどんどん食べて 残さず綺麗に食べて はらぺこの軍団 7:25 蝿の女王 もし私を殺めるなら 真夏の暑い日にして欲しいの そして私の亡き骸は せめて一月放置して 数時間で蝿たちが 私の死臭嗅ぎつけて集まる そして私に沢山の 子供たちを託すの 子供たちは素晴らしい食欲で速やかに 腐りかけの私を細かく分解する そして 私の心も 細かく分かれて 幾千幾万の 蝿に宿る 飛びたて 私の気持ち羽音に乗せて 飛び散れ 街中に不浄 振り撒け 羽化をしたら真っ直ぐに 貴方の元へ飛んでいくわ 白い壁が真っ黒に変わるほどの大群で 昼も夜も四六時中 お構い無しに貴方にたかりたい そして貴方の耳元で 恨み言をささやくの こんなはずじゃなかったとか 苦しかったとか まだ死にたくなかったとか 大好きだったとか ヤワな 貴方の心 すぐに砕けて また安易な方へ 逃げ込むでしょう 飛びたて 私の気持ち羽音に乗せて 飛び散れ 街中に不浄 振り撒け 耐え切れなくなった貴方は自らの手で 命を絶ち私から逃げていくのでしょう 残された貴方の体 子供を託すわ 幾千幾万の 二人の子よ 11:50 蟲寄せの歌 猫の 猫の脇腹を 素足で踏み抜いてきたのは おとといの晩 自動ドアの向こう側 歪んだ円柱が何やら 人の道 説いてる 空は 空は鉛色 首の重さは耐えきれない程じゃないです 昔 食べた卵味 今さら思い出さなくても いいものなのに あなた方 土足で上がり込み 僕の防衛線 たやすく越えたけど これからは いろんな虫が あなたの行く手 阻む事でしょう ダンゴムシ ワラジムシ ハサミムシ アブラムシ コガネムシ ケヤリムシ コノハムシ ツツガムシ ミドリムシ ラクダムシ チャタテムシ クツワムシ サナダムシ ゾウリムシ ゼニタムシ ザトウムシが 狭い 狭い隙間から ズルズル這い出してきたのは イカの塊 長い 長いその体 よじらせ のたうつ ヤツメウナギの白い腹 水棲生物と手を組もう カラスが飛んできた キノコも生えてきた これからは いろんな虫が僕を守ってくれる事でしょう ヒヨケムシ ガロアムシ オキクムシ キクマムシ カマドウマ ネジレバネ シロヒトリ カタツムリ キリギリス オニヤンマ ヘビトンボ アブラゼミ ハマダラカ ヤドリバエ ヒラタアブ クロアゲハが ヤママユガ ミズスマシ タイコウチ アリジゴク スズメバチ ハキリアリ ジョロウグモ シマミミズ オオムカデ アカイエカ ツムギアリ セセリチョウ ヒメヤスデ チスイビル プラナリア アニサキスが
@M崇臣 8 жыл бұрын
@豆乳102 4 жыл бұрын
0:190:19 黒いキューピッド 0:190:19 3:203:20 はらぺこ軍団 3:203:20 7:257:25 蝿の女王 7:257:25  11:5011:50 蟲寄せの歌 11:5011:50 全部良い曲で最高です!!!
@えまま-e8j 6 жыл бұрын
イキグサレってよくみるとスタイルめっちゃいいよね 大好き
@腐腐ちゃんだよ Жыл бұрын
@アザラシ-i9y Жыл бұрын
@user-xj6qi8vx3l 8 жыл бұрын
虫もお辞儀してる…。 可愛いな
@天照大御神-j6z 7 жыл бұрын
@remeech 11 ай бұрын
Got one of their vids in my recommend yesterday and looked more into them, they are so rad and the music is sooo good too
@siti-hon-asi Жыл бұрын
@kaisenelectromatix 5 жыл бұрын
@戸保作人 8 жыл бұрын
@わたり-g9y 11 ай бұрын
@drunkdevii 2 ай бұрын
the small amount of replays on "queen of flies" is so sad, because its such a good song
@間宮さよ 5 жыл бұрын
@kaoswan 2 ай бұрын
I love the choreo in the last song, even the bugs have their own dancing animations !!! ❤️💙💚
@佐藤太郎-z7o1i 8 жыл бұрын
新ライブ映像ありがとうございます! 衣装もダンスも最高にかわいいです♡
@mk-kk6ly 2 жыл бұрын
@月影-q1w 2 жыл бұрын
蝿の女王がめちゃくちゃ好き イントロからワイのハートを殺しに来やがった 7:24 2号ちゃんのパチクリ含め自分用
@簀彝龢詡艪鉄漿-l5s 2 жыл бұрын
@shas7340 9 ай бұрын
Here are translations of the lyrics for all 4 of the songs here, for anyone who's curious about them:3(again, may not be 100% accurate) 0:19 黒いキューピッド(Black Cupid) now that you're alone with her you should be more aggressive it's getting a little slow, i guess this is my cue i'm going to sneak out from behind the fridge girls, be cute and hug him and the boys can fight me like men and we'll be so close i am the black cupid it's OK to fight once in a while but you're dragging it out, it's not good for the atmosphere i'm ready with my antennae swinging i'll even fly if you need me to girls, be cute and hug him and the boys can fight me like men then we'll be good friends in no time i am the black Cupid no matter how sad or painful, no matter how serious the situation i'll show up and there'll be a slapstick comedy scene i'll spread germs, catch me and see i won't be so easy to kill either girls, be cute and hug him and the boys can fight me like men then we'll be good friends in no time i am the black Cupid 3:21 はらぺこ軍団(The Army Of Hungry Ants) the first of the tiles in the bath chipped off ants were crawling out i used to keep a futon in the closet i put a futon in the closet, and ants were crawling out of the crack between the wall and the floor i put a piece of castella on the table they found it in no time and came in with a huge army don't be afraid to eat, and don't leave any behind the army of hungry ants my wrists are bleeding bright red more blood than i expected my eyes grow blurry and my body heavier the blood on the floor is crawling with ants i can't move anymore, i'm a mass of protein please clean up after me, clean up the mess without leaving any trace don't be afraid to eat, and don't leave any behind the army of hungry ants 7:25 蝿の女王(Queen Of The Flies) if you're going to kill me, i want it to be on a hot day in the middle of summer and leave my corpse for at least a month in a few hours, the flies will smell my death and then they will leave me with a brood of children they'll have a wonderful appetite, and they'll be quick they'll quickly break my rotting body down into little pieces and my heart, too, is broken into little pieces into thousands and thousands of flies fly away, my feelings on a whirr of wings scatter, scatter your filth over the city when I hatch, i'll fly straight to you i'll fly to you in such a swarm that the white walls will turn black i'll latch on to you day and night, hour after hour, without a care in the world and whisper grudges in your ear i wasn't supposed to be like this, i was in pain i didn't want to die yet, I loved you your weak heart will soon be shattered and you'll run away again to the easy way fly away, my feelings on a whirr of wings scatter, scatter your filth over the city when you can no longer stand it, you will take your own life with your own hands You will take your life with your own hands and run away from me your body will be left to me, and I will entrust you with my child thousands of thousands of children fly away, my feelings on a whirr of wings scatter, scatter your filth over the city fly away, my feelings on a whirr of wings scatter, scatter your filth over the city 11:50 蟲寄せの歌 (Song Of The Enchantment) the night before last, i stepped through a cat's flank with my bare feet behind the automatic door, a distorted column is preaching the way of man the sky is leaden, the weight on my neck is not unbearable the taste of eggs I used to eat, I don't need to be reminded of it you came in with your feet on the ground, and easily crossed my line of defense from now on, all sorts of insects will block your way beetles, borers, scorpion beetles, aphids lace bug, borer, boll weevil, boll weevil, scorpionfly, ladybug, lacewing green lace bug, rachidamushi, chatterbug, stinkbug, tapeworm, weevil slithering out of the narrow, narrow crevice was a lump of squid, its long, long body twisting and turning it's long, long body writhing and flailing, the white belly of a lamprey eel i'll join forces with the aquatic creatures crows have flown, mushrooms have sprouted from now on, all kinds of insects will protect me i'll be protected from now on by all kinds of insects The caddis beetle, the white fly, the snail, the grasshopper, the one-eyed grasshopper, the snake beetle grasshoppers, dragonflies, stoneflies, abrazemies, damselflies, houseflies leafhoppers, flatworms, black swallowtails japanese beetles, mysidium japonicum, mysidium taiwanense, antelope wasps, hakiri ants, yellow-headed spiders, white-eared spiders centipedes, acaulidae thorny-headed ants, wryneck ants, wryneck butterflies The brown treehopper, the thysanbill, the planarian, the anisakis
@ronymaruvtuber8146 8 ай бұрын
Muchas gracias, twnía curiosidad.
@クロノ-p4x 8 жыл бұрын
みんな可愛いです☆ 衣装チェンジも良かったです!
@もち-h5s 8 жыл бұрын
@teradrive64 Жыл бұрын
I love the motion of the flies. Gosh that looks expensive!
@User_niki_Chave_san 8 ай бұрын
@nobemono5118 8 жыл бұрын
@꽃륜 8 жыл бұрын
@ハクトネオカ 8 жыл бұрын
@アメイジング眼鏡ストライキ 8 жыл бұрын
@chiasirona6678 2 жыл бұрын
@904mappy3 8 жыл бұрын
@user-to1ng6kz3u 11 ай бұрын
@柔らかくなった脳 8 жыл бұрын
@月未-v6i 3 жыл бұрын
@ashleyrosal3320 7 ай бұрын
I love all of your songs !
@fartchan69 7 ай бұрын
the choreography is cool! i fell inlove with haenojyoou
@いもようかん-j5y 11 ай бұрын
@RadioLeopardLove 2 ай бұрын
Nice outfits~ ❤
@Gurov1xen 11 ай бұрын
Omg her little dresses!! Too cute!! >
@myalgiapudding Жыл бұрын
@09Leng 6 ай бұрын
I couldn’t understand the meaning of this song . Someone please help me translating
@alimuhareb8170 2 жыл бұрын
はらぺこ軍団 slaps
@rune2O2O 11 ай бұрын
@netsaosa4973 8 жыл бұрын
@有華五島 Жыл бұрын
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