Usury & Interest | Quran 2:279 | Misunderstood Quranic Verses | Dr. Shabir Ally

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Let the Quran Speak

Let the Quran Speak

22 күн бұрын

Dr. Shabir Ally discusses the often misunderstood Quranic verse 2:279, which addresses the issue of usury. Dr. Shabir explains that this verse, when combined with the previous verse 2:278, warns believers to give up usurious interest, or face a declaration of war from God and His Messenger. He clarifies that this warning is directed at those who oppress the poor through usury, a practice that involved charging high interest rates and often led to the impoverished becoming enslaved to their lenders. Dr. Shabir distinguishes between historical usurious practices and modern business loans, noting that the former was exploitative. He explains that while the Quran specifically condemns the oppressors who take usurious interest, the Hadith expands this prohibition to anyone involved in the transaction, including those who pay, witness, or document the interest. He says the Quran defends the oppressed by warning the oppressors, and it is a misunderstanding to equate the oppressed who pay interest with the oppressors who charge it. This conflation has caused unnecessary fear among Muslims who, for instance, take out mortgages to buy homes. The verse in the Quran, Dr. Shabir emphasizes, specifically targets the oppressors, not the oppressed. Thus, he concludes that this Quranic verse has been widely misunderstood and misapplied.
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@ibad109 18 күн бұрын
Changing the words won't change the concept of the thing. Current-day interest loans have the same implications on society financially as they did in the past so it stays Haram. Rich getting richer and poor people always get the hit.
@arturturk5926 17 күн бұрын
I'm not sure about that, the supposed 'Halal loan' is more expensive than a conventional mortgage, they take payments too, its just semantics. The Quran is clear that is talking about multiples of the principle, 'Doubled and multiplied'.
@ibad109 17 күн бұрын
@@arturturk5926 That is what I said, changing the words and giving it a label of Halal won't make it Halal. I believe almost every Islamic financial bank use the same conventional way but give it some glorified Arabic names and some fake Shariah compliance fatwas to make it look Halal but it doesn't become Halal.
@f1aziz 17 күн бұрын
Are you suggesting we should just ban lending? If not, how do you lend money, on a macro level, involving companies/organizations not just private individuals, keeping in mind the costs of lending and inflation that reduces the value of lending? And also, what would be incentive for a person/institution to lend large sums of money for a long period of time? Why should the lender not invest the amount somewhere profitable and not lend at all? Yes you could lend as an act of kindness, but the economy, unfortunately, does not run on act of kindness, it runs on things like contracts, liquidity, capital investment, ROI etc. If you are for banning lending, how do you propose commercial entities acquire capital to start businesses?
@ibad109 17 күн бұрын
@@f1aziz Quran mentions doing charity (Zakat tax system) and Lending without interest or sometimes without return (Qarz e Hasan) but the society has gone against the Islamic principles and everyone got sucked into it. Now living without this system seems impossible but this is the true Test of a Muslim and whoeever stands against it will get their reward from Allah at the Judgement day.
@f1aziz 17 күн бұрын
@ibad109 you're saying the obvious things that everybody knows very well. I want you to go into the details on the macro level and come up with a plan or solution. How do you run economy on qarz-e-hasana? Who's going to be the lending institution in that setup? How would it provide nationwide liquidity for the economy to run? What's the actual mechanics of this system? We are talking about the national economy and not just individual interaction. These are important questions to think about. You can't just point to a problem and not provide an actual solution.
@samurai822 20 күн бұрын
Interest is ALWAYS about the rich oppressing the poor! Interest cripples economies and always gives the financiers, bankers, and the like power over the citizenry. While I agree 100% that there must be a clear difference in moral / religious indignation between the money lender and the one having to take the loan, the whole system of interest is evil inherent, and if we can avoid it at all costs, we must! We cannot encourage our fellow Muslims or our fellow human beings to partake in this evil in the slightest!
@stylicho 19 күн бұрын
I disagree. Of course there are problems with interest and over charging, but why would anyone loan another person money (except family) if they weren't going to get something from it? It's also important to know what's the end goal if it's not paid back. In most countries now a days you can file for bankruptcy which cancels the debt (and you can't get a loan for some time). This is probably very different from the 7th century where you're life was on the line for unpaid debt.
@samurai822 19 күн бұрын
@@stylicho I think it was back in the 70s or something that in the United States, the government was offering interest-free loans for Med Schools to encourage the practice of medicine. Essentially, an economic system that is not interest-based seems so farfetched and impractical for us because we think that this has to be a paid service. It CAN be a social service, provided by NGOs, friends / family, or government institutions interested in stimulating the economy (and the development of skilled workers does stimulate economies). This is just one example. We need to first think that, "Yes, it's possible to run the entire world's economies interest-free. No, banks don't have to be rich and the stars of the show. No, we don't agree that with what happened in 2007 / 2008, when the finance sector accounted for >90% of the profit made in the United States, one of the most rich and diverse economies in history."
@stylicho 19 күн бұрын
@samurai822 I believe Cuba offered free medical school in their country while Fidel Castro was president. They actually have really good medical care in the country but also many problems
@samurai822 19 күн бұрын
@@stylicho I'm not talking about free medical school ... (sigh) The med students paid for their med schools, but the loans they take from the government were interest-free. This doesn't mean they didn't pay the loans back; they did. I'm not getting into the socialism vs capitalism debate. This is about an interest-free vs an interest-based financial system.
@stylicho 19 күн бұрын
@@samurai822 copy
@sarae9302 20 күн бұрын
I don't agree with this judgment. According to that Hadith (Muslim 1598), the one who pays interest is equal to the one who receives interest. Therefore, if war is declared against the one who receives interest, regardless of whether that is from the Quran or the Sunnah, the one who pays it is equal in that war is declared against them. And Allah knows best.
@anmarams 19 күн бұрын
Exactly 💯 One compliments the other. If you don't take loans, the lenders will disappear
@ajazzshake 19 күн бұрын
The moment you said " *regardless of whether that is from the Quran* or the Sunnah" ... You lost mate.
@fahadrx8fy 19 күн бұрын
But that raises the question: How can one who is being oppressed be equal to the oppressor? I think there must be some context to such hadith that is being missed. I have heard of an opinion that such hadith are referring to collectors who go out, take the amount from the person who took the loan with interest, and give it to the lender. And Allah knows best.
@sarae9302 19 күн бұрын
​@@fahadrx8fy My opinion on this is: - The victim in participates in it willingly. - Paying usury allows the system to exist which means the one who pays it supports a system that oppresses others.
@anmarams 18 күн бұрын
​@@fahadrx8fy Why would you allow yourself to be oppressed to begin with?! If you know the lenders will oppress you, why would you sit across the table with them and sign a contract with them 😅 it's really ironic these people are..
@youssofsjourney 20 күн бұрын
This is shocking. Please fear Allah and stay away from Riba
@mohammedchowdhury4989 17 күн бұрын
@@youssofsjourney they worship money and these people all want to be Qarun or respect the lifestyle of Qarun/karuun Quran 43:44 all will be questioned regarding this Quran!
@NTameem 20 күн бұрын
Thank you very much for this gratification The basic principal with the interest is but it is always on a consumable item , Not unusable items..
@Foshoo1 6 күн бұрын
What does that mean explain with example of both please
@PoorShabir70 20 күн бұрын
I was just reading this verse this very morning!
@fidelcatsro6948 19 күн бұрын
@kumonkazi7414 19 күн бұрын
In Rasullah's time, the biggest lender of money was his dear uncle, Hazrat Abbas; and loaned to any person and not the poor. When verses on Riba (interest) were revealed, not just were the interest on his loans were revoked but he also forgave the principal. So I still do not comprehend the difference between interest and usurry or usurious interest.
@anmarams 19 күн бұрын
Because this scholar for dollar is trying to confuse everyone by playing with semantics. According to him it's halal to go and get a loan with interest, hence it's halal to make the money lenders grow fatter and fatter - the same money lenders God and his messenger declared war upon. He contradicts himself and clearly he's trying not to anger some people. Allah describes in the Quran such people as follows: ويوم القيامة ترى الذين كذبوا على الله وجوههم مسودة
@irfanbaigmirza8816 19 күн бұрын
Lending money for helping is diff than lending money for the business. So don't mix up. Business has expectations of return not to do charity. Quran talks about usurious transactions i.e exorbitant interest.
@stylicho 19 күн бұрын
@anmarams nobody is going to loan a person money if they're not going to receive something from it, not to mention that it's possible you might not receive any of the money back when you loan it out. So you're suggesting the person loaning the money take all of the risk of losing the money while not receiving anything for doing this. I guess in your mind all his bounties will be spiritual? I'm going to assume the number of people willing to loan money under these circumstances would be very small
@kumonkazi7414 19 күн бұрын
@@irfanbaigmirza8816 so you say that at the time of Rasulallah, loans were given for help and business. Caravans full of goods moved from Arabia to Syria and Yemen and none of those traders took loans but all goods belonged to them. Interesting scenario. The biggest money lender in Madinah not only forgave the interest but also the loans when the verses on Riba were revealed. You say he only meant it for those he helped but extracted interst from the businessmen of that time. Again interesting scenario. Remember that when you are presented in front of Allah you and all your organs can defend your current beliefs between usurious interest and other interest. Also read and retead these verses of Al Baqarah to get an in depth view of what is Riba and sell at a profit. Yes over profiting is haram as stated in other verses,
@kumonkazi7414 19 күн бұрын
@@irfanbaigmirza8816 you mean loaning to a business is a halal transaction. Sure you can prove it to Allah when you see HIM on the Day of Resurrection and also convince all organs of your body to side with your claim there.
@Blackfoot100 20 күн бұрын
@Adam7bebi 20 күн бұрын
You can not equate riba to bank interests
@Blackfoot100 20 күн бұрын
Whoever says that, don't know what they are talking about.
@hamidangubdo6710 16 күн бұрын
Jazakumullahu khair
@rarll2000 20 күн бұрын
How about the interest earnings from your savings in a bank, is it lawful to use it for yourself and your family?
@anmarams 19 күн бұрын
@Iammram 18 күн бұрын
@@anmarams This is the tricky part because you're not oppressing anyone by earning it, the bank is giving you it, unless it's viewed that the money came from oppressing someone else, in which case then yes it would be wrong. Damn this system man.
@anmarams 18 күн бұрын
​​@@Iammram Whatever makes you sleep at night.. I'm sure Shabir sleeps like a baby 😊
@anmarams 18 күн бұрын
و ليس للانسان الا ما سعى
@abushahid4173 18 күн бұрын
Oppressor can take back his principal amount is itself indication that all kinds of interest are prohibited no matter opressive one or humane one. Sattled position should be unsattled with with stronger reasons and logic not with convenient reasoning. Better position would be obtained by explanation from Sunna and practises of Prophet.
@theluckyone6580 20 күн бұрын
Islam is the only truth
@Quantum-Entangled 20 күн бұрын
This is only half the explanation. What about the time value of money? With inflation as a reality, why is erosion of one's savings acceptable? Islam doesn't want its followers to engage in transactions that result in erosion of value of ones assets. Or am I entirely wrong?
@papabear8253 20 күн бұрын
That is correct. That is why the Quran is against Usury or Usurious Interest. This is excessively high levels of interest. And what is excessive? Excessive is whatever rate that is humanly extremely difficult or impossible to make in real life. Example, most business return between 12-18%, many even less. Yet there are loan sharks that give loans at 25% and above interest. How is a loan taker going to payback that money? I know a friend who pays 40% interest!! So it is usury that is forbidden in my view not interest itself. The other way to make yourself ''sin free'' is to take your loan amount + % of inflation. In that way, you are securing just the principle amount. So if inflation is 6%, you charge interest at 6% thereby securing your principle.
@syedhasan5861 19 күн бұрын
Charging interest and quantitative easing to create a fiat currency is usury and if one's asset is not money but real estate or some tangible asset then there is no question that these assets will not be eroded of its value.
@ouessantpeaches6122 19 күн бұрын
You are right. It says neither the lender nor the borrower should be harmed (2:279). Is not being paid back less in purchasing power than you lent a harm to the lender? One solution, which avoids simple interest even, is to lend the gold equivalent of the amount and the debtor pays back that amount of gold or cash equivalent at the time of payment.
@Quantum-Entangled 19 күн бұрын
@@ouessantpeaches6122 I agree. I have asked so many scholars to explain to me whether riba implies usury or interest, but being inherently extremists, almost all of them say riba implies interest. That cannot be true.
@stylicho 19 күн бұрын
@syedhasan5861 incorrect, economists say real estate and assets are "hedges" against inflation ie they go up when inflation goes up
@user-nq7ie8od4f 20 күн бұрын
What do you do in a scenario where a person borrowed money e.g £3000.00 in 1980 and he returned the same amount of money £3000.00 , 20 years later. ( this is a real case ). Is it fair on the working man who gave his saving to help another person and he started a business and it prospered in 20 years. There are people who used to choose to live in council housing because they say they do not believe paying interest on loan. Living in a Council House is cheaper then renting or buying your own property.
@helojoeywala6622 19 күн бұрын
alhumdulillah there is a very simple solution. you can check the value of gold at that time for the 3000 pounds and then see the value of gold now and give the same value of gold.
@user-nq7ie8od4f 19 күн бұрын
@@helojoeywala6622 Right that is how it should be. Value of the £ then and now. But I am afraid many Muslims don't see it that way or they will refuse to see it. They will say it is added interest.
@helojoeywala6622 19 күн бұрын
@@user-nq7ie8od4f then you hold their hand and take them straight to the masjid and talk to a local imam THAT YOU TRUST.
@orobleh77 16 күн бұрын
Usuary or extremely high interest rates are even prohibited in Canadian law. This makes sense as it oppresses the borrowers
@123munal 16 күн бұрын
What happens when Muslim countries take loan from IMF, World Bank at a very very high rates ? Or, these rules are only for inidividuals not for states, countries, companies ? Where do I get capital to expand my business?
@Colby_0-3_IRL_and_title_fights 20 күн бұрын
Sahih Bukhari Volume 3, Book 41, Number 579: Narrated by Jabir bin Abdullah I went to the Prophet while he was in the Mosque. (Mis'ar thinks, that Jabir went in the forenoon.) After the Prophet told me to pray two Rakat, he repayed me the debt he owed me and gave me an extra amount.
@mfzasr5665 16 күн бұрын
Giving voluntarily is permitted. Lender can demand extra
@Foshoo1 6 күн бұрын
@@mfzasr5665mortgage owner can say same we are giving voluntarily ?
@basharatbala7617 18 күн бұрын
So is the interest earned on the money deposited in a bank account HALAL or HARAM. Please Clarify Dr. Sahab.
@acesin-et7pp 18 күн бұрын
HARAM no doubt about that.
@stylicho 17 күн бұрын
@@acesin-et7pp if you're worried about it give it to charity
@fidelcatsro6948 19 күн бұрын
Allahu Akbar!
@AbuKhan-c7v 14 күн бұрын
So you are saying I can take loan to buy a house? Isn't this a redicule with shariah?
@Voyager0656 19 күн бұрын
Are all the things going on in Islamic banks right? If you take a loan of one lakh dirhams, you have to repay one and a half lakhs in 4 years. If you miss a month's payment, the amount to be paid will increase again. Isn't this interest? And what is the meaning of Islamic Bank?
@bjplusplus1 18 күн бұрын
@idrisaleemdar 13 күн бұрын
I do not know why did the comment writers deviate his speech, he clearly said that interest is not Halal, the point of him was that the oppressor is the one who charge the interest as per th Quran Kareem. Do not take it that much deep he never said that interest is Halal, watch the video again and analyze his speech.
@sheik74hamid46 19 күн бұрын
QUR'AN 46 9 say, "I am not something original among the messengers,1 nor do I know what will be done with me or with you. I only follow that which is revealed to me, and I am not but a clear warner."NO INTERCESSION BY PROPHETS 😭😭😭
@zahidayyub290 20 күн бұрын
In Pakistan, some banks have started Islamic system of banking , in Meezan the system has been endorsed by mufti Taqi Usmani .
@aldindurakovic8828 18 күн бұрын
God bless Pakistan ⚔💚💴📈
@anmarams 20 күн бұрын
It's very dangerous taking a verse of the Quran and making it fit into your life so you feel comfortable about yourself. Shaytan is making you do that without knowing, and the evidence of that you didn't mention “Allah knows best " at the end.
@anmarams 20 күн бұрын
Allah wants you to think and ponder upon the verses of the Quran.
@user-gw3ux6ph5r 19 күн бұрын
When u stand before ullah on June 2026 u must have only two homes, one for residence and one is for retreat. It does not matter what is their faith. Ullah law is take no interest on loan only administrative fee. He sees your bank account
@mrm-0764 15 күн бұрын
Sheikh rightly said the truth what Allah in fact said in Quran. 1st thing most do not understand the meaning of word RIBA of Arabic or interpret wrongly. Word Riba means USURY which means EXCESSIVE/COMOUND/MULTI COMPOUND charges that lender asks from borrower and force them to pay by many means. Allah has warn those lender to fear Allah and do not charge excessive from one who in needs to borrow money from you and forgive interest if they are in hardship. Therefore, all the following verses are directed the punishment to the lender not the borrower. Here we may take a note that most banks in North America do not charge USURY rater they take interest which is another form of profit of their financing from which they run their organization, pay salary to the staffs etc. etc. So, imo, all the scholars when they speak about RIBA/USURY need to be cautious what they say and do not go out of the verses of Quran which is only thing we can be sure of 100% what Allah said. Also should be aware of citing Hadith in the name of Prophet which written probably 200 to 300 years later of Prophet death from the sources those collector believes to be authentic but they can not guarantee 100% that those are Prophet's word.. In Quran Allah said Prophet never said any word outside of verses. Al-Ahqaf:46:9 Say (O’ Muhammad), “I am not different than other messengers, nor do I know what will be done with me or with you. I only follow what is revealed to me, and I am not but a clear warner.” Al-Jathiyah: 45:6 These are God's revelations that We recite to you with truth. So, in which hadith after God and His revelations do they believe? (Thilka ayaatuallahi nathluha alaika bihaqqi.. fabiahhi Hadith baad allahahi oaa ayaatihi yuuminun?) Luqman:31:6 And from the people, those who trade baseless statement/hadith to mislead from the path of GOD without knowledge, and takes it as entertainment. Those will have a severe punishment. (O mina nassi mai yashtari lahual Hadith ludilla aan sabilillahi bigairy ilmi oaa yttakhijaha hujuoan... ulaayika lahum ajabun muhin) About Riba/Usury: 2:275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But Allah has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with Allah. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 2:276 Allah condemns usury, and He blesses charities. Allah does not love any sinful ingrate. 2:278 O you who believe! Fear Allah, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 2:279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by Allah and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 2:280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew."
@faisalqureshi5882 15 күн бұрын
I think an explanation of RIBA means itself is probably warranted here.
@sohailuddinalavi8066 17 күн бұрын
Allah said He has made Interest Haram and Trading Halal, with qualifying its effects. Hence, it is haram in absolute terms. As few ulema suggest that this 5:16 prohibition is for charging interest, but as a principle indulging in haram is haram no matter as lender or borrower - no need to rationalize Haram into halal. May Allah save us from spreading our views that distort Quran.
@abdulrafiujatoi3308 20 күн бұрын
Wow sir you so genius you opened by eyes from the understanding of people that no nothing about the quran or at least know very less compared to your genius intellect, you know, uneducated people like every other muslim scholar from the time of the sahaba till now like ibn abbas, Abdullah bin masood, anas bin malik, abu hanifa, imam malik, imam shafi', imam Ahmed, ibn tayyimayah, and pretty much every other so called scholars, I wish they learnt the quran properly from a real scholar like you
@pebystroll 20 күн бұрын
Is ibn tayyimiyah not considered one of the greatest scholars ever in islam?
@622ce2 20 күн бұрын
Seems you are looking for an excuse to indulge in riba. What part of "war" do you not understand?
@anmarams 19 күн бұрын
​@@622ce2 he's just being sarcastic.. don't you get the point?!
@622ce2 19 күн бұрын
@@anmarams noted
@bf6724 20 күн бұрын
Sahih al-Bukhari 3606 Narrated Hudhaifa bin Al-Yaman: Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "There will be some people who will lead (people) according to principles other than my tradition. You will see their actions and disapprove of them." I said, "Will there by any evil after that good?" He said, "Yes, there will be some people who will invite others to the doors of Hell, and whoever accepts their invitation to it will be thrown in it (by them)." I said, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! Describe those people to us." He said, "They will belong to us and speak our language" I asked, "What do you order me to do if such a thing should take place in my life?" He said, "Adhere to the group of Muslims and their Chief." I asked, "If there is neither a group (of Muslims) nor a chief (what shall I do)?" He said, "Keep away from all those different sects, even if you had to bite (i.e. eat) the root of a tree, till you meet Allah while you are still in that state."
@bahubalbaba7886 16 күн бұрын
There are Hadees which says our Prophet use to borrow from Jews of Madina. Also, when he passed away, one of his shield was kept as a collateral with a Jew from whom he had borrowed money. Sahih Bukhari; Book 45, vol 3, page 687. NO JEW WOULD EVER GIVE AN INTEREST FREE LOAN TO ANYBODY.
@mohammedchowdhury4989 20 күн бұрын
The speaker is numero uno musriquun… people distorted message then and are doing it now. They do not believe in meeting one on on with Allah swt on the LastDay!!
@sayedazharhasan696 15 күн бұрын
Assalamaleykum sir actually we need to marry quran ayat with hadith to come to real understanding. Here it clearly prohibits all types of interest. Instead of justifying the interest if the scholers and influentials try to find better alternatives for Muslims as well as others it will be better for all of us. I humbly submit to great Dr Shabbir to relook the opinion given.
@micdeymearstienbeiger37 17 күн бұрын
Not a single scholar quoted. Not a single tafsir quoted.
@mrnobody7600 17 күн бұрын
This is why I always say that the Quran is a Muslim's only source. We should only take the God's words and not some fabricated hadiths. This being said, we the people cannot change the modern day economical system and we have needs. Such as a house or a car. These are modern day's basic needs so most of us resort to taking loans from banks. On the day of judgement we will be judged by the standards of the time we lived in and why we did what we did. I live in Turkey, we're currently suffering from a huge economic crisis and me taking loan from a bank and paying interest cannot be on the same level as someone who does it in Canada or any other developed country with a good eceonomy. Remember, Islam is very simple, it's the Muslims who complicate things.
@khizerqureshi2492 17 күн бұрын
You can get a car by paying the whole amount. Live within your means. There is no need to buy a car with a loan that you can't afford. You can get a house by renting. There is no need to get a mortgage. We are living in the time of prophet Muhammad (pbuh), so we will be judged by what he wanted us to do. He explicitly banned all forms of interest. The whole world is struggling economically due to the erosion the US dollar. The US dollar is fake currency (fiat currency) where their government insanely prints money. The US dollar has lost 99% of its value in the last 100 years due to money printing. Also, please read the book 'Understanding Islamic' Finance' by Dr. Muhammad Ayub.
@khizerqureshi2492 17 күн бұрын
You can by a car by paying the whole amount. There is no need to buy a car you cant afford with a loan. You can get a house by renting. No need to get a mortgage. We're living in the time of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) so we will be judged by what he wanted us to do. He explicitly banned all forms of interest. The whole world is struggling economically due the erosion of the US dollar which has lost 99% of its value in the past 100 years due to their government insane money printing policies. The American economy is a giant ponzi scheme. Interest makes the rich (corporations, banks, politicians) richer and the poor poorer. The middle class is being wiped out across the world due to the cost of living. That's the main reason why interest is banned. Please read the book 'Understaning Islamic Finance' by Dr. Muhammad Ayub.
@MonirulIslam-mz3ik 17 күн бұрын
You people are very intelligent and hell fire is also very intelligent because it will ask you "whether you want to get burn or not". GOOD luck to you, smart intelligent clever people.
@48kozzy78 17 күн бұрын
It does not matter taking or giving, in both situation, you will gain something, that is haram.
@Wajehuddin 19 күн бұрын
I Subscribed This Channel Just Now, I have viewed Most of the Videos, that's Absolutely Remarkable, As Far As My Research is Concerned,I rated DR Shabir the second most Knowledgeable Figure After Dr Zakir Naik Among Muslim Ummah in Today's World, This Humble Man can debate with Christian Scholars Like what Dr Zakir Naik has done in the last Thirty years......❤️👍I saw the debate with Ex Ahmadi non Muslim later he accepted Christianity (Nabeel Qureshi), you destroyed him within 25 Minutes...👍.😊😂😂
@Royalbangla52 18 күн бұрын
@@Wajehuddin zakir naik? Listen carefully. Zakir naik is opposite of sabbir aly
@peterhwang352 20 күн бұрын
Would it be fair to say that the world and the economy is different enough from 7th century Arabia that different rules should apply now?
@abdulrafiujatoi3308 20 күн бұрын
If you are a muslim then know that the the law of islam is eternal and have to be followed as such
@Chris-wr9hv 20 күн бұрын
​@@abdulrafiujatoi3308That's the disadvantage of Islam. Nothing changes. We Catholics always have modified here and there, so we have a better economy. Riba in Catholicism was once forbidden too, until ~17th century.
@bf6724 20 күн бұрын
​@@Chris-wr9hv Happy to follow a religion that you changed as you wish?! Do you think you really worship God?
@supertaxi5324 20 күн бұрын
Islam gives explicit commandments and principles. The specifics in applying the principle might slightly change depending on context but we will NEVER change the principles. Riba is haram and will remain haram. It doesn't matter if these rules were commanded in the 7th century, because we don't believe a human commanded them, it's the creator of the universe itself. If you're not a muslim, fine, we're not expecting you to agree with us. But if you're a muslim, saying we should change Islam because we are in "modern times", it's clear-cut disbelief because you imply that we should obey "modern humans" rather than god
@Chris-wr9hv 19 күн бұрын
@@bf6724 I was "born" as Catholic. We worship the persons of the Holy Trinity, the One Undivided God.
@moucheali3911 20 күн бұрын
I understand your compassion for the lesser fortunate which LIVES on loans in order to maintain a standard of living BUT What happens when the INTEREST INDUSTRY is allowed to be monopolized by one ENTITY which is obessed with OPPRESSING the world for their benefit AND then we STILL support them to an extent THEY CONTROL ALL INDUSTRIES and even WANNA own Palestine. Shall we support them still
@syedhasan5861 19 күн бұрын
China are building economic infrastructure in Africa for free.
@mirwaisnoory5158 14 күн бұрын
its better to stay away from Ribba. "Riba is Riba" doesn't matter its in your saving account or any other. you can find many excuses but you are going against Allah and his messenger its vey clear in the Quran and Sunnah.
@artifexdei3671 17 күн бұрын
Mortgage fee is just another way of going about interest while fooling yourself
@kumonkazi7414 19 күн бұрын
You talk of usurious interest. You mean there is another form of interest which Islam or the Quran and His messenger doesn't talk about. Heard of Ullamae Soo The verses you quoted are enough to condemn all riba. You can take your principal back but if you ask for even an extra penny then you are exhorting riba or interest. The verses also report that beya or selling is legal but interest is haram. Also the parties are told to put it in writing thru a scribe or person besides the lender and debtor; and to give extra time to the debtor who cannot pay on time.
@txt4r 12 күн бұрын
Riba was haram because poor people were taken advantage of Bank is NOT a poor person -- getting interest from Bank should be allowed and not considered haram
@Ibrahim-hh3yu 7 күн бұрын
This is an ignorant interpretation. The quran said interest is Haraam, that is general and it addreses both the one loaning and the one paying. There isnt anything in the Quran that forbids only one way in a two way situation
@mfzasr5665 16 күн бұрын
Asthahfirullah..most insane explanation to normalize interest. Prophet sal has said that there's a fine line between interest and profit.profit is permitted and interest is not.even exchanging two grades of dates at a ratio other than 1:1 is considered interest. Allah's curse is on all 5 in a interest transaction as you said, additionally his curse will be on these kind of scholars as well.
@Royalbangla52 20 күн бұрын
This is courageous. At last I came to hear a person to tell the Truth. Bravo. Banking is actually a business. Interest is the profit of banking business. Riba or usery is a tradition of lending money on usery.
@SabeerAbdulla 18 күн бұрын
You're ignorant about both how both business works and how banks work. Banks will always charge an interest on the principal amount being given as loan whereas a business will give you a return based on how much profit the business makes. If it makes profit then you get your proportionate share of it which is variable. But those who loan it out on interest will always expect the same interest to be paid whether the business makes a profit or not.
@Royalbangla52 18 күн бұрын
@@SabeerAbdulla sorry sir, you are ignorant, You read the contract carefully. If you fail in business for valid reason, The Bank will even not charge you the principal amount. Let alone interest. Read carefully principles of any central bank. If you fail to repay, you are called bankrupt. In case of saving money, if bank fail to make profit, they will never give you interst. And even if a bank collapse it will never give you the saving also. So banking and business work in same way. I think. You may differ. But never call anybody ignorant, calling people ignorant is a sign of severe ignorance.
@SabeerAbdulla 17 күн бұрын
@@Royalbangla52 learn how bankruptcy works, they will have collateral against the loan they give you, they will sell that and retrieve the loan amount from that. If that is not enough, they will take your assets that aren't collateral and then sell that. In any case, they will get their money back, with interest. And pointing out someone's ignorance is just facts. If you get offended by facts that's a you problem.
@muhammadtawsif4100 16 күн бұрын
I am not taking Fatwa from such kind of people!! be aware! twist and turn!
@mohammedchowdhury4989 20 күн бұрын
Don’t enter their masajid 9:18 They do not believe in the last day
@braveheart6136 14 күн бұрын
So he means that we should take Quran serious ,but not Hadiths where in the same Quran written obey Allaah and obey Rasullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam these ppl are the enemy of Islam.
@MrSiddiqueHussain 19 күн бұрын
The scholar said the half the truth. It is not just the verse which is misunderstood. But the definition of riba is misunderstood by the whole scholarly community. Quran talks about usury i.e interest charged exorbitantly. Scholars are totally ignorant about interest used by central banking which is a measure of inflation not the usury what Quran talks about.
@syedhasan5861 19 күн бұрын
Charging interest and quantitative easing of paper money to create a fiat currency is usury.
@alikhams 20 күн бұрын
Sh Shabir Ali, if what you are saying is true that this verse only applies to the oppressor, the one talking riba and not the oppressed the giver of riba…then how do you reconcile with the hadith…that muslims shouldn’t even witness such mortgage contract, so the giver of riba signed and witnessed with the full knowledge that it is haram! so what you are saying is absurd! need repentance inshallah for misguidance
@Adam7bebi 20 күн бұрын
Hadiths were compiled 200 years after Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Quran also means criteria. You have got to see hadiths through the light of the Quran and take what aligns, not vice versa. Quran and Hadith can not be equated.
@user-nq7ie8od4f 20 күн бұрын
Banking is a business .
@JewelAhmed3 18 күн бұрын
Selling alcohol and cigarettes is a business. But it does not mean it is halal.
@48kozzy78 17 күн бұрын
Banking system is based on interest, it is not business.
@mohammedchowdhury4989 20 күн бұрын
These scholar have sold their souls to the devils
@mohislam3041 8 сағат бұрын
@ambrosiohalilulla 16 күн бұрын
Non of the words of Allah can be changed. If the hadiths is quite different from the quran, then, it must have been from the hadith fabricator.
@mohammedchowdhury4989 20 күн бұрын
He destroyed himself and now destroying this and next generations !
@aft003 19 күн бұрын
Giving riba is supporting oppressive system of interest. Even if there is 1% of haram doubt we should stay away from that. Muslims should care for house in jannah more than house here which is bound to go to someone else. I see this guy now as misguided.
@peterhwang352 20 күн бұрын
It is problematic to say the least that your holy book contains so many injunctions to fight without providing a clear context.
@SolomonTheStoryTeller 20 күн бұрын
There is a clear context for all fights: Chapter 2 : 190 AND FIGHT in God's cause against those who wage war against you, but do not commit aggression-for, verily, God does not love aggressors God's rule is not to transgress and I can say from reading the moslim history that there was a lot of transgression specially from the Amawey period. They were humans focused on expansion as other nations and used religion to rally the masses. They also killed many moslims who opposed tgem in brutal ways.
@supertaxi5324 20 күн бұрын
It isn't problematic if you know how the Quran was revealed and when the verses were revealed. The quran was revealed over 23 years. We know the timing of revelation (and thus the context) of all these verses regarding fighting. Most Muslims already know the general context of the life of the prophet, the battles he fought, why they were fought etc... So us Muslims who know just a tiny bit about that won't misunderstand these verses. However ignorant non-Muslims, especially islamophobes, take them out of context. The most taken-out-of-context verse regarding fighting is Quran 9:5. Here even without going outside the Quran, by just looking at the first 4 verses, you will realize that it's talking about a treaty being broken by the polytheists (war context). If you want more context you refer to hadith and seerah (biography).
@mohislam3041 8 сағат бұрын
@mukhtarhussain4280 20 күн бұрын
@arshadmir8520 10 күн бұрын
This guy never gives a clear answer
@mohammedchowdhury4989 20 күн бұрын
Do not pray behind them sura 9:107&108
@zozoconde4623 20 күн бұрын
Mr Shabir Ally, you forgot one thing. The Quran says that a time will come when people will make Haram become Halal and vice versa. This is exactly what you are trying to do. May be your Islamic Centre did contract a loan and you want to justify the loan similar to what IMO did with the Jewish loan to build the Mosque.
@Colby_0-3_IRL_and_title_fights 20 күн бұрын
What are your credentials?
@zozoconde4623 20 күн бұрын
@@Colby_0-3_IRL_and_title_fights I am a professional guy.
@bf6724 20 күн бұрын
There even seems to be agreement between what he has to say and the comments below! They do this intentionally and with advance planning.
@UziGameGP 18 күн бұрын
He gave you a proper explanation, and yet you are cherry-picking verses and making a huge accusation to someone with more knowledge than you. How are you so deluded.
@zozoconde4623 18 күн бұрын
@@UziGameGP How do you know if he is more knowledgeable than me. My answer above Halal and Haram speaks for itself. If you look at the background of most scholars, most of them are drop out from school and to earn a living they venture in the study of Islam. The understanding of the Quran is tougher than secular knowledge. For somebody to interpret the Quran as opposed to follow our forefather's scholars, you must have a very good knowledge of Arabic language.
@ahmfarooq1823 20 күн бұрын
However, the interest and usury ( riba) are not the same. Usury is high interest which goes double and triple annually according to Quran. Taking that usury is prohibited by God. The mortgage interest is calculated humanly considering inflation, depreciation etc for a long period of time with mutual understanding. And it’s a low interest rate. So it can’t be considered as usury anyway. Thanks.
@Hasan... 20 күн бұрын
That is my current understanding too, based on the Qur'an (3:130) "O you who have believed, do not consume usury, doubled and multiplied, but fear Allāh that you may be successful." so the mention of "doubled and multiplied" is an evidence that Riba' in the Qur'an is referred to the unfair usury instead of conventional interest, because if it was all kinds of interest then the details "doubled and multiplied" was not necessary. Are there any other scholars who have made this distinction? especially in reference to interest based mortgages, all I hear from scholars is "Haram".
@Citizen052 20 күн бұрын
You make an important point which I agree . However, the scholars say that all interest is haram. My wife is adamant on this so I have to agree to avoid arguments 😂.
@criticalthinker1123 20 күн бұрын
*The worst of people who try to legalize what's illegal. One could be in the wrong while acknowledging inside them it's wrong but talks to God about his weaknesses and needs.* Good luck
@anmarams 20 күн бұрын
It's very dangerous taking a verse of the Quran and making it fit into your life so you feel comfortable about yourself. Shaytan is making you do that without knowing, and the evidence of that you didn't mention “Allah knows best " at the end.
@Hasan... 20 күн бұрын
@@anmarams The Qur'an was meant to be fit in our lives. You don't fit the Qur'an in your life? Is that for your bookshelf only or reciting without understanding only? Those who take religious laws outside of the Qur'an should be more fearful on what they're doing. Qur'an is The Book of guidance and religious laws. Of course Allah (swt) knows Best which is why I went directly to the Qur'an. Whom else should I seek a judge other than Allah (swt) who has given me The Book explained in detail? I already shared the evidence from the Qur'an, unless you have a better argument against it? then present them. If not, stop undermining the Qur'an please.
@DavidWahab-yr1lx 20 күн бұрын
Interest is legitimate according to Christ please don't mind the evil quran
@theluckyone6580 20 күн бұрын
show me the verse in bible😂
@Quranhadith360 20 күн бұрын
The Quran prohibits interest. So the Quran is evil!! (Bible says) Satan is god of this world. So the Bible is God's words. Xtians logic : 😢😢😢
@Citizen052 20 күн бұрын
@@DavidWahab-yr1lx you are so ignorant 🤣 Interest was illegal in Christian Europe some centuries back!
@qwerty22421 20 күн бұрын
The bible verse deals with savings account interest not lend.
@Citizen052 20 күн бұрын
@@qwerty22421 my friend, go document yourself from genuine sources and thus avoid making a fool of yourself. For example, check the book Usury in Christendom by Michael Hoffman for a start. You will also discover many things that might shock you!
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