In step 1 Equation 1, was modified only to neutralize but did not change its original form, where as in step 2 it appears equation 2 was modified permanently, it is not clear why? was it to make the coefficient = to 1 in equation 2 of the second variable.
@deeyakatyal4393 жыл бұрын
So helpful!!
@TacosYBurritos8P3 жыл бұрын
is pivoting just another name for gauss jordan elimination ?
@MrAkhilnaidu3 жыл бұрын
Gauss Jordan Elimination method uses this technique of pivoting in a format to achieve the solution for a system of linear equations. Think of Gauss Jordan Elimination as a set of rules through which we guide a computer to make things easier for its calculations. (rather than brute-forcing the computational power of PC, we are helping the PC to follow a set of rules)