things to fix: > walking peeking into and out of smokes you should be shoulder peeking into smokes and out of smokes (where u look perpendicular the to the direction you're going to go into the smoke from and quickly flick back so that your gun barrel isn't visible before you entre the smoke) > throwing useless/wasting util there are numerous times when you waste util that isn't rechargeable round to round (e.g. wingman) example 1: at 2:57 you throw your wingman into top mid when only reyna is alive. This is a waste because if you look at your minimap you can see that reyna is close tree example 2: at 6:50 you throw a molly onto site while your team isn't even pushing and has no pressure, always look to break things to create more entry ways for your team, this makes it so that the enemy team has to watch more places at once, sometimes with bad team coordination they overstack watching one side which opens up opportunities on the other side. At this point you should've looked to break the deadlock wall and push with a flash and possibly wingman. Since the deadlock wall wasn't broken the enemy team knows that you guys can only go through the broken door and will only need to hold 1 angle (and leave 1 to hold flank) > shift peeking angles THIS IS AN IMPORTANT ONE, this makes it so easy to kill you > spam crouching 15:39 you probably know why not to > crosshair placement when transitioning from one angle to another angle, you should switch as fast as possible (pre-aim the angle in the wall) so there isn't much downtime to when you get to the angle (e.g. 22:31 should've held tiles then held b main). crosshair placements also not at the head at times, shooting the body instead. 24:33 you should've been holding market smoke since your iso is going to fight tree and is in front of you, not much you can do by holding it since he's holding further up and a wider angle. > holding too tight angles for many common angles, people peek normal, this is like 2 meters from the wall that you're holding from. You're holding too tight which makes it basically impossible to hit your shot > panicking you panic a lot through out the vod at 3:56 you panic spray at no one, to help this you should listen to sound and choose what angle was more urgent, you can hear 1-2 people running down lane and no one going stairs, this means that your most vulnerable angle is lane and what you should hold, especially since you have a stinger and are closer to lane. > no map awareness/ looking lost you keep looking around at nothing, you look back at where your teammates are where an enemy 100% cannot come from, this is wasted time and makes you lose focus. This also lowers your reaction time to actions. You should always expect an enemy to be where you peek. You should probably increase the size of your minimap so that it's more visible, but if it works for you then keep it that way, just look at your map more often. there's probably more but these are a few tips since I was just scanning through the vod. this is a good youtube video to go over some of the basics that are hard to master: js try one at a time, don't overwhelm yourself and try to apply them all or a few at the same time in the same game since it'll cause you to play bad.
@kamiskillet7 күн бұрын
@happyhippo8 a lot of great info here. I scanned through for a quick read and will break down each suggestion more with time. This way, like you said I’m not working on 10 things causing me to play even worse than I do now lol. Thank you!