Remnant 2: Friendship is Broken - Coop Apocalypse Tank Build Guide

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Vash Cowaii

Vash Cowaii

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@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
IMPORTANT NOTES AND LINKS BELOW~ I tried to trim this video down as much as I could but god damn man there was SO much to cover. If you have questions, ask in the comments and if any good points come up, I'll edit them into the pinned comment here. (CALCULATOR: IMPORTANT NOTES: -Oh, yeah guys you need 3 peeps to make this work as I show. 2 peeps is risky, maybe that works ok for nightmare, but you're gonna have a rough time in apoc. The diff in effective DR and HP from 2 peeps to 3 is *massive*. -Custodian's Eye is another fight that actually forces arena entry for the whole team, and while like annihilation you can still make it work for tanking, I'd still recommend just running around and blasting that poor boi as his attacks are easily the most telegraphed in the entire game. -When I show the primary loadout alternative melee option later in the video, I did actually forget to adjust the amulet. Matriarch is a good fit for this case, but I showed pocket which only made sense for the solo melee build. IMPORTANT LINKS: Solo tank build: Solo melee tank build: DR & EHP Discussion: Reso vs Crystal Heart for solo play:
@cloodhound9417 Жыл бұрын
Burden of the Divine is independent source healing. Both teammates receive 50% of self healing.
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
@@cloodhound9417 I have video evidence that disagrees with you.
@SuperCatsgomoo Жыл бұрын
if you watch the video its explained, but yes you get 25% of the healing but due to how the relic works it more than enough especially if you have a heavy healer build in the squad@@ha-in-your-faceguy1368
@Bustin_dickins_cider 5 ай бұрын
Will it be an updated version to this after the forgotten kingdom update?!
@Mister_Lamprey Жыл бұрын
Seems like the only difficult part of this build would be convincing a friend to "play" a game with you by not playing the game with you haha
@lbc02gaming99 Жыл бұрын
No for my friend he loves to heal and always say. I want to just sit back and heal and go for the free ride 😂😂😂. I’m the tank in the group and would love to try this so we on.
@ha-in-your-faceguy1368 Жыл бұрын
Or they could run a dps build to cover empathy bosses.
@corukana Жыл бұрын
The power of friendship looks different than I imagined. Amazing video.
@XGamertsfelderX Жыл бұрын
This is pretty amazing if you can get a couple friends to coordinate this all. Always appreciate your video guides and love the spreadsheets!
@DarkKiller-0 Жыл бұрын
I love these game breaking builds haha the devs are probably like bro how do you even think of these
@markadams5009 Жыл бұрын
Lol maybe they should offer him a job.
@The_Queen_Chrysalis Жыл бұрын
I'm glad you mentioned empathy, because that's always the big question, thankfully I got lucky with one of my world rolls for apoc and never got a single empathy boss, but I did get spiteful on Venom and Annihilation, so it took me a handful of tries on both with people joining until I found people tanky enough to survive being hit once, most of those fights before I found tanky people I was spending 90% of the fights picking people up off the ground because any one hit would down them instantly.
@The_Queen_Chrysalis Жыл бұрын
thanks for the heart, you validate my concerns, I look forward to seeing what your next projects are, when you get your hands on something, you mastercraft aspects of it.
@georgedaman25 Жыл бұрын
Empathy can be counted with tranquil heart, if you have it. I combo it with burden of the divine, numue ribbon, forest king or something ring.
@IMisterBlack Жыл бұрын
Genius builds as always, appreciate the explanations no matter how long it makes the video!
@AlphaSeagull Жыл бұрын
Can't wait til we find a way to make this work without even using relics, because I think that's literally the only way to make this better
@Draak_en Жыл бұрын
ngl I skipped throughout the video because a buddy and myself were at the final boss and after the 7th death I just said "fuck it I'm looking at a tanking build". Skipped to the second build and tried it out, after my friend saw that I was tanking the 5 hit combo he also wanted to try it out. Did not know that only one person was suppose to take the second build tho xD We literally just ended up standing there and looking for ammo because our dps wasn't the greatest. The fight took a long ass time, but we were laughing our asses off the entire time, he wen't with Engineer as his second archetype because his Summoner was still level 0 and it really helped out with some extra damage. Definetly gonna tinker around with the second build to have it fit the both of us being active participants. Thanks for the video.
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
Oh god lol, given what you said about not knowing only one was supposed to take it, I hope that means you watched it through to understand it all lol. Glad I could help! I'd give the DR/EHP video a look at a minimum, to fully understand how to reallocate and work with DR in those kinds of situations.
@Draak_en Жыл бұрын
@@VashCowaii Oh yeah, you gave me a really solid and funny build. The least I could is help out in the youtube algorithm :D
@mellimel.222 Жыл бұрын
Love the videos. These are the most informative. You're in a class by yourself!!!
@elimgarak1127 Жыл бұрын
I can't be the only one that appreciates the irony of shitting on resonating heart, and people that max out bark skin for no reason, only to include both in the most min maxed setup yet.
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
RESO JUST THIS ONCE. Also barkskin isn't wasted here ok D:
@LuanNguyen-tc3wf Жыл бұрын
I accidentally stumbled upon something similar to this build while modifying one of your solo tank builds for co-op. I trusted the DR and EHP math on Crystal Heart and used it to great success on my Apocalypse clear, but in co-op there was something seriously broken with Resonating Heart party heals that I couldn't pass up, and I'm glad you explained it. It's not even double-dipping at that point, it's taking the whole damn sauce bowl.
@Prockski Жыл бұрын
Another amazing show of what deep understanding can achieve! Thanks for all the hard work and sharing your findings instead of gate keeping it.
@teren60 Жыл бұрын
This is the best co-op build you made.. now as you said on previous video we made our own build on it.. made a few changes for it to work for all players to be able to do the encounter with all of us doing damage.. we kept all of the rings and amulet.. all of us ran summoner as our secondary archetype.. our main DPS Tank ran any mod he likes with reaver as his main summon, our support healer ran the same rings and amulets but use cresent moon for contnious heal with failsafe mutator and song of aifir with harmony also using the shield skill for safety now for the third player is our life line he ran handler as primary with support dog using lifeless heart as a relic which took it to another level which incase we go down our third will be able get up with the help of the dog then he be able to get our support up first cause he is the back bone of the build..
@sadmorteminimicus3814 Жыл бұрын
You, my friend have just earned another subscriber This is some of the most amazing content I’ve seen on this game.
@guardianwolf6667 Жыл бұрын
I just tried as similar build with my friend, and it's retarded. We also ended up fighting the red prince on apoc, with hearty, and empathy. We were in the fight for a very long time. I had to get creative to bleed the boss as we didn't want to use assassin's dagger to get the crown, we wanted firestorm. So i used hero's sword with blood jewel because i didn't have twisted wounds yet. I think it was a 20 min fight but it was probably longer then that. Thank you for making me and my friend feel like potatoes. (My friend is a little slow, so it was okay).
@discoduck3785 Жыл бұрын
I feel like the Devs can't patch this without wrecking a bunch of builds. I've wanted to see a Game Master's band build for a while and this is THE one. Awesome stuff.
@khclupus Жыл бұрын
I don’t see why they would want to patch this, this is so much of an edge case and requires you to either have 2 friends “playing” this game or someone owning 3 copies of the game to get this build to work.
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
Well there's a few ways they could tweak it, but yeah there'd be at least one build type that gets the short end of the stick when combatting how this functions. I also hope they leave it be, as this type of gameplay can be a godsend for some players, it's actually a discussion I had with a friend of mine. Just not everyone is able to play the game at the same level and it's not their fault, has nothing to do with skill.
@llvllercyplays8545 Жыл бұрын
It’s a great build for certain but it’s not fun for majority of players, not viable for solo and also like stated it’s not an exploit just math. Nothing to nerf. I wouldn’t run it. I appreciate the time taken to make but it’s pointless for me. Just for people that want carrying. Which seems to be alot of the community. Oh and that have friends, which I do not lolol . Great video.
@NathanTruby 10 ай бұрын
I like that Firestorm is so strong that even with 95% damage reduction (4k effective health) it can still melt your dumb ass down if you put down too many.
@VashCowaii 10 ай бұрын
Mod's got hands
@mickMahaus32 10 ай бұрын
there is one boss you didnt speak about that can beat you... lord gravity
@ProfessorZ Жыл бұрын
Have you considered creating some damage builds as well? Would be great to see it with actual numbers instead of a guy yelling into webcam "YOU CAN ONE SHOT BOSSES" :D
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
I do want to look at dmg calcs, I'm just exhausted after doing everything I already have lol. I want a break before even trying to dive into dmg calcs bc there are aspects of that, like crit chance for example, where it is WILDLY inconsistent lol, some sources provide too much CC, some too little, some say they give CC but don't, etc. I have no more videos planned for now other than the one to explain the upgraded sheet that you saw in this video. After that, I'm probably gonna go play AC6 for a while and finish my playthroughs there(already did one playthrough), maybe look at starfield when it comes out, and then come back to R2. Though, I keep saying this after every video and then I'll probably find some weird shit to make a video about and come back yet again lmfao. We'll see.
@ashenlion805 Жыл бұрын
Been waiting for the Game Masters Pride review. Let's go!!!!
@scrub_trash6680 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video, been having trouble dealing w an apoc empathy Venom. Looking forward to trying this. We came up with a build similar to your tank. But we were all using it and all fighting the boss. So he was able to 1shot all 3 of us with game masterd ewuipped even though we all had 68-70%dr. We didnt think of using this crazy healer outside the boss fog
@Lichsnitch Жыл бұрын
Wish I had two friends to play this with!
@The_Queen_Chrysalis Жыл бұрын
there is a discord for the game, plenty of people on there
@matttaylor5535 Жыл бұрын
​@@The_Queen_Chrysalis do you have a link to it? Would love to join
@jutahj Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much. I usually play coop and this is gonna help alot in our survivalbility.
@MrCruse-wy7dv Жыл бұрын
Love your builds. Have used several to beat Apocolypse. There is one flaw to this build. If you are playing on Hardcore and the tank person gets one shot (ex. Magister Dullain tongue attack) it will kill everyone wearing the ring. Thus ending your hardcore run.
@LazyData Жыл бұрын
But but but but what about Empathy + Regenerator on a Boss with I-frames. Jokes aside this is hilariously absurd and i love it. Good work. Thank you for taking min maxing seriously and not just shitting something together that works "well enough" and call it best.
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
This is gonna be a large comment you never expected but: Never really realized just how much I appreciate comments like yours until lately lol. Call me heartless but I really never gave a shit what kind of comments I received in the past. Comments to me were always just a utility to either add more explanation if I needed to, or answer questions if people had them; I never cared whether people were upset or happy in the comments. I'd show what I wanted, and people could use it or not, was up to them. The only thing I really cared about in comments was correcting misunderstandings given that my videos USUALLY take the "teach over show" approach, which in the past never required too much effort on my part to fix where it popped up. The popularity of all the remnant vids lately has brought in a large volume of comments I never expected and this has brought in a LOT more people with misunderstandings to correct. As such, an issue has arisen where I encounter a massive amount of people who have done no testing themselves nor will they ever do so, that decide to instantiate wild claims on feels or maybe what their friend or uncle told them, and they completely disregard literally everything I'm trying to work towards in the video because of that. (Bonus brain-dead points for people who claim I'm only spreadsheeting and that I don't test things myself) I'm not saying I need comments like yours for my feel-goods in order to carry on with life or my content so don't take this to say "oh god please comment every time" bc no lol, simply that I have to come to gain an immense appreciation for people like you who were able to see what I did, and maybe you haven't even tested things yourself to verify that I have myself, but you're able to recognize that it's not just whim that dictates the content or structure of the video, I don't just pray the to the mystical AI gods for a script and say to myself "Mmm. Mui bueno, this will do" I checked out of curiosity and you're seemingly another creator and maybe you've had instances like this yourself and maybe that's why you said it anyways, doesn't matter in the end and this may have been jumbled. Carry on.
@LazyData Жыл бұрын
@@VashCowaii Absolutely, I get it, the desire to teach, the desire to make sure good info is out there. A main thing for me is teach how, not what, seems like your content is the same. Instead of showing a build then montaging it wrecking face, no, going in and explaining the interactions how it works etc. Because then you can take that and apply it to your own setups. I've really appreciated that in your guides. Give a man a fish, teach a man to fish yada yada. And yes, we encounter the same thing over in the Borderlands community too. It having alot of complex formulas at play leaves gates open for misunderstandings. Terminology in the games themselves don't help either lol. Keep doing what you're doing!
@goobyplease 11 ай бұрын
the amount of exploits u lay out so well and explain, i wish i could sub to this channel twice
@colorgreen8728 Жыл бұрын
You took your own challenge to heart looks like, you made resonating heart good
@zenopssmdk 10 ай бұрын
All things considered I fined this to be pretty balanced. If you managed to get 3 people all work together, gather the needed traits and gear, then work as a team to achieve something like this, then hell yeah go for it I'd say.. The only thing I can see the devs doing to ruin this, is if each difficulty gives a decreased efficacy to the equipment/trait themselves. But then that would be a whole new problem all together. A 1 month later edit, I made a slightly modified version of this build for random co-op, since strangers won't have some gear or click with the set up. Amulet: Brewmaster's Cork Ring 1: Seal of the Emperess Ring 2: Dead King's Memento Ring 3: Ring of the Robust Ring 4: Burden of the Divine Class 1: Medic (shield) Class 2: Summoner (flyer) Relic: Resonating Heart (Health, Healing Effectiveness, Damage Reduction) Concoctions: Mudtooth's Tonic, Meat Shake, Dark Cider Armour: Full Leto MK1 Traits: Triage Fortify Regrowth Vigor Blood Bond BarkSkin Siphoner Spirit Glutton (optional) Potency (optional) I went with Glutton then Potency so I can down the relic faster because I do get stun locked before I can refresh the buff sometimes, and then Potency just so I don't have to keep drinking potions. If those don't matter for you then I recommend Rugged or even Bloodstream. In total I get a 71.7 DR with 243.3 health. So far only 2 attacks have ever killed me out right on 3 player apocalypses. 1 would be the final boss's orb attack which I can survive if I use the medic's shield, and the second is a little iffy because I think I did survive it but it's the 3 spear attack from the previous floating root boss. But everything else I face tank perfectly fine. The only down side is you're the healer of yourself and the team so you gotta keep track of that 20 second limit each heart gives you. But other than that your health almost never dips.
@ThanaponBuamongkolChannel Жыл бұрын
Regarding [16:46], the Custodian eye also requires all players to be present in the boss arena before the fight begins.
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
Ye someone reminded me earlier and I added that bit to the pinned comment. Thank you regardless though!
@Anon1604 Жыл бұрын
My friend and I had to do this because the last PS5 patch made dodge timing impossible in coop so he just stayed in the pocket while I pumped out damage. Our setup was a smidge different (suboptimal) so it took a couple of tries but our spiteful element resistant Venom died eventually.
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
I also kinda didn't say in the video that you really need 3 peeps to make this work as well as you see in the video so that's my b, sorry it took a few tries but I'm glad you got it to work even with 2.
@cheerfuldevil 10 ай бұрын
This is dumb but smart, I love it!
@drxdrgaming Жыл бұрын
This is ridiculous and I'm here for it.
@frisky9393 Жыл бұрын
And there it is, the build that CAN tank in full team Apoc (with some team building)
@tonymuzzi3947 Жыл бұрын
Fucking incredible! Nothing wrong with the length of the video. You may not like it for whatever reason but I seriously doubt you'll get many complaints from the viewers.
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
Well, just to give context: the video took 6 hours to make. That does not include voice recording, that does not include in game testing or time spent on the new sheet I've been working on that you see in the video. While I will admit there are things I do that increase the length of time required to make a video and yeah that's my own fault lol, generally with how I make videos, the longer they are, the time it takes to make the video increases a lot. I could probably get away with being a lot lazier on my video practices, but I don't think I'll ever let myself do that. I'm glad to see nobody is complaining about the video length though, it was a concern of mine that not only would I despise how long it took to make but people would lose interest(granted, it's not quite performing as well as other videos but maybe we can chalk that up to it being a coop build, or thumbnail, or anything, idk.)
@Avendros Жыл бұрын
as you promised, that is a much sexier sheet
@garrettyim Жыл бұрын
Glad Co-Op is getting some attention here. Invalidates those that claim this game was only for solo players despite rings in the game specifically mentioning co-op mechanics.
@ac372 7 ай бұрын
is there a duo version of this? we are prepping for HC apoc and this looks like the ticket but we only 2
@thecornerho4472 Жыл бұрын
you should put together a widowmaker build i say this because A i haven't seen a good one and B the ones i have seen just aren't comprehensive for whats needed for apocalypse mode and mobbing etc etc.
@nursejoy904 Жыл бұрын
the custodians eye also requires everyone to enter the room before itll begin
@danieltallon4316 Жыл бұрын
16:38 Um, actually Tal Ratha’s alternative fight requires all players to be in the arena, as well. I’ll take my nerd now. 🥇
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
Does it actually? Man I don't remember that at all. Does everyone have to cross the arena threshold to start the fight and teleport or are you saying if one person crosses, everyone gets teleported? Also yeah. NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERD
@evilpac2327 Жыл бұрын
In which difficulty do you unlock these "friends"? Haven't seem them so far.
@thegamewin100 Жыл бұрын
Yea most people I run into I have to carry with my healing since they get 1 or 2 shot it’s kinda tough but it’s still fun
@LightStorm. 11 ай бұрын
Hopefully they don’t nerf this. If 3 people go through the trouble of doing this let them do it
@W3ryx Жыл бұрын
You should make a build on the most damage poissible in one leftclick, could be a decent idea
@scurrathetrickster6879 Жыл бұрын
for the tank part, if dmg goes by you and then transfered to your teammates, is it possible to use kinship to further reduce the overall dmg? also, how does reboot(skill) work with this setup?
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
Kinship only applies to self dmg, so you'd only use it to reduce the dmg that firestorm does to you and yeah that would reduce the dmg sent overall, but you kind of WANT firestorm to do as much dmg as it is currently doing so you can get the mod power gen yeah? IF the idea was that the dmg sent to others counts as self dmg, it does not. Reboot I didn't test but it'll do one of the 3 following options: 1) Count for nothing 2) Only count for the user and not for the shared pool or 3) Count for healing as share to the pool, just at a 50% reduced efficacy. However, as much as that might sound like a good panic button, it's not. You'd be better off slapping in a 2nd resonating heart to achieve beyond-bonkers healing instead of trying to time a panic button skill if that makes sense. Basically, if somehow something is actually going to kill you through one person's reso healing, reboot isn't gonna fix it, but more healing would.
@Max44321 Жыл бұрын
Nice, and a new spreadsheet with even more crazy math?
@ROCKhardRICHARD69 Жыл бұрын
Honestly appreciate ur intro disclaimer. Too many buzz builds that are mid AF
@Avoozlx 10 ай бұрын
Will you make an updated video for the latest patch / dlc coming out in less than a week on Remnant 2?
@Dingoman013 5 ай бұрын
So the damage gets split between summons because of blood bond, making the damage you take come out to 1/3 of what you normally would take as damage? Does the overheal on the minions also add to your overheal that you distribute?
@lordsofgaming2930 Жыл бұрын
trying to non-tank bosses, but these one shot mechanics are unforgiving. Any explanation on the Untouchable and Fitness Traits. I want to see if these will make for more agile and forgiving Iframes. I will always dodge one attack, but somehow in this game feel magnetized to the second attack.
@Re3Ns Жыл бұрын
Very impressive! I wonder what will happen if a cube smashes one person. Would all three players die? How much damage do those cubes do?
@ylandry0783 Жыл бұрын
cube's basically inflicting death, it doesn't actually do damage.
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
Cube stomp is a hazard similar to falling and dying, so I don't know how it decides to share that with the team. Would be quick to test, just not something I bothered with.
@siejcastielle Жыл бұрын
@TheObesa89 Жыл бұрын
Thank you sensei
@MartyMacFry Жыл бұрын
How does this build work and change in a boss battle that forces your friends to be in it? I have one friend I play with that is terrible at dodging. Would that nullify this build?
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
No, the build is still effective, just not quite to the extent you see when I fight venom. But in a fight like annihilation it's still gonna work really well, I actually cover this later in the video.
@BruceRichwineJr 10 ай бұрын
Song of Eafir is still bugged. I’m still unable to attain it. I haven’t seen any fixes for this.
@harrysynnott2379 Жыл бұрын
Love it. Now I've got to go back into the real world and find some friends. Pathetic, ain't it? Cheers, Harry.
@kyosukeplays Жыл бұрын
Friendship is broken indeed. Just send some peeps into a hardcore boss battle and the one outside makes life fun.
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
I guess on veteran hardcore yeah you could probably get away with sending in 2 people, I just don't wanna say that for certain yet and mislead people having not tested it myself there. That's a good point, ty. Someone already mentioned using it in HC in general, but sending in 2 peeps hadn't really been talked about for much lower difficulties.
@ernestrenroelabad5023 Жыл бұрын
Holy shit you made a whole ass video about my question LOL
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
LOL, I knew I was gonna test it eventually for the sheet's sake, I just didn't think I'd make a video on it. But I got enough coop complaints on my SOLO builds that I was like aight fuck it fine. HERE
@ernestrenroelabad5023 Жыл бұрын
@@VashCowaii LOL thats one hell of an INB4. But still thanks! We tried a variation based off of this and holy hell does this work too well. Thanks!
@Blank-cb5ce 4 ай бұрын
Mega gutes Video und mega busted build ❤
@cal7281 Жыл бұрын
never find people to play with who like mod builds they just kick you right away even when it slaps
@Rileykard Жыл бұрын
This is more an experiment than a build. I don't think anyone is stupid enough to keep 2 friends as heal sluts outside a boss fight for 20min while you tickle a boss to death. Just play invader with hyper conductor and spam void cloak with devoured loop. Great DPS and the bosses can't touch you.
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
My god man grow the fuck up. I was curious and looked to see if maybe you're the kind of person to comment on multiple vids and I just don't remember, and boy did I chuckle once I saw the answer: First you comment on the melee build saying my builds are useless bc they don't work in coop despite me never saying they would. Now, I make a coop build and your argument is that it will take a while to kill the bosses when you already knew that given your first comment which stated that YOU YOURSELF were one of the people "stupid enough" to try and apply this kind of playstyle. Like man I get you're upset that someone was able to completely trivialize what probably took you forever to get the first time, and I get that maybe you want people to go through that same slog that you did but not everyone finds enjoyment from every boss in the game and given that you've used my builds yourself, you already know that you poser lmfao. There are innumerable reasons for why someone might be interested in the builds I offer. The far better and more intelligent debate to offer here would have been: Does everyone even **deserve** apoc rewards just because they want them? And then I might have been able to sympathize with you, but rn all I see is someone thoughtlessly stomping their feet out of insecurity. You were so bothered by it that you not only commented once on this video already, but continued to stew over it to the point you came back an hour later to post this and show your balls haven't dropped yet. If in the future you want to offer a comment that is anything besides a raging bitch-fit, that's fine, but going forward think for half a second before opening your mouth. In the entire time I've made videos I've only ever disabled one person's ability to comment that wasn't a bot, but you're a contender for #2.
@Rileykard Жыл бұрын
​@@VashCowaiiNo idea why I'm only seeing the notification for this rant now but ok... first, ironic telling someone to grow up when you're this mad about a comment. I've seen kids with more self control. Second I was looking for melee builds because it was the only build I didn't give a shot at the time, your video was just one of the results and it was useless since I was planning on playing with friends. Rant all you want, that build was useless on coop, don't care if you said it was for coop or not. "Now I made a coop build" LOL, LMAO even. The sad part is that you really think this is a coop build. Amazing gameplay your friends are having there, clown. Very engaging. Also LOLing at the "a while to kill". What is the name you gave this build? "The coma inducer"? "Took you forever" holy mother of projection lol. I have videos of me beating bosses on apoc no damage mate. Don't try that BS with me. The rest of your comment is just a nonsense projection mixed with useless rant. I'm really glad my comment made you seethe this much, thanks for the laugh.
@arimariyoma9349 Жыл бұрын
Does my teammates will they be able to purchase the apocalypse rewards from vendor Brabus or only the host?
@hahaalexasendthistorodrick Жыл бұрын
Custodians eye requires you all to be in the arena, also if you're in coop using gamemaster ring on annihilation, DESTROY THE FUCKING ORBS. I have never been able to fully tank all of them and usually it ends with a full team wipe, but to be fair I haven't experimented with them and haven't gone up against an annihilation in apoc without a damage affix
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
We ALMOST died to orbs, and I'm talking phase 2 orbs, but we could actually tank them even with spiteful. And ye someone else reminded me of the Eye but thankfully that boss is telegraphed af, and I wouldn't even recommend trying to tank him as everyone can easily run around blasting the poor boi, however like anni you could still make it work.
@sirkiller475 Жыл бұрын
This is so gross. I fucking love it
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
Snorted at this
@Deadsnake989 Жыл бұрын
Back in you resonating heart video, I posted a comment about how I was running a tank/medic hybrid with reso heart and all 3 of us were running game master's pride. Out of curiosity, was it me who prompted you to try this?
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
No, but I am not surprised people were already running this, props for doing so. The only thing I would think people *didn't* do yet is map it all out. I'd already had it in the back of my mind I just never cared enough to make a coop build. But I've gotten enough comments asking for coop builds, and even a guy who made a whole video trying to tell people that I'm lying to people while showing my SOLO builds in coop use lmfao, that I was like aight fine. COOP IT IS, ARE YA HAPPY NOW? XD
@Deadsnake989 Жыл бұрын
@@VashCowaii Ah I see. I was basically running a combo of the tank and the healer from this guide. And my friends were running damage builds, while wearing leto's and trying to get as close to DR cap as possible. Our results were, what you see here lmao. I thought it'd be really funny if my comment inspired you to try this. Because it was your DR guide that inspired me to make my healer tank.
@MuraCasardis Жыл бұрын
Power of Friendship thrives again.
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
There is no end to Nakama power!
@Hassimal Жыл бұрын
They need to fix difficulty rewards on ps5
@Rios-ov3xi Жыл бұрын
Why not have person 3 be on dog or engineer instead, just to get more minions?
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
You could, that's an option. There are still ways yet to maximize on the healing, the video was just done in a way to show that not everything had to be fully minmaxed(though some would laugh at that, coming from me) in order to achieve this result: -I don't have capped DR, but close -I don't have max healing, but just one person healing me -etc. Which is already gamebreaking, ya know?
@devinlemons7457 Жыл бұрын
Think red prince pulls all party members in
@winmau.88 Жыл бұрын
Literal PHD in remnant 2
@rezaruki3912 Жыл бұрын
Ah i see thats why when ive played it on apo there was one player that afk but healing me on the backstage lolz
@7raizen Жыл бұрын
Wanted to say thank you for your build guides! Quick question since I didnt hear it addressed - why choose shadeskin over kinship when using firestorm? Since firestorm is actually a massive source of damage to yourself, won't the greater damage reduction of kinship allow you to turn the entire boss arena into an even bigger, funnier hellstorm?
@godknightomega Жыл бұрын
Probably because the Medic benefits from you taking more damage. If the Medic can get their Regenerator bar filled faster (because it's +50% more required per extra player) then you can literally sit there all day like in this video with no issues.
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
The other guy part hit the nail on the head. 1) It's not a terrible thing to give the medic more healing, but 1) Kinship makes it so firestorm does *too little* damage too us. Our effective DR is already too the moon. If you wanted to firestorm spam safely but didn't care about getting as much mod power as quickly, kinship would be an option, I just opted to get modpower nearly instantaneously over using mods with somewhat more safety.
@7raizen Жыл бұрын
@@VashCowaii I guess that makes sense, you mentioned firestorm actually being able to kill you despite this builds utterly insane EHP and healing, so I figured you could amp up the firestorm spam but if you can't generate enough modpower to start the process then you're just bootstrapped. Hmm, maybe 4 points or less in kinship though, and push the remaining points to spirit instead to compensate a bit? Or just full kinship and just have all three people step inside with tank builds and spam firestorm (lol).
@dantemallory5513 Жыл бұрын
This is a question based on my concern towards the build, however is this viable for use with only 2 people as my friend and I only duo play remnant 2?
@KillahX669 Жыл бұрын
I’m bit confused. Isn’t your healing buddy providing infinite heal to you? So your build technically is just mod power generation so you can spam mod. Your damage is countered by your friends healing, high efficacy providing so much healing that all damages are quickly nullified. I run your friends build with 350+ armour in coop, and never really see anyone die no matter how much damage they take unless it’s one of those one hit kill mechanism.
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
Healing doesn't mean that I don't take damage, healing is not damage nullification. Healing helps you recover from damage but you still take damage. Almost every single attack that people think is a "one shot mechanism" is not a one shot mech, it's just a high damage attack. Nothing is being countered by my friend's healing.
@KillahX669 Жыл бұрын
@@VashCowaii yes but damages you are taking are super quickly healed by your medic buddy. Also because your DR and splitting the damage you take means you never gonna take that big of a damage that would kill you. So ultimately it’s damage reduction build with damage sharing, relying on healing to heal you back to full heath. Using damage you take to convert to mod power. Overall it’s good team build. I am trying to understand how different it is from my coop experiences where no teammates dies anyways because of my healing
@joseph-sj7hz Жыл бұрын
Does this work on main boss
@dystria4721 Жыл бұрын
Before the question, i just want to say, this is yet another insane video with massive amounts of effort, so props to you man. I just wanna ask since you emphasized that one person is the bus tank and one person is a complete dedicated healer, can the third person run a decently spec damage dealer or would that ruin the whole point of there being one true tank that takes all the aggro? And would there be a way to have this third person helps deal damage but at the same time not too much to draw aggro? Thanks again for the video man
@Ananomos Жыл бұрын
Nightfall may be a good weapon to use for aggro reduction since it's mod makes you less targetable. The ring that also reduces enemy awareness may help too.
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
Realistically most of the bosses in the game do not have the dmg or the burst of something like Venom, Venom is an edge case for extreme damage and that's why we show it in the video to prove a point(note that even with vicious spiteful, we still could not have died). Because of that, you are mostly likely able to get away with much easier bosses, using 2 dmg dealers as long as they spread out, yes. I would say you'll be just fine doing that, and obviously if it doesn't work out, you can just tuck away your 2nd with the 3rd and have the driver do it all.
@swift-pawedteif386 Жыл бұрын
@@VashCowaiifrom my experience. The boss targets the dmg dealer. And while this isn’t the point of a video I took of my fight with nightweaver. (Took cause it’s unedited garbage) you can clearly see how the boss thinks I’m in a solo game unless I’m down.
@whatever_2808 Жыл бұрын
@@swift-pawedteif386 this is true, no matter how far u r from the boss, if u r doing the most damage the boss agros you. With this build we just have to be cautious of not dealing high damage at once but spread it out throughout the fight.
@lindinl Жыл бұрын
Guys, he has achieved Sage Mode. All the Naruto fans will understand what I'm saying here 😂 (The 2 shadow clones constantly gathering nature energy for Naruto)
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
I didn't even think of that lol, the only diff here is my clones are never going to run out of sage energy
@mrpronoob7505 Жыл бұрын
What about being stomped on by the cube boss in the labyrinth? can that 1 shot you?
@whatever_2808 Жыл бұрын
That is a 1 shot mechanic and yes you die, not sure how much damage it deals and what happens to ur team mates
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
cube stomp doesn't do damage unless you get *partially* hit aka hide in a pit, it's considered a hazard so yeah
@colorgreen8728 Жыл бұрын
I feel like a cool, but albeit less useful, would be a build about using relics and having them not actually be used. I was thinking kuri kuri charm and the other ring that does the same thing. I just haven’t gotten around to making one. Maybe you’ll like this idea enough to look at it
@teddiecrash8216 Жыл бұрын
Nice job, i use your last "tank-Build", nice to tank & heal the party...
@inoizyl7882 Жыл бұрын
Respectfully this seems cool on paper and in your case purely because of the circumstances pretty dope however I don't see this actually being practical for obvious reasons, I find it easier just to get some dr and make a healing build like your friend and apart from certain boss one shot mechanics ur able to achieve the same result and is much more practical for example u can have other 2 people run whatever they want like dps
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
I think you'd be surprised at just how many people would love to use this to beat whatever boss is stumping them. Obv yeah run what you like, not trying to bag on that, just saying that while you may personally not think it practical, there are many who would find it to be the opposite. I'm not sure I would have viewers if that weren't the case given the subject matter I cover.
@inoizyl7882 Жыл бұрын
@VashCowaii I guess it's my style or way of thinking or preferences but apart from some people getting a good laugh of this build or builds or even being clutch for some atleast for me even some of your older builds can do the same thing with 1 or 2 equipments swaps wich I've done but I ain't a hater tho, all love and looking forward to some dps or other creative builds
@ANDELE3025 Жыл бұрын
Even on a regular setup, if its with people running high DR builds, GM ring is effectively free extra survival. Remnant doesnt kill players (the vast majority of the time) with sustained firepower, but with slaps that hit for 40% of your hp and slams that go up to 90% easily (+/-10% depending on rings, summons and song). So 2 people taking 75 damage is far better than you taking 150, even if those 75 come in twice as often as long as it doesnt outpace the non-cd healing.
@swift-pawedteif386 Жыл бұрын
So I love this but I cheese this particular fight with movement speed and dot. You can outrun this boss the entire fight so I just do that. It’s like this but I can die instantly if I get tired or roll into a wall. It’s cheese but the build you showed is more like artillery.
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
LMAO, fair enough. And ye I just wanted to show how absurd it gets, artillery indeed.
@godknightomega Жыл бұрын
I cheese Venom with Leeroy the Summoned Reaver. I just idle around the corner of where Leeroy and Venom are dueling popping a Relic every so often to keep Leeroy healthy.
@swift-pawedteif386 Жыл бұрын
@@godknightomegawell the idea is too get as close to playing as possible.
@godknightomega Жыл бұрын
@@swift-pawedteif386 Oh you still do. Still got to evade all of Venom's AoEs, heal Leeroy, and try not to draw attention to yourself with strategic movements. I found if you heal your summon in line of sight of Venom, he'll come after you instead. Not as engaging as shooting Venom yourself but it's far from AFK.
@gabrielc7861 Жыл бұрын
6:32 May I interest you in a cube in these trying times?
@ANDELE3025 Жыл бұрын
Wondered how long it takes for someone to do a summoner+GM ring mix. Ah engi+bus instead. Shame thought it would be at least a 12 man gang up.
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
LMFAO 12 man! That would be funny. And yeah I'm surprised nobody covered GM yet, it's been in the back of my mind and I'd planned to look at it if only for the sheet calculations, but I think just nobody touched it yet as nobody was willing to map it out with the math and if they were to cover it all they could have said was "it just works" And, bc of that, I guess I get to beat people to the punch after getting tired of people asking for a coop build.
@colorgreen8728 Жыл бұрын
Do you have that math spreadsheet for DR that we could access?
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
See community posts for more information on the updated sheet release. Use the simple sheet you already have in the meantime
@colorgreen8728 Жыл бұрын
@@VashCowaii ok thanks
@ericdunthorne1981 Жыл бұрын
I thought you weren't going to do any more tank builds?
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
I thought that too until I realized you guys have friends. NOW I'm done.
@SuperCatsgomoo Жыл бұрын
what's your problem with matriarchs insignia? frees up a ring slot an gives you a 35% melee damage increase, are you missing your melee hits?
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
So landing the hits doesn't matter here at all, so to your credit I did actually forget to adjust the amulet when showing the alt melee loadout. BUT~ If we put it in the context of the solo build: not all bosses CAN be hit at all times during their fights. Pocketwatch increases the stamina gained regardless of if hits happen or not, making it incredibly easy and fast to generate shield from rerouting while you're waiting. Matriarch's is a damage choice, not a survivability choice. In the context of the solo build, pocket wins, but in the context of something like this, yeah matriarch is a good fit.
@SuperCatsgomoo Жыл бұрын
gotcha, in the context of the melee tank build video i understand the choice ya made an clarifying that you didnt have decayed margin was solid acknowledgement@@VashCowaii
@wreon88 Жыл бұрын
@SuperCatsgomoo Жыл бұрын
told ya so
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
I'm gonna go look at your prior comments and unless you have an incredibly detailed comment that I missed and you just hashed out everything, I'm gonna be disappointed.
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
Aight I looked lol. Didn't give any breakdowns, we both just agreed at the time that coop builds would use it. Carry on.
@SuperCatsgomoo Жыл бұрын
I have very little time to explain like you, i like the confidence you have which is why i watch@@VashCowaii
@thisguy9919 10 ай бұрын
The BIG QUESTION! IF You are SOLO, then what???
@VashCowaii 10 ай бұрын
See latest video
@pat77pat Жыл бұрын
Yeah but what about empathy? 🤣
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
Bro D:
@pat77pat Жыл бұрын
@@VashCowaii by the way, you’re melee build is so broken! I love to join randoms on nightmare or apocalypse and just crush their bosses while they lay on the ground!! I’ll need a new contrôler soon because the R2 is about to pass away!! 😎
@MIDheir Жыл бұрын
I can barely make a functioning pivot table in excel, how the fuck do you think of this?!
@pondomatik 10 ай бұрын
looks interesting but must be a very boring second player.... need a 2nd player load out that they can be apart of the fight at all times
@TheKevonmalon Жыл бұрын
NAAAKAAAAAMAAAA!!!!!!!! plot armor wait wrong anime :V
@fazoodle7972 Жыл бұрын
Resonating heart is shit! ......... Resonating heart OP! 😆 heck ya
@MrMocomonstre 7 ай бұрын
unkilable but damn you took 2hour per boss to kill it the damage ain't there that all
@VashCowaii 7 ай бұрын
Dmg is only as shit as you make it man, unkillable doesn't mean complete AFK so quit wankin and left click every now and then and almost every boss will be under 10min.
@rzm3470 Жыл бұрын
@josemagalaxys Жыл бұрын
Try play in hardcore mode with friends and use no harcore mode pj's, only 1 hardcore mode and enter in game, only hardcore mode player is mortal.
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
Ye that'd be one way to get through hardcore, since I believe if the guy in the arena dies, you can just rez them at the stone without losing their character.
@swift-pawedteif386 Жыл бұрын
@@VashCowaiithis is what I call tethering and it’s effective on nearly everything. Some bosses actually pull both of you into the arena during a cutscene but not after. Which is important because there’s no going back on hardcore. Also how could you beat the cube boss without tethering. F that boss on hardcore. Jk but it’s too stressful
@Fackletard Жыл бұрын
Any advice on changes for two people? We have Empathy/Regenerator and it's a bitch. I took off one of the rings to switch to the Bright Steel ring for an ability to dodge. Made it a little better, but still got killed every time. Got him down to about 1/3. We are first time Remnant players so the challenge is real.
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
I would honestly advise looking for a 3rd in the remnant discord's LFG, you could probably find one. It's gonna be harder trying this in apoc with just two people, the diff between 2 and 3 peeps sharing dmg is pretty huge
@Fackletard Жыл бұрын
@@VashCowaii Pretty sure we agree with you on the damage sharing. It made it not work quite well. I ended up keeping my wife at the checkpoint and I just went in with the Space Worker outfit and completed it as I was able to dodge away so quickly that he couldn't keep up. Made it actually work well for a Hunter/Gunslinger damage build. We just don't want to play with anyone else. But honestly, your build videos are great and we really appreciate the time you put into them.
@shnsnto Жыл бұрын
Someone put out a vid out there that says that tank builds arent real. They even showed a clip of them allegedly using the most optimized tank build + 2 other medics in the team, but still dying to just one orb from annihilation. What a disgrace to Leto's armor that was. Lol
@VashCowaii Жыл бұрын
Ye they tried to tell people I was misleading others with my builds but they had a LOT wrong with that video, and didn't understand a lot of concepts behind how we make tanking work. I already shredded them and their video though, no need to go dig it up.
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