Рет қаралды 111
For detailed recipe visit: veggietalelife...
One of those dishes where you need over 20 ingredients, but every ingredient and every second of making it is worth!
I LOVE thai kitchen because they use lots of fresh and sour ingredients, and I often go to restaurants to enjoy thai food. But honestly, I'm always hungry (not hungry, but I could eat some more) and I would have to spend $50 to satisfie my cravings LOL. So I decided to try and make my own thai curry and eat AS MUCH AS I WANT and see how much money I would have to spend to make it. It turned out I didn't have to spend as much as I thought I would. We had our friends over for lunch and we even had some leftovers for the second day. So it definitely was worth to invest in the ingredients.
Our omni friends approved this recipe and they said they had a feeling like they're in some kind of a restaurant, so give this recipe a try and let me know if you liked it.
Za detaljan recept posjeti: veggietalelife...
Ovo je jedno od onih jela za koje ti treba više od 20 sastojaka, ali svaki sastojak i svaka minuta koju uložite u pripravu ovog jela zaista se isplati. Obožavam tajlandsku kuhinju jer oni koriste puno svježih i kiselkastih sastojaka i zbog toga često idem u tajlandske restorane. Ali iskreno, ja sam uvijek gladna (ne gladna, ali mogla bih još malo jesti) i trebala bih potrošiti 250kn da bih zadovoljila svoj apetit kad je u pitanju takva hrana. Iz tog razloga odlučila sam se napraviti svoj recept za tajlandski curry da mogu jesti koliko želim i da vidim koliko će me na kraju financijski izaći to jelo. Ispada da nisam potrošila toliko novaca koliko sam mislila da ću potrošiti na sastojke. Pozvali smo prijatelje da podijelimo ovo jelo s njima i još nam je ostalo hrane za drugi tan, tako da se količinski definitivno isplatilo jelo. Prijatelji su mesojedi i rekli su da je recept odličan i da su imali osjećaj kao da jedu u nekom restoranu. Isprobaj ovaj recep i javi mi dojmove.