Labai labai graži ir rimta daina. Klausantis šios dainos virpa širdis. Ačiū Jums, gerbiama Veronika. Gamtos garsų skambesys ir pritariantys balsai čia labai dera. Norėtus išgirsti daugiau panašių dainų. Ačiū
@adelijaivinskiene1044 жыл бұрын
Man Veronikos dainos paliečia širdį, protą ir nuteikia gerumui. Ačiū.
@jolantastankeviciute67057 жыл бұрын
fantastika... koks grozis!!!!
@t-486 жыл бұрын
Daugiau Veronikos Povilionìenes dainu,siela atsigauna
@VidmantasSakalauskasmakaras8 жыл бұрын
.....Šiuo metu jau yra išleistos 7 mano muzikinės knygos su 107 kūriniais ir 8 CD kompaktais tai ; 1. Vidmanto Sakalausko ir Valerijos Berteškienės ''Diemedėlio dainos ir giesmės''+CD .2. Vidmanto Sakalausko ir Valerijos Berteškienės ''Diemedėlio dainos ir pjesės fortepijonui ''+CD .3. Vidmanto Sakalausko ''Fortepijoninės pjesės vaikams ir jaunimui'' +CD .4. Vidmanto Sakalausko ''Laikas '' ,tai dainos jaunimui + 2 CD . 5. Vidmanto Sakalausko ''Sodas '' tai dainos ne tik jaunimui +CD. 6. Vidmanto Sakalausko ''Tėviškė '' +CD .7. Vidmanto Sakalausko ''Lyrinės dainos ''+CD . Knygos yra parduodamos visuose Lietuvos knygynuose ir ne ....tik. Knygas galima įsigyti ir adresu ; el. paštas info / faksas [841 ] 421857 . Interneto adresas http; // www.lucilijus .lt [kompozitorius Vidmantas Sakalauskas --youtube --Šiauliai --LITHUANIA .
@AstaKuz6 жыл бұрын
Veronika yra aukso gabalelis,kuri moko visus gerumo
@deathinthepark13 жыл бұрын
@dreacul in Lithuania daina means song not type of song would be interesting what type of songs doina is :) . It is not strange at all that we have some similar words with similar meanings. There are some scientists especialy Jonas Basanavičius (the nineteenth century) who says that Lithuanians and Balkanian nations have lots of things that it is very common. :)
@gerdafate49878 жыл бұрын
Suvirpina širdį klausantis šios Liaudies dainų atlikėjos dainų 'VERONIKA PAVILIONIENĖ - Saulė nusileido'
@dreacul13 жыл бұрын
WOW!!!!! Daina??? Daina is the type of the song right??? Well, here in Romania we say Doina to this style. There are many types of doina/daina: for love, for death, for happiness etcetera..... i'm....shocked :-|
@yomajo7 жыл бұрын
Daina (lithuanian)= song (English). Daina su gamtos garsais. = Song with ambient sounds.
@wwFwA6 жыл бұрын
Wir all brothers und sisters.Childrens of Nature...
@moonwalk18995 жыл бұрын
Lithianian now is the most ancient language. so yes it keeps all indo-european songs in it. that`s why many words are common. in ALL european and indian languages (english, german, russian, iranian, sanskrit, greek, latin) etc. and they keep their ancient culture longer another populations. so....scientists just have started to find HOW they didn`t seek in a right place. they should seek all roots in Lithuania.
@mhdenzaxar2 жыл бұрын
Yep, in Lithuania ppl say daina. There are many types too. This is folklore
@dreacul13 жыл бұрын
@deathinthepark Sorry, what I meant to say is that doina means song but there are different types of doina. I have to read more, it sims that I discovered a new passion! Peace cousin (why not?) :-)
@1Thief2Laws11 жыл бұрын
Daina "song" dainos "songs" doina something else
@NoNameThoughtOfYet4 жыл бұрын
Can Someone Upload This Without The Bird Noises In The Background? I Find It Distracting And Annoying... Labi Aciu! :)
@mazahharova4 жыл бұрын
кто-то может описать эту песнб несколькими предложениями? Пожалуйста опишите