The Dark Side of the London Olympics (Part 1/4)

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VICE takes an in-depth look at the British public's reaction to The Games in London and the negative impact it's having on certain people's lives.
One thing that's great about the Olympics is all the fabulous regeneration in East London. We went to meet all the lucky locals, such as the residents of the Carpenter's Estate, who have been evicted from their homes to make way for the Games. Some of them even got moved to Stoke! Lucky them. Marginally more hyped about the whole thing are the competitors in the Boris Johnson themed "wiff-waff" tournament (that's ping-pong to you, me, and everyone besides Boris).
Watch the rest here
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
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@JoshWaller 3 жыл бұрын
They’re complaining about how the area has a lot of noise, I’m sure their flats are worth a lot lot more now because of the regeneration not to mention the incredible views they get from their balconies. I’d love to live in one of the flats overlooking the Olympic park.
@JoshWaller Жыл бұрын
@@TreeMovies Many do, especially in East. Thatcher enabled many of the families to purchase their properties.
@lolololol01_uw0t 12 жыл бұрын
I completely agree with this. Being British I was thinking it would be quite hard to follow for a foreigner but for the people that understood it, it was fantastic (imo)
@bennihana123 12 жыл бұрын
In '96 Atlanta was transformed from the ghetto where you go to get robbed or stabbed to a relatively world class city. It really turned the city around, but I'm sure London is completely different animal.
@AntiSecure 12 жыл бұрын
I hate sports. I never watch the Olympics and probably never will. But I hope it never stops. There's so much history in it, I don't think it should ever stop. As was said, it's the only world event that brings the world together... We need more of that. Much more.
@olusiomowunmi8269 11 жыл бұрын
Olympics is one of the greatest ever on earth concerning games and sports. No matter what happens in any of this olympic events or host cities, it's work of uniting, friending and promoting souls on earth. SO LET US ALL GROW IN THE SPIRIT OF THE OLYMPICS
@ericaojong 12 жыл бұрын
Read the description, part 2 will be posted on Monday.
@phoenix2349 12 жыл бұрын
I'm under the impression that the people who were evicted were in benefit houses that they didn't own in the first place. Getting a free very very high value and expensive house in a area that richer paying families want to move into means that Its reasonable to expect to be moved to a cheaper town or area. Would you want benefit scroungers taking a house from a family willing to pay for it?
@haboob308 12 жыл бұрын
Don't rely on the council for you home and they can't tell you to move!
@rob098890 12 жыл бұрын
If I had an olympic ticket I'd give it to that old man.
@ultrasions 12 жыл бұрын
Just wanted to say, your comment restored a little bit of my faith in humanity, "cheers" :P
@13KILLTOLIVE13 12 жыл бұрын
1:46 I found Waldo!
@loloioi 11 жыл бұрын
same thing happened to the vancouver 2010 winter olympics... >_>
@MrBurkdawg 11 жыл бұрын
that is looking at different areas of America, but in general they are louder
@gullreefclub 12 жыл бұрын
The people that were displaced by the building of the Olympic park etc in the 1700 and 1800 would have been sent to America and Australia's prison or debtor now they just send them to Edinburgh and Stoke.
@Mordawan 11 жыл бұрын
My uni at 0:32 - 0:45 !!!! Wuup wuup!
@ZGJDJD 12 жыл бұрын
First of all I'm born and lived in Beijing. And this is exactly what happened back in 2008 Beijing olympics. This kind of city "face lift" are always considered and executed to show the world a positive image. It's like fixing your hair,washing your face before a date. It's totally understandable for these civilians to protest against it, and it's very unfortunate.
@kidkurls 12 жыл бұрын
This is a really good, and necessary, documentary. The perfect antidote to the endless pro-olympic bilge pumped out of the TV and radio that I spend most of my day trying to avoid.
@wizzardwacs 5 жыл бұрын
HMM... So this man can afford to book a flight to China and go to that Olympics but cannot afford to get a train and book a ticket to the London Olympics. Even if the London Olympics were expensive, they surely weren't THAT expensive.
@ReligiousAnarchist 11 жыл бұрын
If a woman with 2 kids is getting moved to a hotel, the only thing that has changed is where she lives so she still has to work. Your excuse saying the mother cant go to work to look after her kids anymore is lame. What do you think she did before? They want a new house. They want everything given to them
@ShredSurfSkateRepeat 12 жыл бұрын
I was a 'victim' of the 2010 winter olympics in whistler BC. Lived there happily for awhile and supported myself working amongst other 'ski bums' and lots of euro's and auzzies having a gap year paid for by their parents, no resentment, however, the olympics come and for 3 months I can't drive to work anymore because of checkpoints and our rent triples, hard for someone paying $450 to have to pay $1300. Lived in houses made for 4 packed with 15 people olympics fucked some of us locals right up
@rononel2921 12 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately the regulation that appears in Manhattan isn't being applied here. There have been a couple of documentaries in the British media (see dispatches on channel 4) that have interviewed people who's contracts are not being renewed or can only be renewed if you pay anywhere up to £1000 per week because they know they can get this from Olympic visitors. Now I know that a renewed contract doesn't quite fall under rent control but the landlords are throwing people out to make a quick buck.
@dystorl2907 11 жыл бұрын
I know this is terrible. And i will get hate on this. But I love the Olympics because it is basicly an event that every country can participate in. i know it is a huge waste of money but I am not affected by it. Sure the poor are the ones who loose out but I am not poor, and I do not care. Again, I know it is bad for me saying this. but it is my opinion.
@wizzardwacs 5 жыл бұрын
"I am not poor, and I do not care." Love it :)
@RZAwrecktor 12 жыл бұрын
"...A really really shit opening ceremony, thats my prediction"
@lilkujo 11 жыл бұрын
wtf? A Westfield mall?????? Wow I live in L.A and we have one of those? Damn commercialization sure can travel... didn't know it was Aussie either
@WrathofRS 12 жыл бұрын
@markalexwhite Жыл бұрын
Edwin should have bought some teeth instead of Olympics tickets!
@HuffDaddyYT 12 жыл бұрын
no no, i have no idea what your talking about. hi who are you?
@MuonRay 12 жыл бұрын
14 billion for just this year?! Wow, this is a travesty.
@earlmcraw5606 3 жыл бұрын
Fast forward 8 years and it’s no wonder people are dying of radiation. As for ping pong, we all know how that ties in with pizza-gate, don’t we?
@JoeyXSmith 8 жыл бұрын
To be honest, this stuff happens where ever the Olympics is being held. Its happening in Rio now. After the Olympics is over, most of those places become empty. Rarely being used and ends up just being a eye sore to the locals.
@syvallone2146 7 жыл бұрын
London is the only place in history that actually utilized their stadium though. Sochi, Rio, Montreal, Athens, and Beijing were disastrous and I feel so bad for their economies.' Montreal said it took the tax payers 30 years to pay off the stadium and I think it's been abandoned since the 70s
@therealdohos2607 3 жыл бұрын
someone got up on Vice with his throwie but the throwie is the most awful ive ever seen xD if you're gonna make history, show the world you have skill instead of showing them how lame your style is xD
@ARTG33K74 12 жыл бұрын
Chicago was so sure it was going to get the 2012 Olympics, partly because President Obama's home city, partly from marketing, the city council put an alcohol tax on bottled water. I felt with that gesture, the rich were going to cash in on any Olympics, government would make money, the rest of us were going to suffer. I was happy when they went to London. Oh, and the bottled water tax is still in place.
@HuffDaddyYT 12 жыл бұрын
8:38 is that a dude or a chick? lol
@w0tm 12 жыл бұрын
attendance even at the most popular events is so far down they are giving away tickets to all those in the military. Before that on TV it looked as if the events were just practice as some had less than half the seats filled. This will be the final blow to the UK economy. And perhaps all of the EU.
@HuffDaddyYT 12 жыл бұрын
oh uh... huh nvm. YOU SAW NOTHING
@jetpiloteyes1 11 жыл бұрын
What the fuck? His point was that a Northern city didn't get the Olympics, and that's really typical...of course it's was hosted in London. Anything important that happens in England is automatically London-centric. I live in the South but I find it really annoying that London and the South basically rule the whole of the rest of the UK!
@ff7pianist 11 жыл бұрын
Don't make generalizations about entire populations. Many people think the same of us but that's not true either. Part to whole fallacy is, after all, a fallacy.
@messos 12 жыл бұрын
$14Billion? May I know how many f**king life can we save with such amount of money? F**K!!! It's just a freaking sport!!!
@MuonRay 12 жыл бұрын
Wiff-Waff? oh god...
@FPSgamerChihakuryu 12 жыл бұрын
ur annotation for part is is a subscription annotation and doesnt really go to part 2....
@noprofitmaximierung 12 жыл бұрын
Aye, he must be very proud of his masters success; American Workers Real Wages have stagnated since the early 70's, working the same real hours as in 1945, while US workers' productivity has increased 85% since 1979. Isn't a hard days work just grand when you don't even need to think about anything you do and can live your life being a hardy worker toiling for the profits of the 1%?
@vague69 11 жыл бұрын
That is weird for me, I mean its hard for me to understand but that is very cool...I'm a white american, honestly racism is huge...its all over here on both sides, sadly the reasoning all goes back to slavery I mean that for both sides if it makes sense. I catch myself being raciest all the time when in all reality its the last thing I think of, its so ingrained in our culture our media pushes it in so many subtle ways I mean this on both sides not just white or just black. If that makes sense.
@CrimpyStryder5958 12 жыл бұрын
First, we were £377 mil. under budget. Nothing fucked up at the last minute - the games was a huge success, as all of the atheletes agreed. Third: we were already in debt muppet! As the vast majority of the population will agree, we would rather have had this massive morale boost than a relatively minor saving, in the grand scheme of things. Find it amusing that vice, an american production, made this, considering the atlanta games was such a disaster. Stop stirring shit.
@ritchie19no2 12 жыл бұрын
Just saying that : 1) Nothing fucked up, 2) the stadium is being sold 3) If you look @ this months GDP figures for the UK it has given the economy a boost But i do agree with the fact they went over budget, it wasn't a problem as the money went back into the UK economy anyway but the olympic committee got it wrong. These poorer areas in london got worse when the labour government came to power, they let mass immigration take place & that fucked the area & the economy.
@ShredSurfSkateRepeat 12 жыл бұрын
not saying everyone got effected but I didn't anticipate the rise in costs for everything, I had my full time job and full time 'partying/riding' position and I didn't have lots of money to begin with. your savings don't go a long way when the expenses of daily life triples no need to tell you that, all the kids there on gap years had the best time of their lives not having to work. I had a friend make 25k profit scalping tickets/selling drugs, only success story from our circle
@CrimpyStryder5958 12 жыл бұрын
True, but then how much will this amount of money help towards the 'bigger picture'? I agree with you, it's important to be constantly developing, but to what extent will this actually happen with £8bn ? hundreds, even thousands of bns have been spent on such causes down the years, and yes, advances have been made, but only after many years. £8bn is a drop in the ocean when it comes to 'the big picture'. The point is, the money would have been equally well spent on the olympics than on research.
@GreenBallooooon 12 жыл бұрын
It looks like there was a wasteland before and they made a small amount of it nicer.. I'm pretty sure they would have checked for radiation in the stadium! These protesters seem like a bunch of people who think the country owes them something for having the Olympics in that area! It must have been SO annoying having that site the other side of the railway! I do agree that it was wrong to evict so many people, but they all got better or equivalent housing, and I don't see any of THEM complaining!
@purpleprinc3 12 жыл бұрын
What people don't understand however is that the profits from the Olympics (which won't cover the cost) will go towards corporations not to the benefit of the people. It will be the taxpayer who is left with the bill. It's a shame, because people in Britain are so desperate to be proud of something, I want to be proud of the Olympics, but the manner in which it is done can only be described as an act of corruption, something I am certainly not proud of. Pride for Britain, not corporations.
@coolhand6656 12 жыл бұрын
What about the middle class.? We pay more taxes than anyone else as a group and then when something like the Olympics is announced, special interests groups for the poor make a big stink that the money should go to them. Fuck that. The middle class should get something for once. The games is a celebration of human achievement. Tickets are not so out of reach for middle class so we can enjoy the games as well as the fat cats. The middle class gets the shaft and we are what keep the economy going
@gr8stt 12 жыл бұрын
i think this docs a bit unfair. ive lived in this area for a while and went to the university near by. before the olyimpics, this place was bit of a shit hole with massive dis used industrial parks and a lot of general detritus. the local area was (and some of it still is) disproportional populated with post war and 70s social housing estates that were really not fit for purpose. the demolition of these horrid tower blocks has been going on for ages through out the country.
@THE1212HURRICANE 12 жыл бұрын
I never new that English people were Gods. I know their mayor thinks they are. I thought the Olympics were from Greece, now I know they are from that tiny little Island just off the coast of France called England. Oh Yes you Brits are Great. You are the best. We are nothing copared to you. I feel so happy I am on the same planet as you great Brits. Now lets see how many metals you Great people win!
@Slave2Metal1 12 жыл бұрын
I live North of Chicago. Chicago put in a bid for the olympic games in 2020 i believe. You have to realize when you are hosting an event like this it has a negative effect on the public. Streets are closed so it's harder to get to work. Lots of tourism raises crime because all big cities have areas that are slums. It also costs alot of money to host. Chicago spent a few million dollars just to bid on the olympics and lost to rio de janero and Illinois is broke completely out of money.
@rononel2921 12 жыл бұрын
No, I'm afraid statistically speaking it will be a huge loss making enterprise for Britain. Historically host nations don't make anywhere near as much money as it costs to host the Olympics. Also, historically, the amount of revenue and extra tourism generated by the games falls far short of any predictions......... A quick side note as well, this games has gone 100% over budget so far.
@rononel2921 12 жыл бұрын
The Olympics is not as good for the economy as the spin doctors would like you to believe. Yeah there will be a temporary boost in the tourist economy, but only for about 6-8 weeks, also it will really help London. Manchester and Cardiff will also see a slight boost because they are hosting some of the football events, but most of Britain wont see anything. Also it has cost the British tax payer £8 billion to build the Olympic park so overall it's probably going to be a loss making venture.
@rononel2921 12 жыл бұрын
1200 Pounds a month salary really isn't that much......It equates to £14400 a year before tax and national insurance. When you consider the average rent/mortgage in London is somewhere in the region of £600 a month you're not really looking at a lot of money left over to pay for things like food and bills. I admit that in the past Britain did it's fair share of horrid things to the rest of the world but there are some serious economic problems here that need sorting.
@tommarshallnikon 12 жыл бұрын
As an Australian i am ashamed that our heritage / beginnings were from england we would not kick people out of their homes and if we did cause any impact on people we would compensate them in one way or another, also how fucked is it that Edward Dennis Clayton who has been to the Olympics every year since 1960 can't go to the olympics in his own home country, this is wrong the British people should get first preference on tickets and i sincerely hope dennis gets tickets somehow!!!!
@Snaut1 12 жыл бұрын
I am sorry but I think you're interpreting the UK as 1 person fighting over himself whether he/she should hold the olympics or not. Wake up sun shine! The UK consists of over 60 million people and each has a different opinion, and they have good reason to complain against the olympics aswell. I think both sides of the argument are valid and that you have no right to spew stuff like that at a country you barely even know about. Do some research before you say things like that. WE'RE NOT ALL USA.
@ALUMATRIX 12 жыл бұрын
the debt and the waste is what hit me to !, ive always felt when there isnt one more hungry,homless person thats unhealthy on the planet,,, then its time for sports and tv !!,, as the way life is today people should be allowed to do all the sports,all the singing and all the acting they choose, but never a dollar attached, if every actor was removed from earth and every person that rides ,throws bags of trash in,drives, fixes a trash truck was also removed who do u think we would mis more !
@MrProbeRider 12 жыл бұрын
there are other people who also anticipates something really dark that is going to happen this olympics (making these "news" sound delightful) but the important thing is that you should not loose your pants over some news article you read somewhere. Relax and have a good time. As for me? During the opening of the olympics. I will (hopefully) Get into the city and drive like crazy! :-D
@LibanusMax 12 жыл бұрын
In both of you guys' comments I can see a lack of biology, history, coherence. Also a subtle amount of prejudice with an aroma of racism. The british did not found America, they had a colonized territory. It was the forefathers of the US who made it a Nation, a fucking awesome one imo. FUN FACT: The English brought NEW diseases, and so did Cortez in S.A. The Natives had no way to treat these. Both the UK and the US are great countries, so let's all be friends. We live in the same planet :)
@nsvendsen 12 жыл бұрын
i moved to vancouver the same time as the winter olympics and although the games themselves are great, everything that the politicians tried to tell us would happen as a result of the games was a fable and the games were so expensive that regular people couldn't go and watch!!! the olympics are sold out!!! way too commercial and not amateur at all!!! the best athletes are the ones who are trained by the use of mega corporation's funds!!!
@bshaq1512 12 жыл бұрын
Why are people mad about the Olympics? I'd be happy. Because they relocated you, you didn't get a say in the decision? Too bad. The country makes a bid to host the Olympics. It's not really something needed to be discussed. Why? Because the bid process is not a democracy with the people. The Olympics are great for the economy. Especially after Wimbledon, the UK must be making bank.
@look2much2 12 жыл бұрын
The same thing happened in Atlanta where the poor were relocated - I must say it was an absolutely wonderful thing for the city - there can be a greater good created when the leaches of the system that don't give a damn about anything other than their government checks are relocated so an are can be RECLAIMED and rehabilitated from the mess or disjointed areas the poor create. This first vid (I do love vice vids) is horribly misleading and one sided from the whining extreme liberal perspective.
@CyanSheepMedia 12 жыл бұрын
It causes traffic the hosting country loses lot of money for a 2 week sporting event. We already had it twice before. Only 10% of people in Britain are patriotic and the rest don't give a damn. My money was spent on some stupid metal statue that looks like the mayor got drunk whilst playing Roller Coaster Tycoon.
@ReligiousAnarchist 11 жыл бұрын
At least they have a roof over their head and have an opportunity to work and the children CAN still get an education, and they will get put into homes again. They have not closed the schools. listening to the people complain in this clip is painful. Yes i totally understand the government treating their people that way is shit. If it happened here to me I would be pissed.
@ReligiousAnarchist 11 жыл бұрын
"getting evicted from their homes and forced to live in hotels" Not hotels?!?!?! being forced to live ion hotels, oohh yeah that is something to complain about. Was the room service not up to scratch? The poor chinese did not even get that. They kicked them out, arrested anyone who complained and were left homeless.
@137913792011 11 жыл бұрын
meh... gentrification is good for wealthy people like myself :) It usually leads to safer communities that are more well rounded. Back in the 70's & 80's New York (even Manhattan) was one of the most dangerous cities in the united states. Today it's full of the brightest and most innovative people in the country.
@SumFreshDkaf 11 жыл бұрын
I'd beg to differ having been to London and other cities across the UK to visit family several times I've heard plenty of loud British people. I mean no offense by this but I've always felt people in the UK (England particularly) tend to be more similar in behavior to their American counterparts than their Western European ones.
@saq786786 12 жыл бұрын
Uk actually made profit??? im afraid you are misinformed. David Cameron said the olympics will generate 13 billion in profit over four years (which i believe in reality less profit was and will be generated) but there net spend by the end of the olympics had spiralled to 24 billion. So where is the profit my friend????
@Raivan31 12 жыл бұрын
The exact same thing happened in Sydney, only the people evicted were all Aboriginals and/or junkies so no one really cared, not even the aboriginals that were moved... still, it's not very fair. However it did clean up some of the worst suburbs in Sydney, Worst by the admisson of the people living there infact.
@KidsWithGuns1992 12 жыл бұрын
It gives morale, that's for sure - and unity, which is certainly needed, but nonetheless it certainly does need more research in the space program or stem cell research to help end cancer or whatever else it helps towards. I do agree with you, but money shouldn't be spewed out on thing that are so "insignificant" (in a way) to the bigger picture
@KidsWithGuns1992 12 жыл бұрын
That's true, can't just figure out a quick fix problem to it all - gotta get to the root of it all. But maybe some funding for education, hospitals, a more reliable task force or something. But nonetheless, seems a real waste when fourteen billion is used on something like the Olympics, a billion even sounds like too much.
@KidsWithGuns1992 12 жыл бұрын
Over fourteen billion dollars wasted on the Olympics, it's ridiculous. Sure it's a bit of fun and I enjoy the event, but that money should be used for things that actually matter - like feeding third world countries (that amount could probably end all their depravation), or stem cell research or space travel.
@Avucs 12 жыл бұрын
everyone just needs to stop arguing... every country has their own problems. and no one expects anyone to save the world on their own. but if you guys would stop with all of the insults maybe you could have an intelligent conversation, something good may come out of it. if nothing else a thought you have on it without insulting people.
@TofuBoy22 12 жыл бұрын
so just because compared to other people that it's not as bad means that you don't have to look at the problems and try to improve? I find it annoying how when people are criticised they instantly just point a finger and say "well look, they do things just as bad if not worse" instead of just taking that criticism and developing on that.
@MrProbeRider 12 жыл бұрын
Yeah, that olympic shit is about to blow. the new 9/11 I won't give a damn about that crap. shame on you if you fool me once, shame on me if you fool me twice. During the opening I'll (hopefully) be in the city nearby and drive like crazy. won't be doing any harm since most people will be glued to the screens by then :-)
@JackMcMahonHD 12 жыл бұрын
Hurp: Herpetology is the branch of zoology concerned with the study of amphibians (including frogs, toads, salamanders, newts, and gymnophiona) and reptiles (including snakes, lizards, amphisbaenids, turtles, terrapins, tortoises, crocodilians, and the tuataras). Batrachology is a further subdiscipline of herpetology concerned with the study of amphibians alone.
@MultiBlackman97 11 жыл бұрын
The Olympics were a biased sporting avent. Once again the south of England gets all the money and attention and the north is forgotten about. Only the cycling and a few football games (soccer) where placed in the north of England, but London got everything. It should have been equally shared.
@The_stone_Philosopher 11 жыл бұрын
please dont call yourself huey freeman. youre obviously not smart enough to understand the brilliant undertones of "the boondocks" so do not disgrace their characters by making foolish comments or representing yourself under the false guise of an abstract character
@MrsTruthTeller 11 жыл бұрын
Also you have to understand that they are kids! Teenagers aren't concerned about a lot of important things and that is typical regardless if you are talking to a black kid, white kid, orange kid or purple kid. Kids are rarely into the same stuff as adults and most adults care about the olympics.
@Laaaa 11 жыл бұрын
Why is everyone going on about Blacks being calmer in the city of London than in the country of America? Only two Black people were interviewed in this part of the documentary, you're basing the character of TWO Black people on the general Black population of the city.
@blahblahdfd 12 жыл бұрын
sorry, got caught up in the moment. not all brits... there are good people of all nations. don't think britain is any exception. but ANY people that have some underlying belief that they are superior for some fantasy they've drummed up in their heads are repugnant, yes.
@KidsWithGuns1992 12 жыл бұрын
Sorry I got the number mixed up with a space program I read about that day, it was 27 million pounds. Dunno why I wrote that down, obviously couldn't of been fourteen billion. But nonetheless - 27 million for an opening ceremony is a balls load of money, that seems excessive.
@evilmonkeyontour 12 жыл бұрын
thee amount of homeless ppl and ppl living under the bread line in britain is extremely high and we spend billons on this bullshit. It feels just like staying in roma in its hay day, when the shit hits the fan and the ppl are due to revolt, bring out the games!
@Uckertay 12 жыл бұрын
Sadly, I actually agree. Hey fellow American, did you know that our govies just passed a 1 billion transportation bill? I thought it was quite odd and probably just another reason to raise taxes. I hope it does something though, and yes probably eminent domain abuse... lol
@XanderFallon1 12 жыл бұрын
You're too right, the numbers were far larger, but so is there entire population, as a percentage it's a larger number here. Also, unless real figures have been found by the likes of Amnesty all we have to go on is the undoubtedly fiddled figures given by the Chinese gov.
@gsgoose 12 жыл бұрын
China mobilised 110000 police and 34000 troops. ten times more than here. 15000 residents were relocated during the construction of the venues. that number was from the foreign ministry, so it was probably much much higher. not to mention all the human rights violations by authorities.
@tobigforyou 12 жыл бұрын
BTW here is a interview with a homeless man in London named Mark, he talks about how the city is relocating homeless people: /watch?v=yE37cY7qRZo&feature=plcp He talks about other stuff as well, but the conversation eventually gravitates towards the Olympics. Really interesting video as well.
@hueyfreeman5389 11 жыл бұрын
a lot of people don't care about the Olympics, and the people at the beginning they properly have the money to go watch the Olympics, another reason is that it is boring to watch on TV by the way its a lot more fun doing the sports then watching
@Axlyss 11 жыл бұрын
Take in mind i live in Canada, and never heard it called football i thank im right. If i was talking about Europe or south America i would have called it football but as you know football means something different in canada and usa.
@DrBob370 12 жыл бұрын
I understand what you're saying, but the UK actually made a profit off of the olypmics, it is in no way a waste of money for them, more of an investment. Although I do agree with you that more money to the things that you mentioned would improve the world
@TeamAtterz 12 жыл бұрын
No matter what amount of money you throw into 3rd world countries, it just wont do anything, sad but true. They need to help themselves first and they need governments that aren't corrupt with their own agenda, money wont help that.
@Dlck.C.Normous 12 жыл бұрын
The UK have not recently colonized any nation but they support nations who do, I was making a point that the so called west is the aggressor. They don't use that name any more it was last used in 1927. Its just the United Kingdom now.
@anthonymazzuchi4774 12 жыл бұрын
Did you watch the video, maybe you should become informed before you open your mouth. Just a tip people might take you more seriously if you could spell and make your point correctly and no one was owned but your childhood teachers.
@rononel2921 12 жыл бұрын
It's not ALL government housing. A lot of people who life in the so called 'council houses' pay rent. Not only that but as a citizen you still have inalienable rights. The government still needs to behave in a manor akin to that of other landlords.
@OskarUKMusic 12 жыл бұрын
It's good that these points are getting pointed out but Olympics aren't a massive shamble. The eviction of people from their homes was out of order and should never of happened. The money it should bring to the economy is a positive.
@bshaq1512 12 жыл бұрын
X Men! Yeah. Ok this disproved my earlier outlook on the Olympics. I now see that it can be a bad thing but I feel that it would still be an exciting experience. Watch SourceFed's Olympics: Good or Bad? They explain why the Olympics are actually a bad thing.
@DaddyPims 12 жыл бұрын
People being deposed from their homes? Nothing fucking new there, my family was shipped from London in the sixties to Basingstoke of all places. Mostly to make room for the families that are being deposed now, ironically enough.
@The5harPshooter 12 жыл бұрын
This is terrible. No one cares about the olympics after the first week. And just so people can sit on there high horses and felel good they are going to put a community through hell. I love vice but they always get me mad lol
@cowskater5 12 жыл бұрын
the people where there first the olypics came and is telling them to leave ur to poor and vile a person to be here! i dont think you would want to be told to leave ur house of 40years because of some event! its realy kinda said
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