"What is the order when playing the National Anthems" Bao giờ cũng Chào Quốc Kỳ và Quốc Ca VNCH sau đó mới đến U.S. National Anthem cuối cùng What is the order when playing the National Anthems of other countries with the Star-Spangled Banner? Category: National Anthem Question: What is the order when playing the National Anthems of other countries with the Star-Spangled Banner? Answer: Accepted practice and common sense calls for the visitor or guest to be honored first followed by the host when the National Anthems of various nations are played. What is the order when playing the National Anthems of other countries with the Star-Spangled Banner? | The American Legion What is the order when playing the National Anthems of other countries w... Accepted practice and common sense calls for the visitor or guest to be honored first followed by the host when ...