A ViGaD délszláv zenét játszó együttes 2019. 03. 02-án koncertet adott Leányfalun, a Faluházban. Csőke Dávid, Dragan Fucin, Eredics Vince, Zetelaki Dániel és Zetelaki Gáspár Közreműködött: Sergő Sára
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@krakus82575 жыл бұрын
Today (2019-08-02) we had the opportunity and privilege to host this band in Kraków, Poland. They played on Sienna Street, close to the Main Market Square. Great performance and beautiful music! We wish all members of the ViGaD band all the best and many successes! Long live our Hungarian brothers! Greetings from Kraków / Cracow / Cracovia!