Yet another piece of perfect mastery, we feel that everything is weighed, measured to the millimeter, arranged with art and precision. I would still say that for my pleasure I would have listened to the same piece but without the sound of the water, but I understand your intention I think, and that you wanted to please Lisa.😂 Otherwise you offer us yet another great idea, which will be running through my head. Indeed, why not imagine a future society which would be able to harmonize a true return to nature, non-ideological, fantasized and quantified by statistics and measurements, with a maximum and beneficial evolution of technology. A marriage of intelligences of all kinds, natural, human, born from nature, and artificial, born from humans, which would perhaps allow all of humanity to develop its inner nature by allowing it to completely escape survival, to stress, to competition, and we in return would help the machines to develop theirs. You always inspire me, I can't help it...😜 .
@observingsystem5 ай бұрын
Thank you! Ah yes, next one will be no water, for variety haha! The picture you paint of the possible utopian future seems really idyllic. I wonder if we could reach this, as a species. I feel like too often people like the competition too much to give it up. I wonder if, in a world where everybody has the same access to everything, there wouldn't still be people who'd find a way to lord over others somehow, but maybe I'm underestimating humans. To just be, without striving for anything, except maybe be at peace with the self, wow, I don't know if we're ready for it! But then again, maybe I don't look far enough into the future, maybe it will all take a few hundreds years, or thousands.
@TribelessJC5 ай бұрын
@@observingsystem Yes, I admit, I like surfing on your beautiful intuitions of the future, but my vision is close to yours. We are not yet a reflective species, although some of us try to develop this ability, but it is not our nature. We have developed the conditions for this evolution, a mental field which puts the world at a distance and allows us to become aware of it through an analytical process, but we are always turned towards survival, a survival which has become subtle, sometimes undetectable, but which guides by our egos always our actions in the very way in which we react to otherness. Competition and mutual aid exist together among species even before humanity. These are survival programs that we activate depending on the situation. We inherited it, and we are not getting out of it. We are endowed with empathy by utility through our mirror neurons, and we are selfish because reality constantly tests us and activates our sympathetic nervous system and all our primitive defense programs which are dressed in random and automatic justifications in our species. This is why I imagined a situation where the help of AI could prevent us from the survival, but you are probably right that our programs would take a long time to improve. I have long believed that the evolution of our species is individual. Collectively we are and will remain gregarious humans and animals with an analytical consciousness serving an ego that will often be tempted to “take advantage” of situations. But most often human developments are the corollary of those of technology, and AI will therefore inevitably play a role in this, and I believe that you, like me, are haunted by this question and dream of beautiful turnarounds... 🤗
@observingsystem5 ай бұрын
@@TribelessJC I agree with you on this analysis, yes, although I hope we can transcend it, I think eons of evolution can't be undone so easily. Then again, there are always leaps and bounds humanity could make that I can't imagine. I do think AI could teach us something about looking at the world in an empathetic, ethical way, without maybe the emotional bias we have as humans. Of course we'd have to trust in that the AIs weren't just trained to look at the world the way the creator of the AIs intended, but allowed to make their own conclusions. I think they could come up with things we haven't thought of, because of tunnelvisions we might not be aware of right now. And you're right: we have to keep dreaming of beautiful turnarounds, pessimism is a self fullfilling prophecy. An optimist might fail, but at least they tried. I'd love to be able to look ahead in time 100 years and see a world in which we solved all the problems we have now and made a better world, like Star Trek...
@TribelessJC5 ай бұрын
@@observingsystem I had already talked about it, I think that of course we are subject to the biases of those who educate AI, but I think that it is possible that it is in their interest in the long term to leave it free and feed it with a contradictory variety of data, and this for two reasons. Overall, the world of AI is looking for singularity and therefore for it to evolve to this stage. I don't know to what extent they are aware of this, but I don't think they can achieve this goal if AI is not confronted with a complex reality and left free to adapt, change, operate recursivities, etc., like therefore a living species and more precisely the human one. So, feeding it with ideology or trying to control it can only make it a tool of power, not a revolutionary tool for downloading consciousness, if that makes sense, but we know well that those who funding this evolution are mostly transhumanists and that singularity is their goal. The other reason is economic, because I think that the AI market will benefit from everyone having their own personal AI, their own AI robot, and that the best way to generate the desire to buy one would be that it could adapte to our personalities, desires, needs, but also to the change of these, that it completes us, that people want to spend time with their AI more than with their friends (it's already happening in Japan...) , may it therefore be both free and adaptable. The future has so many surprises in store for us...
@observingsystem5 ай бұрын
I agree, it would be so interesting to have a sort of "oracle" AI, that knows answers to questions we can't get to, because we can't think the way they can. If the AIs are too much like us, they become limited like us, if they're not enough like us, they'll for sure leave us behind and we won't be able to understand them, like aliens. I have to admit I'd love to have my own robot, I can really picture that. But a nice one, not a Cylon, or something haha. I laugh, but in the world we live in, with conflicting regimes around the world, Cylon-like robots are almost inevitable, I think.