So, that little chirp every time you get near inkblots is a clue that the radio device is _also_ a weapon. It can 1-shot the little guys and takes 3-4 on the big ones. However, it has a 7-second recharge, so you have to do a bit of running, but it takes zero ammunition. If you really want to hear all 10 of Lucas' session fragments, you can find a compilation on YT. They're well worth the listen if you're interested in the story. Rosemary contacted Lucas. From tape 3 (and her vinyl): "radio man... from the war." Her initial contact was when Lucas was offering his condolences to Desmond about Tonia's death. The message Lucas leaves on the answering machine in Desmond's office says, "They took her," referring to Rosemary. The fact that Lucas was seeing Desmond has led to what is happening to Desmond in the game. Virginia was affected because of the contamination of the water, as noted in the message in the Water Treatment Facility. Max from the accident while he was transporting the Agent Rainbow material (you cut off his tape where he commented on how the stuff affected him). Lucas, of course, was first affected when he was exposed as part of the experiments during the war, 30 years ago. Allen is the most interesting, as it's noted he was born in Montauk, NY, which is one of the places on Lucas' conspiracy board. He was born right in the middle of the period where Agent Rainbow was originally being tested, so the nightmares he's always had could potentially be a sign that he was exposed around the time of his birth.