Oh Jesus. Siyabonga Nkosi ngokuvuka ekuseni, akukona ukuhlakanipha kwethu kepha kuyi Ntando Yakho Baba. Qhubeka Nkosi wenze umsebenzi Wakho omuhle empilweni zethu. Thank You Jesus, take all the Glory for You deserve. Kulolubhubhane oluhlasele umhlaba sithi Nkosi ngenelela Baba. Sikuthembile mihla nemihla. Thank You Jesus that Usukwenzile ngoba iZwi Lakho lithi “ask anything in My Name and I shall give it to you”. Thank You Jesus. Busisa wonke umuntu osashumayela IZwi lakho through all means, music, evangelism, etc. thank You Jesu. 🙏🙏