VoiceAttack in DCS is Really Useful | Tutorial

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Black Hornet Sim

Black Hornet Sim

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Пікірлер: 45
@pinkfloyd7572 Жыл бұрын
Voice Attack is astonishingly useful and very inexpensive. Got to love it!
@BlackHornetSim Жыл бұрын
Definitely! I recently heard about it, but man, I absolutely love it. Great name by the way, ANIMALS and DOGS all the way! I love my Floyd hahaha!
@chiefsheep5255 Жыл бұрын
Good video. One other thing that is very useful is that you can bind a control on your HOTAS or keyboard to be your PTT (Push To Talk) button (see Options, then Hotkeys. If using a HOTAS you'll need to turn on the controller in VoiceAttack, (see Options, General, Joystick Options) ), so you don't have to have a hot mike open all the time (and Voice Attack won't pick up bits of normal speech that it might then think is a command). Even better is that under the Options menu of each profile you can bind a different PTT control for each profile if you want (meaning instead of using the same PTT button globally you can define one per game, or even per module within DCS). This means that, for example, your could have one control on your HOTAS for VoiceAttack PTT, one for Discord PTT and one for SRS PTT, so have full control over who you are speaking to and when!
@BlackHornetSim Жыл бұрын
Cheers buddy much appreciated. I'll definitely bind that PTT. I'm using a few different profiles already depending on which module I'm flying. Thanks the tips, really appreciate it 👍.
@bkpickell Жыл бұрын
I love Voice Attack. I use it for FC3 Aircraft. It makes life so much easier. I started using it mainly because I have an X56 Hotas with the button ghosting issue. So instead of being stuck with the keyboard for all of the bindings I use voice attack. It's such a life saver.
@BlackHornetSim Жыл бұрын
Nice, that's a great idea!
@evolgenius1150 Жыл бұрын
I've been using it for Jester in the F14 along with the VAICOM Pro plugin (Now Free) mainly to Larp in MP with the Dynamic mode. You are a genius, I never thought of using it for the FC3 aircraft where nothing is clickable! Gamechanger!
@SnowTiger45 3 ай бұрын
I haven't flown in DCS for a very long time but I still own a Pro version of VoiceAttack. I never did start using it but I have always known that it will be crucial for VR flying as opposed to blindly trying to find the right keyboard combo when essentially blind-folded ! I will be back into DCS and will start using VA within the next few weeks.
@CueDriver Жыл бұрын
Lol, bought it years ago just never set it up. But this video did answer a few things I wondered about.
@BlackHornetSim Жыл бұрын
Cheers buddy, glad it helped 👍
@bricktopperheadon5490 Жыл бұрын
Very cool. Thanks for taking the time to do this. 👍
@BlackHornetSim Жыл бұрын
Not a problem. Happy to help.
@k1ll0raffe Жыл бұрын
it is very much worth the couple bucks to invest in. thanks for the comprehensive introduction that will most likly help a lot of people to look into this awesome tool :) but it can be quite annoying when you´re in discord with other friends who constantly have to listen to your voice attack inputs... i came around that issue by setting up a "push listen" hotkey under general options on my warthogs 'radio switch up'. same key goes as "push to mute" in discord. so whilst i mute myself in discord i can open the listening channel in voiceattack for my commands. additionally it prevents voiceattack to pick up random chatter from me converting it into actions without my intention.
@BlackHornetSim Жыл бұрын
Cheers buddy, much appreciated. I'm definitely going to setup a PTT bind for it, that's a great idea!
@zamasudcs Жыл бұрын
Thanks champ for this gem !!
@BlackHornetSim Жыл бұрын
No problem 👍
@rufneksooner 3 ай бұрын
Anyone know how to set a course line with voice attack. (F-18)
@ProGamer-gc3wv Жыл бұрын
@Scanman87 as i can hear your background sound, it seems to me loud! In my Case voice attack works only if i set the Volume in DCS to 60% else the software dont recognize me and i have to scream to recognize me. How you did manage to speak normal and that the voice attack recognize you? I also want to hear the aircraft like in your video, your volume is loud and you can speak normal...
@BlackHornetSim Жыл бұрын
Interesting. My audio is set to 80%. It could possibly be my headphones and software? I'm using ASTRO A50s, and have noise cancelling/muffling checked under my microphone properties.
@future1751 Жыл бұрын
it doesnt understand my Australian accent :(
@BlackHornetSim Жыл бұрын
Ah that sucks man. Heard it has issues with the Scottish one as well.
@paristo Жыл бұрын
Get any voice recognition software (even one built in windows) and you need to bind only few function to it. F1 - F12 Space bar ESC Pause Nothing else really. Everything else should be done with clicking cockpit with either hands or mouse. And those who are in to realism, then they will accept that it is unrealistic to start operating aircraft by any means when pulling G's or maneuvering. That is why you have HOTAS, that you don't need to try but you have everything you need to fly in that situation. If something isn't in HOTAS, it isn't meant to be used in maneuvering. Like landing gear, landing flaps etc are done well before coming to landing, you prepare your landing in advance. This is why radio is really only thing to be used with voice recognition software as in reality you press button in stick or throttle and you speak, but in DCS that doesn't work as you need to click things. Same is with menu and pause buttons. In tutorials you want space bar to continue tutorial. And to make all universal, just use numbers for F1 - F12 So say "One" or "Three" to get radio used. Forget all spoken words like "Inbound" or "Request takeoff". As this as well allows you to use Easy Radio if wanted, or adapt to anything that use radio mechanism in DCS, like JTAC and so on. Any software will do, that allows to press wanted buttons. And learn to do everything else in cockpit, that is how real pilots do it... Not by speaking to operate MFCD or weapons or anything else. That is cheating, and you should be better than that!
@BlackHornetSim Жыл бұрын
Quite the comment. Cheers for your opinion. I have a different view/an opinion on the matter but that's OK, my videos aren't for everyone. I appreciate the comment, I'm always curious about both sides of the argument. Have a great day.
@generalgrevous2458 Жыл бұрын
I also have a different take: as we don't actually have cockpits with unlimited buttons and switches, it makes no sense to expect a hotas to house all commands. What's more real pilots don't have to deal with a combersome process of using a mouse, which is far slower than the realsim you are striving for. VR users are even more handicapped by not being able to see either keyboard or mouse. I do though appreciate your commitment to realism but you accusations of "cheating' is excessive given real pilots have far better access and ease of control, not to mention actually being able to feel gravity/turbulance/forces on planes. In short, even with Voice Attack, you are still greatly limited in terms of simulation compared to real world piloting. Until we have chips implanted in our brains for simulations, virtual piloting will never be the equivalent to real world aviation.
@BlackHornetSim Жыл бұрын
I was also going to mention, I don't have the muscle memory in my mouse or keyboard, while I'm looking away, possibly going defensive for my life to know exactly where my hand would go in the cockpit to flick a switch. I also appreciate the commitment to realism and he lost me at the cheating bit as well. Still though, a valid opinion.
@paristo Жыл бұрын
@@generalgrevous2458 You are ignoring the hand tracking in the DCS. I don't have keyboard and mouse in my VR pit. I haven't had those for years. I only have the real HOTAS bindings in my HOTAS. So if there isn't a function to example landing gear in the throttle, then I don't have it there either, or if the TDC is in throttle and not in stick, then I have it in throttle. Only expecting is the FC3 modules, because you can't fly those with real HOTAS controls and they don't operate realistically. The virtual cockpit that you see, it is my cockpit. Because of this, I have learned every cockpit as they say "back of my hand". I know where to move my hands before operating cockpit. I know the startup sequence not by checklist, but by where to go around me. Flying is like driving. You don't anymore think about it. You don't think what gear you switch, or when to use blinker or how to operate clutch when you switch gears or to check your blind angles before switching lanes. When you install bass shakers to chair, you get feedback about AoA, g forces and various other factors like RPM etc. You get to maintain wanted flight parameters pretty much without looking instruments. Getting rid of the keyboard and mouse is like first time flying with VR, you don't never want to go back! Can you imagine the feeling that when you need to example arm your weapons, that you just extend your arm to where master arm switch is, glance it and flip it? The feeling when you get to hear target coordinates over radio, and you just input the numbers to UFC with your thumb? The feeling that when you need to eject, you move your hands above your head to trigger ejection as the handles are above your head? That is the immersion! To get better, you need a accurate and fast motion platform that can do excellent +/-5 degree motions. Next step from that is the real sentrifuge that would give real G and experience to fly upside down. In real world you are limited by g force. You are not a superman flipping things around while you pull 5-7+ g. Your arm weights by average about 5.5 kg, or about 13 lbs. At 2 g it weights 11 kg, at 4 g it is 22 kg, at 6 g it is 33 kg, and at 9 g it is about 50 kg. Trying to move it, accurately to touch something etc, that is.... Let's say "challenging". Even alone trackIR gives supernatural capability to look at your six, way that is unrealistic. Just think about what you need to do look directly behind your car, and now think about doing it at 3-5 g turn? Your whole body, by average weight of 80 kg as man in fit shape, weights 240-500 kg. Your head alone, weights about 5 kg, and all that is supported by your neck. Average combat helmet weights about 2.5 kg, so now you're about 7.5 kg. At 3.5 g turn your head weight is same as one bag of cement (25kg). Add a 200 g NVG to above and front of your helmet, and you will feel such imbalance that it is annoying. So next time when you go to gym, take a 20 kg weight bag, place it on your head when laying on the floor, and try to lift your head from floor and look at your sides... And none of that is about visual capability. The multiple different effects, losing colors, blurry peripheral, "sparkling lights" etc effects in vision. And all while trying to see through a canopy that isn't clear as crystal, doesn't give perfect visual outside in many conditions. And it is not cheating to be able just constantly look around, tracking a enemy at your six, while pulling 5-9g? And one would need to be able just flip switches, press buttons, rotate knobs etc without challenge in many flight conditions? I have even learned to keep my hands on HOTAS properly based the g forces. My limitation to look around is by physics that how much I can turn my head. And there are some annoying stuff to do, like example KA-50 the right rear wall that has some switches like rocket type selector or check some pressure etc. Like have you tried to operate anything behind your right shoulder? That is why in KA-50 I don't have asymmetrical loadouts for rockets or bombs, because I can't switch the computer calculation profile without some gymnastics... And trying to do that while flying, even when having a non-centering joystick between legs, is anything but easy. The usage of virtual cockpit is so terrific experience as learning and operation is very very fun. And now amazing feature is that finally we can adjust mirrors! So many times I reach hand at mirror to get it angle corrected, to just have it turning off or on. Using radio to communicate with AI is stupid, as your can't be as fluid and proper as with other human. That will understand what you are doing. You don't get that interaction, like human GCI that actually is like your wingman, updating you constantly, without you requesting same thing all the time... But it is something that you can at least get to know your options to talk to AI, instead try to remember what it was now to say, or does speech recognition understand your speech at the moment.
@BlackHornetSim Жыл бұрын
I would absolutely love to sim in something like that! Clearly that's your passion and it really was incredible reading how you described it all. Hats off to you sir for the dedication and I understand we're you're coming from. Not everyone plays to that same level, so voice recognition software, rather basic or advanced, is useful for a lot of people. But once again, I appreciate your opinion and it was actually enlightening reading your comment.
@cuttheloop Жыл бұрын
@BlackHornetSim Жыл бұрын
@marcquintin7855 3 ай бұрын
The coms in DCS suck so bad that Voice Attack is useless
@underscore0526 5 ай бұрын
Thanks a lot bro this video helped me and this application is so cool I might end up buying it thx again! 🫡
@ricbarker4829 8 ай бұрын
I bought an expensive VR headset to play DCS and the immersion is amazing, especially for helicopters where peripheral vision is a must for hovering. But when it comes to flying complicated jets, I struggle to remember key bindings on my HOTAS and when using F keys. I went back to TrackIR because it was just too frustrating. Voice Attack might get me back into VR. It looks very promising.
@underscore0526 5 ай бұрын
Just got dcs this is amazing voice attack is crazy good.👍
@rjhowlan Жыл бұрын
Hey Scanman, great video on using VoiceAttack. As an alternative, if you search for Bailey VA profiles in the DCS user forums he built a whole series of VA profiles for most of the aircraft within DCS.
@BlackHornetSim Жыл бұрын
Cheers buddy! I'll definitely check that out, thanks man.
@keithcolvin2210 Жыл бұрын
Does it pass Multiplayer integrity check ?
@BlackHornetSim Жыл бұрын
Yup. You can even add a Push To Talk bind to your hotas or keyboard so if you're using chat like SRS it won't interfere with VoiceAttack. I personally don't play a lot of multiplayer so I haven't done all that yet, but other comments have suggested it.
@ALPHARICCO875 Жыл бұрын
Super Vidéo 👍 Thank you Scanman 👌
@BlackHornetSim Жыл бұрын
Very welcome, glad you enjoyed it 🍻
@sirbum69 Жыл бұрын
just for information there is one in the DCS forums that already has everything setup for voice attack. Its Vicompro. Use to cost money but the gentleman who was doing it no longer does it so it became open source. It actually has a lot of things setup for voice attack for all planes.
@BlackHornetSim Жыл бұрын
Cheers buddy, much appreciated 👍
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