Thank you so much. Nice to hear :) I strive to make it as close to a tv-production as possible. With as little equipment as I have. Your commet makes me smile especially much. This video was edited on a new to me video editing software. So it was a steep learning curve and some of the scenes are not quite as I wanted them. But it's good enough for jazz :) Have a nice week :)
@Toby91033 ай бұрын
der ja, endelig ny video :D
@Restoringthepast3 ай бұрын
Ja endelig ferdig med den. Har begynt å bruke et nytt redigeringsprogram og det er MYE å sette seg inn i. Men det går bra :)
@billforrest42053 ай бұрын
Hard work is never easy, and easy work is hard to find 😉 More usefully, if you had back flushed the radiator from the bottom hose, (opposite to the normal flow direction) the radiator would have filled and allowed the air pressure assistance 👍Fingers crossed this fixes the problem, well done 🤞
@Restoringthepast3 ай бұрын
Thank you and......*slapping my forehead* Why didn't I think of that? Hahaha I needed to remove the radiator anyway to fix the fins and also to clean the front of the engine, It was caked with old oil and grase. As mentioned in the video, I think most of the dirt in the radiator went away when using the dish washer powder :)
@akalle76833 ай бұрын
Dejligt du har lagt ny video op, glæder mig sådan til at se den😉
@kjelljensen74773 ай бұрын
Den termostaten e kast. Du vett atte ein termostat skal begynne å åpner før den he oppnådd 80-90 grader. D e på 80-90 grader den skal være heilt åpen.He du tenkt på å bruke kaustikksoda🤔 eg he gjort d i mange år å ikkje hatt no problem me d. Bare husk på å skylle godt etter på. Ein kopp e nok. God film denna ganga au 👍 ha ein trivelig kveld 🤘
@Restoringthepast3 ай бұрын
Tusen takk :) Jeg tenker også at den er kast. Stått i motoren i 1,5 år. Kjøpt hos Økonomideler. Lå i en Perkins-eske så en skulle jo tro det var kvalitet. Den gamle termostaten skulle åpne på 81 grader celsius. Skal sjekke delekatalogen for 4.236 motoren og se om det står et delenummer der for termostaten med 81 grader celsius. Har ikke tenkt på Kaustikksoda. Og blir nok neppe å gjøre det heller. Hvertfall ikke nå. Traktoren er "kneppet" sammen igjen. Men godt tips mtp kaustikk soda :) Skal ha det i bakhode til en annen gang :)
@TheUltimate653 ай бұрын
The cooling system been like that when the owners never use glycole /water mixed 50/50 % some types of glykole mix must be replement in interwal allmost of the blue type of the glycolle There its a better degreaser to use than prick bort too, im use only selaclean , more powerfull, more value fore the money, and water based too Too be free of bad connecting in the elektric system , spay on lanofilm /fluid film
@Restoringthepast3 ай бұрын
The old coolant in the system was....well...very old. I replaced it 1,5 years ago. The blue stuff. I don't sit on lots of money, therefor I'm dependant to use what I have at hand. Buying System Cleaner was a stupid move. Hence it didn't work that well. I used fluid film on all the connections. Did not film it thoug.