It was the wiring harness on the computer that’s on the transmission. Not the one on the ecm it’s on the transmission, the computer transmission. There’s 2 of them. One goes to the xy shifter and the other goes to the batteries. It was the one that goes to the batteries. It’s a pain in the ass to get Volvo to find the part because they don’t know what they’re doing they don’t have that go out much so make sure you take a pic and explain to them the harness you need. Maybe get both it’s kind of expensive around 300 a peace but not that bad. Hope it works
@Bulletheadbrian25 жыл бұрын
I meant to say something sooner about what the problem was but I couldn’t find how to do it. I rented a tow bar and towed it to Chicago but all the shops are pure bs no matter where you go. Scams! Something for nothing bs people.
@dannydanny10345 жыл бұрын
I have same problem on my Volvo like yours. Can you please tell me what was wrong on your truck when you fix it ? Thank you a lot for respond.
@gilbertopaz32674 жыл бұрын
Hi friend. How do you fix your Volvo. ?I have the same problem please heal me
@dannydanny10344 жыл бұрын
@@gilbertopaz3267 I change xy shifter BUT when you change xy shifter you need UPDATE transsmison software with computer either Volvo dealership or some shop ( many shops dont have that and they dont know about it ) because with new xy shifter truck still wont able shift some speeds , for example : shift in 4 speed or 5 speed. Just change xy shifter but REMEMBER with new xy shifter you need update software for transmission. If mechanic tell you that transmission is bad go away from him !
@Bulletheadbrian25 жыл бұрын
It’s still not fixed. I used the batteries for another truck and left that one sitting and it’s been a year. I decided I needed to try again to get this one fixed, would have done it sooner but had so many problems with the other truck I didn’t have the time or money to mess with it. I finally towed it to a shop. It didn’t have batteries in it and told them put them in I’ll pay whatever but they didn’t. Instead they hooked computer directly to the battery terminals with no batters hooked to it and that computer isn’t enough power to power the whole truck I’m told and the guy says it’s the computer. That’s exactly what the guy in Houston said about the other truck and he replaced it and cost me 10,800 on top of the 4800 I paid him to fix what he broke so anytime someone says computer I just tell them leave it and I rent a tow bar and borrow a truck and tow it to Chicago. I know better to take my truck to anyone down south even though I live down south (no offense to anyone) but as of today the truck isn’t fixed I’ll be in Chicago to rent the tow bar and I’ll tow it to Chicago Tuesday or Wednesday. I’ll let y’all know what it is as soon as they fix it
@dannydanny10345 жыл бұрын
I have same problem with my Volvo truck, same problem ! Can you please tell me what was wrong on your truck ? Did you found out ? Thank you a lot for respond.
@djomlam.16865 жыл бұрын
That harness is not expensive, I had same problem but I made harness (only two wires) on the road. Make sure that you put in N before you shut off engine.
@luisjaquez34405 жыл бұрын
Hey did you get that problem fix ?? im going thew same situation 🥴
@ivicailic68623 жыл бұрын
@Bulletheadbrian23 жыл бұрын
@@ivicailic6862 KZbin does a horrible job I didn’t even know anyone ever replied, I did get it fixed, but it was a nightmare. Towed it to one shop and he didn’t do anything, and it sat for 2 weeks. Finally I rented a tow bar and towed it to Chicago because Georgia doesn’t have any shops worth a $&@, then, the guy who fixed it first, didn’t fix it right, still had a short, I’d drive it and it’d be good then all the sudden it would t run especially when it rained so I took it to a guy in southern Ohio and he destroyed it. That guy his name is mike mattney southpoint Ohio, stay away from him, most of these shops are either stupid or just pure garbage and should be maimed for what they do to people, but it quit raining and deadheaded to Chicago and took it to truck works of Brookfield. The fat guy is kind of an asshole his attitude is very much crabby as idk what but they don’t do bs work. It was a short in the wiring harness, 3 of them, been working fine ever since. Good truck 1.7 million miles
@Jacobwaynee5 жыл бұрын
80% of time problems like this, There is a cruddy wire behind kill switch that Needs to be replaced
@khe3 Жыл бұрын
I was afraid it was harness on mine, but it turned out the kill switch wire.
@victoradame23912 жыл бұрын
Add air to the tanks with a compressor and it will let you start