151658公里除45公里*12元=40442元 15萬公里純電行駛只要40442元電費(上下班使用) 我有問業代T8長途行駛的油耗,他是說當電能耗盡後(36.6公里)就 跟T6差不多一公升12.5公里,至於電能耗盡後啟動引擎充電需要多 久時間,這各目前還找不到相關資料 不過這裡有個英文網頁說明(B模式回充)T8上面有個特殊的保持電力的模式(B模式),如果按下去,車子會先消耗電力行駛,然後保留最後33%的電力在電池裡。如果電池低於33%,就會在行駛中幫電池充電最多充到33%。行駛中如果按充電按鈕,車子則會消耗汽油,但會幫電池充到40%。反正無法在行駛中充滿。 所以如果無法在自家車庫充電,這台T8能靠電力省燃料的功能是無法發揮的。 This is what I have found by experimenting with our T8 (May Software update removed the SAVE drive mode and now you have HOLD/CHARGE under Hybrid Settings (Stupid Design!)) If the T8 is not placed in the 'SAVE/HOLD' mode, then it will use all of the battery charge first, then run on the ICE. The T8 will regenerate power to the battery for use, but it is a rather insignificant amount that barely accounts for having enough power to start rolling from a traffic signal. If the T8 is placed in the 'SAVE/HOLD/CHARGE' mode then the following happens: If placed in SAVE/HOLD and the charge is over 33%, then the T8 maintains that amount of charge while driving If placed in SAVE/HOLD and the charge is less than 33%, then the T8 will charge the battery to no more than 33% If placed in CHARGE, then the T8 will run on the ICE and use some of the ICE power to charge the battery to no more than 40% Driving in 'D' only allows for regeneration when the brake pedal is depressed. Driving in 'B' allows for regeneration to occur as soon as the gas pedal is lifted even without the brake pedal pressed (Similar to driving a Tesla) Hope this helps.