無論真相如何,一個成年人最基本的素養是:你注意到一件很危險的事,但在你有確切證據之前,你會安靜的帶著你重要的人事物率先離開你認為危險的地方,而不是突然高聲指控某人。他也許真的非常危險,但你高調的當場指控不但救不了在場的任何人,還有很大可能激怒那個危險分子導致傷害擴大,更多無辜的人因此蒙受身心或財物損失,你在飛機上就默默的去找空服員或機長,在街道上就默默的去找警察,你不是孩子,你看過、經歷過的事足夠多,你不應該像小孩一樣當場高分貝驚動當事人跟在場所有的人。 這當然不是一蹴而就,這需要訓練的,首先從辨識不同職能人員的制服開始,警察制服、空服員制服、機長制服(通常是白色的),建議搭配彩色的、配有你熟悉語言文字說明的圖卡效果更佳。 Not everyone has the opportunity to receive a complete family education when they were young, so hereby declare: As an adult, if you notice that something dangerous is happening before anyone else around you in a public place, then you will Quietly leave the danger area you expected, and you will silently find the person who has the responsibility to solve most of the problems on site, and tell him in detail what you found. Rather than loudly accusing someone at the scene without evidence, this will not only fail to solve the problem, but will not save anyone at the scene. It may even anger the person and cause him to take harmful measures against you. This requires training, starting with identifying the uniforms of workers in different functions, for example.