She's the breadwinner of the family and highly respected and admired by the musicans of the era. Not to mention people listened to and appreciated Schumann's works because she worked really hard to promotion them (she was the famous one between her and her husband).
二十世纪十大指挥家之一的阿巴多说过,王羽佳(Yuja Wang )是阿格里奇(Martha Aregriech)以来最好的女钢琴家。日本的专业评价中Yuja Wang 的水平已凌驾于巅峰时的Martha Aregriech。他们认为Martha Aregriech独特技巧其他人很难模仿,而Yuja Wang 能适应各种技巧。但Yuja Wang有一点不足--手小。如果弹李斯特的"钟"时就很吃力,所以几乎找不到她演奏的"钟"的视频。