非常有逻辑非常有道理,和我这些年想的一样,所以润。 但是在我看来欧美国家也有问题,这些年民众已经习惯了超市里物美价廉的made in china,在我看来欧美民众和第一类体制内铁饭碗的人一样,都是薅劳动人民的羊毛,一旦劳动人民躺平了,公务员发不出工资,欧美民众也要开始忍受高通胀。而越南至少还要个几年才能赶上广东吧,但也要几年,也仅仅是广东。
Ah, I have to face this issue even for the sake of my future children. The frustrating part is that I have a career I’m passionate about, but due to the specific direction I’m in, but I must first have the corresponding identity from the relevant country to obtain a matching job. This is truly a difficult choice...